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The South- East Caucus of the House of Representatives has rejected introduction of Sharia law in the Constitution.

House of Representative
Recall that reports have it that the bill seeking for the inclusion of Sharia Law have passed second reading in the senate.

But, The Chairman of the caucus and Deputy Minority Leader, Chukwuka Onyema have revealed that such bill have not passed second reading, but was waiting to be passed.

Speaking with the National Assembly Correspondents, Onyema said that a good number of ranking members from the southeast zone understand that all bills seeking an amendment of the constitution “shall be passed for second reading” and refferred to the Adhoc Committee on Constitution, it would be wrong to say they were caught unawares.

He assured that there was no cause for alarm as a public hearing with conducted on the bill saying, “Any matter on constitutional amendment is passed for second reading and sent to the constitutional review committee.

“ I can use the word ‘shall’, that such a bill shall be passed for second reading and sent to the committee, who will now look at it to see if should be presented for debate.

“We have experienced lawmakers in the South-East Caucus who are waiting for when this bill will be debated.

“ We are not sleeping. We are committed to working for their people and this is seen in our contributions on the floor as well as in various committees, along with oversight functions”, he added.

Also, the southeast lawmakers rejected the President Buhari’s request to the National Assembly for approval of a $29.9 billion external borrowing plan.

The caucus described it as “unacceptable,” following the exclusion of the zone in the allocation of projects by the Federal Government in the proposed plan, citing that they will only support a borrowing plan that is inclusive of all geo-political zones. This was even as they complained that details of the terms of the loans, duration, cost and application have not been made provided.

Culled from Daily sun

Wikileaks Email Dump Reveals Clinton Ties To Occultist Group
Bizarre State Department emails released by Wikileaks reveal a disturbing homage to occultist God of human sacrifice - 'Moloch'.

Posted on March 22, 2016 by Baxter Dmitry in News, US // 20 Comments
Wikileaks classified email dump has exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the establishment with occultist beliefs, worshiping the human sacrificing God Moloch

The latest Wikileaks classified email dump has exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the establishment with occultist beliefs.

Hillary Clinton is so deeply entrenched in the elite New World Order establishment that she even bows down to Moloch, the same occultist god they perform human sacrifice rituals for at the annual Bohemian Grove meetings.

In an email from August 29 2008 that has just been made available to search by Wikileaks, a senior government staffer writes to Hillary Clinton, “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .”
WikiLeaks Dumps More Podesta Emails, Bringing Total To Over 11,000
The Wikileaks classified email dumps have exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a member of the infamous Rothschild family's inner sanctum, with occultist beliefs.
Wikileaks Reveal Clinton Ties To Rothschilds And Occult Cabal

Thanks to the Wikileaks Hillary Clinton Email Archive (containing 30,022 emails, free to search), we now have more concrete proof that Hillary Clinton and other globalist elites are into the occult. Nobody randomly uses Moloch in a conversation. Most people don’t even know what Moloch is.

With fingers crossed, the old rabbit's foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the

But Bohemian Grove, the playground of the world’s most wealthy and powerful men, has been performing sacrifice rituals to Moloch since the 1800s, offering burnt human flesh according to some reports.

Given the reputation Bohemian Grove has for deciding the next President of the United States in the year before the election (see former Presidents Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan, the Bush dynasty, as well as Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton), it should come as no surprise that Hillary is wriggling her way into their dark, secretive world.
Former President George W. Bush and his father attending Bohemian Grove

Former President George W. Bush and his father attending Bohemian Grove

The Bohemian Grove club might be infamously male only, but temporary exceptions have been made for women before, and if the Grovers decide it is in their interest to ordain Hillary as the next President then they will bend their rules to let her in.
Moloch - the ancient God of child sacrifice

Moloch – the ancient God of human sacrifice

When this happens, expect to see the mainstream press turn against Hillary’s political rivals even more viciously. The elites will have spoken and the mainstream media will begin marching to the beat of the global elite, maintaining their interests, and destroying the chances of anyone or anything they see as a threat to their corrupt, elite club.

