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Before the Oslo Accords, we were at war and everything was permissible'
Abbas’s de facto ‘successor’ doesn’t want to talk about ‘the day after’
Jibril Rajoub, the veteran, oft-eulogized Palestinian leader, also keeps quiet about his terrorist past; says he’s a ‘hardliner’ in aiming for ‘a Palestinian state’
By Avi Issacharoff December 19, 2016, 3:29 am 3

Marwan Barghouti

RAMALLAH, West Bank — During my conversation with Jibril Rajoub, he repeated one sentence over and over. “Let us let bygones be bygones,” he said. “Why open old wounds?”

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Jibril Rajoub (known also by his nom de guerre, Abu Rami), 63, was referring to a number of dramatic incidents that took place from the late 1960s to early in the last decade — incidents that are linked with his relationship to Israel.

These range from the terror attacks for which he was responsible as a young man, to the prevention of the evacuation from Joseph’s Tomb in Nablus of wounded 19-year-old Israeli Druze police officer Madhat Yusuf in 2000, when he was in charge of the Preventive Security Service in the West Bank. (Yusuf died of gunshot wounds sustained in fighting with Palestinians there.)

Still, it seems that one particular incident from the past, which is partially linked to Israel, has left a big scar that refuses to heal and influences his work in Fatah to this day. It happened in early 2002, when Israeli troops entered Ramallah during Operation Defensive Shield. Rajoub, who was then the commander of the only security agency that explicitly opposed using arms against Israel, received a telephone call one night from his operations officer. The officer told him that Marwan Barghouti, his close friend — and Israel’s most wanted man — was in his headquarters in Beitunia, west of Ramallah. Rajoub realized immediately that Barghouti’s presence could serve as a pretext for Israeli troops to storm the headquarters.
Madhat Yusuf (Courtesy)

Madhat Yusuf (Courtesy)

When Rajoub asked how Barghouti had gotten to the building, he discovered to his amazement that two high-ranking Palestinian Authority officials, Mohammad Rashid and his own close friend Mohammed Dahlan, had brought him there. Rajoub drove to the headquarters, where he met with Barghouti — who, it should be noted, was considered his political ally at the time. When Rajoub told Barghouti that his presence in the headquarters was a problem, Barghouti agreed to leave for the sake of the safety of the other men who were there. According to Rajoub, he drove Barghouti in his own car to downtown Ramallah, where they parted. From there, Rajoub drove back to the headquarters in Beitunia, only to discover that Israeli troops had begun raiding it.

The headquarters, which housed many troops and prisoners — the latter members of Hamas and Islamic Jihad — surrendered to the Israeli troops. Only the next morning did Rajoub realize the extent of the conspiracy — in Arabic, the mu’amara — that had been formed against him. Mohammed Dahlan, his colleague and counterpart in Gaza, whom Rajoub had guarded with his own men whenever Dahlan visited the West Bank, attacked Rajoub in the media and, together with members of Hamas, accused him of collaborating with Israel and handing over Hamas personnel to the “occupation.” In his attempt to destroy Rajoub politically, Dahlan attacked him everywhere he possibly could.

Dahlan’s efforts bore fruit, but only temporarily. Abu Rami was considered politically dead after those incidents, and many people said he would never return to politics. They were wrong.
Palestinian Authority president Mahmud Abbas casts a vote at the Muqataa, the Palestinian Authority headquarters, in the city of Ramallah, West Bank, December 3, 2016. (Ahmad Gharabli/Pool photo via AP)

Palestinian Authority president Mahmud Abbas casts a vote at the Muqataa, the Palestinian Authority headquarters, in the city of Ramallah, West Bank, December 3, 2016. (Ahmad Gharabli/Pool photo via AP)

Today, Rajoub is considered the strongest figure in Fatah, second only to PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). He took second place in the elections for Fatah’s Central Committee (after Barghouti), but since Barghouti is in prison, Rajoub is well placed to succeed Abu Mazen when the time comes. He won support among Fatah’s younger and older members alike.

