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Do you consider this old address here still relevant?

(1949) Nnamdi Azikiwe, “Address to the Ibo People”

In the following address given eleven years before Nigerian independence, Nnamdi Azikiwe calls for self-determination for the Ibo as they along with other ethnic groups march toward an inevitably free Nigeria.  This address was delivered at  the Ibo State Assembly held at Aba, Nigeria, on Saturday, June 25, 1949.

Harbingers of a new day for the Ibo nation, having selected me to preside over the deliberations of this assembly of the Ibo nation, I am conscious of the fact that you have not done so because of any extraordinary attributes in me. I realize that I am not the oldest among you, nor the wisest, nor the wealthiest, nor the most experienced, nor the most learned. I am therefore grateful to you for elevating me to this high pedestal.

The Ibo people have reached a cross-road and it is for us to decide which is the right course to follow. We are confronted with routes leading to diverse goals, but as I see it, there is only one road that I can safely recommend for us to tread, and it is the road to self-determination for the Ibo within the framework of a federated commonwealth of Nigeria and the Cameroons, leading to a United States of Africa. Other roads, in my opinion, are calculated to lead us astray from the path of national self-realization.

It would appear that God has specially created the Ibo people to suffer persecution and be victimized because of their resolute will to live. Since suffering is the label of our tribe, we can afford to be sacrificed for the ultimate redemption of the children of Africa. Is it not fortunate that the Ibo are among the few remnants of indigenous African nations who are still not spoliated by the artificial niceties of Western materialism? Is it not historically significant that throughout the glorious history of Africa, the Ibo is one of the select few to have escaped the humiliation of a conqueror’s sword or to be a victim of a Carthaginian treaty? Search through the records of African history and you will fail to find an occasion when, in any pitched battle, any African nation has either marched across Ibo territory or subjected the Ibo nation to a humiliating conquest. Instead, there is record to show that the martial prowess of the Ibo, at all stages of human history, has rivaled them not only to survive persecution, but also to adapt themselves to the role thus thrust upon them by history, of preserving all that is best and most noble in African culture and tradition. Placed in this high estate, the Ibo cannot shirk the responsibility conferred on it by its manifest destiny. Having undergone a course of suffering the Ibo must therefore enter into its heritage by asserting its birthright, without apologies.

Follow me in a kaleidoscopic study of the Ibo. Four million strong in man-power! Our agricultural resources include economic and food crops which are the bases of modern civilization, not to mention fruits and vegetables which flourish in the tropics! Our mineral resources include coal, lignite, lead, antimony, iron, diatomite, clay, oil, tin! Our forest products include timber of economic value, including iroko and mahogany! Our fauna and flora are marvels of the world! Our land is blessed by waterways of world renown, including the River Niger, Imo River, Cross River! Our ports are among the best known in the continent of Africa. Yet in spite of these natural advantages, which illustrate without doubt the potential wealth of the Ibo, we are among the least developed in Nigeria, economically, and we are so ostracized socially, that we have become extraneous in the political institutions of Nigeria.

I have not come here today in order to catalogue the disabilities which the Ibo suffer, in spite of our potential wealth, in spite of our teeming man-power, in spite of our vitality as an indigenous African people; suffice it to say that it would enable you to appreciate the manifest destiny of the Ibo if I enumerated some of the acts of discrimination against us as a people. Socially, the British Press has not been sparing in describing us as ‘the most hated in Nigeria’. In this unholy crusade, the Daily Mirror, The Times, The Economist, News Review and the Daily Mail have been in the forefront. In the Nigerian Press, you are living witnesses of what has happened in the last eighteen months, when Lagos, Zaria and Calabar sections of the Nigerian Press were virtually encouraged to provoke
us to tendentious propaganda. It is needless for me to tell you that today, both in England and in West Africa, the expression ‘Ibo’ has become a word of opprobrium.

Politically, you have seen with your own eyes how four million people were disenfranchized by the British, for decades,0 because of our alleged backwardness. We have never been represented on the Executive Council, and not one Ibo town has had the franchise, despite the fact that our native political institutions are essentially democratic—in fact, more democratic than any other nation in Africa, in spite of our extreme individualism.

