Arabs Threaten War if Trump Moves US Embassy to Jerusalem
Micha Gefen
December 18, 2016
Source for Trump: Marc Nozell/Wiki Commons
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In light of Trump’s announcement to nominate David Friedman as the next US Ambassador to Israel, Arab leadership in Judea and Samaria under the Palestinian Authority has threatened war and chaos over the fact that the appointment likely means Trump is very serious about moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

“I look David Friedman and Trump in the eye and tell them — if you were to take these steps of moving the embassy and annexing settlements in the West Bank, you are sending this region down the path of something that I call chaos, lawlessness and extremism,” Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Secretary General Saeb Erekat said, according to AFP.

The Palestinian Information Center reported that Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, head of the Higher Islamic Council in Jerusalem declared that moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would be a declaration of war.

“If we assume that this alleged pledge has been realized and carried out, this means that America recognizes that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jews and has thus declared a new war against the people of Palestine, and also against the entire Arab and Muslim nations,” Sheikh Sabri stated.

The fiery comments don’t seem to have deterred the inocoming Trump administration’s determination about moving the embassy. The only question is how and which date.