Another important point: Rajoub’s allies, unlike Barghouti’s, also succeeded in getting elected to the Central Committee, and the Central Committee is the group that will choose the next chairman of Fatah, come the day.

Of course, a lot could happen before then. But people in Israel, in the Arab world, and, of course, in Fatah and in the territories, are already aware of what this accomplishment means.
An image of Marwan Barghouti is seen painted on the security fence near the West Bank village of Qalandiya on May 6, 2016. (Photo by Haytham Shtayeh/Flash9

An image of Marwan Barghouti is seen painted on the security fence near the West Bank village of Qalandiya on May 6, 2016. (Photo by Haytham Shtayeh/Flash9

Rajoub, currently the head of the Palestinian Football Association, was born in the village of Dura, in the Hebron sector, in 1953, the oldest of 13 siblings. An outstanding pupil in his school, he was arrested by Israel for the first time at age 15, for aiding fleeing Egyptian officers. In prison, he met Abdul-Aziz Sahin (Abu Ali Shahin), a Fatah leader who was considered the spiritual father of the Palestinian prisoners. Sahin had taught generations of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, mainly about the importance of becoming familiar with “the Zionist enemy and his language.” When Rajoub was released four months later, he joined a secret Fatah cell that operated in the area. “I became a combat soldier,” he says. “They trained us in the use of weapons.”

He was arrested again in late 1970, this time for throwing a grenade at an Israeli army bus. (“Let’s not talk about it. Why open such wounds?” he says in his effort to avoid discussing the terror attack in which he was involved.) Seventeen years old at the time, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

“I learned Hebrew and English in prison,” Rajoub recalls. “I wrote two books. I translated Menachem Begin’s entire book, ‘The Revolt,’ into Arabic. I studied your history. I read about the Torah and also about the Oral Torah. About Rabbi Akiva, and also, of course, about everything that had to do with the Zionist movement.”

Rajoub had other well-known prisoners as cellmates at various times during those years, including Marwan Barghouti, Qadura Fares, and Hussein a-Sheikh, until he was released in 1985 during the Jibril prisoner exchange. He spent the next two years in and out of administrative detention. He married Hiba, the mother of his four children, in 1987, and was deported to Lebanon on January 13, 1988.

From there, he made his way to Tunis, where he was appointed Yasser Arafat’s close adviser on “occupied land” affairs. He returned to the West Bank in 1994 with the Palestinian Authority as head of the Preventive Security Service, the strongest organization in the territories at the time.

“I was against the use of arms in the Al-Aksa Intifada,” says Rajoub, of the onslaught of suicide bombers and other Palestinian terrorism . “Abu Mazen and I were the only ones who opposed the use of violence and terror attacks. I thought then, and think today as well, that it was a mistake that caused us terrible damage. I support popular resistance. We should and must act against the occupation, but not with terror attacks or weapons.”

Which Jibril Rajoub should we Israelis believe? The one who said that if the Palestinians had a nuclear bomb, they would use it against Israel, or the one who says that he is opposed to terror attacks?

“I did not say that. I said before the Oslo Accords, we were at war and everything was permissible, and if someone had a nuclear bomb, he would use it against Israel. But everything changed after we signed the accords, and that is over. All the rest is incitement against me and nonsense. I did not say that, and I do not plan to say such things.”

Then why have you called people who stabbed Israelis with knives, and were killed in the act, “shahids” (martyrs)?

“We regard anyone who is killed fighting against the occupation as a halal [he uses the Hebrew expression for “fallen soldier”] — a shahid. We honor him. And we will not ignore the fact that he fought for the Palestinian people. He sacrificed his blood and his life.”

Rajoub is known for his excellent connections in Israel among left-wing politicians, Jewish and Arab Knesset members, and businesspeople. His familiarity with Israeli politics is comparable to that of reporters on party affairs in the Israeli media. During my interview with him, he receives quite a few telephone calls from Israeli friends and acquaintances. “Do you know the kubbeh place in Or Yehuda?” he asks me. “Their kubbeh is the best.”

