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By D.T. -
November 8, 2016

An FBI director has made a public endorsement of a presidential candidate for the very first time in U.S. history when former assistant FBI director James Kallstrom officially accepted Donald Trump as his choice for president.

VIA Conservative Tribune

“I’m endorsing Donald Trump. I’ve known him 40 years. I’ve never endorsed a candidate. He’s a good human being. He’s a generous person,” he started.

“He’s got a big heart. He’s done hundreds and hundreds of things for people without fanfare. He’s a good guy. He’s a patriot of this country and regardless of what he says, his acts show that he is not that person. He’s been in this Hollywood crowd that talks like that, a lot of people talk like that,” Kallstrom said, referencing the audio leak from 2005.

“He doesn’t do these things. He’s a good guy. I’ve known his family from the time they were kids. Look at his children. Could you find a better family than he brought up in this country? This country is absolutely going in the wrong direction,” he said. Then he had some angry words for Hillary.

“Seventy percent of the people want change. You’re not going to get change with Hillary Clinton. This is the woman that lied when she was on the Watergate staff,” said Kallstrom, “I mean, she’s a pathological liar.”

Watch the discussion with Kallstrom in the video below and let us know what you think of it in the comment section below.

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How Real is the Danger of a Rigged Election?

In Depth 15:59 07.11.2016Get short URL Denis Bolotsky Topic: How the 2016 US Presidential Election Will Go Down in History (2) 0 10210 Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump spent over a year on the campaign trail, doing what they could to win the trust of the American public. However, there are concerns on Trump’s side about possible manipulations at the polling booths, with WikiLeaks emails being shown as proof of Hillary’s unfair play. 000 / 03:37 By October 2016, when the election campaign was nearing its finale, both US presidential candidates were publically accusing each other of lies and cheating. Donald Trump was firm in his opinion that he’s competing in an unfair race, where his opponents are not only using the corporate media to attack him, but also intend to manipulate the vote at the polling stations. During a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, Trump blamed the mainstream media for being an extension of the Clinton campaign, fabricating stories against him, and diverting attention from other issues: “Remember, we’re competing in a rigged election. This is a rigged election, folks, Ok? They even want to try to rig the election at the polling booths, and believe me, there is a lot going on. Do you ever hear these people? They say “There is nothing going on.” People that have died 10 years ago are still voting, illegal immigrants are voting. I mean, where are the street smarts of some of these politicians?” Hillary Clinton responded during the next televised debate. She said her competitor is known for accusing his opponents of cheating, and the presidential campaign is not the only time when Donald Trump has done so: “Every time Donald thinks things are not going in his direction, he claims whatever it is is rigged against him… There was even a time when he didn't get an Emmy for his TV program three years in a row, and he started tweeting that the Emmys were rigged against him.” By then, Clinton’s camp was already being bombarded by Wikileaks publications suggesting unfair play on her side. Ironically enough, among the intercepted messages there were some emails regarding Clinton’s TV appearances. According to the emails of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, CNN contributor Donna Brazile fed Camp Hillary questions ahead of her televised debate with Bernie Sanders. ​The final battle between Trump and Clinton, however, will take place far away from the TV studios, at the polling stations. Pessimists warn of the condition of the voting equipment, which in the majority of US states is far from perfect. In September 2015 the Brennan Center for Justice released a report saying that 43 states are using some machines that are at least 10 years old. In 14 states, some of the voting equipment is even older – 15+ years, with finding spare parts an uneasy task for election officials, since these computers are no longer being produced. Optimists say that hackers will not be able to influence the US presidential election on a major scale, since the system has numerous safeguards. Besides an army of volunteer election officials who work at the polling stations, there are also canvassers, representing both parties, who go over the results to make sure everything was done right. We'd love to get your feedback at

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Widgets Magazine

Widgets Magazine

Both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump spent over a year on the campaign trail, doing what they could to win the trust of the American public. However, there are concerns on Trump’s side about possible manipulations at the polling booths, with WikiLea

EXCLUSIVE: Lt. Col. Abu Ali’s Death: Why Boko Haram is killing more Nigerian soldiers – Top Military Officer
November 7, 2016 Premium Times
Lt. Col. Abu Ali lifted high by troops after he helped in capturing a location in the North-East.

Nigeria has been in mourning since Saturday when news broke that Muhammad Abu-Ali, a lieutenant colonel, and Nigerian Army’s most efficient fighter died in battle alongside five soldiers during an exchange of battle with the terrorist Boko Haram.

Military insiders said the Army has launched an inquiry into the circumstances that led to the death of the country’s bravest commander and five of his troops.

But a top military officer with deep knowledge of the North-East operation has granted PREMIUM TIMES an exclusive interview detailing how the officer and his soldiers fell and why more and more soldiers were being killed by Boko Haram in recent times. The officer requested anonymity because he had no permission to discuss operational matters with the media.


