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Salon’s Attack on Trump’s Plan to Move US Embassy to Jerusalem is FAKE NEWS
Micha Gefen
January 30, 2017
Image Source: Treump - Gage Skidmore
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This past Sunday, Salon ran a piece titled: “Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem is a bad idea for everyone — except Israeli hard-liners and their American friends,” in which the author focused on three main points in an attempt to craft an argument for not moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

The author does this by way of creating a hypothetical meeting between two Arab leaders. The King of Saudi Arabia and the King of the UAE.

“When the two most influential leaders in the Arab world, Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman and his counterpart from the United Arab Emirates, Mohammed bin Zayed, get together to discuss how Washington can demonstrate its renewed commitment to regional allies, it is a safe bet that moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is not on their list.”

The author uses the above “pretend meeting” to set up a false narrative where a move of the US embassy to Jerusalem reignites the “Israeli-Palestinian” conflict as well as tearing apart the “normally quiet” Middle East.

The move he insists, is being pushed by Trump to soothe his “radical base” as well as supported by Israel’s “hardliners.”

The above could not be further from the truth.

Let’s set the record straight: President Donald Trump does not view the Two State Solution or the splitting of Jerusalem as necessities in solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The fact is, most Israelis support an Israel with a united Jerusalem as its capital. Given these facts, why does it matter if the Palestinians are erked? Why are their grievences necessarily assumed to be equal to Israel’s?

Furthermore, the author wants to make the case that the Middle East will fall into chaos if the US moves its embassy to Jerusalem. Perhaps the author has forgotten about the chaos that flows from Iraq to Syria to Yemen. Let’s face it, the Middle East is about as chaotic as it can get.

As for his assertion that Saudi Arabia or the UAE would care? So what. They are not going to do anything about it. They both need the USA and Israel to hold off Iran. The most they will do is throw a public fit in order to appease their wound up street, which deep down inside doesn’t care anyway.

Here are some facts:

Jews have been the majority in Jerusalem since the 1880s
Jews are the nationality to have a continuous presence in Jerusalem for 3000 years
Jews are the only people to have an established capital in Jerusalem 3 times

In light of these, why wouldn’t the US move its embassy to Jerusalem? In fact, if one truly wants to make a point of ending the conflict once and for all, taking Jerusalem off the table will bring the “Palestinians” to their knees and yes bring peace faster than leaving the conflict simmering the way it is now.

President Trump and the majority of supporters of Israel as well as the US Congress are completely justified and correct in wanting to move the US embassy to the historical and political capital of the only Jewish State.

The author ends his article with this:

“Rather than demonstrating American resolve and commitment, moving the embassy to Jerusalem actually has the potential to strengthen Iran, weaken Israel’s ties to the Arab world, and sow violence between Palestinians and Israelis. This should all be abundantly clear, but when it comes to U.S. policy in the Middle East, illogical arguments often reign.”

This final statement is the hubris which Middle East policy has been driven through for the last 5 decades. It is the author who has made a series of illogical arguments. These arguments and mentality are about to be bulldozed into the dustbin of moral relativism and Arabist apologetics by the 45th President.

8 yrs - Youtube

[watch] Netanyahu: “Jerusalem is The Capital of Israel, US Embassy Should Be Here”
Gavriel Dan
January 29, 2017

In an attempt to deflect criticism that it is Israel delaying the US Embassy move Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said the following:

“I’d like to mention again that our core alliance is with the United States”, Netanyahu said at the opening of the weekly government meeting, “there is no substitute for this alliance. Our relations are strong and getting stronger.

“At this opportunity I’d like to state unambiguously that our opinion has forever been and is today as well, that the US Embassy should be located here in Jerusalem.

“Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and it is proper that not only the US embassy move here, but that also all embassies should move here. I believe that as time goes by, most will come here to Jerusalem.”

In the same statement, the Prime Minister addressed the Regulations law that retroactively legalizes many of the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.

“Tomorrow we will present the Regulation Law to the Knesset. This law is meant to normalize, once and for all, settlement in Judea and Samaria and prevent repeated attempts to hurt Jewish settlements.”