Tell me — you haven’t given up on the two-state solution yet?

“The Israelis must realize that there is no other option except establishing a Palestinian state. I am not working according to any personal plan, only a national one. I spent a total of 17 years in Israeli prison. I sacrificed everything, and will do everything, so that one of these days when I cross the border, the one who stamps my passport is a Palestinian police officer and not the racist occupation. That is my dream, and that is what I am fighting for. Your definitions — ‘moderate,’ ‘hardliner’ — do not concern me. I am sticking to the solution of establishing a Palestinian state, and I am a hardliner about that.”

So you are the successor? After all, you were chosen for the second slot after Marwan.

Rajoub quickly distances himself from the title of “successor.” Each time I try to talk about the topic, he uses the evasion tactics of a seasoned, experienced politician. “Marwan was a friend, a close friend, and he remains a national symbol for all of us. I do not see myself as Number 2 or Number 20. I work according to the mandate I was given. For me, Abu Mazen is the only one who leads Fatah and the Palestinian people, and there is no number two or three below him. We are all below him.”

But what will happen on the day after?

“It is not important who will be chosen the day after. It’s important that there is a leader and that he has support. He received a mandate. Games such as ‘who will it be on the day after or the day before’ are not part of my culture. Fatah has elected Abu Mazen once again as its leader. And I hope that the public in Israel and all who believe in peace will understand the message of Fatah, which has chosen a suitable leader who has set his mind to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

What about support for Fatah among Palestinians? After all, Dahlan and his associates did not even attend the General Assembly.

“The question of who was there and who was not has nothing to do with the assembly and its outcome. The assembly was held according to all the laws and amendments. But yes, we do have a problem, and my colleagues of the Central Committee and I will invest all of our time in improving, fixing, and carrying out all the vital reforms in order to strengthen the movement.”

I Support The Agitation For The Creation Of The Republic of Biafra – Abdulrahman Alfa

December 19, 2016
Emeh James Anyalekwa

I Support The Agitation For The Creation Of The Republic Of Biafra – Abdulrahman Alfa

By: Abdulrahman Alfa

For so many reasons. I want to be invited for any peaceful protest in Northern Nigeria for the realization of Biafra. I will join. Some of the reasons why I am in support of the Creation of the long awaited, well deserved Republic of Biafra include:

(i). The people concerned want the Republic of Biafra (why should they be deprived of their God-given rights to self determination!?) and why should anybody be forced against his individual, collective or group interests to be part of Nigeria that they did not believe in!

(ii). Nigeria is what it is today by virtue of its current composition – land, human and material resources, but if any component part feels other wise its agitation for self determination MUST NOT be scuttled or muffled.


(iii). Members of the National Assembly and State Houses of Assembly from the regions that want to break away (not only Biafra, because I just read a declaration for Niger Delta Republic too very recently) should raise a motion for a peaceful process of breaking away. We don’t need to shed any more blood or resort to violence on this. We can prove the world and doubting Thomases wrong by going through it peacefully;

(iv). We MUST NOT descend to violence of whatever nature, we MUST strive to make it peaceful. I repeat: We MUST NOT descend into violence of whatever nature, we MUST strive to make it peaceful.

(v). I will be the last to ever BEG for Nigeria’s corporate existence as it is constituted today, because I know that ALL PARTS of Nigeria (NOT only Igbos or Niger Deltans) have one form of grievances or the other against the Nigerian State as presently constituted. Since we could not address those grievances the Hausa proverb worth applying here is: “idan hagu ta kiya a koma dama” which literally means: if we can’t go left, the only option left for us is turn right since we can’t afford to standstill !