Thank you very much officer for agreeing to talk to us. We are sorry to hear of the death of Lt. Col. Abu Ali, a gallant and brave officer who gave his all to his country. We also learnt that he was killed alongside some soldiers. What really happened?

What happened was that Boko Haram terrorists ambushed our troops on Friday night at Mallam Fatori. Lt Col Abu Ali was killed on his way to reinforce troops there.

Information available reveals that one officer and 49 soldiers were withdrawn from Mallam Fatori on Friday morning and Boko Haram attacked at night indicating they possibly had advance information of the troops reduction in number.

Six soldiers and 14 Boko Haram terrorists were killed alongside Lt Col Abu-Ali, who was granted special promotion in 2014 for his gallantry in the fight against Boko Haram.

There is great mourning across the theatre of operations. Everyone is in mourning mood. May God grant the senior officer Aljanat Firdaus.

But why are attacks and killing of Nigerian troops becoming rampant in the past weeks?

It is sad that the Nigerian Army is announcing that the attacks are being carried out by remnants of Boko Haram terrorists when all reasonable persons can see that Boko Haram is still a formidable force. The Nigerian Army is more concerned with pleasing the political class while the grassroots people are still suffering.

It is the duty of the Nigerian Army public relations department to make the Nigerian Army look good but it is also necessary for the Nigerian Army to take practical steps to end this insurgency by improving the equipment state of the Nigerian Army and telling the government the true state of affairs.

What is the true state of affairs?

The truth is that from September to November this year, we have lost so many troops that can’t even be accounted for.

Prominent amongst those lost are Maj DS Erasmus and 8 soldiers – 25 Sep 2016 due to IED / ambush along Bama – Banki road. Lt Col K Yusuf and 83 soldiers missing in action on 16 Oct 2016 when Boko Haram attacked troops location at Gashigar. Lt Col M Abu-Ali and five soldiers were killed on 4 November 2016 on their way to reinforce troops at Mallam Fatori during Boko Haram attack.

On 5 November 2016, two soldiers were killed at Kwada during Boko Haram attack on troops location. One soldier was wounded while another two were declared missing in action.

In another attack in Kangarwa on 6 November, one soldier was killed while four other soldiers were wounded in action. Thirteen Boko Haram terrorists were killed and unconfirmed number of them was wounded.

Why are attacks on troops becoming more and more regular?

It’s dry season here and the ground allows smooth movement of vehicles. Boko Haram terrorists have a better knowledge of the local terrain so they can easily access troops location and escape.

Furthermore, there’s pressure on Boko Haram terrorists around Sambisa general area hence they seem to have pooled forces together to concentrate on the northern Borno axis.

So what can Nigerian authorities do to reduce casualties on the side of Nigerian troops?

The major cause of casualties on troops at the moment is poor equipment state. At the moment, the equipment in the theatre are mostly worn out and almost obsolete. Provision of adequate equipment is the only answer for now. Troops confidence is a function of sound and functional equipment.

Remember that man without equipment is at best inefficient and machines without man are almost useless. This points to the need for adequate equipment in the theatre to minimize casualty rate in the theatre.

What kinds of equipment are obsolete, and what kinds are needed at this time?

The tanks (especially Vickers MBT) in the theatre are so worn out that they often do not get to action most times troops are under attack. This is why the semi-serviceable T-72 tanks are being moved everywhere in the theatre. This explains why Lt Col Abu-Ali was almost everywhere there was threat as he commanded the T-72 tank Battalion.

The artillery Shilka guns are even the worst. Boko Haram terrorists fear the effect of Shilka guns but I still wonder why almost all Shilkas are not serviceable in the theatre.

Even more worrisome is the fact that the Nigerian Army has not procured more Shilka guns because they are Russian made and the bottleneck to buy them is not too much like those of Western countries.

But the impression being created is that troops are better off now in terms of equipment than under Jonathan

Unfortunately, for every battle we engage in, the equipment keep wearing and to worsen issues, these equipment were not procured with their fast-moving spare parts. The big question is, how many equipment has the present government procured and where are they deployed for use?

So does it mean troops are using just AK 47 to fight Boko Haram?

That’s our personal assault rifle, which is needed after long range weapons have done much of the job but unfortunately the long range support weapons are inadequate. Eg AA GUNS, mortar tubes, artillery weapons like shilka guns etc.

So how did we achieve the initial upper hand, cutting down Boko Haram down and capturing territories from the terrorists?

The upper hand started in February 2015 due to the arrival of T-72 tanks in the theatre. Chadian troops also assisted in mounting pressure on Boko Haram terrorists at the same time. This resulted in Boko Haram splitting their forces to several places at the same time.

So how did we lose the plot?

Recall that there were mercenaries that fought with Nigerian Army troops in the first and second quarters of 2015.


Boko Haram seems to have good strategist who study our modus operandi and cause them to adjust accordingly. The Nigerian military may need to reappraise its approach to counter insurgency operations.