South-East Governors Are Too Lazy, Lack Vision – TUC
November 6, 2016 News

Chairman of the Trade Union Congress (TUC), in Enugu State, Chukwuma Igbokwe, has accused governors of the Southeast region of being too lazy and over dependent on federal allocation. He noted that this attitude had hindered development in the region.

Igbokwe said the governors were not willing to harness natural resources in their states to generate additional revenue.

The TUC chairman, speaking in an interview with The Punch in Enugu, where he noted that the impact of the decline of the country’s oil revenue would not have been severe on the South-East states if successive administrations since 1999 had not abandoned large scale agricultural enterprises established during the first and second republics.

According to the labour leader, “The problem with the South-East is over-reliance on federal allocation by the state governors.

“Since 1999, the governors have been lazy; no attempt was made to harness abundant and viable natural resources available for revenue generation and development.

“The palm oil and cashew plantations, rice farms, poultries and similar ventures that were established across the South-East at industrial scale during the first and second republics are wasting away. They have all been abandoned.

“They can still be revived but the governors are not thinking about that, they only think of the monthly federal allocation.”

He said the reports that Anambra State had been given a waiver to export scent leaves was a welcome development. He pointed out that this was a clear indication that there were numerous exportable resources in the states, if only the governors were willing to invest in agriculture.

“I don’t see why the states cannot export palm oil and other agricultural products on a large scale,” he noted.

Igbokwe said, claims in some quarters that the South-East was the worst hit by economic recession cannot be true because they share from the federal allocation.

He said, “I can’t say that the South-East is the worst hit by the recession. Are South-East states not getting their allocations from the Federation Account?

“The only concern is that, in bad practice, the South-East has always taken the lead. By bad practice, I mean it is only in the South-East that you will see major contracts being awarded to people who will pocket the money and refuse to execute the projects.

“Our problem in the South-East is not using our natural resources and allocation to develop our people.”

US Manipulates Facts on Mosul Operation to 'Discredit Russian Campaign in Syria'

© Sputnik/ Dmitry Vinogradov Politics 14:39 05.11.2016(updated 14:42 05.11.2016) Get short URL 83304335

The United States Department of State was "insulted" by a comparison between the situation in Aleppo, Syria versus Mosul, Iraq where a US-led coalition is conducting a military operation.

