BREAKING: On Election Night, The FBI Just Destroyed Hillary Clinton’s Dreams…
By Paris Swade -
November 8, 2016

This story by Paris Swade.

Hillary Clinton may have gotten out from under the email scandal, but she is now being attacked with a new investigation into the Clinton Foundation. Every single agent is now focused on public corruption at the FBI.


The Little Rock, Ark., field office have assigned every agent assigned to public corruption to work the case, according to the Daily Caller.


Keep on dancing Hillary because you are going to be dancing in jail soon.

“Everybody’s working the foundation in Little Rock,” the FBI said. The little rock office is now“pulling bodies from other programs.”

This is not going to destroy Hillary Clinton. She is going to land in prison. We need to put Trump in office so that criminal Clinton can get what she deserves.

*** It’s time to put Hillary Clinton in jail!

Comment ‘GO TRUMP! in the comments if you can’t wait for Trump to win.

Go Trump! Go Trump! Go Trump! Let’s put this election in the bag.