Those mercenaries really assisted us and their withdrawal signalled the gradual regrouping of Boko Haram terrorists. This is because their withdrawal was sudden and not in phases.

But why was their withdrawal sudden?

The new government terminated their contract.

What did the mercenaries bring to the table that our troops lack?

They came with armoured fighting equipment. Above all, they had night fighting capabilities.

Do you have any further information on the attack that killed Lt. Col. Abu Ali? Especially about attack coming after withdrawal of some personnel.

There is a plan by the authorities to carry out an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding his death. He’s to be buried by 5pm today (Monday) at the national cemetery.

But why were the men withdrawn?

They were to carry out attack elsewhere in the theatre. The only controversy is why they were suddenly forced to withdraw that fateful day.

Is it not standard practice to have replacement on location before pushing men elsewhere?

It is, but exigencies of duty make us to do things haphazardly at times.

Donald Trump with a message to the Muslim world “I love Israel”

November 8, 2016

Press Release


PRELUDE: The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO having reviewed all the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria and the Constitution of Nigeria hereby categorically make the following irrefutable assertions:

1) There is no place in any of the existing laws of Nigeria and the Constitution where the name or title or phrase ”Department of State Services (DSS)” can be found. Therefore, DSS is both illegal and unconstitutional.

2) There is no place in any of the existing laws of Nigeria and the Constitution where the terminology or phrase ”South-East zone” and ”South-South zone” can be found. Therefore, the terminology or phrase ”South-East zone” and ”South-South zone” are both illegal and unconstitutional.

3) Count One and Count Two of the new charges are invalid and must be thrown out because there is no such Law as “Criminal Code Act CAP. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2014” and there is no Law known as “Criminal Code Act CAP. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2000”

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO carried out a forensic analysis of the trumped-up charges brought against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and exposed the nullity and futility of the exercise which has many gaping holes. After studying our well-researched deconstruction of the frivolous charges, Muhammadu Buhari has now brought new charges and subsequently increased the charges against Nnamdi Kanu from three (3) to six (6). In our tradition, we are here to deconstruct and destroy these weak and error-laden charges.

“Conspiracy to commit a treasonable felony, contrary to section 516 of the Criminal Code Act Cap. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2014 and punishable under the same section of the Act.”

That you Nnamdi Kanu, ‘M’, Onwudiwe Chidiebere ‘M’ Banjamin Madubugwu, ‘M’, David Nwawuisi, ‘M’ and others now at large on diverse dates in 2014 and 2015 in Nigeria and London, United Kingdom, did conspire amongst yourselves to broadcast on Radio Biafra monitored in Enugu and other areas within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, preparations being made by you and others at large, for states in the South-East and South-South zones and other communities in Kogi and Benue States to secede from the Federal Republic of Nigeria with a view to constituting same into a Republic of Biafra and you thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 516 of the Criminal Code Act, CAP. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2000”

IPOB Comments on Charge #1:
Buhari has found out that it is unheard of in law that only one person will be charged for treasonable felony, hence he has now incorporated three more people to get out of the tight corner to which he found himself. We want to remind that entire humanity that each time the illegal and unconstitutional DSS wants to lose the case against Nnamdi Kanu they will introduce a new defendant. Recall that on the 18th of October Nnamdi Kanu was arraigned alone despite the fact that David Nwawuisi was already in jail and held without trial since July 2015. When their frivolous charges of criminal intimidation collapsed at the Magistrates Court, they quickly charged Mazi Nnamdi Kanu with terrorism before the sagacious Justice A. F. A. Ademola and that too was dismissed. Now that they are faced with the option of releasing Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, they have introduced Benjamin Madubugwu and David Nwawuisi as well as Chidiebere Onwudiwe and charged all with Conspiracy to commit Treasonable Felony. These new set of charges is the fourth alteration of charges that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has encountered.
Also in this charge, it is not clear on who was where regarding the accused persons and the locations mentioned. In addition, the use of the term “others now at large” renders the charge a mere conjecture or guesswork because Buhari is expected to know those being accused by name. Using the term “others now at large” is akin to operating a blank cheque and as we observed in our previous forensic analysis. These “others now at large” could be Barack Obama, David Cameron, Theresa May, Bill Clinton, Prof. Osibanjo, Atiku Abubakar, Justice Binta Nyako, Mamman Daura, and even Aisha Buhari.
We also note that there is no specificity in date of commission of the crime and this renders the charge baseless. We posit that this time around, Buhari has made the charges more dismissive by using the term “diverse dates in 2014 and 2015”. To make his case arguably, Buhari must specify the date or dates of the commission of the crime. In the prelude, we have already mentioned that the term “South-East” and South-South” are illegal and unconstitutional.
Finally, we want to inform Buhari that the law he cited in “Particulars of Offence” is in conflict with the law cited in the “Charge.”. This alone renders this charge invalid.