However, such an approach seems to be rather biased and aimed to discredit the Russian operation in Syria. Iraqi forces fire mortar shells towards Daesh positions on October 21, 2016, on the frontline on the outskirts of Qayyarah, about 30 kilometres south of Mosul, during an operation to retake the main hub city from Daesh © AFP 2016/ BULENT KILIC A Tale of Two Terrorist-Held Cities: How the Fight for Aleppo and Mosul Differ During a press briefing this week, State Department spokesperson John Kirby said that what is happening in Aleppo and what is happening in Mosul is "radically different." "I’ve seen comments by the Russian foreign ministry, in fact, I think Foreign Minister [Sergei] Lavrov in particular about how it’s the same. And it's absolutely not the same, and to compare the two is frankly insulting," Kirby said. Kirby added that aerial strikes in Mosul are very accurate and the coalition makes every attempt to avoid civilian casualties. "And this is it! After airstrikes at a hospital in Kunduz, an attack on Syrian forces near Deir ez-Zor and other attacks on civilians, Washington says its aircraft are now conducting surgical strikes in Mosul. This is too good to be true," Russian journalist Vladimir Bychkov wrote for Radio Sputnik. Der Spiegel headquarters © Wikipedia/ Wmeinhart German Magazine Uses Daesh Propaganda Video to Show All is Well in Mosul Recently, Spiegel Online magazine tried to provide video evidence to the State Department’s claims about the differences between the Aleppo siege and the Mosul operation. "Eastern Aleppo has been cut off from the outside world for months. There is no help coming to the city. People are starving. There is no drinking water, a lack of electricity. In Mosul, the situation is different at the moment. The city can receive supplies; people have water, electricity, enough food. Nobody was starving to death there yet," political editor of Spiegel Online Crystoph Sydow said. To prove his words, the journalist referred to video footage showing that the situation in Mosul is not as bad as one probably imagined. But it turns out that the footage he used was a Daesh propaganda video. The picture created by Western media about "peaceful life in Mosul" was nearly ruined by the United Nations. The organization expressed concern that airstrikes in Mosul are killing civilians. "However, those concerns have not turned into any actions or decisions," Bychkov noted. An Iraqi special forces soldier fires an RPG during clashes with Islamic States fighters in Bartella, east of Mosul, Iraq October 20, 2016. © REUTERS/ Goran Tomasevic Mosul vs. Aleppo: US' Approach to the Operations 'Biased', 'Non-Objective' The journalist also underscored that international organizations and human rights activists have not reacted to the fact of civilian casualties in Mosul. By defending its tactics in Mosul and bashing Russia’s actions in Syria, the US continues its blatantly biased policy toward Moscow, said Andranik Migranyan, a political science professor at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. "We’re used to remarks by US officials, especially from the State Department and the Pentagon, on Russian and coalition airstrikes. It’s obvious. So, Kirby’s words should be taken with irony. Because, over the recent days, Russia has received information from reliable sources that the US and allied aviation is bombing civilian districts of Aleppo," Migranyan told Radio Sputnik. The analyst reminded about allegations against Russia over "barbaric" airstrikes in Aleppo. The allegations have not been solidified with evidence. Moreover, they were spread mostly by terrorists. "Claims about airstrikes in eastern Aleppo come from the terrorists and then they are distributed in Western media. Those allegations have not been proved with facts. Moreover, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said Moscow is ready for an investigation based on facts. Unfortunately, our partners continue to adhere to their biased approach and want to discredit the Russian operation in Syria," he concluded.

Read more:

Widgets Magazine

Widgets Magazine

The United States Department of State was "insulted" by a comparison between the situation in Aleppo, Syria versus Mosul, Iraq where a US-led coalition is conducting a military operation. However, such an approach seems to be rather biased and aimed

