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Biafra: Nnamdi Kanu writes Donald Trump from prison ▷ NAIJ.COM

Biafra: Nnamdi Kanu writes Donald Trump from prison ▷ NAIJ.COM News ☛ Self-Determination is a sacred right of all people as demonstrated by the good people of United Kingdom when they opted out of the EU.


One thing I learned from Trump;
even if you don't qualify for a job,
just apply anyways.


Tchygos changed his profile picture
8 yrs

Tchygos changed his profile cover
8 yrs


By the way, has Wole Soyinka torn his green card yet?

Prince Hyginus changed his profile picture
8 yrs



By Ifeanyi Chijioke
November, 2016

An insider has given the reason behind the lengthy adjournment date given for the final ruling in the case between Nigerian Government and the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra. The source who exclusively spoke to Ifeanyi Chijioke said “The establishment is aware of this adjournment and the date was given for a reason which I will tell you. Nobody wants a situation the community will start a cold war with Nigerian Government. They have to get it right and the lengthy adjournment is simply based on that” the source said.

Recall that Nnamdi Kanu had approached the Community Court of Justice to compel Nigeria to respect the order of the court that granted him bail and accused the Federal Government of Nigeria of unlawful detention. He also urged the Court to order Nigeria to pay him a stipulated huge amount of money for rehabilitation and for unjust persecution.

Nnamdi Kanu was arrested for peacefully agitating for the restoration of sovereign State of Biafra; a Nation its sovereignty was taken in 1970 after a genocidal war that claimed over five million innocent lives of Biafrans; Buhari was a major perpetrator of that heinous crime. still nursing the pains that justice has eluded them; the same man that perpetrated the injustice was elected to rule over the people.

Self determination is a right and a legal act by virtue of UN 2007 Convention which gave Indigenous People the avenue to aspire for self rule within the confines of law. Nnamdi Kanu established IPOB; a peaceful, legal and duly registered body that makes up the people of Biafra; upon which self rule is aspired. Nigeria as signatory to the Charter is obliged to respect peaceful and legal self determination as embarked by Nnamdi Kanu.

Nnamdi Kanu has been in detention for over one year without trial, Nigerian Government is hell bent on subverting justice to indict a man widely acclaimed as a prisoner of conscience. Ruling for open trial and contradicting the same ruling on same litigant and court by same Judge, on frivolous reasons bail-application was denied and many more shenanigans summed up the corrupt practices and illegalities exhibited by Nigerian State.

Buhari had before the world said that no Court in Nigeria would be allowed to release Nnamdi Kanu until he agrees to negotiate or renounce Biafra; a position he has confirmed by flouting court orders that released him on December 16th and 17th respectively by Magistrate and High Court presided over by now maligned Justice Ademola.

“This matter has lingered so much and it is getting due attention; the man in question has been properly assessed and he is peaceful and lawful even in the face of utmost provocation” the source said and continued “Dasuki might be flouted because there is an issue; it is a worrisome development that Nigeria don’t recognize rule of law any longer”

“Nnamdi Kanu is a different matter; there is unprescedented sympathy and there is agitation already on ground; his matter is delicate and it can set a flame that will grow into...follow link to read more:

Donald Trump’s Election May Have Stopped World War III

Posted on November 9, 2016 by Edmondo Burr in News
donald trump
Professor Tony Monteiro says we might have just dodged the bullet on WWIII following the election of Donald Trump as the next U.S. president.

The peace activist and scholar from the department of African American Studies at Temple University in Philadelphia said if Clinton had won, we would now be on a fast track to war with Russia.

Sputnik reports:

Calling Tuesday’s vote a “political insurrection,” Monteiro said that he was frankly surprised by “the depth and magnitude” of the popular revolt. “I felt it was possible, [but] didn’t believe it was probable, given that the Clinton campaign had all of the resources…”

“It’s a situation where the pundits and the political experts had predicted based upon an old paradigm of viewing elections. And what we had is a new paradigm – a paradigm grounded in rage, anger and class resentment against an elite which never repaired the profound damage done to the American working people and the middle classes as a consequence of the Great Recession of 2007 and 2009.”

