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In what appears like a criticism of his successor’s
selective anti-corruption war, and intolerance for
freedom of speech, former President, Goodluck
Jonathan, has tactically revealed why he did not
detain President Muhammadu Buhari, during his
Recall, that prior to the 2015 election, Buhari, the
then Presidential candidate of the All Progressives
Congress, APC, had threatened violence, if the 2015
elections were rigged in favour of the Peoples
Democratic Party, PDP.
“If what happened in 2011 (alleged
rigging) should again happen in 2015, by
the grace of God, the dog and the baboon
would all be soaked in blood.’’ Buhari
had said.
Speaking at a dinner he attended in the United
States, on Saturday evening, Jonathan said, “under
my watch, not a single Nigerian was sent to prison,
because of anything they wrote, or said about me, or
the administration that I headed,”
He added that, “Nigeria had neither
political prisoners, nor political exile
under my administration.”
Jonathan, who was the keynote Speaker at the
Nigerian Lawyers Association’s Annual Dinner and
Merit Awards ceremony, held in New York,
mentioned some factors he considered to be his
administration’s democratic credentials.

The federal government needs $30bn loan: The logic of elected officials and why the National Assembly must act

The federal government made a request to the National Assembly for permission to borrow about $30bn. The plan is to use the funds to execute “key infrastructure projects” between 2016 and 2018.

The amount requested is staggering. To put it in context, Nigeria’s total external debt as at July 31st was just over $11bn. Nigeria’s total public debt, including those of states was anywhere from $43bn to $58bn depending on the exchange rate. From this perspective, $30bn is a big number. If you throw in the fact that the federal government is already spending over 35 percent of its revenue servicing current debt, then you must wonder. It does appear that the federal government is determined to walk back into the debt crisis of the 1990s.

These numbers are not difficult to calculate. On the face of it you might ask yourself, doesn’t the federal government see these facts? If they do, then why do they continue as if there are no risks? To understand why, we have to take a journey into the reality of democratic politics and debt.

Nigeria is democracy. Every four years we elect some officials to run government on our behalf. They have a four-year mandate to deliver on promises and then, either get kicked out or re-elected. At least we like to think that’s how it works. However, because of this four-year cycle, elected officials tend to think only of the next election. Almost every project is judged on its ability to deliver for the next election. Anything after that can be worried about later.
We have seen this kind of short-term thinking in various policy actions. The most notable is the decision made by the Goodluck Jonathan government to virtually double all salaries before the elections in 2011. Of course, labour greeted the salary increase with aplomb, but the decision went on to haunt the regime after the elections. The salary burden, combined with fuel subsidy payments, were a big part of why that regime could not spend enough on necessary infrastructure.

The country is once again faced with the same scenario. The Federal Government wants to take on a humongous amount of extra debt. Debt that will almost surely lead to an unsustainable debt burden soon, although probably not before the next elections. The federal government is opting to spend large today, and leave future problems for future governments.
ALSO READ Senate kicks against N309bn electricity bond

Ironically, we have been here before. In the late 1970s, Nigeria was suffering from the consequences of an oil price collapse. In 1978, due to strains on government finances and external reserves, the government resorted to international debt markets to finance itself. Between 1978 and 1982, a couple of “jumbo loans” were negotiated with international financiers. The logic seemed sound at the time. Establishment of a steel industry here. Industrial expansion there. And so on. In 1977, Nigeria’s external debt stood at around $684m. By 1983 it had risen to $23.4bn. Of course, we know how the story goes. The steel plant didn’t quite work out. The industrial plans even less so. Soon the government couldn’t even service the debt leading to accumulated arrears and then a full-blown debt crisis. The debt went on to hobble government finances for almost two decades with a major share of government revenue going to just servicing the debt. The federal government only got out of the debt problems in 2005 when the country was able to negotiate a debt cancellation combined with a lump sum payment. In summary, the federal government in 1979, faced with an oil price crash-induced cash crunch, took on humongous debt which went on to hobble the activities of future governments for decades.
ALSO READ Senate kicks against N309bn electricity bond

We have come a long way as a country since the 1980’s. We now supposedly have institutions that are supposed to consider the long-term implications of any policy. The proposal to raise $30bn in external debt has the potential to cause longer term damage to the federal government’s finances. The national assembly must act to make sure the damage doesn’t happen.

I am not here to argue against external borrowing. We have huge infrastructure challenges which must be addressed (Although I do not think the government can finance that on its own but more on that in another article). Given those challenges there is always a case to for external borrowing. However, the risks should be considered. In my opinion the national assembly must require three things before any approval is given.