Bibi NetanyahuUS Embassy
About The Author
Gavriel Dan
Gavriel Dan

Gavriel Dan spent a number of years covering social movements in Israel, the wider middle east and Europe. He is considered an expert in embedding himself with various groups and causes in order to get accurate and rich information.

TRUMP’S BAN ON REFUGEES: The Real Reason Why Saudi Arabia and Egypt Were Not Included
Allan M. Coleman
January 30, 2017
Image Source: Sisi - Kremlin | Trump - Gage Skidmore
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Just like everything else surrounding Donald Trump’s first 10 days as President, the subterfuge by the main stream media in giving false pretext to Trump picking 7 Arab countries to ban refugees, travelers, and visa holders from entering the United States has reached ridiculous levels. On one hand the elite media has claimed Trump’s executive order is inherently racist because it singles out majority Muslim countries and on the other hand the same media asks why the President didn’t include Egypt and Saudi Arabia in the ban. Their answer?

It must be business interests.

Let’s put aside the obvious conflicting outrages that have been vomited out by the elite media and deal with the idea that Trump did not include Egypt and Saudi Arabia on the list because of business interests. The same people arguing that he is taking it lightly on Egypt and Saudi Arabia fail to mention that he is far more business interests in China. No one has accused Trump of “letting China off the hook.” In fact it is the opposite. Critics have rushed to claim President Trump has been to tough on China. If Trump really was implementing policy based on business interests then he should be treating China with kids gloves. He is not.

So what is the real reason why Egypt and Saudi Arabia were not included in the immigration ban?

It is no secret the current administration is looking to build a coalition to take on both radical Islam and the growing threat from Iran. To do this Donald Trump is looking to build a non-traditional alliance between Russia, the moderate Sunni states, and Israel. Sources have already pointed to a possibility that Russia will push Iran out of Syria in order to make it easier for the Trump administration to work with them against ISIS. Furthermore, the countries Trump picked are all worn torn areas split between the competing interests of Sunni and Shiite armies. Although Egypt is known to have a large Muslim Brotherhood network, Sisi, the President of Egypt is sincere in his campaign to destroy them. Sisi also has a close working relationship with Israel. While Saudi Arabia produced most of the hijackers for the the September 11th attacks, the new King and his administration are known reformers and have pushed to loosen of the network Wahhabi institutions. Is it perfect? No, not at all, but both countries’ willingness to reform and crack down should not be minimized at this point.

Essentially, the new order arising in the Middle East weighed heavily on which countries President Trump included in the ban. If the elite media decided to look at events with open eyes they would see that the President and his advisers are building a robust coalition to once and for all destroy radical Islam and stabilize the region that has been most volatile in modern times.

La nne changed her profile picture
8 yrs


8 yrs - Facebook

By Charles Ogbu


Few days ago, the newly sworn in U.S president, Donald Trump released a list of 7 Muslim countries whose citizens have been temporally banned from visiting the U.S. As expected, the list has generated a lot of controversies from those who believe that the ban contravenes the basic principle of tolerance upon which America was built.

I am of the view that condemning the action of the U.S president without taking a wholistic look at the issues which informed it amounts to playing to the gallery.

During the electioneering campaign, Donald Trump promised he would restrict Muslims coming into his country if he won the election. He campaigned and got elected on the strength of those promises. Which means, the American people who elected him actually wanted him to restrict Muslims coming to America. How can any reasonable person now expect the U.S president to renege on his campaign promises to his own people just to please the world? Is president Trump's first duty no longer to the people who elected him??

Personally, I can never understand why those Muslim refugees would leave Saudi Arabia the headquarters of all Muslims in the world, Behrain, Kuwait, Iran, Lebanon and all the other countries with whom they share the same "peaceful" religion, language, culture and even common boundary and walk thousands of kilometres all the way to Europe and America with whom they have absolutely nothing in common. The same America they kill with their mouths on daily basis? The same America that is peopled by infidels who eat pork and have sex with people of the same sex? I have never been able to understand this! And I really want to understand it.

