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igodomigo Suleman changed his profile picture
8 yrs




Saturday October 29, 2016


“And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day” (Genesis 32:24)

Whatever we want to achieve in the physical, will first be achieved in the spiritual. We need to prevail with God before we prevail with man.

Now Jacob was a blessed man and he desired to settle, increase the more and multiply the more. But there was a problem. Is there anything from your past you need to deal with, repent about, take away from your life or avoid so as to settle into this new lifting Yahweh has for you beloved?

Jacob had cheated the brother several years ago and now his brother has become wealthy and strong and this was a good reason for him to be afraid!

Esau obviously angry and furious at his brother Jacob got his army ready to destroy him. Jacob acknowledging this and his horrible deeds in the past that has now become a barrier to him had to seek God’s supernatural intervention. He insisted on God to bless him, before he moved on to face Esau, knowing that whosoever God has blesses, no man can curse him. As you go into November the month of enlargement on every side, get it right with God in all aspects of your life. Seek His blessings and watch all (your enemies and past mistakes inclusive) work together for your good.


1) Thank God for preserving you even when you didn’t deserve it.

2) My Father and my God I acknowledge all that I had done that has become a barrier to me today. Forgive me, cleanse me, change me, bless me and move me forward in Jesus Christ name, amen.

3) My Father and my God, as the month of October comes to an end, whatever that belongs to me in this month but still not in my hands, physically or spiritually give it to me in Jesus Christ name, amen. (Pray in tongues now)


(Anglais et français)

Samedi 29 Octobre, 2016

La vraie bataille PREND PLACE DANS L'ESPRIT.

"Et Jacob resta seul; et un homme lutta avec lui jusqu'au lever du jour "(Genèse 32:24)

Tout ce que nous voulons atteindre dans le physique, sera d'abord réalisé dans le spirituel. Nous avons besoin de l'emporter avec Dieu avant que nous ne l’emportions avec l'homme.

Jacob était un homme béni et il voulait régler, augmenter et multiplier. Mais il y avait un problème. Y at-il quelque chose de votre passé, auquel vous devez faire face, repentez-vous, rejetez-le loin de votre vie de manière à ce que rien ne se lève contre vous dans cette nouvelle promotion que Yahweh a pour vous bien-aimé?

Jacob avait trompé son frère quelques années auparavant et maintenant son frère est devenu riche et fort et ce fut une bonne raison pour lui d'avoir peur!

Esaü était évidemment en colère et furieux contre son frère Jacob, il a son armée prête à le détruire. Jacob reconnaissant cela et ses actes horribles dans le passé qui sont maintenant devenus un obstacle a dû demander l'intervention surnaturelle de Dieu. Il a demandé avec insistance à Dieu de le bénir, avant qu’il ne soit face à Esaü, sachant que quiconque Dieu a bénit, personne ne peut le maudire. Comme vous entrez dans le mois de Novembre le mois de l'élargissement de tous les côtés, faites les choses avec Dieu dans tous les aspects de votre vie. Cherchez ses bénédictions et regardez tout (vos ennemis et les erreurs du passé inclus) travailler ensemble pour votre bien.


1) Remerciez Dieu, pour vous préserver même si vous ne le méritez pas.

2) Mon Père et mon Dieu je reconnais tout ce que j’ai fait qui est devenu un obstacle pour moi aujourd'hui. Pardonne-moi, purifie-moi, change-moi, bénis-moi et déplace-moi vers l'avant au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen.

3) Mon Père et mon Dieu, comme le mois d'Octobre se termine, donne-moi tout ce qui m'appartient dans ce mois-ci, mais qui n’est pas encore en ma possession, physiquement ou spirituellement au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen. (Priez en langues maintenant)




02:56 - 0 Comments


By Orji Lois Ezinne

For Family Writers

President Muhammadu Buhari oppressive and dictitive administration seems to be getting in the way of his family as well. After so much tension and terror been exhibited by his dictatorial government, his family seems to be getting the heat and pressure as well and not just that, his wife Aisha Buhari, has come out to publicly speak against his method of leadership. Even his daughter, Zaria Buhari was caught on Twitter saying, she's was disappointed and frustrated by the way her father was running Nigeria.