“Treasonable felony, contrary to Section 41 (c) of the Criminal Code Act Cap. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2014 and punishable under the same section of the Act.“

“That you Nnamdi Kanu ‘M‘ being the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO on diverse dates in 2014 and 2015 in London, United Kingdom, did broadcast on Radio Biafra monitored in Enugu and other areas within the jusrisdcition of the is Honourable Court, preparations being made by you and others now at large, for states in the South-East and South-South zones and other communities in Kogi and Benue States to secede from the Federal Republic of Nigeria with a view to constituting same into a Republicof Biafra and you committed an offence punishable under Section 41(c) of the Criminal Code Act, CAP. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.

IPOB Comments on Charge #2:
Buhari has failed here to be specific on actual dates of commission of the crime of treasonable felony by using the term “diverse dates in 2014 and 2015“, which renders the accusation as lacking in specificity and typical of conjectures and beer-parlour guess-work. We want Buhari to tell the world if broadcasting in London makes the broadcast under the jurisdiction of the Abuja Court or is it being monitored in Enugu that makes a broadcast that was made in London now within the jurisdiction of Abuja Court. Again we ask Buhari, who are these “others now at large“? How can you use the term “others now at large“ in a high-profile case such as treasonable felony without identifying the specific individuals involved thereby making it unbelievable and giving rooms for significant margins of error? Under the excuse of “others now at large“, many people can be wrongly termed as those who allegedly worked with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. It is possible that Yusuf Buhari, Aminah Buhari, Zarah Buhari, and Ibrahim Babangida are among these “others now at large“.
Just as noted in the prelude, the illegality and unconstitutionality of South-East and South-South has already been established. Buhari is economical in words and should tell the world what “preparations” that are being made by Nnamdi Kanu and these “others now at large“ because the charge is not explanatory enough.
We want to remind Buhari that exercising the rights to self-determination is not equivalent to levying war against Nigeria. Broadcasting from London is not equivalent to levying war against Nigeria. It must be recalled that Buhari sponsored Radio Chanji in Northern part of Nigeria during the last Presidential Election in which he promised that he would make blood of Nigerians to flow on the streets if he loses the election.

“Managing an unlawful society, punishable under Section 63 of the Criminal Code Act, CAP. C38, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.“

“That you Nnamdi Kanu, ‘M‘, Onwudiwe Chidiebere ‘M‘ and others at large, on or about the year 2012 at London, United Kingdom and South East as well as South South parts of Nigeria within the Jurisdiction of this Honourable Court managed an unlawful society, to wit: the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO, pursuant to your secessionist agenda, with intent to bringing into being, a Republic of Biafra out of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 63 of the Criminal Code Act, Cap. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.“

IPOB Comments on Charge #3:
Is Buhari aware that IPOB is duly registered in the United Kingdom? If IPOB is truly registered in the United Kingdom, then what makes it an unlawful society? So Buhari is telling the world that Biafrans under the aegis of IPOB exerting their rights to self-determination as enshrined in the various declarations of the United Nations and the African Union is constituting an unlawful society? We can also extrapolate that Buhari has committed the same crime because on the 29th of September 205, Buhari made the following statement at the United General Assembly in New York: “The international community has come to pin its hopes on resolving the Palestinian issue through the two – states solution which recognises the legitimate right of each state to exist in peace and security. The world has no more excuses or reasons to delay the implementation of the long list of Security Council resolutions on this question. Neither do we have the moral right to deny any people their freedom or condemn them indefinitely to occupation and blockade.“
Section-62(2) of CAP C38 L.F. N. 2004 specified conditions under which an organization can be deemed unlawful society, and none of the conditions is against the rights of Indigenous People to self-determination.
We want to remind Buhari that Biafrans and IPOB exist in every nook and cranny of Nigeria and outside Nigeria. Therefore, it is an insult for Buhari to state that IPOB is managed only in London and in the illegal and unconstitutional South East and South South of Nigeria. We reiterate to Buhari that the right to self-determination is inalienable and irreducible and NOT a secessionist agenda. Buhari should know that inclusion of the term “others now at large“ makes this charge unsustainable and nothing but a mere guess-work because all accused persons must be known and identified and not just referred to as “others now at large“.

“Publication of defamatory matter, punishable under Section 375 of the Criminal Cod Act, Cap. C38, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004”

“That you, Nnamdi Kanu, on or about the 28th April, 2015 in London, United Kingdom did broadcast on Radio Biafra monitored in Enugu, Enugu State and other parts of Nigeria within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, referred to Major General Muhammadu Buhari, GCON President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a paedophile, a terrorist, and **** and an embodiment of evil knowing same to be false and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 375 of the Criminal Code Act, Cap C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.”

IPOB Comments on Charge #4:
This charge should be dismissed immediately for the following reasons:
1) As at 28th of April, 2015, Retired Major General Muhammadu Buhari was not the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Hence the title and the position ascribed to him was wrong and nullify the charge. If Buhar feels defamed by the alleged defamatory publications, he should sue Nnamdi Kanu in his private capacity because he was a private citizen as at April 28th, 2015.

