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This Car Runs For 100 Years Without Refueling And It Runs on Thorium
May 10, 2015
by admin in SCIENCE&TECH

If your car was powered by thorium, you would never need to refuel it. The vehicle would burn out long before the chemical did. The thorium would last so long, in fact, it would probably outlive you.

That’s why a company called Laser Power Systems has created a concept for a thorium-powered car engine. The element is radioactive, and the team uses bits of it to build a laserbeam that heats water, produces steam, and powers an energy-producing turbine.

Thorium is one of the most dense materials on the planet. A small sample of it packs 20 million times more energy than a similarly-sized sample of coal, making it an ideal energy source.

The thing is, Dr. Charles Stevens, the CEO of Laser Power Systems, told Mashable that thorium engines won’t be in cars anytime soon.

“Cars are not our primary interest,” Stevens said. ”The automakers don’t want to buy them.”

He said too much of the automobile industry is focused on making money off of gas engines, and it will take at least a couple decades for thorium technology to be used enough in other industries that vehicle manufacturers will begin to consider revamping the way they think about engines.

“We’re building this to power the rest of the world,”Stevens said. He believes a thorium turbine about the size of an air conditioning unit could more provide cheap power for whole restaurants, hotels, office buildings, even small towns in areas of the world without electricity. At some point, thorium could power individual homes.

Stevens understands that people may be wary of Thorium because it is radioactive — but any such worry would be unfounded.

“The radiation that we develop off of one of these things can be shielded by a single sheet off of aluminum foil,” Stevens said. ”You will get more radiation from one of those dental X-rays than this.”

Tens of Thousands of Christians in Poland Take Over The Streets to Fight Islam And Leftism


Tens of thousands of Christians in Poland took to the streets to fight Islam and leftism, crying out “Stop Islamisation” and the most beautiful words of “G-d, honour, homeland”, which reminds me so much of St. Peter’s words, “Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.” (1 Peter 2:17).

Tens of thousands of protesters poured into Warsaw’s streets for a demonstration organised by the far-right, marching under the slogan “Poland for the Polish” and burning an EU flag.

Police said 25,000 people joined the march, which marked the anniversary of Poland’s return to independence after World War I, while organisers put the numbers at 50,000.

“G-d, honour, homeland,” chanted the protesters as they marched under a sea of red-and-white Polish flags.

Demonstrators trampled and burned a European Union flag at one point, while a banner added to the anti-EU theme with the slogan “EU macht frei” (“Work makes you free” in German), a reference to the slogan over the gates at Auschwitz.

“Yesterday it was Moscow, today it’s Brussels which takes away our freedom,” chanted one group of protesters.

Other banners read “Great Catholic Poland” and “Stop Islamisation”.

Several thousand riot police officers were deployed for the protest, which was punctuated by numerous firecrackers and smoke bombs but otherwise went off peacefully.

The annual march, organised by Poland’s nationalist right, has seen clashes in previous years.

“I came here because I love Poland and want to show it,” said 27-year-old Piotr, who came with his fiancee. “I came here for my grandfather, who fought in the Warsaw Uprising (against the Nazi occupation of the Polish capital), and for his father, who fought for independence.”

Poland is truly one of the last nations that has stood their ground for the cause of G-d and Church, against leftism, sodomite tyranny and heresy, cults and other destructive ideologies. I am not here to discuss the tensions between Catholics and Orthodox, but what I will affirm is that they must unite. When the Muslims wanted to conquer Belgrade, in Serbia in 1456, both Catholics and Orthodox stood side by side against the enemy. They put aside their conflicts, and fought for G-d, brotherhood and the empire of Christendom.

Nigeria Is known As a Nation of Fraudsters, Terrorists – Buhari

December 20, 2016
Wise King Solomon

President Muhammadu Buhari on Monday said Nigeria is known in the internarional community as a nation of fraudsters, terrorists and other negative vices.


According to a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina, the President spoke while declaring open an induction course organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for career ambassadors-designate, who were recently cleared by the Senate.

The President said the ambassadors-designate have to ensure that their host governments and the world know that Nigeria was more than the negative image portrayed to them.

He said, “For far too long, we have allowed Nigeria to be defined by others, always emphasising our negatives. To the average foreigner, Nigeria evokes 419, terrorism, militancy, communal and religious clashes, insecurity, corruption and all our other faults.”

