1. I SAMMY accepts 100% responsibility for my current situation,whether
good or bad. The next few days/weeks/months/years can be the best years of
my life.The decision is mine. The best part of my life will start on the
day i decide my life is my own – no one to lean on, rely on, or blame. It
takes courage and strength, but I need to say it: “The gift of life is
mine, it is an amazing journey, and I alone, am responsible for the quality
of it.”
2. I ignore the naysayers. Unless someone has walked in my shoes on the
same path that i have traveled, and lived through all of my ups and downs
alongside me, they have no right to judge me. Unless they can look into the
core of my heart and see the degree of my passion, or look into the depths
of my soul and see the extent of my will, then they have no business
telling me who I am or what I can or can’t achieve. Everyone has a story.
Everyone has unique gifts. Unless that someone is ME, their opinion of Me
means nothing in the long run.
3.Some read history,some listen to history,but I must make history >
History means His-Story.
4. I am a #Biafran