BREAKING: Jill Stein Was Just Publicly Humiliated for Vote Recount is BEST Way Ever!!
By Danny Gold -
December 6, 2016

Jill Stein has managed to do 2 things with her voter recount: She has managed to make her donors look like desperate morons while lining her pockets with MILLIONS of dollars in the process.

Well Jill, meet Karma. Karma is not nice. In fact, you could say that Karma is a real b*tch and now it is out for some Jill Stein blood. That’s the best way to describe the utter humiliation she faced today.

During a vote “protest” outside of Trump Tower in New York, Stein was attacked by both the public and reporters. While reporters were grilling her on her false allegations of 75,000 “blank ballots”, the public were gathering around her we calling her nothing more than a “common criminal.” (H/T – Daily Mail)

Hahahah. I personally think the funniest part is when one of the reporters actually asks her WHY she is doing the recount. She actually admits that Trump will still win, but it’s to help people “trust the system” more. WTF Jill?!

Okay, so all kidding aside, Jill Stein is nothing more than a sideshow circus act. She is trying to take the main stage because NOBODY voted for her. Better luck in 2020, Miss Stein. Maybe by then you can secure 3% of the vote you JOKE!!