I was on my own o, a friend of mine come
invite me to his church for a thanksgiving
service, and I sat at the front row.

When it was time for offering, the
offering basket was passed around.
Despite the Pastor's charge for good
offering, I still hurriedly and secretly pulled out as
usual N20.00 from my pocket and dropped it
inside d offering basket.

Just then the man
behind me tapped me
on the shoulder and handed me 3 notes of 1000.
I smiled, and to sow generously as received,
I majestically looked around
and called back d usher and put
the 3k in the basket and passed it on.

Then I turned and thanked the man seriously
for being so generous.

He replied "don't mention my dear, be more
careful next time when bringing out money".

Then I realized the money fell from my


Please, help a friend in this #BuhariTime, what do you think I should do?