Muhammadu Buhari and his led APC federal government of the zoo called Nigeria is at the end of the road. They are now like sheep without shepherd. His evil political surrogate father Mr Tony Blair and David Cameron are out of No.10 downing street while his other evil surrogate father Obama Hussein Barack, his surrogate evil uncle John Kerry and his evil surrogate auntie Hillary Clinton will be heading to prison soon. It is now that it is clear to Mumuhead that his ship has capsized. He now resorted to negotiating with even with those he vowed not to have a word with. Buhari tried to woo their so-called Niger delta elders and failed. He out of desperation invited even his most hated tribe, the Igbos, ach-rival geo-political zone senators from their so-called south east and he also failed. He has been failing and will continue to do so until he realizes the need that the only answer is freedom for Biafra. Until this is done, Nigeria will not no peace. Time is fast approaching that anybody who greeted Buhari or responded to his greeting will have insolvent problem. If you are doubtful of this, go and ask Bola Tunibu, ask Tony Blair, ask David Cameron, ask Mark Zuckeberge, ask Hussein Obama Barack, ask John Kerry, ask bill Clinton, ask Hillary Clinton and anyone that had shaked hands with Mohammadu Buhari. Anything Buhari touches becomes automatically contaminated. He touched Nigeria economy, it crumbled. It is Chukwu Okike Abiama that is working for Biafra. Nothing will ever go well again for Buhari and all that conspires with him against Biafra restoration. They shall know no peace, know no progress in their families, in their businesses and in everything of their interest, individually and collectively until Biafra is restored...Iseee!!! This prayer is active already but activate it for more effectiveness in your way. All hail Biafra #FreeBiafra #FreeNnamdiKanu