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Inside Trump Tower, supporters sing election serenade
Musical duo denies anti-Semitism among candidate’s backers, sings song about protecting and supporting Israel
By Eric Cortellessa November 9, 2016, 12:50 am

NEW YORK — Inside Trump Tower on Tuesday morning, things were relatively subdued, with a few supporters — and perhaps others merely curious to sample the mood there on Election Day — wandering throughout the 5th Avenue skyscraper.

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But inside the bar at Trump Grill was an unusual pair who were each donning a cowboy hat, cowboy boots, an American flag-designed robe and white underwear.

And they had guitars. Guitars ornamented with “Trump Pence” bumperstickers. They describe themselves as representing the movement that Trump has unleashed since beginning his improbable bid for the White House in June 2015.

As the hours were dwindling down before the polls close across a nation soon to choose its next leader amidst the most divisive election in modern history, this duo entertained a small crowd with their Election Day serenade.

Robert Burck, 45, who also goes by the moniker Naked Cowboy, and Robert Coffman, 51, set up by the bar, explained to this reporter not only why they support Trump but why they also think he is likely to “win in a landslide, including in the states of New Jersey and New York” before singing their routine songs that ticks off a litany of Trump policy priorities, including support for Israel.

“We’re gonna protect Israel and the Iron Dome / we don’t want those nukes flying home / that sounds like a good idea to me,” the lyrics say.

On Trump’s appeal to them, and why they think he’s appealed to so many like them, Burck said, “He’s an American exceptionalist, he’s not an apologist like Obama,” before ticking off grievances he holds with the current president and his perception of his political agenda.

“Redistribution of wealth. It’s for pussies,” he said. “America, it’s built on the concept of self-reliance. Do it your damn self. Don’t pander to the women. If women want to have a baby, have a baby, pay for it. You want childcare, pay for it. You’re black and you don’t have a job. Well, work harder and get the money. Now, I believe in tolerance and compassion, but not hyper-tolerance and so much compassion.”

On the subject of controversies that have engulfed Trump’s candidacy, Burck insisted there was nothing there. “I grab my wife by the **** every chance I can,” he said, a reference to the controversial 2005 tape that emerged last month in which Trump is heard boasting about making unwanted advances, including kissing and grabbing women.

“I mean, let’s be a man here,” Burck said.

Burck, who has apparently ran for New York City mayor and president in the past, also dismissed accusations that the Trump campaign was fostering anti-Semitism in this country.

“When people constantly tell you they’re being discriminated against, it almost makes you feel like, they end up being discriminated against because they constantly talk about being discriminated against,” he told The Times of Israel.

“It’s not just Jewish people,” he added. “I would say someone like Trump is merit-based. He’s really puts forth his own efforts every day. Don’t tell me you need something because you’re a woman or you’re black, or because you’re a latino, or because you’re an LGBT and you need a special bathroom.”
Trump Tower in Manhattan (Eric Cortellessa/Times of Israel)

Trump Tower in Manhattan (Eric Cortellessa/Times of Israel)

While they both predict a Trump victory — and blame the media for not accurately reflecting voter turnout and polling outcomes — Burck and Coffman said they were willing to accept the legitimacy of a Clinton victory, but they won’t walk away from the movement Trump has made them feel a part of.

“We don’t have a choice,” Coffman said about the election results. “But I will continue to support the philosophy of Trumpism. But if we are lucky, in just a few hours we will live in the country we have been waiting to live in our whole lives.”

I Campaigned For Kanu’s Arrest, Is Time To Release Kanu If You Release Killers Of Igbo Woman In Kano
November 8, 2016 Biafra

The coordinator of the Every Nigerian Do Something project and political observer, Dr. Peregrino Brimah, has broken silent on the recent release of the killers of Igbo trader in Kano, says as killers of Mrs Bridget Agbahime was released, Nnamdi Kanu must be release as well.

Brimah said, when Buhari borrowed the words of Charles De Gaulle, “I belong to everybody and I belong to nobody,” it raised a lot of hope in skeptical Nigerians. Worse than murder is oppression, the Muslim Quran says in chapter 2 verse 191. Injustice and oppression are the root causes of terror and the gasoline that keeps it burning.

I was one who campaigned for the arrest of Nnamdi Kanu of radio Biafra. I had heard him promote violence against northerners and Muslims in the East. That is bad and should not go unpunished.

