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Americans have lost it morally,spiritually,psychological. They have forgetten the foundation on which America was formed,America is the land of the free and most importantly God's own people but they truly lost it. They prefer sexuality to morallity,the prefer indecency to decency,they prefer illuminati to Christianity and they prefer jay-z to the MOST HIGH GOD JEHOVA. What happened to America's morallity and closeness to GOD. God has brought in A man that will restore America's glory and bring them back to God just like in the time of Moses. Americans should go home and calm down so that God's will will come to pass in America.

What's up

Arthur Kobina Kennedy RAPS

This is, perhaps the most incredible story in American democratic history.
The Republican establishment was against him.
The Democratic party was against him.
The media was against him.
The intellectuals were against him.
The global capitalists were against him.
Prophets predicted his defeat.
The sitting President called him unfit for the Presidency.
And yet, against all odds, he won.
Today, the pundits who never foresaw his victory are bemoaning it.
David Remnick is predicting dire consequences.
Cookie Roberts is blaming sexism.
Carl Bernstein has fingered sexism, racism etc. And many are threatening to leave America in protest, with Cher threatening to leave the planet. They have belittled his supporters and their motives for electing Trump. And yet, Mr. Trump, despite his unfortunate penchant to digress into personal attacks, campaigned on a solid platform. He pledged to cancel unfavourable trade deals and bring American jobs back. He pledged to build a war and crack down on illegal immigration. He promised to appoint conservative judges. He pledged support law enforcement authoritied. He promised to "drain the swamp of corruption ". That is what those who voted for Mr. Trump, including many who were derisively referred to as "deplorables " voted for. Already , demonstrators are on the streets of 7 cities, protesting his election. What are they Protesting? Hillary said eloquently during the last debate in response to Trump's reluctance to accept the results that it was part of the American tradition to accept election results. It would be good for Mrs. Clinton's supporters to take her advice and accept Mr. Trump's victory.
This is a moment to celebrate American democracy. The voters have spoken and, as both Secretary Clinton and President Obama urged today, their choice must be accepted and respected.
Finally, those fearful of a Trump presidency are jumping the gun a bit. Yesterday, the President elect pledged to serve all Americans.Yesterday, America voted for a Congress and there are checks and balances in the American system. If Mr. Trump over reaches, he will be checked.
America and the world must give Trump a chance. That is how democracy works.
E pluribus Unum.

BreakingNews: #BiafraMegaprotestloading, incase you are not aware, one of our Biafra brother( a one time republican congress candidate) is among Trump triumphant campaigns organisation and he is smart enough to know what time is it, he is coming down to Zoo Nigeria with his team wearing Trump T-shirt to lead this Biafra mega protest against unjust incarceration of Biafran Leader Nnamdikanu and restoration of Biafra republic respectively. Hahahahaha, ok,naa. Who says we are not winning? Brutal Buratai get your Zombie army ready to shoot Trump's men. All hail #Biafra

Make money through this link

IMPORTANT! George Soros is the main instigator of and funding all these protest. DO NOT ENGAGE. Stay home, let them protest. He’s trying to start a civil war!!!

Posted By: usainfobox November 10, 2016

BREAKING: Illegal Immigrants Threaten To Revolt If Trump Begins Deporting – “THERE WILL BE WAR”
About 2DAY November 10, 2016

They come here illegally, most of them on welfare, free health insurance, most of them are in WIC program, free lunches in school, free school buses, then they go to rally against American, waving their Mexixan flag to revolt. These people has no appreciation, yeah they need to go back to where they belong.

With Trumps victory last night, Illegals around the country are beginning to freak out.

It’s no secret that Donald Trump fully intends to deport all immigrants that are here illegal…


November, Friday 10th 2016


"Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;" (Deuteronomy 7: 9)

Hear this today; You are God’s choice. Yes He insisted on your existence!

It is not what happens to a man or woman, but what you do with what happens to you that determines your end.

