BREAKING: Department Of Homeland Security Leak, THOUSANDS Of Green Cards Missing

Posted by Matthew Bernstein | Nov 22, 2016 | Liberal Corruption

This Leak Just Cost Thousands Of People Their Green Cards

When an immigrant comes through the country the LEGAL way, they are given a green card. It’s essentially a card that allows the immigrant to live in the United States and work and move towards becoming a legal citizen of the United States.

But just like everything else in this country, there has to be a lot of security done to make sure that the people that are being given green cards are actually safe to be in the country. Those that aren’t cleared are obviously denied the green cards that they want so badly.

At least that is how it should work. But a report that was made public showed that the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, which is a part of the Department of Homeland Security, just sent thousands of green cards to the wrong addresses. And yes, that is an extremely bad thing to hear.

According to a Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General report, thousands of green cards have gone missing. “It appears that thousands of green cards have simply gone missing. In the wrong hands, green cards may enable terrorists, criminals, and undocumented aliens to remain in the United States. It is vital that USCIS ensure better tools and procedures are in place to mitigate such risks.”

Wait a second, they simply vanished? How in the world is that possible? And now there are thousands of people that are waiting for their green cards and instead of getting them, potential terrorists and criminals are now able to stay in the United States. That is a significant risk to the United States!
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These Refugees Could Be The Ones Benefitting From The Green Cards Instead Of The Approved People

In the past three years, the USCIS has received more than 200,000 reports from approved applicants saying that their cards were never delivered. Because THAT is an encouraging number to hear. This was a follow-up to a March IG report that said USCIS officials sent hundreds of green cards to the wrong addresses.

Obviously this report revealed, “The problem was far worse than originally thought.” I wonder what gave that away. Maybe it was the fact that the number of green cards missing went from hundreds to now THOUSANDS. The problem has literally multiplied by ten!

Unfortunately the actual number of missing cards is unknown. The problem is that USCIS relies on reports from applicants. So they can only give estimates on how many green cards are actually missing. That is an encouraging sign to hear.

And this also confirms that there is an increasing trend in the number of missing cards. Starting in fiscal year 2013 there were 44,519 reports about missing cards. That number jumped to 67,247 in fiscal year 2014. And finally for fiscal year 2015, the number was a staggering 92,645 reports filed for missing cards.

In addition to that the IG found that USCIS produced at least 19,000 cards that had incorrect information or were duplicates. They also gave cards with 10-year expiration dates to 2,400 immigrants that were only approved for two-year conditional residence status.

And did USCIS recover those incorrect cards? The answer would be a resounding NO. That means that there are dangerous people out there that have lawful citizenship and are using that time to plan an attack against the United States!

This Group, Under The Guidance Of The DHS, Is Responsible For Thousands Of Green Cards Going Missing

So who is to blame for all of this? After all, it isn’t a mistake that thousands upon thousands of green cards just suddenly go missing. The IG blamed most of the USCIS’s errors on the “flawed design and functionality” of the agency’s Electronic Immigration System (ELIS). They had previously reported on the cost overruns and delays in updating the agency’s immigration database.

The USCIS agreed with the IG’s recommendations to correct design and functionality problems with ELIS, create internal controls to make sure USCIS officials detect green cards early in the process. They also agreed to develop a standardized process for recovering incorrectly issued cards and to find a way to make sure that the unrecoverable cards are not used.

The USCIS has questioned the fairness of the IG’s finding on cards sent to the wrong addresses. They claim that USCIS uses the last known address of the applicant and the 200,000 figure includes people who call multiple times for service.

The fact of the matter is that they have no right to question this method. The USCIS is responsible for mishandling thousands of green cards, which could very well be in the hands of terrorists that are going to use it for terror. And as an adverse affect, there are people that were cleared to be here and can no longer stay in the country.

This isn’t the first time that the topic of immigration has come up. There was another instance with illegal immigrants where they were offended at the sight of the American flag. They actually made such a big deal out of it that a high school forced their kids to cover all of the American flags because they didn’t like the fact that the American flag was being proudly displayed. Illegal immigrants find a way to ruin everything that is considered to be pro-America it seems.

But illegal immigrants also have the support of President Obama behind them. There was one instance where he claimed that he “mistakenly” gave citizenship to a number of illegal immigrants. This was of course before the election so that they were going to vote for Hillary Clinton and do their best to get her elected. It was just another attempt to keep the Democrats in power no matter what.

Share this article with your friends and family to show that a sector of the Department of Homeland Security somehow misplaced thousands of green cards and they could be in the hands of terrorists and people that want to damage this country.

The first step of this is to make sure that the green cards are not used. The second step is to make sure that the system gets fixed so that this doesn’t happen again. Because right now there are thousands of people that were approved for green cards that are waiting for their card to arrive and dangerous people that are the ones benefitting from the green cards.