2) On March 23rd 2015, an online newspaper called “thebreakingtimes” published an article in which it quoted Mrs Sarah Obozuwa, Founder of the Edo Women for Change (EWC), as saying that Aisha Buhari is a victim of childhood rape. Mrs Obozuwa asserted that Buhari (at 47 years of age) had sex with Aisha when she was just nine years old. This statement was made more than one month before the alleged comments of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and there has never been any denial or rebuttal from Buhari and Aisha.

3) On March 15, 2015, Sheikh Sani Haliru, a founding member of the dreaded jama’aful Ahlul sunna wal Liddawati wal Jihad also referred to as the Boko Haram, publicly confessed that Muhammadu Buhari is the founding father of Boko Haram and this was reported in “” online newspaper. Again, Buhari did not refute this accusation.

4) Buhari has been involved in several incidences of inciting violence duraing and after elections. Currently, there is a case of against Buhari in The Hague for killing innocent Nigerians after he lost the 2011 elections. Therefore, it is not out of place to conclude that by his acts of commission and omission he is evil and his governance/leadership style since December 31, 1983 can be correctly defined as ****ic.

“Improper importation of goods contrary to Section 47(1 (a) (i) of the Customs and Excise Management Act, Cap. C45 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and punishable under the same section of the Act.”

That you, Nnamdi Kanu, between the month of March and April, 2015, imported into Nigeira a Radio Transmitter known as TRAM 50L and kept it in your house at Ubulusiuzor in Ihiala Local Government Area (LGA) of Anambra State, Nigeria within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court and you thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 47(1) (a) (i) of the Customs and Excise Management Act, Cap. C45 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

IPOB Comments on Charge #5:
First of all, Nnamdi Kanu does not have a house in Ubulusiuzor in Ihiala LGA, hence this nullifies the charge outright. Secondly, what is the proof that the duty on the said item was not paid for before it was removed from the wharf? Also, was this item forcefully or stealthily removed from the wharf considering the checks and balances and security networks supposedly existing in the wharf? On what day was this item removed without paying the requisite duty and who were the officers on duty on that day, especially those in charge of security and at the exit gates? When exactly did this crime take place because the commission of a crime must take place on a specific date and not the range of months being bandied about on the charge sheet?

“Improper importation of goods contrary to Section 47(2) (a) of the Customs and Excise Management Act, Cap. C45 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and punishable under the same section of the Act.”

“That you, Nnamdi Kanu, between the months of March and April, 2015 imported into Nigeria and kept in Ubulusiuzor in Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, a Radio Transmitter known as TRAM 50L concealed in a container of used household items which you declared as used household items, and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 47 (2) (a) of the Customs and Excise Management Act, Cap. C45 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and punishable under the same section of the Act.”

IPOB Comments on Charge #6:
The first question here is; when was this discovery made? Who was the Customs Officer on duty who cleared this container? Was thorough inspection not part of the process required to clear goods from Nigerian Ports and who inspected this container? What is the proof that the said item was not properly cleared under a competent Customs Official? Was this offence part of the reason why Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was abducted by the illegal and unconstitutional DSS on October 14, 2015?

Barrister Emma Nmezu
Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya
Spokesperson for IPOB

A Republican Cabinet Dreams Are Made Of…Trump’s

Americans already know many of Trump’s presidential plans regarding border security, rebuilding our nation as an economic powerhouse, restoring justice to our system and draining the swamp that is Washington D.C..

Now we are getting much clearer vision of who Trump will be achieving these goals with, as this potential Cabinet Dream Team will be helping him make the vision a reality.

Some of Trump’s top picks come as surprise, while others have been stalwart companions during this brutal campaign trail.

NBC News reports:

Among the names being considered, according to conversations with three campaign advisers who requested anonymity to speak freely: Rudy Giuliani for Attorney General, Newt Gingrich for Secretary of State, retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn for Defense Secretary or National Security Adviser, Trump finance chairman Steven Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary, and Republican National Committee finance chair Lew Eisenberg for Commerce Secretary.

While Rudy Giuliani and Newt Gingrich are hardly surprises—and they are, by the way, fantastic, experienced choices—another name came up that has stunned many:

Reince Priebus, the current RNC chairman, is under consideration as Trump’s Chief of Staff. Priebus earned Trump’s trust over the course of the campaign by steadfastly defending him while other top Republicans denounced Trump or shied away from brand.

If Reince Priebus is able to manage a broad Republican victory in which the House, Senate and White House are all controlled by his party, he will have shown not only loyalty, but also an ability to bring together a broad coalition and manage it to a successful result.

These names have leaked from an anonymous source inside the campaign, not directly from Trump himself, and apparently Trump has had little to do with it so far.