(vi). I will be glad to visit my GOOD FRIENDS in Biafra, some have even become my brothers and sisters, one day on the passport of what remains of Nigeria. I am sure I will be warmly welcome in a very friendly atmosphere since the source of our current animosity (Nigeria) must have been eliminated by then.

(vii). That I remain the only authentic Muslim Northerner that is genuinely in support of Biafra and I have appointed my self the GOODWILL AMBASSADOR OF BIAFRA AT LARGE.

(viii). That there is no point being as irrational as some parts of the North have been in the past by burning places of worship and economic targets of perceived opponents. If it was bad when Northerners did it, I am sure it remains bad to date regardless of who does it; and

(ix). That the above is my PERSONAL OPINION that I am entitled to as a human being and that I seek NOT for anybody’s support or opposition to it. It is my opinion and I stand by it, period.


BREAKING: IPOB Gives Buhari Serious Warning Over His Planned Visit To Enugu State

Pro-Biafra group, the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has warned president Muhammadu Buhari not to go ahead with his planned visit to Enugu state. The group asserted that it would be an insult for the president to visit the South Eastern state after he has repeatedly killed same people he intend to visit. Read press release after the cut....

December 19, 2016

Press Statement


The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO have received information that Retired Major General Muhammadu Buhari who committed treason on December 31, 1983, and was rewarded with Nigeria’s presidency after 32 years, will be visiting Enugu-Biafraland on the 22nd of December, 2016. We assert that inviting a killer and persecutor of Biafrans to our land is an insult to the memory of those killed by Muhammadu Buhari. Therefore, we object totally to this visit by the killer of Biafrans. We recall that Buhari started his killing of Biafrans with the assassination of Major General J. T. U. Aguiyi-Ironsi on July 29, 1966. He followed up with the mass-murder of over two million Biafrans in 1968 at Owerri during the war of genocide on Biafra by Nigeria and Britain. From June 17, 2015, till date, Buhari has killed over two thousand unarmed and peaceful Biafrans.

We warn any governor or Igbo politician that receives Buhari in Enugu will have himself or herself to blame. We make it public that should there be a breakdown of law and order in Enugu on the 22nd of December, greedy Igbo politicians will have themselves to blame. Any Igbo governor or politician that is found among those hobnobbing with Buhari the killer of Biafrans becomes an enemy of the people and shall pay dearly for it.

Until all those detained are released, and Amnesty International report investigated, Buhari is not allowed into any part of Biafraland. Let Buhari know that if he (Buhari) comes to Enugu or any part of Biafraland, we will die with him there.

We are calling on all Biafrans to descend on Enugu on the said date of 22 December 2016 to show our anger and displeasure at this attempt by some greedy Igbo men to insult the memory of our glorious dead and those still in detention with our leader.

Should Buhari attempt to set foot on Enugu soil everybody involved, from Bart Nnaji to Governor Ugwuanyi will regret it. These criminal Igbo politicians without any iota of shame must know that Buhari is the Grand Patron of the terrorist Fulani Herdsmen that have been rampaging and killing our people in Enugu and other parts of Biafraland in the name of Islam. Buhari is the person behind the rise of the terrorist Fulani Herdsmen and must be made to know that we Biafrans are not in support of sponsors of terrorism. We are the children of the Most High God and do not associate with mass murderers like Buhari. Therefore we don't want him anywhere around our sacred land.

Any Governor or Igbo politician who is stupid enough to invite Buhari into our capital will be taught a lesson that will reverberate in history. They should try us and see.

A word is enough for the wise!

Barrister Emma Nmezu

Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya

Spokespersons for IPOB

Oriental Times: BREAKING: IPOB Gives Buhari Serious Warning Over His Planned Visit To Enugu State

Oriental Times: BREAKING: IPOB Gives Buhari Serious Warning Over His Planned Visit To Enugu State

Monday, December 19, 2016

BREAKING!!! APC Serving Governor Declared Wanted in The UK For Laundering $5.15bn (Photos)

December 19, 2016
Emeh James Anyalekwa

BREAKING!!! APC Serving Governor Declared Wanted in The UK For Laundering $5.15bn (Photos)

In spite of the anti-corruption war of President Muhammadu Buhari, one of the frontline governors of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Atiku Abubakar Bagudu of Kebbi State, is on the wanted list of the government of the United Kingdom for laundering over $5.15 billion for the late General Sani Abacha.

