If this is true,why are we castigating PMB?
Concerned Igbo Bishop wrote:
Do you know that all 9 members of RCCG governing council are Yoruba's..Do you also know that no Igbo man is a Bishop in the Living Faith church( Winners chapel), No Igbo Man is also a superitendent at Deeper Life Bible Church, Do you also know that No Igbo man is also a senior Pastor @ Daystar Christian center, Neither any one @ Kingsway International Christain Center. In Mountain of Fire forget it. Igbos should know that the Messaih will come from among his people.The disciples of Jesus Christ are Galileans like him, they should stop pumping money into other tribe project and yet complain about Igbo maginalization. We should start with what we can control. Go to any church but ensure that part of your tithe and other big donations go to Ibo churches because soon "it will be to your tent oh Isreal"...send until it gets to all Igbo sons & daughters.