“Confirmed! Facebook Is Auto-Hiding Trump Supporter Comments Since Yesterday Afternoon To Help Hillary!
November 4, 2016 Alex 5 Comments # Facebook, # hillary clinton, # USA Election
We all know that Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz has committed $20M to help beat Trump, but since yesterday they are officially working against Trump! Facebook algorithms are working against Trump, and since yesterday afternoon they are auto-hiding every Trump supporters comment you can see it for yourself in a screenshot below! People started to complain about Facebook auto hiding their comments, but after some professional investigation, we have discovered that they are only auto-hiding anti-Hillary or comments made by Trump supporters!
Until now, those efforts have not included making endorsements or contributions in presidential elections,” Moskovitz wrote back in September. “The Republican Party and Donald Trump, in particular, is running on a zero-sum vision, stressing a false contest between their constituency and the rest of the world.”
For Moskovitz, Trump represents fear, tribalism, and intolerance. He would lead the country to turn away from the world as represented by his number one policy priority; Moskovitz wrote ― “the literal building of a wall between our neighbor and us.”
As you can see in the screenshot below Facebook algorithm is working to hide every anti-Hillary comments!
But it seems to us that the fight against Trump is not only with the money that Facebook has donated in Hillary’s campaign but also with an actual help from Facebook itself! The Gizmodo leaks already showed employees voting in an internal poll to decide what questions they should ask CEO Mark Zuckerberg at his weekly Q&A. One of the more popular options was a loaded question concerning Republican frontrunner Donald Trump: “What responsibility does Facebook have to prevent President Trump in 2017?” In response, the social network has hurriedly insisted that it’s a “neutral” platform and won’t use its considerable power to influence the election. But who really believes them?
We must stop this and share this everywhere enough is enough censorship everywhere, and the mainstream media is silent as always! And, given their political stances, this should make conservatives and libertarians very concerned indeed.