BREAKING: It’s Not Just Voting Machines…Soros BUSTED Funneling Cash To…

There are already concerns that powerful billionaire “progressive” George Soros is interfering with the U.S. election. Critics note his relationship with the company that makes the electronic voting machines used in sixteen states.

However, his name has now come up in connection with a possible case of campaign finance violations in Arizona.

According to Conservative Tribune:

[A] campaigner for Maricopa County Attorney filed a complaint with the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office last week, alleging that Soros’ political committee, Arizona Safety & Justice, has violated campaign finance law.

An attorney for Bill Montgomery, the incumbent, filed the motion on Friday after he said that “the law requires political committees making independent expenditures to a candidate or office within 60 days of an election to provide 24 hours’ notice to opponents about submitted print or television ads.”

Is it really likely that Maricopa County can go up against Soros and win, especially in time for it to make a difference in this election?

Regardless, it will be interesting to see whether or not this case encourages other candidates and jurisdictions to challenge his power.

Going back to the all-important matter of those voting machines, the Tribune story includes this fascinating tidbit:

[I]t’s worth pointing out that Smartmatic points out as its “success stories” the nation of Venezuela and Cook County, Illinois. In case you hadn’t watched that television program called the news in quite a while, those are two places not exactly known for the integrity of the voting process.

Source: Conservative Tribune