For every one facing the “firing line” of lives battle ground, I declare to you by today, by The power of The Holy Ghost, your destiny is not in the hands of any enemy. No power is strong enough to derail God’s agenda for you and no form of occult or witchcraft incantations can stop you in Jesus Christ name.

They might have succeeded in slowing you down temporarily, (which believe it or not, was also part of God’s training package for you) very soon, they will only see your back in life, because you are going to overtake them all, living them in an unprecedented deadly shock!

I pray for you today, God will cause your enemies to see your table and banquet of celebration but they will not be able to taste your glory hour in Jesus Christ name.

If you do not quit, your today’s object of pain will become the subject for your celebration tomorrow.

Be strong my sister/my brother. God is Able, God is Faithful and He will prove it in your life!

*Take a song of worship and honor God with it


1) Thank God for not allowing you quit while in training, in Jesus Christ name, amen.

2) My Father and my God, return back to sender every evil bullet spiritual or physical, planned to hit my destiny, my family or loved ones destinies, in Jesus Christ name.

3) Mighty God, turn everything meant to slow me down, discourage, delete or destroy me, into my divine speed propellers, in Jesus Christ name, amen.


Vendredi 10 Novembre 2016


“Reconnais donc que l’Eternel ton Dieu est le seul vrai Dieu, un Dieu fidèle à son alliance en témoignant de l’amour pour mille générations envers ceux qui l’aiment et qui obéissent à ses commandements.” (Deutéronome 7: 9)

Ecoutez ceci aujourd'hui; Vous êtes le choix de Dieu. Oui, il a insisté sur votre existence!

Ce n'est pas ce qui arrive à un homme ou une femme, mais ce que vous faites avec ce qui vous arrive, qui détermine votre fin.

Pour chacun face à la «ligne de tir» de bataille de vie aujourd'hui, je vous le déclare par la puissance du Saint-Esprit, votre destin n'est dans les mains d'aucun ennemi. Aucun pouvoir n'est assez fort pour faire dérailler l'ordre du jour de Dieu pour vous et aucune forme d'incitation occulte ou de sorcellerie ne peut vous arrêter.

Ils auraient peut-être réussi à ralentir, temporairement (qu’ils le croient ou pas, également une partie du forfait de formation de Dieu pour vous) très bientôt, ils ne verront que votre dos dans la vie, parce que vous allez les dépasser tous, les laissant dans Un choc mortel sans précédent!

Je prie pour vous aujourd'hui, Dieu fera que vos ennemis verront votre table et votre banquet de célébration, mais ils ne pourront pas goûter à votre heure de gloire en Jésus-Christ.

Si vous n’abandonnez pas, votre objet de douleur d'aujourd'hui deviendra le sujet de votre célébration de demain.

Dieu est capable, Dieu est fidèle et il le prouvera dans votre vie!

* Prenez une chant d'adoration et honorez Dieu avec


1) Remerciez Dieu de ne pas vous permettre de quitter pendant l'entraînement, au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen.

2) Mon Père et mon Dieu, retourne à l'expéditeur toute balle maléfique spirituelle ou physique, prévue pour frapper mon destin, ma famille ou la destinée de mes bien-aimés, au nom de Jésus-Christ.

3) Dieu Puissant, détourne tout ce qui a pour but de me ralentir, de me décourager, de supprimer ou de me détruire, dans mes propulseurs de vitesse divine, au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen



November, Friday 11th 2016


"Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;" (Deuteronomy 7: 9)

Hear this today; You are God’s choice. Yes He insisted on your existence!

It is not what happens to a man or woman, but what you do with what happens to you that determines your end.

For every one facing the “firing line” of lives battle ground, I declare to you by today, by The power of The Holy Ghost, your destiny is not in the hands of any enemy. No power is strong enough to derail God’s agenda for you and no form of occult or witchcraft incantations can stop you in Jesus Christ name.

They might have succeeded in slowing you down temporarily, (which believe it or not, was also part of God’s training package for you) very soon, they will only see your back in life, because you are going to overtake them all, living them in an unprecedented deadly shock!