IPOB: [Public Enlightenment Series - #4]:
November 6, 2016
A: Questions related to the Plaintiff, who in this
instance is the regime of Major-General
Muhammadu Buhari’s DSS
Q1) Is it legally permissible for the Plaintiff
(Buhari’s DSS) to use a name outside that
prescribed by law setting it up?
Section-1 of CAP N74 L.F.N. 2004 states as
1. Establishment of National Security Agencies.
There shall, for the effective conduct of national
security, be established the following National
Security Agencies, that is to say-
(a) the Defence Intelligence Agency;
(b) the National Intelligence Agency; and
(c) The State Security Service.
It is obvious, going by the above provisions, that
there is no law setting up Department of State
Security (DSS), which renders illegal every
document containing the name. To this effect,
all processes filed before Justice Binta Nyako by
the said DSS is by statute null and void because
the name does not exist in law.
Q2. By the law setting up the Plaintiff, does it
have the power of prosecution?
Section-2(3) of CAP N74 L.F.N. 2004 states as
(3) The State Security Service shall be charged
with responsibility for-
(a) The prevention and detection within Nigeria
of any crime against the internal security of
(b) The protection and preservation of all non-
military classified matters concerning the internal
security of Nigeria; and
(c) Such other responsibilities affecting internal
security within Nigeria as the National Assembly
or the President, as the case may be, may deem
There is nothing in the law setting-up the State
Security Services (SSS) that gave it the power of
prosecution. By protocol, the SSS is supposed to
hand all suspects over to the police for
prosecution because the police have the
constitutional mandate for the prosecution of
Q3. Is the Plaintiff not usurping the duties of the
Section-4 of CAP P19 L.F.N. 2004 states as
4. General duties of the police
The police shall be employed for the prevention
and detection of crime, the apprehension of
offenders, the preservation of law and order, the
protection of life and property and the due
enforcement of all laws and regulations with
which they are directly charged, and shall
perform such military duties within or outside
Nigeria as may be required of them by, or under
the authority of this or any other Act.
Section-23 of CAP P19 L.F.N. 2004 states as
23. Conduct of prosecutions
Subject to the provisions of sections 174 and
211 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic
of Nigeria 1999 (which relate to the power of the
Attorney-General of the Federation and of a
State to institute and undertake, take over and
continue or discontinue criminal proceedings
against any person before any court of law in
Nigeria), any police officer may conduct in
person all prosecutions before any court,
whether or not the in- formation or complaint is
laid in his name.
Again, it is evident from available court records
that Buhari's DSS has been conducting the
prosecution of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu instead of the
office of the Attorney General contrary to all
known laws of Nigeria and common sense. At
the initial stages of the trial, from the
Magistrate's Court to the High Court, it was a
certain Mr. Idakwo, a paid employee of DSS, that
appeared in court on behalf of the prosecution.
The very corrupt Justice John Tsoho allowed this
travesty of justice to be recorded in his court. It
wasn't until Nnamdi Kanu's defence lawyers
raised an objection in an open court did this Mr.
Idakwo stop sitting as a prosecutor.
B: Questions related to Charge #1
The charge reads as follows:
“That you, Nnamdi Kanu and other unknown
persons, now at large, at London, United
Kingdom, between 2014 and September, 2015
with intention to levy war against Nigeria in order
to force the President to change his measures of
being the President of the Federation, Head of
State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed
Forces of the Federation as defined in Section 3
of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of
Nigeria 1999 (as amended) by doing an act to
wit: Broadcast on Radio Biafra your preparations
for the states in the South- East geo-political
zone, South-South geo-political zone, the Igala
Community of Kogi State and the Idoma/Igede
Community of Benue State to secede
from...follow link to read series 4 in full:
The Biafra Post: IPOB: [Public
Enlightenment Series - #4]:

NBC Busted with Hillary Victory Results 48 Hours Before Election
By Proud Conservative
Posted on November 5, 2016

We have been saying for months that this election is going to be rigged and Donald Trump has been telling America the exact same thing. What you are about to see below proves, once again, the fix is in for Hillary.

NBC has been caught posting election results showing a Hillary victory 6 days before the election. The entire thing is broken down on video below.

Kit Daniels reports, “Political activists discovered a hidden web site for WRCB out of Chattanooga, Tenn. showing election results with Hillary Clinton securing 343 electoral votes and 42% of the popular vote.”

“The web site originated from the FTP server of WorldNow, a media software company that provides real-time data – such as election results – and other media assets to local news stations.” It’s important to note that WorldNow does NOT have employees that did this. WorldNow is a software as a service, so an NBC insider did this:

Kit Daniels and Alex Jones breaks down the entire thing on camera…

Kit Daniels went on to report, The activist who found the page pointed out that the results align well with the “fractional vote” method used by voting machines to rig elections to a predetermined outcome.

“On election day, you will see the same percentages overall, with only the numbers that claim to equal them different,” the activist reported. “The difference in total votes shown on the station pages, with the same overall final percentages proves the election theft is automated to hit desired percentages, no one has to lift a finger during the election itself to accomplish the steal.”

We Are Missing Nigerians, Dubai Luxury Shops Cry Out And Beg Buhari To Provide Dollars For Nigerians

