Putin Congratulates Trump With Victory in US Presidential Election - Kremlin

© Sputnik/ Aleksey Nikolskyi Politics 11:34 09.11.2016(updated 11:53 09.11.2016) Get short URL 142647581 Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Donald Trump with his victory in the US presidential election, voicing hope that joint work will resolve the crisis in bilateral ties, the Kremlin said Wednesday. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, along with his family and running mate Mike Pence, addresses supporters during his election night rally in Manhattan, New York, U.S., November 9, 2016 © REUTERS/ Mike Segar Trump Addresses Supporters as US President-Elect (VIDEO) According to Kremlin, President Putin sent a telegram to Donald Trump, congratulating him on his victory in the US presidential election and wishing him success in taking on the serious task of being head of state. "In a telegram, Putin expressed hope toward joint work to lift Russian-US relations from the state of crisis, as well as to address the pressing issues of the international agenda and the search for effective responses to global security challenges," the Kremlin said. In the telegram, Putin expressed hope that the crisis in US-Russia relations will be overcome through joint work. Putin also said he hopes that dialogue between Moscow and Washington, taking into account positions of both countries, meets the interests of the US and Russia.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Donald Trump with his victory in the US presidential election, voicing hope that joint work will resolve the crisis in bilateral ties, the Kremlin said Wednesday.