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Friday, November 04, 2016
'Make The Blood Of Unbelievers Flow As Rivers' - ISIS Leader Orders Suicide Bombers

After it appears that the Iraqi forces have edged closer to the hideout of the Jihadist militant group, the ISIS leader Abu Bakral –Baghdadi has urged suicide bombers to cause more havoc by attacking the unbelievers who are enemies of God.

In an audio recording released, the terrorist leader who is believed to be trapped inside the city Mosul said:

'Destroy the cities of the unbelievers. 'Turn the nights of the unbelievers into days, to wreck havoc in their land and make their blood flow as rivers, do not retreat, 'Holding your ground with honour is a thousand times easier than retreating in shame.'

Oriental Times: 'Make The Blood Of Unbelievers Flow As Rivers' - ISIS Leader Orders Suicid

Oriental Times: 'Make The Blood Of Unbelievers Flow As Rivers' - ISIS Leader Orders Suicid

Friday, November 04, 2016
Aisha Buhari Appointed Grand Patron Of The Rochas Foundation College Of Africa (Photo)

The wife of the President Mrs. Aisha Buhari has been appointed as the grand patron of the Rochas Foundation College of Africa. The Rochas foundation is a non-governmental, non-political, non profit, non religious humanitarian organization which provides free comprehensive and qualitative education to the less privilege.

As the grand patron, Mrs Buhari will be reaching out to Wives of other African Presidents to help nominate children to benefit from the initiative.

In the photo above are; Head of the Rochas Foundation College of Africa Dr. Kim Guillary Odunlami, Governor of Imo state Gov. Rochas Okorocha, Mrs Aisha Buhari and another guest.

Oriental Times: Aisha Buhari Appointed Grand Patron Of The Rochas Foundation College Of Africa (Phot

Oriental Times: Aisha Buhari Appointed Grand Patron Of The Rochas Foundation College Of Africa (Phot

Friday, November 04, 2016
How Uthman Dan Fodio Stood Against Corruption - VP Osinbajo

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, SAN, waxed historical yesterday as he drew from the recorded words of Uthman Dan Fodiyo, the founder of the Sokoto Caliphate on the need for leaders to stand firm against extremism, injustice and corruption in the country.

Speaking in Sokoto at the 10-year commemoration symposium for the Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar’s (III) ascension to the throne, Prof. Osinbajo recalled the legacy of Dan Fodiyo, stressing that he acknowledged that a leader has the responsibility not to be corrupt and also to look after the well-being of his people.

”He wrote ‘when you find a man who has the tendency to steal, he is in same class as a monkey ", according to the Vice President at the event attended by the Sokoto State Governor Aminu Tambuwal, the Emir of Kano, His Highness Muhammad Sanusi among several other dignataries.

Vice President Osinbajo traced the legacies of past Sultans, their contributions towards promoting justice, jurisprudence and overall development of the society and noted that it was gratifying that Sultan Sa'ad Abubakar, the 20th Sultan took after his forebears.

He noted that his reign has been remarkable given the myriad of challenges which the country has been facing since he ascended the throne, observing that the Sultan is in good standing both with his people and Nigerians.

"You have led by a string values and you have worked hard to break parochial barriers. You have developed deep friendship with leaders such as Cardinal Onayiekan, Bishop Mathew Kukah, Christian leaders and leaders of all faiths locally and internationally", Prof. Osinbajo declared.

He congratulated the Sultan for the milestone recorded in the last decade and praised the Sultan for "your extended great kindness and generosity to so many, regardless of status, recognising common humanity and frailties of all".

Before declaring the symposium open, Vice President Osinbajo prayed for continuing strength, good health, wisdom and long life for the Sultan.

Oriental Times: How Uthman Dan Fodio Stood Against Corruption - VP Osinbajo

Oriental Times: How Uthman Dan Fodio Stood Against Corruption - VP Osinbajo

Friday, November 04, 2016
NJC Finally Bows To Pressure, Suspends 7 Senior Judges Accused Of Corruption

The National Judicial Council, NJC, has suspended seven senior judges arrested in October by the State Security Service for alleged corruption.

The NJC had initially refused to suspend the judges despite public pressure, saying the allegations against them had not been substantiated.

It however said the judges had voluntarily stepped down from court sittings.

The latest decision came after the council’s 7th meeting between Wednesday and Thursday.