Trump himself has not taken an active part in transition efforts, in part out of superstition: He fears too much planning before a victory might jinx the campaign. In 2012, he was shocked to read detailed stories on Mitt Romney’s preparations for the White House long before election day.

This clearly shows high levels of discipline and focus to keep his eye on victory until it has been secured. Thankfully, Trump has the vision for America that should lead to greater prosperity and peace, with the right people who can help him accomplish it.

Source: NBC News

November 8, 2016

Press Release


PRELUDE: The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO having reviewed all the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria and the Constitution of Nigeria hereby categorically make the following irrefutable assertions:

1) There is no place in any of the existing laws of Nigeria and the Constitution where the name or title or phrase ”Department of State Services (DSS)” can be found. Therefore, DSS is both illegal and unconstitutional.

2) There is no place in any of the existing laws of Nigeria and the Constitution where the terminology or phrase ”South-East zone” and ”South-South zone” can be found. Therefore, the terminology or phrase ”South-East zone” and ”South-South zone” are both illegal and unconstitutional.

3) Count One and Count Two of the new charges are invalid and must be thrown out because there is no such Law as “Criminal Code Act CAP. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2014” and there is no Law known as “Criminal Code Act CAP. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2000”

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO carried out a forensic analysis of the trumped-up charges brought against Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and exposed the nullity and futility of the exercise which has many gaping holes. After studying our well-researched deconstruction of the frivolous charges, Muhammadu Buhari has now brought new charges and subsequently increased the charges against Nnamdi Kanu from three (3) to six (6). In our tradition, we are here to deconstruct and destroy these weak and error-laden charges.

“Conspiracy to commit a treasonable felony, contrary to section 516 of the Criminal Code Act Cap. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2014 and punishable under the same section of the Act.”

That you Nnamdi Kanu, ‘M’, Onwudiwe Chidiebere ‘M’ Banjamin Madubugwu, ‘M’, David Nwawuisi, ‘M’ and others now at large on diverse dates in 2014 and 2015 in Nigeria and London, United Kingdom, did conspire amongst yourselves to broadcast on Radio Biafra monitored in Enugu and other areas within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, preparations being made by you and others at large, for states in the South-East and South-South zones and other communities in Kogi and Benue States to secede from the Federal Republic of Nigeria with a view to constituting same into a Republic of Biafra and you thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 516 of the Criminal Code Act, CAP. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2000”

IPOB Comments on Charge #1:
Buhari has found out that it is unheard of in law that only one person will be charged for treasonable felony, hence he has now incorporated three more people to get out of the tight corner to which he found himself. We want to remind that entire humanity that each time the illegal and unconstitutional DSS wants to lose the case against Nnamdi Kanu they will introduce a new defendant. Recall that on the 18th of October Nnamdi Kanu was arraigned alone despite the fact that David Nwawuisi was already in jail and held without trial since July 2015. When their frivolous charges of criminal intimidation collapsed at the Magistrates Court, they quickly charged Mazi Nnamdi Kanu with terrorism before the sagacious Justice A. F. A. Ademola and that too was dismissed. Now that they are faced with the option of releasing Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, they have introduced Benjamin Madubugwu and David Nwawuisi as well as Chidiebere Onwudiwe and charged all with Conspiracy to commit Treasonable Felony. These new set of charges is the fourth alteration of charges that Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has encountered.
Also in this charge, it is not clear on who was where regarding the accused persons and the locations mentioned. In addition, the use of the term “others now at large” renders the charge a mere conjecture or guesswork because Buhari is expected to know those being accused by name. Using the term “others now at large” is akin to operating a blank cheque and as we observed in our previous forensic analysis. These “others now at large” could be Barack Obama, David Cameron, Theresa May, Bill Clinton, Prof. Osibanjo, Atiku Abubakar, Justice Binta Nyako, Mamman Daura, and even Aisha Buhari.
We also note that there is no specificity in date of commission of the crime and this renders the charge baseless. We posit that this time around, Buhari has made the charges more dismissive by using the term “diverse dates in 2014 and 2015”. To make his case arguably, Buhari must specify the date or dates of the commission of the crime. In the prelude, we have already mentioned that the term “South-East” and South-South” are illegal and unconstitutional.
Finally, we want to inform Buhari that the law he cited in “Particulars of Offence” is in conflict with the law cited in the “Charge.”. This alone renders this charge invalid.

“Treasonable felony, contrary to Section 41 (c) of the Criminal Code Act Cap. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2014 and punishable under the same section of the Act.“

“That you Nnamdi Kanu ‘M‘ being the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO on diverse dates in 2014 and 2015 in London, United Kingdom, did broadcast on Radio Biafra monitored in Enugu and other areas within the jusrisdcition of the is Honourable Court, preparations being made by you and others now at large, for states in the South-East and South-South zones and other communities in Kogi and Benue States to secede from the Federal Republic of Nigeria with a view to constituting same into a Republicof Biafra and you committed an offence punishable under Section 41(c) of the Criminal Code Act, CAP. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.

