Filipino Doctor Discover Solution That Can Cure Diabetes in Just 5 Minutes
Date Published - 7:430 PM

According to the International Diabetes Federation, Philippines is one of the world’s developing diabetes hotspot, and more than 4 million Filipinos were diagnosed with the disease.

Diabetes is the biggest single cause of amputation, blindness, stroke and end stage kidney failure.

More than half of all deaths from diabetes result from cardiovascular disease including stroke and heart attack.

Despite of thousands of researches conducted all over the world, there was a Filipino doctor who conduct his own study to kill this disease. He is Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco, 82 years old, doctor of Metabolic Medicine. He discovered a very effective way to treat the disease in less than 5 minutes.

According to him, after taking the formulation you can already eat any sweet foods no matter how much you like since sweets are not the main reason why people develop the conditions but due to mineral deficiency in our body.

12 pieces Native chilli pepper [siling labuyo]
2 pieces Raw eggs
½ Teaspoon sea salt
Cut and grind the chilli peppers
Combine the peppers with raw egg
Add ½ spoon of tea salt
Time to drink the formula

Jaime E. Dy-Liacco, DMM is doctor degree from College of Metabolic Medicine in Kansas USA 2001. He is a graduate of the Colegio de Sta Isabel 1943, Ateneo de Naga 1950, Ateneo de Manila 1952 and Northwestern University in Illinois, USA 1957. In 2015 he was awarded by “BRAVO FILIPINO’ a monthly magazine as one of the brightest Filipino Doctor.

Source: YouTube