A communique issued at the end of the meeting, and signed by NJC’s Director of Information, Soji Oye, said the decision was taken to avoid allowing persons under investigation to partake in presiding over judicial matters at the same time.

“Council also decided that Judicial Officers shall not be standing trial for alleged corruption related offences and be performing judicial functions at the same time,” the communique said.

“Council however decided that it will ensure that Judicial Officers who are being investigated for alleged high profile criminal offences do not perform judicial functions until their cases are concluded.”

Premium Times

Oriental Times: NJC Finally Bows To Pressure, Suspends 7 Senior Judges Accused Of Corruption


I welcome you to this meeting, which is in furtherance to our quest to find a lasting solution to the menace of herdsmen and safeguard the lives and properties of all residents of Ekiti State.
Interestingly, I am wearing two caps today because I am addressing you both as the governor and also as a cattle farmer. Many of you might be unaware that I also rear cattle like you. I have 83 cows too and I have told the person taking care of them that if he goes against the law and any of them is seized, he will be responsible.
Like I have maintained, I do not have anything against the Fulanis or any tribe in Nigeria. It is on record that during my first term, I appointed a man from Malunfashi as a Special Adviser. This term too, I appointed Musa Kanga into the Pilgrims Welfare Board, a Igboman is a councillor in Ward 10 and Ado Local Government.
Rather, my concern as a governor and custodian of the popular mandate of Ekiti State is to protect the lives and properties of all residents of the State, irrespective of their tribe, religion and political party.
It is in pursuit of this vital responsibility of government that we have chosen to control cattle grazing in Ekiti State and it is being done in other civilised countries of the world. Or are cattle breeders leading their cattle across city centres and major roads, with the cows defecating everywhere in cities like London, New York, Paris, or even Accra in Ghana and Mecca in Saudi Arabia?
Let me therefore reiterate that there is no going back on the total enforcement of the Prohibition of Cattle and other Ruminants Grazing in Ekiti State Law, 2016, which came into force on August 29, 2016. It is a law that all residents of Ekiti State must obey.
A situation where herdsmen go about with arms is not acceptable to us here in Ekiti and herdsmen found with arms will be arrested and charged with terrorism.
If we are encouraging our people to embrace farming by giving lands to them to farm through the creation of Land Banks in the 16 Local Councils, and many of them have borrowed money to invest in farming, when these farmlands being cultivated with borrowed funds are destroyed by herdsmen, who are also engaged in their own form of farming, how do we get others to embrace farming?
In Oke Ako-Ekiti last May, two persons were killed, people’s wives raped by those hiding under the guise of rearing cattle and I expected then that leaders of the Miyetti Allah will show greater concern, but that never happened.
I was therefore miffed when I read in the newspapers that the Miyetti Allah threatened a reprisal attack on the government and people of Ekiti State and I, as the one the people elected to provide them must not shy away from that responsibility of protecting the people against any aggressor.
When I heard that you were coming to invade our land, we were also prepared for you people because I am not one of the governors that are afraid of anyone.
Some people, because of politics took leaders of Miyetti Allah in Abuja to the Presidential Villa and I ask them, is Ekiti the same as Abuja? Is Senator Babafemi Ojudu who met Miyetti Allah in the Villa in Abuja the governor of Ekiti State? Did he take any step when his own people were attacked and killed?
As I speak to you today, I am reiterating that Ekiti people and all residents of the State will be protected with everything within my power. That is my duty as a governor and I will perform it without fear or favour.
I however appreciate the fact that you have now seen reasons that you should cooperate with the government to enforce the anti-grazing law. I am glad that you have now realised that strict compliance with the law is in the interest of all of us.
On the claim that the Ekiti Grazing Enforcement Marshals were shooting cows, let me state here that it is a white lie from those whose interest is bitter politics.
As cattle farmers, which I am one, we must realise that we are not different from other farmers. We are not also different from other businessmen who own business premises where they transact their businesses. If fish farmers are providing their own ponds and poultry farmers building their own pens, while also buying feed for their animals, there is no reason we as cattle farmers should not also provide our own ranch and feed our cows without encroaching on other people’s farmlands and properties.
Therefore, you have a duty to join in the crusade to free our State from the menace of herdsmen. You must expose those hiding under cattle grazing to perpetrate crimes like armed robbery, murder, rape and wilful destruction of people’s properties.
It was in view of this new approach that I directed the suspension of activities of the Ekiti Grazing Enforcement Marshals (EGEM) till today, so as to enable the free movement of your cattle to designated ranches in the State and I am sure that must have been done.
Today, I am giving cattle farmers in the State 14 days to register with traditional rulers in the communities where they are operating while the traditional rulers will forward the registered herdsmen to the State government.
Once again, I thank you for your support and as your governor, I make bold to say expressly that even as cattle farmers, it is my duty to protect your lives and properties and no matter the situation, I will never shy away from this responsibility.
Thank you.


