Sorry Liberals. Donald Trump Actually WON The Popular Vote. NEW UPDATE

CNN had projected the winner of the popular vote as Donald Trump, as indicated in the original screen grab. As of 5:30 ET, they have taken down their projection! Chicks on the Right Reports:


Looks like CNN wanted to relive the nightmare of Florida 2000.

It happens like clockwork – Democrats lose the White House, immediately there’s screaming about how they actually won the popular vote and we should stop with the Electoral College because it lets people who disagree with them have a voice and they can’t STAND that!

You’ve probably seen leftists screaming that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote and that most of America actually wanted her as president.

Except, that’s not true. CNN is saying that Donald Trump is now projected to win the popular vote.


Now, before you all scream that the numbers don’t seem correct, check out how many votes are in right now! There’s still 8% left to report. If CNN is reporting their projection at this point, that means that it’s likely more Trump votes are coming in! They don’t make these projections lightly, especially when it makes the Clintons and the Democrats look bad. This is not Fox News or Breitbart reporting this.