But today, I campaign for his release. There is nothing more important in a society that equality and justice. If you lock up a thief of a pen, you must lock up a Senator when he uses his pen to steal. If not, then free the petty thief. Open up the jails.

If the Kano Attorney general Haruna Falali brazenly obstructs justice and frees suspected killers of Bridget Agbahime in Kano, then free all suspected killers of Nigerians across the country and by all means, free Nnamdi Kanu who has not yet been directly connected to a death.

If intolerant extremist terrorists will walk freely and be aided by the law in perpetration of their carnage in the north, then let the same be obtained in the south.

Donald Trump's Acceptance Speech

Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business, complicated. Thank you very much.
I've just received a call from secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us. On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign.
I mean she fought very hard. Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.
I mean that very sincerely. Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division, have to get together, to all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.
It is time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I'm reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. As I've said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign but rather an incredible and great movement, made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their family.
It is a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs, who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will.
Working together we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream. I've spent my entire life in business, looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world.
That is now what I want to do for our country. Tremendous potential. I've gotten to know our country so well. Tremendous potential. It is going to be a beautiful thing. Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential.

I am not congratulating Donald Trump,because our hope on getting Biafra restored is dependent on him. On the contrary, Biafrans are capable of getting Biafra restored,because we have come a long way under the Leadership of Citizen Nnamdi Kanu.
I congratulate him,for defeating the Islamic World, defending the raw Truth and supporting Self-Determination.
I prefer a bully hater of Terrorist to a Friendly supporter of Terrorist.
Ibeh Gift Amarachi 2016

BREAKING: Soros Orders Attack On Trump Tower, MASSIVE Riots In Chicago

Posted by Elliot Bougis | Nov 10, 2016 | Breaking News

Chaos In The Streets

Let’s call it “the calm between the storms.”
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I’m talking about the lull of controversy that lasts for about a day between the results of a presidential election and the next flap of outrage from the losers.

Donald Trump was declared the next President Elect at around 2 AM Tuesday night. For the next twelve hours, the news shows and editorial columns of American media were filled with soothing talk about why the pundits misread the polls, how Trump had turned into a very good candidate by the end of the race, the beauty of a “peaceful transition of power” in American democracy, and the need for unity instead of sucking on sour lemons.

But, just as any illness gets worse at night, so we are seeing an end to “the calm between the storms” as the old fever of anti-Trump rage breaks out again in numerous urban hot spots.

In Chicago, for example, thousands of angry anti-Trumpers have been marching on Trump Tower there. Why? Well, don’t ask me. Remember, until last night, it was the Republicans, led by Trump himself, who were unwilling to accept the outcome of a free and fair election. Now, though, the winning Republican camp is extending olive branches to its former opponents, while the worst of the Democratic hordes are trying to intimidate President Elect Trump and anyone publicly associated with him.

We’re seeing the same kind of immature chaos boil over in New York as well, with on-site comments that the same antidemocratic unrest is cropping up in Austin, Portland, New Orleans, Los Angeles, and New York, as well as some southern border towns. Since I am not able to confirm all of these reports right now, you can see for yourself what it’s like in a confirmed site like New York.

In one sense, it’s kind of inspiring to imagine that “America’s young voters” are organizing themselves to continue an open, democratic debate. Unfortunately, though, this year has taught in no uncertain terms that so-called “popular protests” like Black Lives Matter are far more than mere “coincidences.” In fact, BLM protests and virtually all anti-Trump unrest in the past year, if not longer, is driven by wealthy rootless cosmopolitans like George Soros.

In a nutshell, now that Soros and Friends have lost another shot at controlling America via the White House, the globalists are going for broke with the bird dogging and BLM unrest. The immediate goal is to tar Trump’s presidency as a kind of “neofascism” before he even takes office. Ultimately, the goal is to make America so unstable and violent that Obama would have to order martial law or permit the U.N. to squash supposedly Trump-based violence.

This is why we must take all “popular uprisings” like we’re seeing in Chicago and New York with a very large grain of salt.

Meanwhile, now that the election is over, what can we do about it?

First, keep your eyes open. Be aware of your surroundings. If you’re in an urban area, give yourself at least two escape options by foot, car, or mass transit. If you’re a more secluded area, watch out for “rogue” anti-Trumper attacks from angry youths or, believable it or not, gangs with mobile phones to document their antics for a paid bounty.