First, the federal government must do a proper debt sustainability analysis, taking different scenarios into account. The difficult questions must be answered. What happens to government finances if the revenue projections do not materialize? What happens if the currency continues to depreciate? What happens if the price of crude oil never recovers?
Second, the national assembly must ensure that safeguards are put in place so that every single cent borrowed goes directly into infrastructure projects. The details of the proposed spending plan, which are still very vague, already has things like “budget support”, code for paying salaries and random spending. That cannot be allowed to stand.

Finally, the federal government must commit to a plan to get its spending under control. The federal government is notorious for reckless spending and that must change. The executive arm must commit to a specific plan to rebalance non-debt spending away from recurrent expenditure.
ALSO READ Senate kicks against N309bn electricity bond

We talk a lot about how we are a democracy and building strong institutions for a better Nigeria. The National Assembly must now demonstrate that it can do its job of safeguarding the future for Nigerians.

David Prince changed his profile picture
8 yrs


Tuesday, 1 November 2016
I will ensure the liberation of Biafrans and other African nations shackled with artificial colonial maps- Donald Trump pledges to support Biafra self determination
I will ensure the liberation of Biafrans and other African nations shackled with artificial colonial maps- Donald Trump pledges to support Biafra self determination
Donald Trump, the Republican candidate in the United States forthcoming election has issued a Statement Regarding his foreign policy towards African countries. The statement which was obtained through one of his local aid in the great state of Ohio shows that Mr. Trump is going to be the best American president for African nations. He clearly stated that he is in total support of right to self-determination of any ethnic minority that want freedom from artificial countries created by the colonialist. He further explain that it is a very sacred right express by all free people to declare their independence from where they already are.

He used the Brexit referendum a reference to his new policy toward Africa, he believe that political conflicts across Africa will reduce if Africans are allowed to create their countries according to their God giving boundary. He want Africans to embrace peaceful referendum like United Kingdom instead of forced unity that cost millions of lives without meaningful progress.

The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy. A Trump Administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense.” The whole world is more peaceful and stable when people are allowed to exercise their right to self-determination, people will pledge allegiance to their God giving identity and natural boundary. He further promised that he will not engage in evil regime change policy of Obama administration which destabilized Libya and many other African countries”. The regime change of Clinton/Obama brought chaos, instability, destruction and death to many African people.

He promised to look into Biafra case and see how he can help in achieving peaceful political solution without bloodshed. He told the Biafra flag waiving man at his rally that “if the people of Biafra want Republic of Biafra, it will be a reality during my administration”. He further told the Biafran agitators to hold on help is on the way.
Under my Administration, Africans will have the right to redraw their map trough referendum and peaceful political process just like we have in Europe and other developed part of the world. Under Trump Administration we will remove the embargo placed on Nigerians by Obama administration concerning Visa lottery program, he said Nigerians are smart and intelligent people, they contributed immensely to the development of modern America, we want them here in large number and my administration will enroll them back in visa lottery program, Obama is unfair to his fellow Blacks for removing the giant of Africa from the program he said.

Daily News


6 days ago News, Uncategorized, USA

There is a city in the United States that has the highest concentration of Muslims. That would be the city of Dearborn, Michigan. There was a video released that says that some Muslim residents would either flee the country or stay and fight the rhetoric that Trump is using.

The Muslim residents there say that Trump would be a danger to the United States of America. The Republican presidential nominee has said that “Islam hates us” and those residents don’t agree with that. Some have said that they will leave for Canada if Trump becomes President.

In that case, BYE! No one is stopping you from leaving this country. In fact many people would be willing to pack your bags FOR YOU. One person seems to think that by threatening to leave the country it’s going to change the mind of Trump. “If Donald Trump becomes President, then I have a message for Trudeau in Canada: You’re going to get an influx of Muslims coming your way.”

Is that supposed to be a threat? If so it’s not a very effective one. It’s actually laughable that they think that is a threat. It might be a threat to Canada, but not the United States.

Then comes the section of “Radical Islam.” That is where the people get the most delusional. Anything that is radical can be considered bad. It’s a fact. Well another person in the video has this to say about Trump and “Radical Islam.”

“His goal is to upset and anger people.” The only reason that people are going to get upset about this is because they are facts! If the comeback you have against a fact is that it shouldn’t be stated because it’s going “upset and anger people” then you need a reality check.

Some people that were interviewed want to argue that “radical Islam” is hurting people everywhere. “It is hurting not just the Muslim community, but any minority.” Well here’s a question for you. When was the last time that the term “radical Islam” actually helped anyone? That is because IT HASN’T. So for you to say that it’s hurting people is a fact! Yes facts are scary to liberals, but you cannot deny this.

