The Pentagon Takes Down Trey Gowdy For Going After Hillary… Please Send Your Support

In the past few months, the media has been focused on the presidential debates. While the rest of the world was distracted, Trey Gowdy was hard at work trying to uncover the truth about the terror attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

Clinton supporters have criticized the House Selection Committee on Benghazi for not completing its mission in the two years they have been investigating. Gowdy has pushed back on those claims, arguing that the White House’s lack of cooperation has delayed the investigation immensely.

Gowdy also wrote a scathing letter to Defense Secretary Ash Carter, alleging that the Pentagon chief and one of his top lieutenants, “intentionally mischaracterizes both the nature of the Committee’s investigation and its interaction with the Department of Defense.”

“It is also riddled with factual inaccuracies, which not only does a disservice to the public but also does a disservice to the women and men who work for the Department of Defense,” he continued. “Your staff is welcome to waste taxpayer dollars writing partisan, factually deficient letters to our Committee, coordinate the language with House Democrats, and then leak it to the media.

That is your prerogative. It will not prevent this Committee from interviewing all witnesses who can help us write the final, definitive accounting of what happened before, during and after the attacks that killed four Americans in Benghazi and injured others. It will just prolong the investigation.”

What do you think? Do you applaud Gowdy for refusing to back down in his fight for justice?

Via Americannews