After Trump’s Win Muslims In U.S. City Chant ‘DEATH To America” (No Word From CNN, NBC, FOX)

Donald Trump was right about the national security threat posed by the massive influx of Muslim immigrants into the United States. Protests like the one he referenced during an early GOP debate are indeed happening in America, the news media is just failing to report it.

The Liberal executives who control the mainstream media do not allow anything that illustrates the failures of 44’s presidency to hit the airwaves.

The establishment wants to label Donald Trump supporters as uneducated, while Liberals bash the front runner’s voting base as bunch of racists. The majority of his supporters are neither. We simply have not yet forgotten how to exercise common sense and realize how important it is to put America first if this great nation is to survive.

Now is the moment when patriotic Americans with Donald Trump as their leader stand up and refuse to be silenced out of fear of being cast in a negative light by the Liberal elite.