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8 yrs


FREEDOM FOR TRUE BELIEVERS(My inspiration from ELOHIM unto the lost ships and ignorant remainant churches"ISAIAH 56:6-8". By Charles I. Ikeoha. The genesis of iniquity in human race started with the First world colonial Empire that ever existed including its sub-regions.Babylon is fallen for she taught all nations of the world to worship idols rather than the MOSTHIGH of ISRAEL (Rev14:8-12,psalm147:19,20,Exod3:15,psalm96:5,psalm97:7,9,Exod23:13,33,Dan8:25,26,prov30:4-6,jerem10:25). He that readeth let Him understand (Rev1:3,2thess2:3,4,mthw23:9"vatican city Rome",Rev15:4).Over 2600years ago,the prophet Daniel foretold the rise of the Great world Empires (Dan2:32,33,Dan7:2,17,Rev17:15,Jerem4:11-16). The First Empire was Babylonian world EMPIRE (head of gold and the lion(a popular symbol of Babylon-608-538BC).The eagle's wings discribes the speedy conquests by king Nebuchadnezzar (Dan7:4).This Empire was made up of Lydia(current Lybia),Egypt(sub-headquaters) and and Babylon as the headquaters. The second Empire was the Medo-Persia.In the Year 538BC,the dual Empires of the medes and persians was established.The 3ribs in the mouth of the bear represent the 3 conquered countries of Lydia,Egypt and Babylon. The Persians were stronger than the Medes and remained in Power longer(note:"it raised up itself on one side"Dan7:5).The third world Powers were the GREECE (Dan7:6).The speed at which Alexander the Great conquered many nations within a very short period made GREECE a world Power and that represents the four wings(331BC).After He died,the Empire was divided into 4 parts by His generals; The Thrace,Syria(Former Assyria/current Cyria),Macedonia and Egypt(Note the four heads). Remember, Egypt Remains the ONLY nation who became the sub-region of two world EMPIRES,ie..Empire of Babylon and Empire of GREECE( A common factor nation in both stronge Empires that ruled the world. The Fourth was ROMAN EMPIRE (Dan7:7)in the Year 168BC the ROMANS established an Empire. Because of the severity and intolerance with which they subdued other nations,this Empire was known as "The Iron kingdom"(Note the Iron legs of the image and the teeth of the beast). The Fift Empire was EUROPE(Dan7:24). As a risen of mass migration(351-476AD) the ROMAN Empire was broken up into 10 smaller European kingdoms(note the 10 horns and 10 toes).The divided thriving horns and the not cleaving together even as the mixing of Iron with clay of the 10 toes represents the impossibility of a lasting united EUROPE. Even till now Europe is still dividing amongst itself with several disagreements. (Dan7:8) prophet Daniel saw another Power rising up in Europe. The papacy year 508AD pegans of vatican city the left stubborn Powers of the united ROMAN EMPIRE still making waves till this later days(we use ROMAN calinder till date,many don't know why."which was used before the roman calinder?".During the dark ages,people were forced to accept the catholic faith(crusades).Over centuries,even kings and Emperors of Europe were forced to humbly submit to the decisions of the pegans papal popes of vatican city ROME.They counter the messages(crusades) of supposed Truth from ISRAEL(Psalm147:19-2 and replaced it with there deformed and adultrated lies,they copied and edited versions of ISRAEL's genuine History and replaced it with the names of other idols with different names as they circulated errors to all parts of the world(Jerem8:8,Dan8:25,Dan7:25,Romans1:18-32,mark7:7,8,9,prov30:4-6,Jerem16:19-21).The broad way to destruction is man made christainity from pegans origin.Sunday worships Remains devilish foundation fake traditions emerged with Israeli patterns, but the Messainic SHABBATH is the Narrow way ONLY few can carefully find. Do not make mension of these edited ROMAN idols on the Shabbath,its a big error from the jesuit inteligence to believers without Sound Reasoning. Dan7:20,24,25,2thess2:3,4,Rev15:4.The pegans are the little horns that uprooted 3 other horns to take a stand. Meaning,they destroyed(plucked out by the root)3 nations which are Heruli,Vandals,and Ostrogoths who resisted the Power of this little horn being early ROMAN church formation forcing nations to accept there catholic faith(lies) through there secret Militry group called the jesuits(Highly informed,possible disguice with deadly skills,dominates top and prominent positions in the world, loyal till death,secret missions,etc). Papacy(pegans) came up amongst the 10 Germanic tribes which consisted of a union between church and state,where the church(popes)is the dominating Power. Dan8:25,Dan2:34,35,44,psalm 18:32,Rev1:7, Rev14:6-12,Dan7:9-10,26,Rev20:12,2corinth4:4,Jerem5:30,31,2peter2:1-3,21. Listen attentively you ignorant believers