Dubai luxury shops are feeling the absence of Nigerians who have been kept away from their usual travels to Asia’s shopping capital by a weaker naira and higher airfares.
Nigerians who typically buy huge volumes of luxury goods such as gold and assorted jewelleries and wristwatches as well as clothes, fabrics, shoes , other accessories and electronics, are cutting down on their expenses as a result of the economic downturn, dollar scarcity and high air fares.
“Before now, purchases from Nigerians made up about 18 percent of our market share, but it has dropped to about eight percent this year. I tell you the truth, we really miss Nigerians here and we hope things get better so that they can shop again as they used to,” Bilal Chaouch, sales manager, Paul Smith, a unisex luxury fashion clothing outfit told BusinessDay in Dubai.
Chaouch explained that between the months of September and November, the fashion outfit buys clothes in bulk, in anticipation of the influx of Nigerians who come in to shop for the festive period. He said that has not been the case this year, as Nigerians are nowhere to be found in the numbers that they used to come, leading to a sharp drop in demand.
“We hope the government in Nigeria will help provide dollars for Nigerians to come and shop here as they use to do. We hope things get better because patronage by Nigerians has been part of our success story,” he added.
Johanna Pascual, sales manager, Accessorize, a luxury accessory shop in Dubai also said she is missing the patronage from Nigerians. Pascual explained that Nigerians often bought accessories in large quantities but there has been a sharp drop in sales of accessories this year because only few Nigerians have been visiting recently and those who come do not buy as much as they used to.
“I always believed Nigerians were very rich people because when they came to buy gold, they always bought in large quantities and paid immediately. But that has changed now. We have not sold as much as we sold accessories by this time last year,” Pascual disclosed.

Gilbert, a sales representative of Timex, a wristwatch brand at the Dubai shopping mall said he has observed a sharp drop in demand from Nigerians for luxury brands.
The Dubai attraction has lost its shine as Nigerians now struggle at the airports to get dollars to travel unlike before when they could easily travel with the cards and shop in over 200 countries around the world.
As a BusinessDay reporter prepared to travel to Dubai on November 1, she noticed at least two people cancelled their flights because they could not get dollars at the rate of N385 from Travelex, as against N468 in the black market after waiting for over nine hours on the queue.
“I am so frustrated because I have been standing in this queue since this morning. I have bought my ticket and my flight is scheduled for take off in the next one hour but it is impossible for me to travel if I do not buy dollars from Travelex because it appears this is the only avenue to get dollar at the rate of N385,” a business traveller (name withheld) complained bitterly.
“The only option for me now is to cancel my flight and pay an extra N60, 000 because I am a business woman and I cannot travel without having money on me to buy my goods,” the business traveller added.
Emirates, which is the dominant airline of the Lagos to Dubai route has in the last 10 years airlifted 2.6 million passengers on the route making as much as N22.4 billion in tickets sales in Nigeria in 2012, against the N30.5 billion it earned in 2011, according to the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority.
While the bilateral trade volume between Nigeria and UAE increased to $857 million in 2009 from $106 million in 2004, the volume which surged to almost $1 billion in the first quarter of 2015, has dwindled to to less than $900 million on the account of economic downturn in Nigeria resulting in high cost of foreign exchange and airfare spike.
Before now, Dubai, which accounts to over 80 percent of the Nigerian-UAE trade volume, hosted over 300,000 Nigerian visitors annually, 60 percent of whom were holiday makers, 30 percent for business, while education and healthcare shared the remaining 10 percent, according to the data from Dubai Tourism.
Ibrahim Auwalu, Nigeria’s Ambassador to the UAE, disclosed that about 90 percent of the trade between both countries is informal and fueled by over 300,000 Nigerians who spend more than $110 million (N18 billion) annually on UAE visas.
Besides holiday packages, most traded items by Nigerians include: gold, jewelry, fabric, shoes and other fashion accessories.
However, with the economic downturn, less than 200,000 Nigerians have visited Dubai in the last 10 months. Confirming the dwindling number of visitors from this country to the UAE, the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority noted that total passenger traffic at Nigerian international airports declined by 6.9 percent in the first quarter of 2016 (Q1’16) and 0.5 percent in second quarter (Q2’16).
The figure is expected to decline further if the economic downturn persists.
Furthermore, the surge of Nigerians to buy properties in Dubai has reduced by almost 40 percent. According to First Group, Dubai’s leading property developer, with the intensified fight against corruption by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), a lot of their would-be Nigerian clients are scared of buying properties in Dubai now, even those who made genuine money.
A source in the company said that a Nigerian celebrity from Lagos who made a 40 percent initial payment for an N800 million three-unit property in Dubai last year has not made further payment since then because of the forex limitations, as the property is priced in dollars.
Our source however said that despite the economic downturn, Nigeria still leads other African countries in ownership of choice properties in Dubai, with over 500 properties and business partnerships.

