Trump to drop investigation into Clinton – reports
Published time: 22 Nov, 2016 12:54
Edited time: 22 Nov, 2016 13:51

Trump had previously called Clinton a 'nasty woman.' © Rick Wilking / Reuters

President-elect Donald Trump will not pursue an investigation into Hillary Clinton, NBC are reporting. During his election campaign Trump promised to set up an inquiry into Clinton’s alleged criminal activity.

Host Joe Scarborough made the announcement on NBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ on Tuesday. A show source, described as having "direct knowledge of Donald Trump's thinking," quoted Trump as saying Clinton had “been through enough.”

When asked about the remarks, Trump's former campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, said that by making such a decision before his inauguration, "it sends a very strong message, tone, and content."

"I think he's thinking of many different things as he prepares to become the President of the United States, and things that sound like the campaign are not among them," Conway said.

Conway also told the show that Clinton "still has to face the fact that a majority of Americans don't find her to be honest or trustworthy," but that "if Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that's a good thing to do."

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Regarding the Clinton email scandal, Trump had previously said he would instruct the attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the issue if elected. This attitude appeared to ease since his election with Trump praising his opponent on ‘60 Minutes’.

READ MORE: Trump praises Clintons, vows to keep parts of Obamacare in 1st post-vote TV interview

Of Clinton’s phone call to concede defeat on election night, Trump said: “She couldn’t have been nicer. She just said, ‘congratulations, Donald. Well done.’ And I said, ‘I want to thank you very much, you were a great competitor.’ She is very strong. And very smart.”

During his campaign he had called Clinton a “nasty woman” with “tremendous hate in her heart.” Allegations of criminal activity relating to her use of a private email server were central to his attacks on her.

READ MORE: FBI director: No charges after new review of Hillary Clinton emails