of the end time and be of Sound reasoning with sound mind to be able to download of the spirit, the Precious revelations of the original truth from the ALMIGHTY ONE and ONLY CREATOR of the universe who's Supreme name written and called by Him Remains "YOD HEY WAW HEY"(YHWH/nin'. This GREAT name is also linked to the Mighty name He gave to the Messiah(Jhn17:11,12,25,26)and is being systematically hunted and abused by satanic agents from devil himself(Jesuits,Vatican city of ROMAN EMPIRE" EUROPEANS).This is because these given names of the MOSTHIGH Remains so PURE(KODESH) that in the early days,any evil dubious iniquity contained mind or soul that mensions that Mighty name faces instant repacution of evil recompense.Same happens even when its mensioned amist evil event or gathering. In order to dilute the Power in that name,in order to stratagice and wask more stronger in evil deeds,for promotion and development of evil to avoid harm,they plotted and Changed the Most Powerful and effective dynamic names that is meant to be ONE Name(YHWH-this Mighty name is a stronge secret code to activate the Power in the word(Jhn1:1-5) for genuine believers,that's why satan edited the names,beware) and NO other name given from generation to generation (Exod3:15,Jerem8:8,Dan7:25).This particular injustice and sacrilage was able to manifest due to prophecy told before this encumbent generation came.Vatican city of ROMAN EMPIRE masterminded these error for decades with evil Wisdom (Jesuits-Meaning loyalist of jesus christ).What was the name of the Messiah before 15th century when the letter "J" came into existance in Europeans english alphabets?A question one should ask Himself/Herself.You must understand something about a Name(Deut3:15,prov30:4-6),that's why the word emphasices on the name and it is written,"For there is NO other Name given unto men by which we must be saved"(Acts4:12,Acts2:21,mthw1:21,Jhn17:11,12,Jhn5:43,Isaiah52:6,jhn1:12,Exod3:15,Exod23:20-21,Jerem10:25). Its a pity that many believers today carelessly see themselves as people wiser than the one refered as a wise serpent(samah-El/satan) in the scriptures while they are perfectly danceing to His rythm as planned before the forefathers of there forefather. Many do hear and many more others do say that Modernisation started in Egypt(Mizraim/Babylon sub-quarters) without knowing the concrete baground of those words. Idolatory(idol worship) and Adultary has a very stronge bond and common factor in spiritual interpretations and physical facts(Rev14:8). Egypt is the headquaters of idol worship in the entire world and that is why till date,illuminaty and church of satan is perfectly linked to Egyptian origin(iris) even with its hidden symbols and signs displayed by her loyalist in public places of high importance. At times they signal these loyalty with disguice in classified gathering or occasions like football field,music stands,movies,and diverse conspiqueious ceremonies of world standard host. In early century,evil seeds from other nations of the world in hunger for Modernisation contacted the corrupt development founded in Egypt(Babylon sub-quarters) and transfered it to diverse areas of the world with plans to maintain stronge and effective alliance with regards and loyalty,even the choosen tribe,ISRAEL. Babylon being the First ever world Power subdued many other nations into worship of idols as a heredatery system from a generation to another. When men hear the word iniquity,they mostly don't really understand what it means in the site of the ALMIGHTY CREATOR of HEAVENS and Earth(YHWH). This same mistake became the major problem that scattered ISRAELITES(The promised seeds of Light) to many parts of the world today(Deut4:18,25,26,27/4:15-31,Micah5:7-15). The scattering occured with respect to curses prophecied for forgetting The CREATOR's Mighty name which he revealed to ONLY one nation in this world. The same devil who entered into satanic agents to Change the laws and times(Dan7:25,jerem8:8) for a given period,he also engineered his squad (jesuits of vatican city Empire of Rome)to change and edit the Torah(so called BIBLE named and linked with Babylon by interpretation.Note, the word Holy means sick in Israel,Therefore the secret is that Holy Bible mean sick book from Babylonians craftiness) in direct disobedience to the ALMIGHTY CREATOR of the entire UNIVERSE (Exod.23:13,Rev14:8).They ended up succeeding to edit and replaced the Precious name of "YHWH" and the Messiah for that of man made idols(some in abrieviation)thereby converting majority of human race to displease the MOSTHIGH systematically in diluted ignorance(Have you ever asked youself this question? How come you spell the Word GOD in capital,it becomes the ALMIGHTY and when you spell it in