Second, try to explain to anti-Trump people you personally know why he’s not “literally Hitler,” and how many of his positions actually line up with, say, Bernie Sanders’s platform (at least on trade and immigration reform).

Third, share this article to inform and encourage your friends and family! Just as Rome was not built in a day so we can’t Make America Great Again in one night, nor even a single month. In other words, be prepared to see more of the same social unrest and liberal immaturity. Do what you can to support your family and improve your community.

President Trump is counting on us to pull our own weight.

#Biafra: Let My #Enemies #Celebrate Me Like #Donaldtrump's #Nigeria Enemies Celebrating Him #America #Africa #Lagos #Europe #Asia #Election2016 #PresidentElecttrump #Presidenttrump #BIAFRAFORTRUMP #FreeNnamdiKanu

Johnbosco Ubaka changed his profile picture
8 yrs

Chukwuemeka paul changed his profile picture
8 yrs



November, Thursday 9th 2016


"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." (Romans 12: 19)

One of the hardest things to do is to let go of things and people that have hurt you especially when their lives seems more productive and fulfilling than yours.

Today The Holy Spirit wants to set you free totally. He is saying you should drop that plan, those activities that you have carefully organized to “take them down”.

Our God says vengeance is His, trust Him, he always deliver on all His promises.

Joseph should have destroyed his brothers when the when the situation presented itself but he didn’t, those years of pain has made him. Stop seeing that circumstance as if it was your undoing, it was just your making! Stop that revenge mission beloved. There are yet a lot of territories to conquer for our Christ and you are highly needed for the job.

You see, when we take it upon ourselves to revenge, we place our lives in harm’s way because it’s only God that can avenge us.

Today, reject and resist the satanic trap of bitterness and allow God heal that wound you have been carrying. Allow Him introduce you to the best revenge you can be allowed…MASSIVE SUCCESS in life.

No matter what is happening around you now, by the Blood of Crist, RECEIVE and BE THAT THING THE DEVIL HAS BEING TRYING TO DEPRIVE YOU, YES BE THAT SUCCESS story today in Jesus Christ name, amen.

Check your heart right now beloved, release any man/woman or people who has offended you .

*Take a song of worship and honor God with it


1) Let every plan determined to hurt me be destroyed by the Blood of Christ, in Jesus Christ name, amen.

2) I will end this year with joy and satisfaction, in Jesus Christ name.

3) Mighty God, destroy every seed of bitterness in me, in Jesus Christ name, amen.


Jeudi 9 Novembre 2016


"Chers bien-aimés, ne vous vengez pas, mais donnez place à la colère, car il est écrit: La vengeance est à moi, je rendrai, dit le Seigneur." (Romains 12:19)

Une des choses les plus difficiles à faire est de laisser aller les choses et les gens qui vous ont blessé, surtout quand leur vie semble plus productive et plus satisfaisante que la vôtre.

Aujourd'hui, le Saint-Esprit veut vous libérer totalement. Il dit que vous devriez laisser tomber ce plan, ces activités que vous avez soigneusement organisées pour les «abattre».

Notre Dieu dit que la vengeance est la sienne, croyez-Le, il accomplit toujours ses promesses.

Joseph aurait dû détruire ses frères quand le moment où la situation s'est présentée, mais il ne l’a pas fait, ces années de douleur l'ont transformé. Arrêtez de voir cette circonstance comme si c'était votre défaire, c'était juste une étape de votre métamorphose ! Arrêtez cette mission de vengeance bien-aimée. Il y a encore beaucoup de territoires à conquérir pour notre Christ et vous êtes très demandée pour le travail.

Vous voyez, quand nous prenons sur nous-mêmes la vengeance, nous mettons nos vies en danger parce que c'est seulement Dieu qui peut nous venger.

Aujourd'hui, rejetez et résistez au piège satanique de l'amertume et laissez Dieu guérir cette blessure que vous avez portée. Permettez-lui de vous présenter la meilleure vengeance que vous pouvez être autorisé ... SUCCÈS MASSIF dans la vie.

Peu importe ce qui se passe autour de vous maintenant, par le Sang de Christ, RECEVEZ ET SOYEZ LA CHOSE QUE LE DIABLE A ESSAYÉ DE VOUS PRENDRE, OUI LE SUCCÈS soit votre histoire aujourd'hui au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen.

