Clinton Emails Reveal France, U.S. Looted Oil & Gold In Libya

Posted on January 10, 2016 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in News, US // 3 Comments
Clinton emails reveal France, U.S. looted gold and oil from Libya

New emails published by the U.S. Department of State reveal the real motives behind the international invasion of Libya.

The new emails of Hillary Clinton reveal that the real reason behind the invasion were primarily the countries large gold and oil reserves, and the extension of French influence in North Africa.

Fort Russ reports:

The U.S. State Department has published a series of emails that reveal the volume of gold reserves of Gaddafi. According to the documents, the reserves are so great that they could become the basis for creating a pan-African currency, which, in turn, could compete with the dollar in the region.
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Also, the reasons for intervention were identified as the major oil reserves of Libya and the strengthening of French influence in North Africa. However, in 2011, Western leaders welcomed the overthrow of the Gaddafi regime as a democratic step. “Long live Benghazi, long live Libya, long live the friendship between France and Libya!”, – said French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

“You showed the world that you can overthrow the dictator and have chosen freedom!” – said the Prime Minister of Great Britain David Cameron, speaking to the Libyan people.”The people of Libya got rid of a dictator. Now it has a chance,” claimed the Vice-President of USA Joe Biden.

In the past five years, the violence and chaos in Libya has not stopped. In the background of this, “Islamic State” is gaining momentum in the country and has captured new territory. In January 2016, dozens of people were killed as a result of terrorist.

Previously, “Islamic State” had claimed responsibility for the attack on a training camp in Zliten. According to the correspondent of the newspaper The Jerusalem Post Ariel Ben Solomon, from the outset it was obvious that intervention in Libya would lead to negative consequences for the country.

“The email to Clinton is confirmed by the results of studies that began to appear after the invasion of Libya, organized by France with U.S. support. Major oil reserves of the country were the main reason for intervention. Dictators lead many African countries, but the West is in no hurry to intervene in each of them. The Obama administration from the beginning was guided by rather naive misconceptions on the actions that needed to be taken to resolve the situation in Libya after the war,” said RT political analyst Ariel Ben Solomon.