To All People Of The WORLD! Please Be Aware. CHINA RUSSIA AND IRAN ARE Preparing For WW3 WORLD WAR 3
Posted on October 17, 2016 Written by Amy S.
To all people of the WORLD! Please be aware. AMERICA is about to Strike RUSSIA in a FAST strike to begin WW3. This is an OFFICIAL WARNING, it is no joke. ALL HUMANS must prepare. This is a MAJOR BULLETIN! ALL People on this Planet MUST cooperate together immidiately or the end of this Earth will be upon us. There is to be only a small space of time. MANKIND MUST come together NOW. Stand together! Whatever Nation. America MUST reach out to Russians and all people. Wake up NOW!
We now have the first real shooting war between European countries since World War II. Think about that and consider the carnage the first two world wars caused.
Russia is pouring in armor, sophisticated weapons, and supplies to their proxy army against the West in East Ukraine. Their forces are expanding their territory and may be about to cement a land bridge to Putin’s newest enclave, the Crimean peninsula. Putin is also actively courting Eastern European countries that are part of the EU and coaxing them back into Russia’s orbit.
Russia and Syria are now preparing to move right up to the Israeli Border in a massive military move we should all see as the coming World war that starts with the attack on Israel then Damascus destruction and then a World wide nuclear war. We are only the fake one week peace deal away and today Netanyahu has made more noise that that deal is very close.
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Analysis of the movements of warships and cargo ships from Russia to Syria reveals that Moscow is increasing the pace of its support for the Syrian regime, despite President Vladimir Putin’s March 14 announcement that the Russian military would reduce its presence in the Middle East. Internet site said that the Yauza, a Russian military transport and icebreaking ship that left Syria in the first week of March, left its home port of Novorossiysk in the Black Sea and is headed back to the Russian naval base in the Syrian port of Tartus. The ship is sailing at a very low speed, indicating that it is carrying heavy equipment, with a Turkish research body reporting that the Yauza is not even leaving a trail in the ocean. Up to 12 Russian military ships are currently sailing in the Mediterranean including oil tankers, patrol ships and the Zeleniy Dol destroyer armed with Kalibr cruise missiles.
Now we see ISIS taking over large parts of Iraq and Syria, executing thousands along the way. Our Dear Leader will not even call these people terrorists. Either he is living in some type of alternate reality, or allowing ISIS to take over the Middle East is his agenda. Again, I say, look at the results of his actions, not what he says.
In either case, we have a serious global security threat mushrooming in historically violent parts of the world. The United States is weak, absent, pathetic. The mainstream media may not want to call this president on these facts, but I will. We are witnessing the beginnings of World War III. They will write about this weakness in the history books one day as we are without a leader who can deal with the situation. I fear for my children.
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Addressing the Russian top brass on Wednesday, Vladimir Putin lambasted U.S. Middle-East policy for being ‘disastrous’ as Saudi-backed rebels vowed to purge Syria and Iraq from Christians and other ethnic and religious minorities.
The US Army chief has come out and threatened war with Russia, if this happens this could be more devastating than World War 2.
“We have nearly two million orthodox Christians in the Levant—Syria and Lebanon— and approximately 5 million Christians across Middle-East. Regardless of America’s presidential election outcome, White House craves chaos in that oil-rich region by supporting fanatic Islamist organizations, i.e. ISIS and al-Nusra Front,” Moskovskaya Pravda cited the Russian president as saying.
It is morally incumbent upon Russia to change this terrible status quo in the Middle-East , added Mr.Putin , prepare for operation ‘Salvation’ and with God almighty’s aid , we shall cleanse Syria from Obama’s ruthless terrorists.
Everyone needs to be prepared for that. Unfortunately, another world war is inevitable. You better weapon-up and start studying about food preservation and which foods to start stockpiling on.
Lt. General Joseph Anderson said America faces frightening threats “modern nation-states acting aggressively in militarised competition.”
He said: “Who does that sound like? Russia?”
Army Chief of Staff General Mark A. Milley added that war between nation states “is almost guaranteed”.
Miley warned that America’s enemies could end their superiority in the air which it has enjoyed since the Korean War in 1950 and stop its Naval forces through a mixture of anti-access and area-denial capabilities.
“The world economy is so broken due to plundering by International bankers and other Zionist elite that Depression II is inevitable. Just like WWII and Depression I, WWIII will be the only way to distract people from their impending economic misery, mask the effects of Depression II and get economies going again. Just like WWII and Depression I, international bankers and other Zionist elite will be the real beneficiaries by loaning and selling to all sides and once again scooping up small businesses, farms and residences for one-tenth their value.”
Another major war is on the horizon, but whether it will be a global conflagration is yet, proven. Revelations final conflict will come to pass, but the time of its occurrence is not known to man. How ironic and ludicrous those planners are looking to copy a disastrous Yamamoto strategy and have the arrogance to believe that they are omniscient.
A useful analogy compares the Daleks, a fictional extraterrestrial race of mutants from the British TV Doctor Who series, with the satanic globalist death merchants that thrive on human suffering and ruin. This tribe of moneychangers, bent on universal conquest and destruction, has brought down countless societies.
The Chinese capitalists’ nouveau riche never lost their repressive attitude and undemocratic culture towards their ‘coolie class”. That is a trait, which coincides with their globalist gangster partners. Allowing a Hiroshima radiation of Chinese joint venture assets does not advance the final subjugation of the planet, for the fascist corporatists. Ever since Zionism conquered the United States, this country has been ruled under Talmud precepts that only benefit the NWO master plan.
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