IPOB Comments on Charge #2:
Buhari has failed here to be specific on actual dates of commission of the crime of treasonable felony by using the term “diverse dates in 2014 and 2015“, which renders the accusation as lacking in specificity and typical of conjectures and beer-parlour guess-work. We want Buhari to tell the world if broadcasting in London makes the broadcast under the jurisdiction of the Abuja Court or is it being monitored in Enugu that makes a broadcast that was made in London now within the jurisdiction of Abuja Court. Again we ask Buhari, who are these “others now at large“? How can you use the term “others now at large“ in a high-profile case such as treasonable felony without identifying the specific individuals involved thereby making it unbelievable and giving rooms for significant margins of error? Under the excuse of “others now at large“, many people can be wrongly termed as those who allegedly worked with Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. It is possible that Yusuf Buhari, Aminah Buhari, Zarah Buhari, and Ibrahim Babangida are among these “others now at large“.
Just as noted in the prelude, the illegality and unconstitutionality of South-East and South-South has already been established. Buhari is economical in words and should tell the world what “preparations” that are being made by Nnamdi Kanu and these “others now at large“ because the charge is not explanatory enough.
We want to remind Buhari that exercising the rights to self-determination is not equivalent to levying war against Nigeria. Broadcasting from London is not equivalent to levying war against Nigeria. It must be recalled that Buhari sponsored Radio Chanji in Northern part of Nigeria during the last Presidential Election in which he promised that he would make blood of Nigerians to flow on the streets if he loses the election.

“Managing an unlawful society, punishable under Section 63 of the Criminal Code Act, CAP. C38, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.“

“That you Nnamdi Kanu, ‘M‘, Onwudiwe Chidiebere ‘M‘ and others at large, on or about the year 2012 at London, United Kingdom and South East as well as South South parts of Nigeria within the Jurisdiction of this Honourable Court managed an unlawful society, to wit: the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO, pursuant to your secessionist agenda, with intent to bringing into being, a Republic of Biafra out of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 63 of the Criminal Code Act, Cap. C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.“

IPOB Comments on Charge #3:
Is Buhari aware that IPOB is duly registered in the United Kingdom? If IPOB is truly registered in the United Kingdom, then what makes it an unlawful society? So Buhari is telling the world that Biafrans under the aegis of IPOB exerting their rights to self-determination as enshrined in the various declarations of the United Nations and the African Union is constituting an unlawful society? We can also extrapolate that Buhari has committed the same crime because on the 29th of September 205, Buhari made the following statement at the United General Assembly in New York: “The international community has come to pin its hopes on resolving the Palestinian issue through the two – states solution which recognises the legitimate right of each state to exist in peace and security. The world has no more excuses or reasons to delay the implementation of the long list of Security Council resolutions on this question. Neither do we have the moral right to deny any people their freedom or condemn them indefinitely to occupation and blockade.“
Section-62(2) of CAP C38 L.F. N. 2004 specified conditions under which an organization can be deemed unlawful society, and none of the conditions is against the rights of Indigenous People to self-determination.
We want to remind Buhari that Biafrans and IPOB exist in every nook and cranny of Nigeria and outside Nigeria. Therefore, it is an insult for Buhari to state that IPOB is managed only in London and in the illegal and unconstitutional South East and South South of Nigeria. We reiterate to Buhari that the right to self-determination is inalienable and irreducible and NOT a secessionist agenda. Buhari should know that inclusion of the term “others now at large“ makes this charge unsustainable and nothing but a mere guess-work because all accused persons must be known and identified and not just referred to as “others now at large“.

“Publication of defamatory matter, punishable under Section 375 of the Criminal Cod Act, Cap. C38, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004”

“That you, Nnamdi Kanu, on or about the 28th April, 2015 in London, United Kingdom did broadcast on Radio Biafra monitored in Enugu, Enugu State and other parts of Nigeria within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, referred to Major General Muhammadu Buhari, GCON President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a paedophile, a terrorist, and **** and an embodiment of evil knowing same to be false and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 375 of the Criminal Code Act, Cap C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.”

IPOB Comments on Charge #4:
This charge should be dismissed immediately for the following reasons:
1) As at 28th of April, 2015, Retired Major General Muhammadu Buhari was not the President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Hence the title and the position ascribed to him was wrong and nullify the charge. If Buhar feels defamed by the alleged defamatory publications, he should sue Nnamdi Kanu in his private capacity because he was a private citizen as at April 28th, 2015.

2) On March 23rd 2015, an online newspaper called “thebreakingtimes” published an article in which it quoted Mrs Sarah Obozuwa, Founder of the Edo Women for Change (EWC), as saying that Aisha Buhari is a victim of childhood rape. Mrs Obozuwa asserted that Buhari (at 47 years of age) had sex with Aisha when she was just nine years old. This statement was made more than one month before the alleged comments of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and there has never been any denial or rebuttal from Buhari and Aisha.