Sunday, November 06, 2016
You Can't Treat N'Delta With Disdain While You Treat Your Boko Haram Brothers As Kings - Avengers Tell Buhari

The Niger Delta Avengers have expressed their views following the just concluded peace talk between the federal government and elders and traditional rulers of the Niger Delta.

Speaking through their spokesperson Brig. Gen Mudoch Agbinibo, the group said that Buhari cannot continue to treat the Niger Delta people with disdain while treating Boko Haram as kings and queens.

Read full statement below

The Niger Delta Elders and leaders under the leadership of Papa (Dr) Senator Edwin Kiagbodo Clark Pan Niger Delta Elders and stakeholders Forum deserves Kudos by all well meaning Nigerians for presenting such minimal demands before the government of Nigeria to pacify a people and region that has being continuously raped and dehumanized since 1914, because the Golden Egg she lays is the commonwealth of the nation.

These demands will lead the roadmap to engender desired peaceful atmosphere that Nigerian state so need if there is sincerity. The days of buying peace through unpatriotic Niger Deltan like the Rotimi Amaechis, Ayirimi Emamis, Timipre Sylvas to extract our resources are gone for good. Since the day crude oil and gas resources was discovered for the past 60 years, we are only asking for portable water, electricity, affordable healthcare, quality education etc; until 1994, when our people were visited by state sponsored military terror by the regime of General Sani Abacha, a regime President Muhammadu Buhari served as one of his henchmen and chaired the Petroleum Trust Fund.

Our Elders, Traditional Rulers and stakeholders have spoken. They have placed the minimal legitimate demands of the Niger Delta region before the Nigerian government. The prospects of regaining the trust of the people by talking down on the people or using the instruments of force by the state are gone. This is the 21st century Niger Delta; we gave the Nigerian state and her International Oil Corporations freedom, peaceful atmosphere overtime but was betrayed. We are not deterred by President Muhammadu Buhari mulling over continuous military operation and so-called funny and odd doctrines like military choke points, Operations Delta Safe and talking ignorantly like a medieval kings by asking people to leave Nigeria if they wish.

We the people of the Niger Delta do not expect a different attitude/personality from General Muhammadu Buhari, this nation has being feeding and sustaining from the resources of the Niger Delta since his dangerous entry into national affairs which started 1976 despite his bigotry and inconsistencies. His date with history has just started. Since 1994 when he and his colleagues advised their boss, general Sani Abacha to draft the military into Ogoni land, it has not been the same again. Despite the state orchestrated and sponsored killing fields, from the Ogoni-Nines (Kenule Saro Wiwa) to Kaiama, Odi, Okerenkoko etc, all to sustain the free flow of crude oil from our fatherland, but nothing can stop our resolve to achieve our legitimate struggle, we are only waxing stronger, more determined and mastering the battlefields, while the Nigerian governments will continue to lose the war.

It is high time president Muhammadu Buhari, employ capable brains that will manage his body language and government positively before it degenerates to a psychopathic regime. At his age he can decide to stop listening to those Rotimi Amaechis, Timpre Sylvas and Adams Oshiomoles etc that bankrolled his journey to power with stolen wealth from our states that he has adequately shielded against justice as compensation. Any leader that is ready to govern his people must have political education. Else, he is a criminal. You cannot treat the Niger Delta with disdain while you treat your brothers that are terrorists and mere kidnappers (Boko Haram) like kings and queens by committing the International RedCross and Red Crescent Movement from Geneva to witness your transactions with them, before releasing their hostages to you.