Documents from the United Kingdom sighted by our correspondent show that the APC governor was one of the major conduit pipes that late military dictator used in looting the Nigerian treasury during his regime.

The certified documents show that Governor Bagudu has been on the run from the United Kingdom government since 2003 when the government of Jersey, Channel Islands, a vassal state of UK, “duly and legally charged” him on a five-count charge of criminal offences.


Facts are beginning to emerge that the romance between President Buhari and the fugitive APC governor is one of the reasons why the British government is lukewarm in supporting the anti-corruption war of President Buhari despite several pleas from the Nigerian government.

In a letter of request for arrest and extradition of Bagudu written by the Jersey Island Attorney General, William Bailhache, on 11th April, 2003 to Declan Chandler of Home Office Judicial Co-operation Unit, 50, Queen Anne’s Gate, London, the AG said they believed Badudu must have relocated to his house at 12819 Elbridge Place Drive, Houston, Texas, United States to evade justice.

Bagudu was said to have opened several bank accounts with Deutsche Morgan Greenfell Bank where funds stolen from Nigeria were lodged, but falsely claimed that the huge funds were proceeds from his legitimate private businesses in oil and trading.

The summary of the five-count charge against Bagudu are:

*Fraud, contrary to the customary law of Jersey, between 9th February, 1998 and 8th May, 1998.

*Obtaining services by false pretences, contrary to the customary law of Jersey.

*Two (alternate) counts of receiving or possessing property obtained illegally abroad, contrary to the customary law of Jersey, between 1st April, 1998 and 31st August, 1998.

*Fraud, contrary to customary law of Jersey, between 1st November 1998 and 16th December, 1998.

*Obtaining services by false pretences, contrary to the customary law of Jersey, between 1st November 1998 and 16th December, 1998.


Based on this request the British Embassy in Washington wrote to the United States Department of State to make a formal request with reference number 34/03 dated April 11, 2003 for the extradition of Bagudu to its territory to face trial.

To facilitate Bagudu’s extradition to the UK territory, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on May 7, 2003 issued a warrant for his arrest and on May 22, 2003 he was finally nabbed on the streets of Houston, Texas by two officers.

He was consequently detained for about sixty days while a court proceeding was on to facilitate his extradition.

In the Matter of the Extradition of Abubakar Atiku Bagudu, at the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, Assistant United States Attorney, Jeanne M. Hauch deposed a “Complaint in support of the provisional arrest and extradition” of Bagudu and described him as a fugitive whose offence carry maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

In the affidavit the Attorney said: “The fugitive was duly and legally charged with having committed, in the jurisdiction of the Requesting State, the following offences contrary to the common or customary law of Jersey.

“Two counts of fraud, respectively occurring between February 9 and May 8, 1998 and November 1 and 16, 1998, carrying a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

“Two counts of obtaining a service by false pretences, respectively occurring between February 9 and May 8, 1998 and November 1 and December 16, 1998, carrying a maximum penalty of life imprisonment and

“Two counts of receiving or possessing property illegally obtained abroad, occurring between April



December 19, 2016

Press Statement


The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO have received information that Retired Major General Muhammadu Buhari who committed treason on December 31, 1983, and was rewarded with Nigeria’s presidency after 32 years, will be visiting Enugu-Biafraland on the 22nd of December, 2016. We assert that inviting a killer and persecutor of Biafrans to our land is an insult to the memory of those killed by Muhammadu Buhari. Therefore, we object totally to this visit by the killer of Biafrans. We recall that Buhari started his killing of Biafrans with the assassination of Major General J. T. U. Aguiyi-Ironsi on July 29, 1966. He followed up with the mass-murder of over two million Biafrans in 1968 at Owerri during the war of genocide on Biafra by Nigeria and Britain. From June 17, 2015, till date, Buhari has killed over two thousand unarmed and peaceful Biafrans.