Rather than joining the pseudo-moralists to lambast Trump for banning certain Muslims from visiting his country, we should look at the reasons that inform Trump's decision which is the fear of those Muslims growing so bold and audacious to force their own Islamic life styles on his American people through violent means.

Not all Muslims are terrorists, granted. But, almost all terrorists that have ever carried out terrorist attack in Europe and America are Muslims and almost all known terrorist groups in the world today are Muslims. This is a statement of fact, verifiable fact! So in all honesty, can we really say that Trump's fears are baseless???

We must do away with political correctness for once and tell ourselves the bitter truth here:

Humanity has always been at war with radical Islam.

Granted that the number of those committing atrocities in the name of Islam is negligible when compared to the so called moderate ones. Now, the question is, what do the so called moderate Muslims do whenever their radical brethren kill innocent people in the name of Islam? The answer is nothing!

When a Christian woman, Mrs Bridget Agbohime was beheaded in kano by Muslims youth, there was no outrage from Nigerian Muslim community. None at all! Even the president indirectly blamed the dead woman for not respecting the religion of her killers. As I type this, all the killer yet roam the earth as free men. The Nigerian govt and the security agencies, all headed by Muslims refused to prosecute those monsters who gruesomely murdered that woman in the name of islam.

What does this portray???

What other proof do I need to conclude that the so called moderate Muslims are no different from their radical brethren when it comes to lack of respect for the sanctity of human lives?????

How many times have the so called moderate Muslims protested against any of the numerous terrorist attack carried out by their fellow Muslims around the world?? But, now, they are all protesting against #TheTrumpList even when it was their conspiracy of silence which connotes complicity in those attacks that birthed the TrumpList.

As long as the larger population of Muslims who claim to be peaceful find it difficult to openly condemn the mindless bloodletting the few radical ones carry out in the name of Islam, those larger Muslim population will always remain irrelevant and the criminal activities of those few extremists will continue to determine how Islam is viewed by the rest of the world!

Instead of wallowing in self pity, the Muslim world need to do more to combat Islamic fundamentalism. So far, they are not doing much in that regard.

Stop trying to convince me that Islam is a religion of peace. Prove it!

If Islam is a religion of peace as some Muslims would have us believe, Islamic extremists should be extremely peaceful! You don't need Charles Ogbu to be the one to tell you this, do you?

President Trump is not to blame. Radical Islam and the silence of the so called moderate Muslims in the face of the senseless killing their brethren have continue to subject humanity to, are to blame for all these.

The earlier the Muslim world admit that something is fundamentally wrong with some teachings of Islam especially the violent verses and work towards genuine reforms to take out those violent sections from where terrorists have continued to draw their inspiration, the better for Islam and the rest of the human race!


Off with their heads! How French politics went topsy-turvy in 100 days

© AFP | "Au revoir" to François Hollande (left), Manuel Valls and Nicolas Sarkozy (right), just three of the prominent casualties of these rollercoaster three months.

Text by Benjamin DODMAN

Latest update : 2017-01-31
With François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy already out of the picture, Manuel Valls’s crushing primary defeat on Sunday capped an astonishing one hundred days that turned the race for the Élysée Palace into a quagmire.

In hindsight, one could say of Valls’s doomed presidential run that he got everything wrong except his opening plea: he asked not to be handed the favourite’s tag, knowing it must cursed. In an age of electoral upsets, it certainly was. The former prime minister endured a wretched campaign. He was flour-bombed, slapped in the face and derided for his spectacular policy U-turns, before eventually settling for continuity – when everyone wanted change. He was duly trounced by leftist rebel Benoît Hamon, the man pundits had written off as an also-ran with a wacky manifesto.

Valls was merely the latest casualty of France’s rollercoaster pre-presidential campaign. Le Monde, the respected daily newspaper, has likened it to a Quentin Tarantino film, “a pastiche of a B-movie in which every new character destined to be the hero ends up zapped with a single bullet”. The cast – featuring the likes of François Hollande, Nicolas Sarkozy, Alain Juppé, Cécile Duflot, Arnaud Montebourg and Valls – reads like a who’s who of French politics. Now every one of them has been zapped.