They believe that Trump is the reason that people have such a negative view of Muslims and Islam. Except that isn’t the case. The City of Dearborn has an Arab Festival every year. Well during this event a Christianity group had decided to go out to the event and try and tell people about the Christian religion.

They weren’t doing anything wrong. They were literally standing there with their signs. And what did the people of the supposedly “peaceful” religion do? Well they started pelting the Christians with anything they could throw. That included shoes, water bottles, and even bits of concrete! Because that’s peaceful.

So even though they have people throwing objects at followers of another religion, Trump is the reason that people in the United States have an unfavorable opinion on Muslims and Islam. Because that makes a lot of sense.

To make matters even worse, at this festival the cops wouldn’t do anything against the Muslims who were throwing whatever they could at the Christians. The Christian group was talking to the police and straight up asking them why they weren’t doing anything to help. This was all recorded on video.

Probably the most interesting part was that the Christianity group says that this same thing HAPPENED THE PREVIOUS YEAR. And the cops STILL did nothing. You can clearly hear the head of the group saying, “The reason that this is going on now is because of what happened last year. What happened last year is you allowed it to escalate into this.”

Well the police officer didn’t like that he was challenged like that. When someone else said, “you are here to protect our rights” the officer shot back, “I am here to protect everyone!” Well if that is the case, then why didn’t they stop the Muslims from attacking the Christian group?

So once again it seems that the Muslim residents of Dearborn, Michigan are going to continue saying that Trump is the reason that they are treated bad. Not because of the incidents like what happened at the Arab Festival. It can’t be that.

Not to mention that it is radical Islamic terrorists that are the reason people are nervous around them! You have this specific group that has caused many American citizens to die and the citizens of Dearborn, Michigan STILL think that it is Trump’s fault.

China to launch first e-commerce satellite in 2017

China plans to launch its first e-commerce satellite in 2017, with the primary purpose of using satellite data in agriculture.

Han Qingping, President of the Chinarocket Co., Ltd, on Monday announced the plan during an international aviation and aerospace forum in Zhuhai.

He said at the forum that launching such satellite has become imperative because in an era of space economy, the potential of a commercial space industry is immeasurable.
Qingping disclosed that in 2015, the value of the global space industry in China amounted to 330 billion dollars, 76 per cent of which resulted from commercial activities.

Hu Chaobin, an official from the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense, said during the forum that Chinese authorities are making efforts, including legislation, to support and regulate the development of a commercial space industry.

He said China is speeding up the making of space law, with the aim of having completed drafting the law by the end of this year.

One in seven kids suffers acute air pollution, says UNICEF
By Chinedum Uwaegbulam and Chukwuma Muanya | 01 November 2016 | 4:33 am


• Onitsha, Aba, Kaduna among most polluted cities
• Govt deploys 1,473 midwives to health facilities

From the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) has come a revelation that one in every seven of the world’s 300 million children lives in areas with the most toxic levels of outdoor air pollution that are six or more times higher than international guidelines.

The new fact came on the heels of data from the World Health Organisation (WHO) pointing to some striking findings, including the inclusion of several Nigerian cities among the top 10 most polluted by PM10 (particulate matter) standards. Moreover, many of the most polluted places in the world are no longer megacities and capitals, but rather medium-sized cities, suburban and manufacturing centres.

The most polluted city in the world (by PM10 measurements) is now Onitsha in Nigeria. Two other Nigerian cities, Kaduna and Aba, are also among the top 10 most polluted cities.

The UNICEF’s “Clear the Air for Children” report uses satellite imagery to show, for the first time, how many children are exposed to outdoor pollution that exceeds global guidelines set by the WHO, and where they live across the globe.

The findings came a few days ahead of the COP 22 in Marrakesh, Morocco, where UNICEF is calling on world leaders to take urgent action to cut air pollution in their countries.

“Air pollution is a major contributing factor in the deaths of around 600,000 children under five every year – and it threatens the lives and futures of millions more every day,” UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake said.

“Pollutants don’t only harm children’s developing lungs – they can actually cross the blood-brain barrier and permanently damage their developing brains – and, thus, their futures. No society can afford to ignore air pollution.”

The satellite imagery confirms that around two billion children live in areas where outdoor air pollution, caused by factors such as vehicle emissions, heavy use of fossil fuels, dust and burning of waste, exceeds minimum air quality guidelines set by the WHO. South Asia has the largest number of children living in these areas, at 620 million, with Africa following at 520 million children. The East Asia and Pacific region has 450 million children living in areas that exceed guideline limits.