This whole outburst from family members hasn't gone down well with president Buhari, most especially the interview Aisha Buhari granted with BBC Hausa didn't sink well with Buhari. Now, President Muhammadu Buhari has ordered the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) to probe his wife, just because Mrs. Aisha criticized him publicly. Mrs. Buhari revealed that her husband's government has been hijacked by cabals who now run the affairs of the country. She made this outburst to alert Nigerians that those Buhari and herself do not know are the ones within the cabinet; not those who suffered to make sure Buhari won the 2015 election. Since Buhari does not know what is called 'freedom of speech', he still lives in the past; and as a result of his tyrannical leadership, any attempt to criticise his ills is tantamount to punishment no matter who is involved and that includes his wife.

In response to the outburst of the wife, Buhari dropped a bombshell while on a visit to Germany- "my wife belongs to the kitchen, my sitting room and the other rooms". He dished out this callous statement thereby underestimating his wife's personality as the wife of the President of Nigeria. This was reported in various social media, some media even alleged that Buhari was set to divorce his wife over her outburst. For fear of Buhari's treatment, Aisha Buhari fled to UK to seek for asylum. She is currently undergoing the process of seeking asylum secretly should anything happen to her. Also bear in mind that president Muhammadu Buhari has promised to make sure no one stands in his way, not even his own wife is free to speak out in his tyrannical government.

This is the level of monocracy now going on in Nigeria. President Muhammadu Buhari is not spearing anyone who still believes in the Democratic process in Nigeria. Even the judiciary has no say, talk more of Aisha Buhari. Welcome to Nigeria under Dictator Muhammadu Buhari, a country with no rules of law.




By Orji Lois Ezinne

For Family Writers

President Muhammadu Buhari oppressive and dictitive administration seems to be getting in the way of his family as well. After so much tension and terror been exhibited by his dictatorial government, his family seems to be getting the heat and pressure as well and not just that, his wife Aisha Buhari, has come out to publicly speak against his method of leadership. Even his daughter, Zaria Buhari was caught on Twitter saying, she's was disappointed and frustrated by the way her father was running Nigeria.

This whole outburst from family members hasn't gone down well with president Buhari, most especially the interview Aisha Buhari granted with BBC Hausa didn't sink well with Buhari. Now, President Muhammadu Buhari has ordered the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) to probe his wife, just because Mrs. Aisha criticized him publicly. Mrs. Buhari revealed that her husband's government has been hijacked by cabals who now run the affairs of the country. She made this outburst to alert Nigerians that those Buhari and herself do not know are the ones within the cabinet; not those who suffered to make sure Buhari won the 2015 election. Since Buhari does not know what is called 'freedom of speech', he still lives in the past; and as a result of his tyrannical leadership, any attempt to criticise his ills is tantamount to punishment no matter who is involved and that includes his wife.

In response to the outburst of the wife, Buhari dropped a bombshell while on a visit to Germany- "my wife belongs to the kitchen, my sitting room and the other rooms". He dished out this callous statement thereby underestimating his wife's personality as the wife of the President of Nigeria. This was reported in various social media, some media even alleged that Buhari was set to divorce his wife over her outburst. For fear of Buhari's treatment, Aisha Buhari fled to UK to seek for asylum. She is currently undergoing the process of seeking asylum secretly should anything happen to her. Also bear in mind that president Muhammadu Buhari has promised to make sure no one stands in his way, not even his own wife is free to speak out in his tyrannical government.

This is the level of monocracy now going on in Nigeria. President Muhammadu Buhari is not spearing anyone who still believes in the Democratic process in Nigeria. Even the judiciary has no say, talk more of Aisha Buhari. Welcome to Nigeria under Dictator Muhammadu Buhari, a country with no rules of law.

All hail United States of biafra for life no going back

Friends am happy being on nkoli lets make new friends here

Am new here and am looking for direction

Kingsley kenechukwu changed his profile picture
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nwa bishop bishop changed his profile picture
8 yrs