Casse-toi pauv’ Sarko

One hundred days ago, a dreary repeat of 2012’s three-way contest between Sarkozy, Hollande and far-right leader Marine Le Pen was still a distinct possibility. At the time, only the keenest observers took notice of the first presidential primary, an intimate affair organised by the smallish green party, Europe Écologie-Les Verts. On October 17, its former leader Duflot – a minister under Hollande and arguably the only Green with a national profile – was unceremoniously dumped out in the first round of voting. Though largely anecdotal, her drubbing was a sign of things to come.

How Sarkozy misread France's mood

Next up were Sarkozy’s rebranded Les Républicains, whose primary had been billed as a showdown between the former president and his foreign minister, Alain Juppé. In a year of electoral shocks that brought pollsters on both sides of the Atlantic into unprecedented disrepute, the first round of France’s conservative primary largely confirmed the trend – but with an important caveat: in France the loudmouthed agitator, who had dominated headlines by playing on voters’ fears, was humiliatingly beaten into third place. With Sarkozy out of the picture, Juppé was in turn trounced in the run-off by “third man” François Fillon, who surged from outsider to hot favourite for the presidency in a matter of days.

Hollande throws in the towel

The incumbent Hollande, whose approval rate sunk to an unprecedented low of 4% in October, had little time to revel in Sarkozy’s demise. The release of a tell-all book of interviews with journalists – which included classified information and candid remarks on the sensitive issue of Islam and Hollande’s troubled private life – proved the last straw for many of his remaining supporters. Alone and discredited, the Socialist president surprised the nation on December 1 by announcing he would not run for re-election, becoming the first sitting president of the Fifth Republic not to seek a second term in office.

Just three days after Hollande’s momentous “renoncement”, Socialist “rebel” Hamon got a phone call from TV channel France 2 inviting him to its prime-time talk show. The hosts had been scrambling to find a replacement for Hollande, who cancelled his appearance, and then Valls, who politely declined. All they could find was the Socialist primary’s dark horse with his supposedly far-out platform. Hamon proved to be a hit, convincingly pushing his radical agenda for social change, and crushing another guest – a member of Le Pen’s National Front – in the process. It was the turning point in a remarkable campaign that propelled him to the Socialist nomination.

Macron’s Ark

While Hamon has succeeded in breathing new life into France’s moribund ruling party, he will have a hard time holding it together in the coming days and weeks. The former Frondeur (rebel) in chief is now poised to face his own Fronde, with a string of embittered centrist Socialists already pledging to jump ship and join the new “Noah’s Ark” of French politics: Emmanuel Macron’s En Marche ! movement (loosely translated as On The Move!).

The former “maverick” economy minister has continued his steady rise in the polls, campaigning under his own banner and with the enthusiastic support of an army of young volunteers. A one-time investment banker with a rather sketchily defined liberal agenda, Macron promised nothing short of a “revolution” to “pull France into the 21st Century”. Experts warn that he will struggle without the support of a mainstream party. But with polling institutes in disarray and the Macron media bubble showing no sign of bursting, the 39-year-old’s campaign is causing anxiety among his rivals on both sides of the political divide.

Best thriller since 1974

“Not since 1974 had we seen such a gripping campaign,” said writer and political analyst Thomas Guénolé, noting that Macron’s centrist pitch was reminiscent of Valéry Giscard D’Estaing’s successful run to the presidency four decades ago. It is no surprise the old guard is being junked, he argued, adding: “With mass unemployment and half of all young workers confined to insecure jobs, anyone associated with the status quo is effectively doomed.”

“Sortez les sortants” (“Out with the outgoing”) has indeed been the campaign’s mantra so far, which of course plays into the hands of Le Pen’s far right. The National Front leader has opted to stay out of the fray, biding her time as her opponents are swallowed up one by one in the shifting sands of French politics. Le Pen has her own sword of Damocles in the shape of a €340,000 lump sum she is meant to return to the European Parliament by midnight on Tuesday – part on of an ongoing investigation into possible embezzlement of EU funds. But the next casualty of this absorbing obstacle race could well be her most formidable foe, Fillon.