USA POLITICS TODAY| Hillary Clinton has not only betrayed the Democrats she has betrayed the entire country. The FBI now has announced that they are “99% sure” that at least 5 foreign intelligence agencies were able to hack into Clinton’s private server and acquire items of national security.


This is absolutely ridiculous. She should be in jail for letting even one foreign person have access to classified information. This all happened because she was trying to cover her a** by keeping her files and emails on a private server that she controlled, in order to keep any unwanted eyes that might catch her completely oblivious to all of her criminal activities.

For all we know this was a giant scheme for her to sell national security secrets for money like Bill Clinton sold pardons for donations to funnel money into the Clinton Foundation.

Hillary Clinton can’t be trusted at all. There is no way on earth that we can trust someone that has lost our nations secrets to at least five of our enemies!

This is not the sign of a leader. This is the sign of a incompetent imbecile that shouldn’t be allowed to even know her own secrets because she might lose those too!

Lou Dobbs just spoke on the issue:

Lou Dobbs: Investigators are now, as I said to you at the outset, 99% sure that as many as five foreign intelligence agencies were able to hack into the Clinton email server.

Hillary Clinton can’t be trusted at all and that is exactly why she should be both in prison and not in the running to be President of the United States!

Donald Trump wouldn’t share our nations secrets with our enemies! He would get our enemies secrets instead!

Please share this before Hillary Clinton tries to cover it up forever!

malachy Alaefule changed his profile picture
8 yrs


NBC Busted with Hillary Victory Results 6 Days Before Election
By Proud Conservative
Posted on November 3, 2016

We have been saying for months that this election is going to be rigged and Donald Trump has been telling America the exact same thing. What you are about to see below proves, once again, the fix is in for Hillary.

NBC has been caught posting election results showing a Hillary victory 6 days before the election. The entire thing is broken down on video below.

Kit Daniels reports, “Political activists discovered a hidden web site for WRCB out of Chattanooga, Tenn. showing election results with Hillary Clinton securing 343 electoral votes and 42% of the popular vote.”

“The web site originated from the FTP server of WorldNow, a media software company that provides real-time data – such as election results – and other media assets to local news stations.” It’s important to note that WorldNow does NOT have employees that did this. World Now is a software as a service, so an NBC insider did this

Pls how can one add friends from his facebook account

The Fix Is In: NBC Affiliate Accidentally Posts Election Results A Week Early: Hillary Wins Presidency 42% to Trump’s 40%
Mac Slavo
November 2nd, 2016

ttanooga, Tennessee has inadvertently posted election night results. The results page appears to be similar to what mainstream news networks display on election night, including Presidential and Congressional results, the popular vote count, electoral votes, and percentage of precincts reporting.

The page, a screen shot of which has been sourced from internet archive site The Wayback Machine, is posted below and shows totals for the upcoming Presidential race. It announces Hillary Clinton as the winner.

As Jim Stone notes, the page was pulled directly from the content management platform utilized by major networks like NBC, CBS, ABC and Fox and appears to be a non-public staging area for news and election results.

Though the results information appears on an FTP server at, media companies like NBC’s WRCB TV utilize the platform, also know as “Frankly,” to power their news content. This can be verified directly a the WRCB web site by scrolling to the very bottom of the page footer which notes that it is, “Powered By Frankly.”

In addition to national results, Jim Stone has identified another page at the FTP server that appears to show the State-By-State Presidential election results. This page is also accessible in archive format at WayBack Machine with a line by line breakdown available at Stone’s website.

Of interest is that the State-By-State results indicate a Hillary Clinton win in states like Texas (42% to 40%), Florida (44% to 40%) and Pennsylvania (44% to 40%) which have all been identified as states Clinton must steal to win the election.

Do these latest election “results” confirm that the fix is in and the vote is rigged?

If so, then we are no longer looking at an election where our votes will count, but rather, a selection where the winner is determined by those who count the votes.