Economically, we have laboured under onerous taxation measures, without receiving sufficient social amenities to justify them. We have been taxed without representation, and our contributions in taxes have been used to develop other areas, Out of proportion to the incidence of taxation in those areas. It would seem that we are becoming a victim of economic annihilation through a gradual but studied process. What are my reasons for cataloguing these disabilities and interpreting them as calculated to emasculate us, and so render us impotent to assert our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

I shall now state the facts which should be well known to any honest student of Nigerian history. On the social plane, it will be found that outside of Government College at Umauhia, there is no other secondary school run by the British Government in Nigeria in Ibo-land. There is not one secondary school for girls run by the British Government in our part of the country. In the Northern and Western Provinces, the contrary is the case. If a survey of the hospital facilities in Ibo-land were made, embarrassing results might show some sort of discrimination. Outside of Port Harcourt, fire protection is not provided in any Ibo town. And yet we have been under the protection of Great Britain for many decades!

On the economic plane, I cannot sufficiently impress you because you are too familiar with the victimization which is our fate. Look at our roads; how many of them are tarred, compared, for example, with the roads in other parts of the country? Those of you who have travelled to this assembly by road are witnesses of the corrugated and utterly unworthy state of the roads which traverse Ibo-land, in spite of the fact that four million Ibo people pay taxes in order, among others, to have good roads. With roads must be considered the system of communications, water and electricity supplies. How many of our towns, for example, have complete postal, telegraph, telephone and wireless services, compared to towns in other areas of Nigeria? How many have pipe-borne water supplies? How many have electricity undertakings? Does not the Ibo tax-payer fulfill his civic duty? Why, then, must he be a victim of studied official victimization?

Today, these disabilities have been intensified. There is a movement to disregard traditional organization in the Ibo nation by the introduction of a specious system of a form of local government. The placing of the Ibo nation in an artificial regionalization scheme has left an unfair impression of attempted domination by minorities of the Ibo people. In the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council the electoral college system has aided in the complete disenfranchisement of the Ibo. As a climax, spurious leadership is being foisted upon us—a mis-leadership which receives official recognition, thus stultifying the legitimate aspirations of the Ibo. This leadership shows a palpable disloyalty to the Ibo and loyalty to an alien protecting power.

The only worthwhile stand we can make as a nation is to assert our right to self-determination, as a unit of a prospective Federal Commonwealth of Nigeria and the Cameroons, where our rights will be respected and safeguarded. Roughly speaking, there are twenty main dialectal regions in the Ibo nation, which can be conveniently departmentalized as Provinces of an Ibo State, to wit: Mbamili in the northwest, Aniocha in the west, Anidinma and Ukwuani in the southeast, Nsukka and Udi in the north, Awgu, Awka and Onitsha in the centre, Ogbaru in the south, Abakaliki and Afikpo in the northwest, Okigwi, Orlu, Owerri and Mbaise in the east, Ngwa, Bende, Abiriba Ohafia and Etche in the southwest. These Provinces can have their territorial boundaries delimited, they can select their capitals, and then can conveniently develop their resources both for their common benefit and for those of the other nationalities who make up this great country called Nigeria and the Cameroons.

The keynote in this address is self-determination for the Ibo. Let us establish an Ibo State, based on linguistic and ethnic factors, enabling us to take our place side by side with the other linguistic and ethnic groups which make up Nigeria and the Cameroons. With the Hausa, Fulani, Kanuri, Yoruba, Ibibio (Iboku), Angus (Bi-Rom), Tiv, Ijaw, Edo, Urhobo, ltsekiri, Nupe, Igalla, Ogaja, Gwari, Duala, Bali and other nationalities asserting their right to self-determination each as separate as the fingers, but united with others as a part of the same hand, we can reclaim Nigeria and the Cameroons from this degradation which it has pleased the forces of European imperialism to impose upon us. Therefore, our meeting today is of momentous importance in the history of the Ibo, in that opportunity has been presented to us to heed the call of a despoiled race, to answer the summons to redeem a ravished continent, to rally forces to the defence of a humiliated country, and to arouse national consciousness in a demoralized but dynamic nation.