We warn any governor or Igbo politician that receives Buhari in Enugu will have himself or herself to blame. We make it public that should there be a breakdown of law and order in Enugu on the 22nd of December, greedy Igbo politicians will have themselves to blame. Any Igbo governor or politician that is found among those hobnobbing with Buhari the killer of Biafrans becomes an enemy of the people and shall pay dearly for it.

Until all those detained are released, and Amnesty International report investigated, Buhari is not allowed into any part of Biafraland. Let Buhari know that if he (Buhari) comes to Enugu or any part of Biafraland, we will die with him there.

We are calling on all Biafrans to descend on Enugu on the said date of 22 December 2016 to show our anger and displeasure at this attempt by some greedy Igbo men to insult the memory of our glorious dead and those still in detention with our leader.

Should Buhari attempt to set foot on Enugu soil everybody involved, from Bart Nnaji to Governor Ugwuanyi will regret it. These criminal Igbo politicians without any iota of shame must know that Buhari is the Grand Patron of the terrorist Fulani Herdsmen that have been rampaging and killing our people in Enugu and other parts of Biafraland in the name of Islam. Buhari is the person behind the rise of the terrorist Fulani Herdsmen and must be made to know that we Biafrans are not in support of sponsors of terrorism. We are the children of the Most High God and do not associate with mass murderers like Buhari. Therefore we don't want him anywhere around our sacred land.

Any Governor or Igbo politician who is stupid enough to invite Buhari into our capital will be taught a lesson that will reverberate in history. They should try us and see.

A word is enough for the wise!

Barrister Emma Nmezu
Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya
Spokespersons for IPOB

BREAKING!!! Ethnic War : Scores Killed in Taraba as Tiv & Fulani Clash (Happening Now)

December 19, 2016
Emeh James Anyalekwa

BREAKING!!! Ethnic War : Scores Killed in Taraba as Tiv and Fulani Clash!! (Happening Now)

No fewer than 18 persons have been reportedly killed and many others missing in an ongoing violent clash between Tiv and Fulani in Sabon Gidan village of Dan Anacha, Taraba State. Sources said the crisis started on Saturday when two Fulani men were found killed in a bush, adding that this triggered their kinsmen to carry out reprisal attacks on Tiv.

“I counted about 20 people that were believed to have been killed early hours of today (yesterday).

Many people, including women and children, are nowhere to be found,” the source said. Also speaking on the clash, some family members of victims, who didn’t want their names in print, told Vanguard: “Soldiers who came in to calm the situation at Dan-Anacha brought five corpses from Bornu Kurukuru. If we add the number of those who were brought in yesterday, it will bring to 18 the number of persons killed.


“The Army went back into the bush, we don’t know what they will bring again. Thousands of people are on the run for safety; there is tension in the whole village. We are pleading with the state government to provide security.” Contacted, Taraba State police spokesperson, David Misal, confirmed the clash, saying more operatives had been drafted to the area to restore peace.

According to him, the police are yet to ascertain the casualty figure. Reacting to the development, acting chairman, Taraba State chapter of Miyeti Allah, Ardo Adamu, condemned the renewed hostility, describing it as barbaric and unwanted. He said the Fulani lost six persons in the attack, while many were injured, even as several of their houses and other property were razed.

He stated that Miyeti Allah was amenable to measures to bring lasting peace between the Tiv and Fulani in the state and urged leaders of both parties to stop utterances that could escalate the crisis. On his part, the President-General, Tiv Cultural and Development Association, Mr. Goodman Dahida, said the renewed hostility was a plan by those who had confiscated the Tiv people’s land not wanting to vacate the lands for the owners. “

There has been a land dispute between the Tiv and some prominent persons in Dan-Anacha, they know that the only way to move the Tiv people out is to cause a fight between the Tiv and the Fulani,” he said.