small letters god,it becomes an idol as you were made to believe by the white disguiced pegans? But when you spell SATAN in big or small letters,it still means satan.Even your own name spelt in capital or small letters Remains you.White man(abino) conspirancy it is, indeed.They colonised you africans and colonised your consence,you don't reason well.Most of our hearts truely yourn for Him as the TRUTH but our words Remains a snare of secret accusation by the enemy in our ignorance and carelessness. NO wonder it is written" if the foundations be destroyed,what can the rightious do?",it is also written,"there is no other foundation that is layed,than that which is layed which is YHWHUSHUA"-So brethren,why follow the fake foundations of the Romans church christainity?(jerem8:8,Dan7:25,Dan8:25).Well,I strongely suggest to those who care,since salvation is for the jews First, then the gentiles.In order to learn the genuine ways to serve "YHWH"(Yod Hey Waw Hey/nin',all nations of the world should learn from ISRAEL rather than envying or killing them unjustly(Psalm147:19-2. Its ELOHIM's will for Biafra to Win,forget the Biblical deciet of ROMAN EMPIRE editing the Bible and confusing the Great and strongest descendants of ISRAEL(Ebos/Biafrans) after scattering them from the original land. Telling them to fight a good fight of faith is sin even when they continuiously murder there Innocent children unjustly. Activating Islam against them,permiting repeated genocide on there land. Our Cousins in Israel visited IPOB and opened our eyes to who we are...,the roman Empire used the Bible to divert our curse as warriors,Champions and war lord's of ISRAEL those days.With roman satanic inteligence,heros became inslaved even with there greatest of strienght and creativities. They hated to fight which is even a major process through which they can forever be free. Biafrans are of the Stronge arms of ISRAEL(GAD-Black race)Read; Genesis 49:19,also 46:16, 1chronicles 3:10,Micah5:7-15,Isaiah56:6-8. Eri's descendants includes;Umueri,aguleri,nkwoeri,owerri,obiageri,nmbieri etc.Arodi's descendants includes; Aro-chukwu,Aro-ndiizuogu,Aro-diogo,Aro-ngwa including the rest of old bender areas... . There father's sins against the MOSTHIGH KODESH(pure) "YHWH" ELOHIM of our forefathers ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB made the ALMIGHTY CREATOR allow there suffering for three to four generations(Exodus 3:5,Deut4:15-18,25,26,27,Jerem23:26-27,Prov30:4-6,Exod3:15,Exod23:33)because they forgot His ways, His Great name and His mighty delieverance, to call on idols of deceitful Roman Empire and worshiped the created(God and Godess,lord and ladies,jesus christ,jehovah-these are idols very blind to the understanding of ignorant believers who do not take services to the MostHigh, seriously.They just believed what they were told by fake preachers on the altar without genuine and sound researches),more than the ALMIGHTY CREATOR(Romans1:18,21,22,23,Jerem8:8,Daniel 7:25).Now they know only a clew of the truth, Elohim is on there side and they will win every battle because,there original arm of this war is to Adore the MOSTHIGH ELOHIM. NO retreat? NO SURRENDER!!! AHEAD!!! AHEAD!!! Look at what the Messiah(YHWHUSHUA) said about His name before the Roman EMPIRE Edited the Bible gotten from Israel. And Changed His name to the idol called jesus christ(Deut4:18).Note,anywhere you see jesus christ substitute or replace it with the original name YHWHUSHUA in your head so that you can understand what is going on.John5:43, matthew 24 :4-5,mark13: 5-6.His Father's is YHWH(pronounsed YAHWEH)which HE the CREATOR called himself when HE spoke into writting the Ten commandments(Exodus 20:2,Exod3:15).The Messiah's name is YHWHUSHUA(pronounsed YAHWEHUSHUA or shot form YEHSHUA) called after His Father's name YHWH/USHUA meaning ELOHIM's salvation not Godjesus(Do not take in vain does not mean call in vain as fake men on diverse altars interpret it;Exod20:7,jerem33:1-3,Jhn17:11,12,25,26,Heb1:4). Now see the deciet, the satanic greek transletrators or translators who were formidable in existance then under Roman Empire, claims the name jesus christ is just a transletration in language. How come then that the Meaning of the true Messiah's name YEHSHUA in greek language is SOTERIA or SOTER and you called Him jesus christ after the name of the roman idol of greek Serapis christus? jesus means mamaide fish(Deut4:18,Exod20:4-7)but decietfully introduced in dictionary/bible and circulated everywhere as a saviour or Messiah,making such evil name to bear the same resembulance with Messiah when interpreted(Jeremiah's prophecy-Jerem8:8). The evil secrecy of the blind world leads the created to doom in there ignorance. YEHOSHUA or YHWHUSHUA means YHWH saves.Acts 4 