Russia to Help Palestine Become Independent State – Putin

© Sputnik/ Aleksey Nikolskyi Politics 13:34 28.03.2015(updated 14:47 29.03.2015) Get short URL 2510068431559 Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his address to the

Arab League summit participants that Russia will continue contributing to the attainment of Palestine’s independence. Mahmoud Abbas gives a speech during the inauguration of the Embassy of The State Of Palestine in central Stockholm, Sweden, Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2015 Palestinians Open First Embassy in Western Europe MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Russia will help Palestine in achieving its goal of becoming an independent state with the capital in East Jerusalem, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday in his address to the Arab League summit participants. “Russia will continue contributing to the attainment of this goal [Palestine’s independence], working through bilateral channels and through multilateral channels, including in the ‘Quartet’ of international mediators,” Putin said. The Quartet comprising Russia, the United States, the United Nations and the European Union, was established in 2002, aiming to reach a long-term peace agreement between Israel and Palestinians. Palestinian Hamas masked gunmen display their military skills during a rally to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the Hamas militant group, in Gaza City, Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014 . Israel Supported Hamas to Divide Palestine's Resistance - Assange The Russian president stressed on Saturday the need for closer cooperation between the Quartet and the Arab League, and highlighted Moscow’s readiness to cooperate with the league further. Palestinians seek the creation of an independent state on the territories of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, partially occupied by Israel, as well as on the Gaza Strip. Palestinians have designated Jerusalem as its capital and called on Israel to withdraw from the Palestinian territories it took after the 1967 war.

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Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his address to the Arab League summit participants that Russia will continue contributing to the attainment of Palestine’s independence.