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The academic explained that he frankly “just had no idea at how deep this was. And we saw it – it was a sweep. In fact, Donald Trump did to Hillary Clinton what the experts were saying she would do to him. It’s quite unbelievable – it’s a historic outcome. I think finally, that temporarily, the world has dodged the bullet of World War.”

“If Clinton had won, we would be on a fast track to war with Russia, either in the Baltics, Ukraine or in Syria. She made that perfectly clear.” Trump, meanwhile, “had over the course of this election cycle said the very opposite. Many people thought that by coming out against war with Russia, he had disqualified himself. In fact he went so far as to attack the generals and those who are running foreign policy.”

Ultimately, the expert stressed that more than anything, this election was “a serious rebuke to the corporate media, who were all against Trump and for Hillary Clinton. Now in saying all of this…I don’t think Trump is a pure vessel…However, what is significant, and what we have to pay close attention to, is not Trump the individual, but that movement that made it possible for him to win the election.”

Monteiro suggested that consciously or not, this movement was animated by their class interest – based on popular anger over stagnant wages, and at the same time, trillions of dollars in offshore banks held by oligarchs, the transnational corporations and hedge funds.

“You’ve got all of these young people who are graduating from university, with tremendous debt, with no jobs that pay them enough to pay off their debt. And then of course Trump made a kind of heavy-handed and awkward appeal to the Black community – but there was some truth to it! When he said that the political forces that the Black community has aligned with has done very, very little for them. And he said to Black people ‘you have nothing to lose’. I think that in the Rust Belt, the former industrial mid-west, more Black people voted for Trump than we are aware of at this time.”

Taking office, Trump faces political, class and racial divisions of an almost unprecedented scale. “The nation is divided; it has not been this divided since the civil war in the 1860s.” The difference this time, according to the analyst, “is that the divisions are not so much sectional, but are more economic and social class-[based].”

“Can he unite the country around a program of rebuilding the nation economically, and a policy of peace abroad? I’m not yet certain,” Monteiro stressed. But he was encouraged by Trump’s acceptance speech, where “he said that he was for cooperation with nations and finding common ground. I felt that the paramount issue in this election was the question of war and peace, even though it was not the major issue discussed in the corporate media. It was the paramount issue, because I am of the opinion that had Hillary Clinton won, she was going to fast-track belligerency
and even war with Russia, and that could have spun out of control into a thermonuclear war.”

Canada Receives Over 10 Million US Immigrant Applications 67300 SHARES Share Share As of November 9th, 2016 Donald Trump has officially been elected the 45th President of the United States of America. For some this is considered a great triumph, and for others, a great disappointment. Ever since the live streaming of the polls, millions of tweets and Facebook posts have been flooding the internet regarding the election; some of which have to do with the crashing of the Canadian Citizenship and Immigration website. screen-shot-2016-11-09-at-4-06-49-am Justin Trudeau made a shocking announcement this morning saying that the Canadian government so far has received about 11.5 million immigration applications from American residents wishing to move into the cold north (we’re sure you can guess why). He then proceeded to say that ‘although Canada as a nation sadly will not be able to accept all applications, we will most likely ease our immigration rules to assist our fellow Americans’. Trudeau then follows by outlining Canada’s strongest morals, reflecting on the diversity and acceptance for all people, no matter their background. What do you think about this? Should the Canadian government ease up on the immigration rules for their fellow Americans? Leave your comment below.



It is laughable that Hilary Clinton and President Obama will sponsor Anti-Trump protest 24hrs after they had conceded defeat and congratulated the president elect .

I think Nigerians are better than the Americans on this one.

They forced Buhari on us and we never protested, now we have supported Trump on them and they are on the streets. .

Funny people. ..