Our fathers and elders have done the needful we are not disappointed. The issues they raised bring to the fore the mistakes of the Nigerian federalism that have sustained the perennial struggle for restoration of our land. The demands are the minimal legitimate roadmap to setting up the framework to achieving the short, medium and long objective for the restoration of tranquillity and development of the region. Some are issues that need affirmative actions, the immediate take off of academic activities for the Nigerian Maritime University (NMU) Okerenkoko for the 2016/17 academic sessions, withdrawing all occupational security agencies and agents in the Niger Delta. The Nigerian state genuinely need the cooperation of our people to sustain the flow of the abundant crude oil and gas resources in our land to quench her appetite of developing other sections of the country without regards to the Niger Delta, the people and the environment.

There are no problems among groups in the agitation; we may have challenges of speaking in one voice. When the trumpet blows, we will go the biblical way of "separating the Wheat from the Tares" (Matthew 13:24-3. We know that, there are some elements and by-products of conflicts merchants from the Niger Delta working with some sold and bought up interests against the peace and development of the Niger Delta that works closely with those, President Muhammadu Buhari abdicated governing of Nigeria to since, May 2015, that are deplorably misusing his trust.

The path to peace and conflicts resolutions is always not a straight jackpot. The greatness of every nation is not building strong men but building laws and strong institutions, there will come a time the people of the Niger delta too can do the thinking for Muhammadu Buhari, if he cannot find solution from his tribal lords and strong men around him. There are more than one ways to skin a cat, the president need the people of the Niger delta more than we need him. We sympathise with President Muhammadu Buhari at present, from traumas of Boko Haram and herdsmen- his so-called brother and children that he is handling with kids gloves and the deliberate state orchestrated killings in Biafra land. Let Muhammadu Buhari be advised to come down from that his ethnic and religious fundamentalist iron horse to set the federal government dialogue and negotiations team with neutral international observers and representatives of IOCs.

Oriental Times: You Can't Treat N'Delta With Disdain While You Treat Your Boko Haram Broth

Oriental Times: You Can't Treat N'Delta With Disdain While You Treat Your Boko Haram Broth

Chima Ihezie

Look upon Zion,
The city of our festivals; your eyes will see Jerusalem, a peaceful abode, a tent that will not be moved; it's stakes will never be pulled up, nor any of its ropes broken.

There the Lord will be our Mighty One.
For the Lord is our judge;
The Lord is our lawyer;
The Lord is our King;
It is He who will save us,Amen!

There is hope for your future!
Just look upon the Lord and believe in the manifestation of His divine promise!

Happy Sunday in blessings and fulfilment!
Remain Adored; Lifted; Elevated and Cherished!
Cheers!!! Ave!

With Much Love From;
Chiaka Emerald Alozie.

BREAKING : Corrupt Comey Lets Hillary Off the Hook on EMAILS While Clinton Foundation Criminal Probe Continues
Breaking News By Amy Moreno November 6, 2016

Las Friday the FBI announced they were reopening the email investigation into Hillary’s mishandling of classified information after they found 650K new emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer.

650 thousand.

Imagine how long it would take to go through THAT MANY emails…..Months, no doubt.


Well, you’d think.

However, James Comey announced today that he’d completed the investigation and no charges against Hillary.

Can you say rigged system?

Meanwhile, the most damning FBI criminal investigation into the Clinton Foundation “Pay to Play” rolls on.

The foundation investigation is the case where FBI sources claim there’s an AVALANCHE of evidence and a Clinton indictment is likely.

What this shows us, is that Hillary Clinton is a powerful political figure, held to a different standard than the rest of us, and who is the face of the “CORRUPTION” we are fighting.

Get out and vote and ensure a Trump victory!

This is a movement – we are the political OUTSIDERS fighting against the FAILED GLOBAL ESTABLISHMENT!

Join the resistance and help us fight to put America First!

Amy Moreno is a Published Author, Pug Lover & Game of Thrones Nerd. You can follow her on Twitter here and Facebook here.

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