Vérifiez votre cœur maintenant bien-aimé, libérer tout homme / femme ou les gens qui vous a offensé.

* Prenez un chant d'adoration et honorez Dieu avec


1) Que tout plan déterminé à me blesser soit détruit par le Sang du Christ, au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen.

2) Je terminerai cette année avec joie et satisfaction, au nom de Jésus-Christ.

3) Puissant Dieu, détruis en moi toute graine d'amertume, au nom de Jésus-Christ, Amen.



November, Thursday 9th 2016


"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord." (Romans 12: 19)

One of the hardest things to do is to let go of things and people that have hurt you especially when their lives seems more productive and fulfilling than yours.

Today The Holy Spirit wants to set you free totally. He is saying you should drop that plan, those activities that you have carefully organized to “take them down”.

Our God says vengeance is His, trust Him, he always deliver on all His promises.

Joseph should have destroyed his brothers when the when the situation presented itself but he didn’t, those years of pain has made him. Stop seeing that circumstance as if it was your undoing, it was just your making! Stop that revenge mission beloved. There are yet a lot of territories to conquer for our Christ and you are highly needed for the job.

You see, when we take it upon ourselves to revenge, we place our lives in harm’s way because it’s only God that can avenge us.

Today, reject and resist the satanic trap of bitterness and allow God heal that wound you have been carrying. Allow Him introduce you to the best revenge you can be allowed…MASSIVE SUCCESS in life.

No matter what is happening around you now, by the Blood of Crist, RECEIVE and BE THAT THING THE DEVIL HAS BEING TRYING TO DEPRIVE YOU, YES BE THAT SUCCESS story today in Jesus Christ name, amen.

Check your heart right now beloved, release any man/woman or people who has offended you .

*Take a song of worship and honor God with it


1) Let every plan determined to hurt me be destroyed by the Blood of Christ, in Jesus Christ name, amen.

2) I will end this year with joy and satisfaction, in Jesus Christ name.

3) Mighty God, destroy every seed of bitterness in me, in Jesus Christ name, amen.


Jeudi 9 Novembre 2016


"Chers bien-aimés, ne vous vengez pas, mais donnez place à la colère, car il est écrit: La vengeance est à moi, je rendrai, dit le Seigneur." (Romains 12:19)

Une des choses les plus difficiles à faire est de laisser aller les choses et les gens qui vous ont blessé, surtout quand leur vie semble plus productive et plus satisfaisante que la vôtre.

Aujourd'hui, le Saint-Esprit veut vous libérer totalement. Il dit que vous devriez laisser tomber ce plan, ces activités que vous avez soigneusement organisées pour les «abattre».

Notre Dieu dit que la vengeance est la sienne, croyez-Le, il accomplit toujours ses promesses.

Joseph aurait dû détruire ses frères quand le moment où la situation s'est présentée, mais il ne l’a pas fait, ces années de douleur l'ont transformé. Arrêtez de voir cette circonstance comme si c'était votre défaire, c'était juste une étape de votre métamorphose ! Arrêtez cette mission de vengeance bien-aimée. Il y a encore beaucoup de territoires à conquérir pour notre Christ et vous êtes très demandée pour le travail.

Vous voyez, quand nous prenons sur nous-mêmes la vengeance, nous mettons nos vies en danger parce que c'est seulement Dieu qui peut nous venger.

Aujourd'hui, rejetez et résistez au piège satanique de l'amertume et laissez Dieu guérir cette blessure que vous avez portée. Permettez-lui de vous présenter la meilleure vengeance que vous pouvez être autorisé ... SUCCÈS MASSIF dans la vie.

Peu importe ce qui se passe autour de vous maintenant, par le Sang de Christ, RECEVEZ ET SOYEZ LA CHOSE QUE LE DIABLE A ESSAYÉ DE VOUS PRENDRE, OUI LE SUCCÈS soit votre histoire aujourd'hui au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen.

Vérifiez votre cœur maintenant bien-aimé, libérer tout homme / femme ou les gens qui vous a offensé.

* Prenez un chant d'adoration et honorez Dieu avec


1) Que tout plan déterminé à me blesser soit détruit par le Sang du Christ, au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen.

2) Je terminerai cette année avec joie et satisfaction, au nom de Jésus-Christ.

3) Puissant Dieu, détruis en moi toute graine d'amertume, au nom de Jésus-Christ, Amen.