verse 12,Luke 24:47-48,Acts 10:43 Hebrew1:4,John17:11-12, Isaiah 43:11, Joel2:32,Romans10:11-13,Exodus 3:15,Isaiah 42:8,Amos9:6. Note a simple point,a footballer or a writter or scientist does not have His name Changed because he moved on to other nations of the world. Why ISRAELi Mighty Names Changed? Hahaha! Pegans(pope and vatican city knows better),Yet the MostHigh and KODESH "YHWH" has the final say.The followers of the Messiah were refered to as Judiasm (Messianics)because he also studied,taught and kept the Shabbat as His custom) not christains.He was hung and killed on a tree not any cross as Romans lied and edited saying cross of calvary(no such thing or name as calvary is ISRAEL(Act5:30,Act10:39,it was also prophecied as written"curse is he that was hanged on a tree"the Romans during era of pope contestine,brought in the symbol of the evil cross and calvary of his society into the christain fold with inteligent tricks. Christainity is peganism in disguice(Jhn 8:32). Seek the truth to know very well,the foundations of what you believe which may have been handed over from your family leenage.Heaven is watching... Jerem10:25, Isaiah 52:5-6,Gen2:1-3, Exodus 31:12-17, Isaiah 66:22-23, Exod20:7,Deut28:1-69.Pls,becareful to use Sound Reasoning because your enemy the wise serpent(jesuits) is far wiser than ignorant and uncareful believers... These mistakes are exactly the reason why our forefathers suffered humiliation and high intimidations in serious slavery till date. For forgeting the Pure names of the MostHigh to maintain idols of ROMAN EMPIRE. The worst part is even that YHWH is different from the so called GOD. God is an acronym of three major powerful idols the world worshiped(formulated behind the scenes). G-Gozan of germany(2kings18:11).O-orion of babylonians(UZ)job9:9 and D-Diana of asia(Acts19:23-33).the saying "It doesn't mater" has kept us suffering for many years and now issues are been discussed for proper orientation,you are here trying to repeat same mistakes our Fathers did. Listin,without shabbat and removal of idols amongst we descendants of ISRAEL, Biafra will Never come(Isaiah 56:6-8). Its a seal of stronge convenant between YHWH and our forefathers. Those are the true names of our maker of which he called himself is the genuine book(Torah).Not even God,lord,jehovah,or jesus christ(Deut4:18). These are concrete lies from roman Empire who edited the annointed Book(Torah) and left Africans to worship there idol names in there own land. That's why Africans Remain poorer and poorer despite there numberious zeel to serve and worship there CREATOR.The pegans knowing too well that most Africans love to worship the Almighty CREATOR in truth and in spirit, they killed there forefathers in the name of war and handed the younger generation idol names to call upon instead of YHWH and YHWHUSHUA(YEHOSHUA) the saviour Before there edited the original names in this annionted book (Torah). Read what the Messiah YHWHUSHUA said JOHN 5:43. We emulated the fake foundations of pegans(ROMAN Empire-that's catholic church from where all the churches came from)instead of emulating ISRAEL. Almost the entire world use the roman calinder except Israel and some islamic nations. Because the romans were the last and strongest most deadly world Powers.They subdued the entire world.Try and watch the seasonal movie spartacus. That's a true live story of How wicked and deadly the roman beast iron empire was. Emmanu-EL(YHWHUSHUA) is the Messiah's true name.Africa is so stubborn to accept the truth. Ignorance causes The Fool to call a SoundMind a Fool as a result of Mental Slavery(Adopted lies from colonial pegans which activated stupid humility,Loyalty,modernised enslavement and graduated poverty). Africans keeps moving down the drill with pride,yet they are smileing. The whites still call you the "Third world".Why? Because they created Africans Destiny in stupidity.The truth has a way of proving its self even if you doubt it today, you ONLY delay your Freedom due to ignorant doubts because in it contains your freedom (Jhn8:32). Finally,if there be a world of NO envy and jealousy,every other nation of the world should learn from our Cousins ISRAEL basically on How to serve and worship the ONLY ONE Almighty " YHWH" in His genuine ordinances uncompromised as in christain foundations, because christainity is peganism in disguice.ISRAEL should rightly be the colonial master of all nations with respect to divinity including a lot more untold(Psalm147:19-20,note,The outcast of Israel due to disobedience shall return when they discover truth and repent,Isaiah 56:6-8).



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Onyekachi Ugwu changed his profile picture
8 yrs


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