The study also examined the heavy toll of indoor pollution, commonly caused by use of fuels like coal and wood for cooking and heating, which mostly affect children in low-income, rural areas.

Together, outdoor and indoor air pollution are directly linked to pneumonia and other respiratory diseases that account for almost one in 10 under-five deaths, making air pollution one of the leading dangers to children’s health.

Children are more susceptible than adults to both indoor and outdoor air pollution as their lungs, brains and immune systems are still developing and their respiratory tracks are more permeable. Young children also breathe faster than adults, and take in more air relative to their body weight. The most disadvantaged, who already tend to have poorer health and inadequate access to health services, are the most vulnerable to the illnesses caused by polluted air.

To protect children from air pollution, UNICEF is asking world leaders attending COP 22 to, among others:
• Reduce pollution- All countries should work to meet WHO global air quality guidelines to enhance the safety and wellbeing of children. To achieve this, governments should adopt such measures as cutting back on fossil fuel combustion and investing in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources; and

The Executive Secretary, Friends of the Environment, Mr. Chike Chikwendu, told The Guardian that the new development was disturbing. He explained that children are more susceptible to air pollution and diseases such as lung cancer, which is more prevalent now.

READ how lack of these nutrients result in Confusion , Forgetfulness , Restlessness , Anxiety , Depression, Hallucination , Apathy etc.

READ how the lack of these nutrients result in Confusion, Forgetfulness, Restlessness, Anxiety, Depr

READ how the lack of these nutrients result in Confusion, Forgetfulness, Restlessness, Anxiety, Depr

Here’s what the £12,000 sex robots on sale in 2017 will do - by a robot expert
Sex robots may seem like a far-off science fiction fantasy - but talking metal and plastic sex machines will be here by next year, an expert has predicted.

The machines - equipped with warm ‘human-like’ genitals - will move and vibrate in response to their ‘masters’ and ‘mistresses’, an expert has said.

Writing in the Mail on Sunday, David Levy author of Love and Sex With Robots says, ‘This coming wave of sex robots will be humanlike in appearance and size. They will have human-like genitals. And they will allow intercourse according to their owner’s sexual orientation and tastes.

‘The machines in question are being developed by Abyss Creations at their Californian factory, and are likely to retail for around $15,000 (£12,30. But we can be certain that rival companies in America, Japan and Korea are scrambling to catch up.
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‘We can expect the first ones to resemble the current RealDolls, a range of expensive but extraordinarily detailed silicone sex dolls made in America, but with more ‘functionality’. This will be comparatively limited at first – some basic words, some simple movements and vibrations in response to touch.

But the technology is set to advance - rapidly.

‘The real point, though, is this: as time goes by they will become ever more lifelike as technology advances and new material becomes available and affordable.

‘Synthetic skin embedded with electronic sensors will enable the robots to react with (artificial) pleasure as they are caressed by their owner-lovers, for example. And as Artificial Intelligence researchers improve the quality of computer-generated conversation, robots will develop the skills needed for seduction and the whispering of sweet nothings during love-making.

NFF meets Akwa Ibom government today over Algeria clash

The Nigeria Football Federation’s (NFF) Technical Committee and some Super Eagles’ officials will meet with the Akwa Ibom State government today to fine tune arrangement for the Russia 2018 World Cup qualifier against Algeria scheduled for next weekend in Uyo.

According to NFF Secretary General, Mohammed Sanusi, before the meeting, the parties would inspect facilities at the Godswill Akpabio Stadium to ascertain their state of readiness for the match, which victory would consolidate Nigeria’s lead in Group B of the African qualifying series.

Sanusi added that the visit, the second since the match was awarded to Akwa Ibom State, would afford the stakeholders the chance to put strategies in place to ensure a hiccup-free game, stressing that the Federation was working round the clock to ensure the Super Eagles are well prepared to beat Algeria.
“Inspecting facilities, hotel and security situation would be the highlight of their visit. Also, the NFF would solicit assistance from the state government in any capacity for the tie.

“Already, we have dispatched letters of invitation to the players invited for the game. All hands are on deck to ensure the Eagles get the best preparations,’’ he said.

The November 12 game against Algeria will be Nigeria’s 50th World Cup qualifying home match.

In their previous 49 home matches, the Super Eagles had won 39 and drawn seven, while losing three.

The first home match for Nigeria was on September 10, 1960, when they tied 2-2 with Ghana’s Black Stars in Lagos.