3) On March 15, 2015, Sheikh Sani Haliru, a founding member of the dreaded jama’aful Ahlul sunna wal Liddawati wal Jihad also referred to as the Boko Haram, publicly confessed that Muhammadu Buhari is the founding father of Boko Haram and this was reported in “” online newspaper. Again, Buhari did not refute this accusation.

4) Buhari has been involved in several incidences of inciting violence duraing and after elections. Currently, there is a case of against Buhari in The Hague for killing innocent Nigerians after he lost the 2011 elections. Therefore, it is not out of place to conclude that by his acts of commission and omission he is evil and his governance/leadership style since December 31, 1983 can be correctly defined as ****ic.

“Improper importation of goods contrary to Section 47(1 (a) (i) of the Customs and Excise Management Act, Cap. C45 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and punishable under the same section of the Act.”

That you, Nnamdi Kanu, between the month of March and April, 2015, imported into Nigeira a Radio Transmitter known as TRAM 50L and kept it in your house at Ubulusiuzor in Ihiala Local Government Area (LGA) of Anambra State, Nigeria within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court and you thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 47(1) (a) (i) of the Customs and Excise Management Act, Cap. C45 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004.

IPOB Comments on Charge #5:
First of all, Nnamdi Kanu does not have a house in Ubulusiuzor in Ihiala LGA, hence this nullifies the charge outright. Secondly, what is the proof that the duty on the said item was not paid for before it was removed from the wharf? Also, was this item forcefully or stealthily removed from the wharf considering the checks and balances and security networks supposedly existing in the wharf? On what day was this item removed without paying the requisite duty and who were the officers on duty on that day, especially those in charge of security and at the exit gates? When exactly did this crime take place because the commission of a crime must take place on a specific date and not the range of months being bandied about on the charge sheet?

“Improper importation of goods contrary to Section 47(2) (a) of the Customs and Excise Management Act, Cap. C45 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and punishable under the same section of the Act.”

“That you, Nnamdi Kanu, between the months of March and April, 2015 imported into Nigeria and kept in Ubulusiuzor in Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, a Radio Transmitter known as TRAM 50L concealed in a container of used household items which you declared as used household items, and you thereby committed an offence contrary to Section 47 (2) (a) of the Customs and Excise Management Act, Cap. C45 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and punishable under the same section of the Act.”

IPOB Comments on Charge #6:
The first question here is; when was this discovery made? Who was the Customs Officer on duty who cleared this container? Was thorough inspection not part of the process required to clear goods from Nigerian Ports and who inspected this container? What is the proof that the said item was not properly cleared under a competent Customs Official? Was this offence part of the reason why Mazi Nnamdi Kanu was abducted by the illegal and unconstitutional DSS on October 14, 2015?

Barrister Emma Nmezu
Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya
Spokesperson for IPOB

Tuesday, November 08, 2016
UNITED STATES: Officials Brace For An Unusually Chaotic Day Of Voting

State leaders, voting experts and advocates in the United States say they are preparing for an unusual level of confusion and chaos Tuesday as voters cast their ballots in a historically bitter presidential race.

Early voters in some states in the US have faced hours-long lines the past several days. Democrats have filed a flurry of last-minute lawsuits alleging voter intimidation by Donald Trump supporters. And there have been some heated polling site confrontations between Trump voters and Hillary Clinton backers.

Election monitors are especially worried this year about the specter of voter intimidation after calls by the Republican candidate for his supporters to stake out polling places and watch for fraud.

Election officials in Pennsylvania and Arizona have become so concerned in recent days about potential intimidation that they issued advisories spelling out what types of threatening behavior are banned and the exact dimensions of buffer zones surrounding polling places.

Oriental Times: UNITED STATES: Officials Brace For An Unusually Chaotic Day Of Voting

Oriental Times: UNITED STATES: Officials Brace For An Unusually Chaotic Day Of Voting

Good morning good people

Rev. Graham Just Responded To Obama’s Radical Mosque Visit… His Message ROCKED Internet
Feb 05, 2016
by admin in DIASPORA

Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Franklin Graham responded to President Barack Obama’s radical mosque visit by penning a scathing rebuttal to the president’s assertion that Americans need to be more accepting of Islam.

“The foundations of this nation have nothing to do with Islam, but everything to do with the Church of Jesus Christ,” Graham wrote on Facebook. “Islam cannot save anyone from hell or open the gates of heaven.”

He added, “Only One can do that — Jesus Christ, the Son of God who paid the debt of sin for all mankind by giving His life as a sacrifice on Calvary’s cross where He suffered and died for our sins, took our sins to the grave, and on the third day God raised Him triumphantly to life.”

Graham also pointed out that Jesus is still alive, whereas the Prophet Muhammad has long been dead.

Graham wrote this toughly worded rebuke in response to Obama visiting a mosque in Baltimore with reportedties to terrorism. Additionally, one of the imams