By Ifeanyi Chijioke
November 26, 2016

One of the worst things that could happen to Nigerians and their leaders is if they did not read and assimilate this piece of mine. For this purpose, this article will be sent and shared to a good number of Nigerian leaders, Nigerians and international bodies that care for a stable world. Nigerian media in an effort to conceal and defend injustice; everybody is making a mistake or being led to that point everybody ended in 1967. They have failed to appeal to the conscience or consciousness of Nigerians and her leaders to adjust and think more about future, sacrifices and generational stability.
They are extremely fighting Biafra; even when Biafra needs just a dialogue or argument. They have raised weapons in the broad daylight and in the dead of the night when disengaged men see not their acts; they perpetrate injustice, maim, rape, kill and think there are no traces. The evidence against them is immense; with 87 videos, 0ver hundred photos and more, Nigeria is supposed to be pleading and not backing their crimes against humanity. The price will be ten folds immense than the act; if relevant authorities fail to do justice, the people might go for jungle justice, who knows? We might land into another civil war with the way Nnamdi Kanu - the spark plug is being detained. But hopefully, Justice Binta Nyako will nip it in the bud.

I am practically getting worried over the happenings in Nigeria; this is the carbon copy of everything that caused the 1967 Biafra vs Nigeria war. Gradually and by each dawn, we draw closer to all the events that caused that gruesome war. I am beginning to be conscious of this impending civil war; it is becoming clearer to me that this matter may inevitably lead to another war if we don’t follow Nnamdi Kanu’s ideology or way. Nnamdi Kanu had continuously angled for peace and used mouth without confrontations to execute everything he planned. He took this battle to a level we are alien to; courtesy of his foreign education and experience; they reason matter, they fight with their head and not with guns. This is an internal matter that needs reason, debate, argument and vocal approach, which Nnamdi Kanu has spontaneously used.

I day-dream the previous civil war each time I blink my eyes while on this computer; with my fingers placed on the keyboard, I try to forbid it even though I am ready for it. The majority of Biafrans on the streets shouting that if war doesn’t start that Nigerian government will continue to trample on the human rights of Nnamdi Kanu and other Biafrans did not experience that war. Nobody knows what war is all about and this is why to trigger another civil war will be as easy as abc. Some are already saying that they would personally get logistics and instigate others on their own accord to fight for the release of Nnamdi Kanu and other Biafrans and ultimately for the restoration of Biafra.

Just like the previous war; everything that caused that civil war is repeating itself, and it is unfortunate that Nigerian leaders have failed to learn from history. There might be some difficulties in drawing the consciousness of Nigerians or the world to this development because instead of making the history of Nigeria which cannot be told without that civil war obvious; they hid it from everyone and had suddenly hid it from their...follow link to read more: