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The Good Series, 6

The Church

The church is the body of Christ (the body of believers) and not the physical structure where Christians go to worship. Some have said that within the body of Christ there are differences in teachings, thereby bringing about controversies in certain subjects.

Let me make it clear, the gospel of Christ we received is one and only one – the gospel of life. There is no problem or controversy in or with the gospel. I will tell you where the problem is – the problem is with a few of the preachers and teachers of the gospel.

These few have agenda different from Ephesians 4:11-13. Their agenda are personal and some self-servicing, so what do they do? They twist and bend the gospel to fit into their agenda. But you can know them, just place their teachings side-by-side with what the bible says and you will see discrepancies and at times complete fallacy.

The church is not just for perfect people, the reason we have preachers and teachers of the gospel is - ‘’for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’’ Ephesians 4:12 (KJV).

When we twist the gospel to further our personal agenda - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we start to import the values of the world into the church - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we see or know of, sexual immorality in the church and we don’t address it - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we see people that we know that their source of income is not very clear or questionable and we don’t call them aside to inquire, just because they are bringing money to the church - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we see all sorts of anomalies in the church and we close our eyes to them or pretend that they are not there – are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

And for every one that is a member of the church, if you have been in the church for a while and your life is not challenging people around you to become better, then you are wasting you attendance to church. For those living in disobedience to God’s word to be comfort around you is an anomaly

Finally my brethren, the purpose of the church is to change us and get us ready for the coming of the Master, what is the use of being in church and then end up in hell with those that did not go to church at all?

If you are touched by this series, I would love to hear from you. Just drop me a comment.

God Bless You


The Good Series, 6

The Church

The church is the body of Christ (the body of believers) and not the physical structure where Christians go to worship. Some have said that within the body of Christ there are differences in teachings, thereby bringing about controversies in certain subjects.

Let me make it clear, the gospel of Christ we received is one and only one – the gospel of life. There is no problem or controversy in or with the gospel. I will tell you where the problem is – the problem is with a few of the preachers and teachers of the gospel.

These few have agenda different from Ephesians 4:11-13. Their agenda are personal and some self-servicing, so what do they do? They twist and bend the gospel to fit into their agenda. But you can know them, just place their teachings side-by-side with what the bible says and you will see discrepancies and at times complete fallacy.

The church is not just for perfect people, the reason we have preachers and teachers of the gospel is - ‘’for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ’’ Ephesians 4:12 (KJV).

When we twist the gospel to further our personal agenda - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we start to import the values of the world into the church - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we see or know of, sexual immorality in the church and we don’t address it - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we see people that we know that their source of income is not very clear or questionable and we don’t call them aside to inquire, just because they are bringing money to the church - are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

When we see all sorts of anomalies in the church and we close our eyes to them or pretend that they are not there – are we taking the saints through the path of perfection, and edifying of the body of Christ? – NO

And for every one that is a member of the church, if you have been in the church for a while and your life is not challenging people around you to become better, then you are wasting you attendance to church. For those living in disobedience to God’s word to be comfort around you is an anomaly

Finally my brethren, the purpose of the church is to change us and get us ready for the coming of the Master, what is the use of being in church and then end up in hell with those that did not go to church at all?

If you are touched by this series, I would love to hear from you. Just drop me a comment.

God Bless You


Nnamdi Kanu’s Letter To Donald Trump Infuriates Buhari

The imprisoned leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO, Nnamdi Kanu, has written the US President-elect, Donald Trump.

Kanu smuggled out a handwritten letter through his friend and conveyed his happiness over Trump’s victory.

The handwritten letter the source said was submitted to the media and publicity department of the IPOB yesterday’s morning.

The letter which was typed and circulated among journalists, read: “Dear Mr. President-elect, it is with great joy that I, Nnamdi Kanu, received the news of your victory as the 45th President of the United States of America.

“On behalf of the Indigenous People of Biafra, accept my warmest congratulations.

“Mr. President-elect, the American people have given you their mandate and trust.

“They want you to make America great again and also to bring positive changes in the affairs of humanity.

“Your victory has placed a historic and moral burden upon you to liberate enslaved nations in Africa.

“Most of them are trapped in artificially-created boundaries designed to reinforce colonial domination and subjugation.

“Self-determination is a sacred right of all people as demonstrated by the good people of United Kingdom.

“It is imperative to draw historical parallels between your victory and that of the great Dwight Eisenhower.

“Eisenhower, a fellow Republican, was instrumental in the dismantling of European colonialism in Africa,” the letter read.

Sources from the presidency have said that smuggled letter has infuriated President Buhari.

The source further disclosed that the President has ordered an immediate investigation on how the letter was leaked.

“I can confirm to you that the President is very angry at a letter circulated from Nnamdi Kanu’s prison cell.

“The President has ordered the DSS to investigate how the letter was leaked and the persons involved.

“Oga might sack some people after the investigation,” the source disclosed.

Nnamdi Kanu’s Letter To Donald Trump Infuriates Buhari

The imprisoned leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO, Nnamdi Kanu, has written the US President-elect, Donald Trump.

Kanu smuggled out a handwritten letter through his friend and conveyed his happiness over Trump’s victory.

The handwritten letter the source said was submitted to the media and publicity department of the IPOB yesterday’s morning.

The letter which was typed and circulated among journalists, read: “Dear Mr. President-elect, it is with great joy that I, Nnamdi Kanu, received the news of your victory as the 45th President of the United States of America.

“On behalf of the Indigenous People of Biafra, accept my warmest congratulations.