I pray for you today, God will cause your enemies to see your table and banquet of celebration but they will not be able to taste your glory hour in Jesus Christ name.

If you do not quit, your today’s object of pain will become the subject for your celebration tomorrow.

Be strong my sister/my brother. God is Able, God is Faithful and He will prove it in your life!

*Take a song of worship and honor God with it


1) Thank God for not allowing you quit while in training, in Jesus Christ name, amen.

2) My Father and my God, return back to sender every evil bullet spiritual or physical, planned to hit my destiny, my family or loved ones destinies, in Jesus Christ name.

3) Mighty God, turn everything meant to slow me down, discourage, delete or destroy me, into my divine speed propellers, in Jesus Christ name, amen.


Vendredi 10 Novembre 2016


“Reconnais donc que l’Eternel ton Dieu est le seul vrai Dieu, un Dieu fidèle à son alliance en témoignant de l’amour pour mille générations envers ceux qui l’aiment et qui obéissent à ses commandements.” (Deutéronome 7: 9)

Ecoutez ceci aujourd'hui; Vous êtes le choix de Dieu. Oui, il a insisté sur votre existence!

Ce n'est pas ce qui arrive à un homme ou une femme, mais ce que vous faites avec ce qui vous arrive, qui détermine votre fin.

Pour chacun face à la «ligne de tir» de bataille de vie aujourd'hui, je vous le déclare par la puissance du Saint-Esprit, votre destin n'est dans les mains d'aucun ennemi. Aucun pouvoir n'est assez fort pour faire dérailler l'ordre du jour de Dieu pour vous et aucune forme d'incitation occulte ou de sorcellerie ne peut vous arrêter.

Ils auraient peut-être réussi à ralentir, temporairement (qu’ils le croient ou pas, également une partie du forfait de formation de Dieu pour vous) très bientôt, ils ne verront que votre dos dans la vie, parce que vous allez les dépasser tous, les laissant dans Un choc mortel sans précédent!

Je prie pour vous aujourd'hui, Dieu fera que vos ennemis verront votre table et votre banquet de célébration, mais ils ne pourront pas goûter à votre heure de gloire en Jésus-Christ.

Si vous n’abandonnez pas, votre objet de douleur d'aujourd'hui deviendra le sujet de votre célébration de demain.

Dieu est capable, Dieu est fidèle et il le prouvera dans votre vie!

* Prenez une chant d'adoration et honorez Dieu avec


1) Remerciez Dieu de ne pas vous permettre de quitter pendant l'entraînement, au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen.

2) Mon Père et mon Dieu, retourne à l'expéditeur toute balle maléfique spirituelle ou physique, prévue pour frapper mon destin, ma famille ou la destinée de mes bien-aimés, au nom de Jésus-Christ.

3) Dieu Puissant, détourne tout ce qui a pour but de me ralentir, de me décourager, de supprimer ou de me détruire, dans mes propulseurs de vitesse divine, au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen


Disappointed ISIS Slams Donald Trump Victory, Says He Is A Fool And Would Destroy America Himself

Obviously disappointed Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has slammed the victory of Donald Trump in the just concluded election saying he is a fool and would destroy America himself thereby giving Jihadis opportunity to seize power. They went on to refer to him as a donkey saying he is "an indication of the end of the American empire".

"What we want is their country be delivered to a donkey like Trump who will destroy it. In the end, they are all our enemies and we will only meet them on the battlefields. It is either them or us. We ask Allah to make their destruction caused by their own plans and their death come among themselves.

The world is going to experience a change and this change will put Islam in the leadership position as the end result" One ISIS Jihad said.

Few hours ago, al-Qaeda group also said that Trump's win will give extremists across the Middle East a common enemy – sparking fears of a major attack on US soil

Oriental Times: Disappointed ISIS Slams Donald Trump Victory, Says He Is A Fool And Would Destroy Am

Oriental Times: Disappointed ISIS Slams Donald Trump Victory, Says He Is A Fool And Would Destroy Am

Thursday, November 10, 2016