Nnamdi Azikiwe, Zik: A Selection from the Speeches of Nnamdi Azikiwe, Governor-General of the Federation of Nigeria formerly President of the Nigerian Senate formerly Premier of the Eastern Region of Nigeria (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1961).


- See more at:

(1949) Nnamdi Azikiwe, “Address to the Ibo People” | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed

(1949) Nnamdi Azikiwe, “Address to the Ibo People” | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed

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Its been about 50 years since millions of nationals were destroyed, killed and maimed by bullets from civil war soldiers, the likes of Chief Obasanjo, Gowon, etc.

The post-civil war era launched a new season of deliberate deception and oppression of Nigerians by fellow countrymen.

The post-war era launched a period of benign neglect, ostracism, conspiracy, white murder and all sorts of terror being unleashed on Nigerians who committed no offense known to the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, order than calling for good governance, and an egalitarian society.

The new wave of Biafra agitation coupled with months-long protests, cries and killings have, instead of been doused by the flames from barrels, rather gained greater momentum on the lever of youths who have sworn to the mother earth with the maxim; “Biafra of Death”.

This new wave of resurgence over Biafra agitation has once again come to prove a point; that power belongs to the people. That democratic power is not a subject of elite-determinism but a plight which can be principally and practically pursued by the people, the masses.

The general hatred, resentment and conspiracy of silence over Biafra agitation is not new to Nigeria.

Benign neglect is an attribute of Nigerian political culture. The powers that be, the power brokers, the elites, the government and its officials have had that culture of ignoring whatever agenda that has a popular support. They always seek for popular support when election calls. Soon as election results are signed and announced, they fold back to do the biddings of a secluded and caucused group setting aside the majority who voted them into power.

It is common in Nigeria for people to always have their way when they team up in a mop action; but sorry, the political elites don’t fancy that. They would look for a way to lobby out some very few members of the masses, probably the arrow-heads. When that fails, they look for a way to annihilate the entire masses. When that fails, the masses will eventually have their way.

Democracy shall always be achieved by popular voices and popular votes. Not only should the principle and practice of democracy be limited to ballots and polling units. It should be used to achieve dire demands of the people about pressing issues in the society, and in the state.

With a coherent democratic action, the benign neglect and conspiracy of silence over Biafra agitation is beginning to be noised off.

The youths who have sworn to mother earth, ‘Biafra or death’, have taken up no other obligation than to flow with the new spirit and ideology wherein the new motivation lies.

The grandpas and gerunds in whose hands the Ojukwu’s type of nationalism was defeated are calling for peace; as if there is a war.

They spell and define our times as if it were in the 80s.

The value systems, the ideologies, the political and social structures of the 80s significantly vary from nowadays.

Where do we start from? There are richer boys now on the streets. There are more education boys and girls now on the street. We have got a handful of technocrats and well-informed folks than in the 80s.

This generation has been made elegant by the vast knowledge of science and technology. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo was calling for peace, entreating the statesmen to plead with Biafra agitators. He understood by facts of history that there is difference between their days and nowadays. He knows that the spirit and motivation which drives this current agitation, the wide broadcast of conviction and willingness in this generation was never there in the days of Ojukwu and Gowon.

In the 80s, there was no Tweeter, no Facebook; there was no MP4 or MP3; there was no Wifi, no hotspots; there was no life-streaming mechanism and a plethora of digital structures which has ostensibly miniaturized the human society, making life as flexible as the clicking of the finger on the screens of smartphones.

This generation no more believes in white lies. We source for information; we dig and research about stuffs ourselves. Our leaders tell a lot of lies. They deceived our fathers. Our fathers played slow games, during the 80s such that they lost out on the tables and on the fields.

Behold, Biafra is no more a fairy tale. It is no more an issue to be swept under the bed and snubbed off.

If you pretend not to see, you would be told. If you pretend not to hear, you will be shown. If you snub it all off, it comes right under your nose like a stubborn fly.

Biafra is a democratic action. It is an action championed by the majority, by the masses and by the strength and will of the conscience. What else does democracy have without the people? Nothing.

If anyone doubts the democratic coloration of the Biafran struggle, let them conduct a referendum, as that is the only tool that can be used to query the subject of true democracy.

Emmanuel Shebbs