Buhari also lamented that his administration does not have the robust funds to run foreign missions because of the economic situation.

He urged the ambassadors-designate to make sacrifices for the country, urging them to learn to “do more with less.”


'I Have Spoken To Buhari Over Marginalization Of The Igbos But...' - Sultan

Discussion in 'Metro News' started by Oluogunjobi,
The Sultan of Sokoto has canvassed for the unity of Nigeria amid the present divides in some regions of the country. The monarch said this in Enugu on Monday. Sultan expressed that Nigeria and its people should ''come together as one and kick out the evil ones among us and deal with them.'

He also dismissed the insinuations that there were plans to Islamise the country, especially the South-East.

“More Muslims died in the Boko Haram insurgency than Christians. We have been hearing that herdsmen are invading Igbo communities and attacking people in order to Islamise them.

sultan of sokoto.PNG
“You cannot Islamise people by killing them, you Islamise somebody by showing love. There is no compulsion in the Islamic faith. Please, don’t look at any criminal from the religion he practises. Political leaders should please stop using religion to divide this country,” he said.

Faulting the claims that President Muhammadu Buhari was marginalising the Igbo, the Sultan said that the President was misunderstood.

“I have spoken to him (Buhari) several times and what people are accusing him of are not even what he is thinking about.

“Of course, if some people are doing something behind his (Buhari’s) back, he must take the blame because he is the leader,” the Sultan said.

The Sultan earlier said that the Fulani were not responsible for herdsmen attacks in different parts of the country, noting that it was wrong to attribute all herdsmen-related attacks to the Fulani.

It’s Official: Trump Makes Friedman the Next US Ambassador to Israel
Gavriel Dan
December 16, 2016
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Confirming the rumors that Trump was going to nominate David Friedman as the next American Ambassador, the President Elect made the announcement today by saying:

“(Friedman) has been a long-time friend and trusted advisor to me. His strong relationships in Israel will form the foundation of his diplomatic mission and be a tremendous asset to our country as we strengthen the ties with our allies and strive for peace in the Middle East.”

David Friedman is a lawyer and a right-wing supporter of Israel. He contributes to countless Land of Israel causes and is strong backer of moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem. The appointment is a confirmation that Trump may in fact deal with Israel very differently than any president before him.

Nnmadi Kanu and the Hebrew Warriors of Biafra
David Mark
December 16, 2016
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Nnmadi Kanu, leader of IPOB who has been imprisoned by Buhari’s Islamist regime in Nigeria has threatened that he would expose secrets that are capable of sinking Nigeria. Kanu is not your ordinary prisoner, he is a man on a mission and he is winning.

What most observers thought would be a show trial has changed the course of Nigeria and possibly the world. Kanu’s reputation as a political and spiritual force has only grown since his imprisonment. It has become clear that he is no ordinary leader.

Since the Nigerian military defeted a fledgling Biafra in the war between 1967 and 1970, Biafra’s independence was put on the back burner of world consciousness. In recent years the Biafrans, most notably the Igbo have reconnected to their Hebraic traditions in a near miraculous way.

Thousands of Igbo have turned to their ancient customs deeply connected to Jewish rituals to find a source of strength. These Hebraic roots stem from the Igbo’s origins to the northeast and ultimately to the Land of Israel.

Those who know Kanu can say that he has increasingly shifted towards a direct Israelite understanding of the world and has grown closer to a Judaic outlook. This makes him the most dangerous man in Nigeria, because for Kanu it is about returning the Igbo and all of Biafra back to its original state of being.

When the British came to West Africa they understood they were dealing with a Hebrew tribe. They encouraged the Hausa to defeat the Igbo and hand them over as slaves to be brought to the New World. Due to ensalvement, oppression, and occupation by the British, Biafra and the Igbo would lose their connection to Israelite customs.

However, with Buhari’s oppression of Biafra and the Igbo growing, Kanu’s return to his Israelite ancestry through a Jewish frame of reference is part of a larger movement back to the truth. The Hebew movement in Biafra can be seen everywhere From Zionist groups to prayer shawls. Thousands of Igbo are awakening to the fact that they are descendents of Israelites that traversed sub-saharan Africa over a thousand years ago or more.

In order for their to be a free Biafra it must shed the religion of their colonizers and return completely to their roots. Kanu’s direction can lead to an independent state of Biafra, the first Hebrew state in Africa.

