Abdullahi O Haruna Haruspice
A recent statistics that came from Kano state shows a scary
and staggering reality that we are headed to an imminent
disaster. Imagine this ; Kano State Statistics Board:
Population: 18m
Number of Industries: 58 (functioning to near full capacity).
Number of Mosques: 435,389.
Number of Churches 674.
Number of Parentless wandering under-aged kids:
Number of Divorcee Women (including under 14): 857,443
Number of jobless youth: 3.8m.
If the above does not scare you then you are immune to
insensitivity. This is a time bomb waiting in haste to
Were Kano not to be a religious state, I would have argued
that this statistic is here because the inhabitants are not
God's people. How can a state with exponential number of
mosques and churches have this numbers of homeless
kids, divorced women, unemployed youths and does nothing
about them?
This is what esoteric religiousity can cause, people get
brained washed with the ephemeral promises of prosperity,
beliefs and supremacy. Thereby building large army of
religious dependence who see riches through miracles.
Instead of working, they resort to endless praying even
outside the moderated times specified by the Holy
doctrines. Productive office hours are devoted to religious
obligations. All these combine led to what we see today -
that frightening statistics in kano.
Abeg, how can we have more worship centers than
industries, hospitals and schools and expect development? I
still don't get it. What is the struggle for religious supremacy
when your adherents are abysmally poor, drained and
useless? Where is the welfare doctrine of religion?
A nation that embraces religion as a shortcut for prosperity
on earth is a nation in self denial of her follies. We must
redirect this religiosity to spirituality. Spirituality is divine
dictate without men manipulations.
I rest my case...
Religiously musing