Things you need to know about Somalia.
- Somalia was first colonized by Portuguese then later
Italians and France but Northern parts of Somalia was
colonized by British.
- Somalia share borders with Ethiopia, Kenya and Djibouti.
- Somalia means of livelihood are livestock and agricultural
- Somalia is known as the horn of Africa because of the
Indian ocean that links her to other Africa countries.
- Somalia gained her independence 1st July, 1960.
- Somalia civil war began on January 27, 1991 after former
president Muhammed Siad Barre fled the country due to
- Due to the civil unrest, Somalia was divided into three
countries; The federal republic of Somalia which is
recognized by UN (United Nations), The republic of Putland
located in Northeast Somalia, and the republic of Somaliland
located in Northwest Somalia. Both Putland and Somaliland
are not recognized countries by UN but Putland and
Somaliland run their governments separately from the
recognized Somalia country nonetheless.
- There's relatively peace, economy stability and commerce
in both Putland and Somaliland than in Somalia.
- In Putland and Somaliland, Christian foreigners are
welcome to do business and practice their religion freely
than in Somalia.
- There's no single presence of Church in Somalia but
churches are sighted with Christians practicing their religion
unhurt in both Putland and Somaliland.
- Al-Shabab terrorists are not entertained in both Putland
and Somaliland. In fact, there's almost no Al-Shabab
terrorists presence in both Putland and Somaliland but
there's heavy presence of Al-Shabab in Somalia.
- Despite the low presence of Al-Shabab terrorists in both
Putland and Somaliland, there's reports of daily robbery
cases on both countries than in Somalia.
- Despite the uncontrolled arms movement in Somalia,
Somalia has the lowest robbery case in Africa. Robbery is
not condoned in Somalia.
- Putland and Somaliland have their separate Police, military,
governors, parliamentarians, and even president but still
uses Somalia currency and international passport to enable
them travel to other countries.
- Somalis speaks one common language.
- Somalis are all Sunni Muslims.
- Somalis are governed by Clan System or Shari'a law.
- Somalis take orders from their Clan leaders mostly than
the government.
- Somalis are very hard working people.
- Somalis men prefer to eat Katmira than to eat food.
Katmira is a leave stimulant that heightened the thinking of
an individual. Its like Indian hemp but more powerful than
Indian hemp.
- On the average, Somalis are more honest than Nigerians
and Ghanaians put together.
- Somali women are one of the most beautiful women in
Africa. There women are goddess.
- Somalis prefer to beg to eat than to steal. In fact, a truck
load of money can be left unguarded in Somalia for days
without a penny missing. A colleague misplaced her
Samsung smart phone during an operation and the phone
was found by a young boy and he took the phone to a local
police station himself. This will most likely not happen in
- Any person caught stealing in Somalia is instant death.
- Somalia have one of the lowest HIV/Aids patients in Africa.
- Despite the over 25 years civil unrest in Somalia, Somalia
has 24hours power supply. Its my 10 months in Somalia
and there's no power outage in Somalia though, the
electricity is not provided by Somali government but its
provided by private companies doing business in Somalia.
- Before the civil war, Somalia is one of the most developed
pan Africa countries.
- The capital of Somalia is Mogadishu but its not peaceful
and over 90% of houses in Mogadishu are all doted with
bullets and bomb markings.
- Many Somalis who fled Somalia during the civil war to
neighbouring and western countries for asylum are coming
back in their thousands to Somalia daily to rebuild Somalia
and educate Somalis to embrace peace again.
- A 15 years old child in Somalia can dismantle an AK-47
rifle and resemble it easily.
- AK-47 rifle is 'claimed' to be part of marital items a groom
will present to the bride parent before marriage. This is not
a fact but its popularly touted by many Somalis.
- 13 years is the marital age for a girl and 15 years for a boy
in Somalia. Most 13 years old children are already married.
- 25% of Somali children die before they hit age five due to
draught, starvation, dehydration and poor health facilities.
- Women are heavily discriminated in Somalia. In fact, a
woman can't talk where men speaks in Somalia.
- If a girl is raped in Somalia, the man will be forced to
marry the girl or he'll be flogged seriously or he'll pay some
finei depending on the Clan the rape occurred.
- In conclusion, Somalia is not as bad as the western media
has painted it.