Arabs Threaten War if Trump Moves US Embassy to Jerusalem
Micha Gefen
December 18, 2016
Source for Trump: Marc Nozell/Wiki Commons
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In light of Trump’s announcement to nominate David Friedman as the next US Ambassador to Israel, Arab leadership in Judea and Samaria under the Palestinian Authority has threatened war and chaos over the fact that the appointment likely means Trump is very serious about moving the US embassy to Jerusalem.

“I look David Friedman and Trump in the eye and tell them — if you were to take these steps of moving the embassy and annexing settlements in the West Bank, you are sending this region down the path of something that I call chaos, lawlessness and extremism,” Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Secretary General Saeb Erekat said, according to AFP.

The Palestinian Information Center reported that Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, head of the Higher Islamic Council in Jerusalem declared that moving the US embassy to Jerusalem would be a declaration of war.

“If we assume that this alleged pledge has been realized and carried out, this means that America recognizes that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jews and has thus declared a new war against the people of Palestine, and also against the entire Arab and Muslim nations,” Sheikh Sabri stated.

The fiery comments don’t seem to have deterred the inocoming Trump administration’s determination about moving the embassy. The only question is how and which date.

Will a Buhari Visit to Occupied Biafra Spark an Uprising?
Afolabi Arowolo
December 20, 2016
Source for Buhari: Chatham House , All Progressives Congress, Nigeria
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President Muhammadu Buhari is slated to visit occupied Biafra in the South-East of Nigeria on Thursday for the South-East Economic and Security Summit being held in Enugu. Given the summit’s location in Igbo majority Biafra, the visit comes at a time of tension between Biafrans and the Buhari led Nigerian government as IPOB leader Nnmadi Kanu is being held and tried in court on trumped up charges of treason.

IPOB spokemen Emma Nmezu (a lawyer) and Dr. Clifford Iroanya warned against receiving Buhari, known for his ties to radical Islam and anti Igbo sentiment.

“We warn that any governor or Igbo politician that receives Buhari in Enugu will have himself or herself to blame. We make it public that should there be a breakdown of law and order in Enugu on the 22nd of December, greedy Igbo politicians will have themselves to blame. Any Igbo governor or politician that is found among those hobnobbing with Buhari becomes an enemy of the people and shall pay dearly for it.”

Biafra is a staunchly Judeo-Christian republic forcibly made part of Nigeria in 1914 by British colonialists. They fought a war of independence from 1966 to 1970 losing 3 million people to the predominantly Islamic government of Nigeria. At the time, the British backed the Nigerian government, enforcing a blockade against humanitarian aid as well as weapon transfers. Israel was one of the few countries who flew aid to the Biafrans and supported their cause.

IPOB (The Indigenous People of Biafra) is led by imprisoned activist Nnmadi Kanu who is not only an outspoken critic of Buhari, but is backer of Israel and Zionism. Biafrans, being predominantly Igbo are believed to have Jewish roots and staunchly identify with the Zionist movement and Israel.

Buhari’s visit to Biafra may do more to spark an uprising than anything up to date as it will unify the Biafran street and the various opposition groups in the South-East.

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[watch] Bibi Netanyahu: We Made Breakthroughs with Two Islamic Countries Last Week
Gavriel Dan
December 20, 2016
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Bibi Netanyahu touched on the following two points in his weekly cabinet address:

The Amona agreement (video was recorded before the agreement was accepted by the community)
His trip to Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan last week

On the second point, the Prime Minister points out that both Islamic countries desire a real relationship with Israel and admire the Jewish people. The visits were breakthroughs in building serious partnerships emerging countries that have real economic potential and a desire to reach out as representatives of an emerging moderate Islam originating in central Asia. Israel already imports 40% of its oil from Azerbajan and has growing defense contracts with the small country that borders Iran and Armenia.

Many Killed As Dangote Truck Completely Crushed A Commercial Bus [Graphic Photo/Video]

Many people were killed yesterday afternoon after a Dangote truck crushed a commercial bus along Ore-Lagos Expressway.

According to the report, only one person survived. Watch the graphic video after the cut....

Oriental Times: Many Killed As Dangote Truck Completely Crushed A Commercial Bus [Graphic Photo/Vide

Oriental Times: Many Killed As Dangote Truck Completely Crushed A Commercial Bus [Graphic Photo/Vide

Monday, December 19, 2016