“Mr. President-elect, the American people have given you their mandate and trust.

“They want you to make America great again and also to bring positive changes in the affairs of humanity.

“Your victory has placed a historic and moral burden upon you to liberate enslaved nations in Africa.

“Most of them are trapped in artificially-created boundaries designed to reinforce colonial domination and subjugation.

“Self-determination is a sacred right of all people as demonstrated by the good people of United Kingdom.

“It is imperative to draw historical parallels between your victory and that of the great Dwight Eisenhower.

“Eisenhower, a fellow Republican, was instrumental in the dismantling of European colonialism in Africa,” the letter read.

Sources from the presidency have said that smuggled letter has infuriated President Buhari.

The source further disclosed that the President has ordered an immediate investigation on how the letter was leaked.

“I can confirm to you that the President is very angry at a letter circulated from Nnamdi Kanu’s prison cell.

“The President has ordered the DSS to investigate how the letter was leaked and the persons involved.

“Oga might sack some people after the investigation,” the source disclosed.


Wow! Trump Wins US Presidential Election
This man says a lot of wrong things but he is not a politician – politicians always say the right things in public but then they do lots of wrong out of the public eye. For instance, many supported Obama 8 years ago, I was one of those who supported him but the things that this man has done against Christianity and morality is astonishing. Christian bakeries have been closed down by judges appointed by Obama for refusing to bake cakes for homosexual marriages, people have been told to stop saying Happy Christmas and to say happy holidays because Obama believes that the Christ in Christmas offends none Christians in a country where about 80% are Christians. Obama has withdrawn money meant for the education of children from schools that have refused to allow boys and girls to use the same bathrooms and toilets. Obama ordered Chaplains in US army to stop using the Name of Jesus during funerals. Christian companies have been forced to employ homosexuals by Obama judges and laws have been made that allows 15 years old children to have a sex change operation without parental consent. Bibles have been removed from the beds of US Christian soldiers by Presidential order
The win of Trump brings shame on most of the news media led by CNN who has been lying to the public with lopsided polls results. By the way, CNN is not a news channel – unethical, biased, lopsided and immoral being so far removed from neutrality which is the hallmark of true journalism. Little wonder that some Americans call it Clinton News Network (CNN). Nonetheless, there are some very sound journalists there even though they are in the minority – people like Wolf Blitzer and John King stand out.
Now to Hillary Clinton – she supports everything Obama does – everything. Hillary’s role model wrote a book that he dedicated to satan – yes, the book is dedicated to Lucifer and Hillary absolutely loves the man to the extent that her thesis was about that man
Back to Trump – he talks a lot, he says a lot of wrong things but God uses anyone – in the scriptures, the Lord used animals, heathen Kings, etc to bring about His will. I have been a Trump supporter all along but I never said it here on Facebook because I understand that some of my followers support Clinton (and I understand them) and many women like her because she is a woman and would have become the first woman President just as we supported Obama when we saw he could become the first black president but when he became president, he did nothing for Africa and actually punished African countries with funds withdrawal because of our broad dislike for homosexuality. He sanctioned Nigeria because President Jonathan because he signed a bill against homosexuality and he refused to visit his father’s country of Kenya because President Uhuru Kenyata is against homosexuality – he only visited Kenya last year, 7 years into his presidency so that it will not be on record that he never visited his fatherland as president and when he visited, he tried to get President Kenyata to legalize homosexual marriage in secret and in a public speech
Why is the world so interested in America elections? The answer is simple: it is the most influential country in the world and it can influence the world in both good and bad ways. Example: once Obama came out to endorse homosexual marriage 4 years ago – the prime minister of Britain and the President of France did the same thing within weeks.
The will of God has been done – Trump is not born again but Hillary is not – Hillary would have continued all of Obama’s policies against followers of Christ but Trump has promised to actually cancel those policies
According to Trump’s son, one of the things that his father rarely gets credit for, is the way he raised them “How many children of billionaires turn out like us – no drugs, no alcohol, no tattoos, very responsible” . Trump Jr.
Clinton ran to protect Obama’s legacy, she said that just yesterday – I couldn’t support someone who would continue to oppress Christians no matter how right they speak in public – Jesus said “He or she that is not for us, is against us”.
~ *Sunny Eronmose Isuekebhor*

Days to come I shall be doing a short videos clips on how we can manage our life.

It is no longer secret that Nigeria has lowest life expectancies. This means that our stay on earth is just 55 years on average. Based on this how can one supersedes this record? The Simple way is to consider what goes into our system.

Here is a report from Thisday newspaper.
Nigeria has one of the lowest life expectancies in the world despite concerted efforts to improve the standard of living. Martins Ifijeh writes on the need to tackle the top health causes of deaths for life expectancy to improve in the country

Despite Nigeria priding itself as the largest economy in Africa with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of about $500 billion, and one of the world’s fastest growing economies in the world, the life expectancy ratio of its citizens has continued to be at variance and an embarrassment to the status which the country professes.

The May 2016 life expectancy data published by the World Health Organisation (WHO) has shown that Nigeria, again, has one of the lowest life expectancy ratio in Africa and in the world; with 55 years for females and 54 years for males, standing at the 177th position, just above eight other countries of the world. On the average, the life expectancy ratio is 54.5 for the country.

Surprisingly, even disaster and war-torn countries like South Sudan, Rwanda, Haiti, Yemen, Afghanistan, and poorer nations like Mozambique and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) all have a higher life expectancy rate than Africa’s giant, Nigeria. Meaning citizens of these countries will, on the average, live longer than Nigerians.