Silicon Valley Elites Push for California to Secede as #Calexit Trends on Twitter

by Lucas Nolan 9 Nov 2016

Silicon Valley tech elites are pushing for California to secede from the United States and become a sovereign nation following Donald Trump’s election as President of the United States.

Shervin Pishevar, co-founder of Hyperloop and Uber investor, tweeted on election night that if Donald Trump won he would be “announcing and funding a legitimate campaign for California to become its own nation.”

In an email to CNN Money, Pishevar confirmed that the tweets were not a joke: “Yes it’s serious, it’s the most patriotic thing I can do. The country is [at] a serious crossroads.”

Pishevar quickly received support from many Silicon Valley elites. Dave Morin, formerly of Facebook and co-founder of social media website Path, said, “I was literally just going to tweet this. I’m in and will partner with you on it,”

@shervin I was literally just going to tweet this. I'm in and will partner with you on it.

— DAVE MORIN (@davemorin) November 9, 2016

Marc Hemeon, formerly of Google and founder of Design Inc., said, “I support you in this effort let me know what I can do to help.”

Over 140 entrepreneurs and executives from companies like Twitter, Google, Facebook, Slack, Snapchat, and Yelp signed an open letter condemning Trump in July saying that he would be a “disaster for innovation.”

#Calexit also began trending on Twitter on Wednesday, with many others tweeting their support of Pishevar’s plan.

An official #Calexit Twitter account even exists:

Lucas Nolan is a reporter for Breitbart Tech covering issues of free speech and online censorship. Follow him on Twitter @LucasNolan_ or email him at
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2016 Presidential Race, Breitbart California, Tech, California, silicon valley, tech, Trump