Fillon and the anti-gay marriage vote

When he routed Juppé and Sarkozy back in November, Fillon must have believed he had more than a foot in the Élysée Palace. With the Socialists all but written off, opinion polls suggested the winner of the right-wing primary would go on to beat Le Pen in the May 7 run-off. But by the end of these extraordinary 100 days, the former prime minister was left dangling on the edge of a cliff, his squeaky-clean reputation jeopardised by suspicions his wife Penelope had been paid €500,000 from state funds for a “fake job” as his parliamentary assistant.

Fillon, who was questioned by investigators on Monday, may yet be cleared of wrongdoing, but the damage is done. Surveys carried out during the conservative primary showed that “integrity” was the main factor behind the Fillon vote. It was the contrast between his austere, un-divorced, father-of-five persona and the scandal-plagued Sarkozy that swayed so many social conservatives. “His candidacy rests on three pillars: probity, a strong work ethic and an aversion to state handouts – all three of which are blown away by PenelopeGate,” said Guénolé. “It’s as if the candidate of moral order was caught at a BDSM play party.” The rollercoaster goes on.

Date created : 2017-01-31

Monday, January 30, 2017
Nuclear Weapons: US Congress Proposes Bill For "Pre-Emptive Attack Against Iran"

A new bill being proposed by Congress will allow the U.S. to pre-emptively attack Iran in order to prevent them obtaining nuclear weapons.

H.J.Res.10, introduced in the House at the beginning of January, gives the US Armed Forces the ability to launch airstrikes against Iran without any Congressional oversight or input. reports:

The title of the bill tells the tale: a bill “To authorize the use of the United States Armed Forces to achieve the goal of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.”

This legislation, introduced by Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL), is as it appears: an authorization for the President to use military force against Iran. But it is much worse than that.

Why so? Because it specifically authorizes the president to launch a pre-emptive war on Iran at any time of his choosing and without any further Congressional oversight or input.

The operative sentence in the resolution reads, “The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as the President determines necessary and appropriate in order to achieve the goal of preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.” (Emphasis added).

President Trump — and, importantly, his entire national security team — has been extraordinarily aggressive toward Iran, repeatedly threatening that country both at the negotiating table and on the battlefield. H.J.Res 10 would be just the blank check the Administration craves to realize such threats.

And thanks to ongoing US and allied sabre-rattling in the Persian Gulf, tensions continue to escalate.

At the end of this month, the UK, US and allied military forces will take part in operation “Unified Trident,” a joint exercise in the Persian Gulf that will simulate a military confrontation with Iran.

Oriental Times: Nuclear Weapons: US Congress Proposes Bill For

Oriental Times: Nuclear Weapons: US Congress Proposes Bill For

Monday, January 30, 2017
Nigerian Pastor - May The Spirit That Killed Abacha, Yar'adua Kill Buhari

A Facebook user, Mmadukolu Christain Ejike, has wished for the death of Nigeria's President, Mohammadu Buhari. According to him, Buhari can die just like former Nigerian presidents, Umaru Musa Yar'Adua and Sani Abacha, who died in power.

He said this in a post he published on Facebook, he said the best and quickest way to be Nigeria's president is to be a vice president under an Hausa man. According to him, Hausa presidents mostly die, making their vices become the next president. Mmadukolu Ejike's Facebook profile reads that, he is a pastor at Believers Assembly International Gospel Center.

He wrote:


"The best way to be the Nigeria president is to be a vise president under and hausa man,WHY? He will surely die and you will take over, if you doubt me,ask GEN SANI ABACHA,UMARU MUSA YARADUA AND MUMUMADU BUHARI, may the same spirit that kill Abach and Yaradua, kill president mumumadu Buhari."

Oriental Times: Nigerian Pastor - May The Spirit That Killed Abacha, Yar'adua Kill Buhari

Oriental Times: Nigerian Pastor - May The Spirit That Killed Abacha, Yar'adua Kill Buhari