There is hope

Indeed nothing good

comes easy

Now I agreed that you must

suffer before pleasure

This is the time of sorrow

unto us but certainly

the joy moment is on the way.

Yet there is hope

There is hope

The night will soon be

dawn as it is still dark now.

The tears is getting dried

The sorrows has taken away

The joy in us

Yet there is hope.

There is hope

I heard a strange noise

I looked through my Windows

It was too noisy

I opened my door

It was a noise of cries

Yet there is hope.

There is hope

No one was ready to comfort others

All families were affected

Father was at one corner

Mother was at the other corner

Their children were all outside

All were crying without consolation

Yet there is hope

There is hope

It was a mass killing

Ordered by a tyranny

A certified illiterate

A furry vampire

Who sits on the throne

Yet there is hope

There is hope

The dead were all whisked away

And burried in a mass grave

In an unknown destination

The families were deprived from burying their dead one

Yet there is hope

There is hope

Those who questions the tyranny

Were all sent to prison

Those who had bullet injuries

Were also taken along

Yet there is hope

There is hope

They elders become betrayals

Of their own people

The voice of the voiceless

Is sealed with chains of iron and money

Yet there is hope

There is hope

The Judas has exchanged

His people's freedom for oil and

Pipelines Contracts

Yet there is hope

There is hope

Suddenly every one became silent

Human right organizations

All became dead

Britain became dumb

America went blind

Bankin Moon became a stutter

Yet there is hope

There is hope

The Messiah just arived

Established means of reaching

His people

Who were scattered all over

The world

He went different places consoling his own people

Yet there is hope

There is hope

The tyranny crossed his boundaries

Arrested the messiah

The downfall of Nigeria began

Nepotism and corruption


Yet there is hope

There is hope

Nigeria economy sinking


The currency is becoming

Like a tissue peppers

The oil price is falling

Yet there is hope

There is hope

Confussions in the upper chambers

Politicians implicated in corruption

Lawyers also implicated

Who corrupt who?

Yet there is hope

There is hope

The messiah smilling inside prison

Britain looking confused

Human right in awe

Deputy Mesiah piloting

Yet there is hope

There is hope

I see the rays of the sun

Coming out gradually

I see the standing tree

With a good greenish leaves

From the desert I am

Very far from me

In a distant place

Yet there is hope

There is hope

From no where emerges

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

They are called the avengers

They stop over where there is

Oil pipe lines

Yet there is hope

There is hope

You shall identify them

By the sound of thier booms!

And by the special flame

That accompanies the Boom

Yet there is hope

There is hope

The case has gone beyond

The tyranny

All the tyranny's effort to use his

Secrete killers agents to frustrate

The judges and the judiciary

Has failed woefully

Yet there is hope

There is hope

The case is now in the hands of

High haracy that is above the tyranny

There is a heavy high blood pressure and sudden fever

In the life of the tyranny.

Yet there is hope

There is hope

8th day of November

Shall stands for number eight

Plague that the most high punished

Phero and Egyptians with

The tyranny's back bone is already

Weak and he shall reverend the messiah

Yet there is hope

There is hope


Shall emerge

An upright, Unperturbed and transparent judge

Who shall without fear or favour

Give verdicts to the messiah

Yet there is hope

There is hope

The Mesiah has emerged triumphantly with glorious music

Dancing in the street

Leading his people

With the rising Sun flag he bears

Yet there is hope

There is hope

The sunamy has consumed the tyranny

Their names are no more

The new nation has come to stay

Make a loud noice

Sing a glorious songs

For the lost tribe has been restored

The lost glory is back

My hope never faild me.

Yet there is hope.