Facts You Need To Know About Ultimate Cycler And The founder, Peter Wolfing

While the popular Ponzi scheme, MMM gained momentum in Nigeria before its recent freeze, another scheme reared its head and many Nigerians once again rushed into it. It was called ‘Ultimate Cycler’.

The scheme was short-lived however as it crashed on December 1, sending participants into a frenzy. It relaunched on Friday, December 16, but it is yet to refund money back to the participants.

Who is the Ultimate Cycler founder? His name is Peter Wolfing. Who is Peter Wolfing? Find out below:

1. His early life

Peter Wolfing’s experience as a network marketer dates back to his multi level marketing (MLM) training in the early 1980’s when he was a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps.

He started out as a distributor, and became an industry leader in MLM.

2. His company

Peter Wolfing launched Multiplex Systems, Inc. in 1998. A company that develops and provides support services and training products to network marketing companies.

Multiplex Systems creates software to help MLM companies and their distributors generate leads for their businesses.

Their products include everything from phone broadcasting, email marketing, forum prospecting and list scraping software, educational webinars and even text broadcasting.

3. His work

Peter Wolfing goes by the name “The Online Tool Guy.” This is because he works majorly with producing tools for internet marketers and leads.

Here are some products that have already come out this year and some that are on the verge of being released.

– “Gmaper” is a software program that Peter helped develop.

– Next is a Postcard lead generator.

– The Text Broadcast Club is another tool that you can use.

– The biggest and latest project is Lead Tool Box which is essentially 16 tools in 1.

4. His reputation

Peter Wolfing first launched the Ultimate Cycler in 2014, it crashed after a while.Then he launched other schemes:

– Turbo Cycler

– Business Toolbox

– Infinity 100

– National Wealth Center

– Pay Me Forward

– Easy 1Up

All of which have crashed, leading to huge loss of money. So all the schemes have been like this:

– No retail products or services.

– Making member to member payments.

– Once the scheme dies off, so will the payments and pass ups.

It looks like Wolfing put himself at the top of each scheme so once this company goes under like all the other ones he launched, he will just take the money and start another one.

BIAFRA: IPOB Alleges Plot To Arrest, Execute Members

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO said, yesterday, its intelligence unit has uncovered plots by the Federal Government and security agencies to arrest and detain members across Biafraland.

The group alleged that the arrests would start today with the aim of actualising the goal of establishing the ‘Operation Python Dance’ across the South-East and South-South geopolitical zones.

A statement by the Media and Publicity Secretary of IPOB, Mr. Emma Powerful said security agents were ordered to eliminate where possible or detain where summary execution proves difficult and urged the people of Biafra to resist any unlawful arrest whatsoever.

Meanwhile, former minister of Finance, Dr. Kalu Idika Kalu, has faulted the prolonged detention of leader of IPOB and Director of Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu. Dr. Kalu said denial of Kanu’s legal rights and writ requiring him to be brought before a judge to secure his release was wrong.

“Not according Kanu his due legal rights and fundamental habeas corpus is ‘criminal and judicial incompetence’ in the first instance.”

He, however, stated that Kanu and supporters “miscalculated the context of the agitation,” adding that, the civil war between 1967-1970 was fought “because of some circumstances that prevailed at that time.

“Igbo and other Nigerians went into the Biafran struggle by the inexorable force of the circumstances of the day.

Meanwhile, Kanu’s younger brother, Prince Emmanuel and a Chieftain of the All Progressives Alliance (APC), Chief Okey Nwagbara have commended businessman and former governor of Abia State, Dr. Orji Uzor Kalu for visiting the IPOB leader in prison.

The former Abia governor had, at the weekend, visited Kanu. Thereafter, he told newsmen there was the possibility of brokering peace between the Federal Government and Kanu who he said gave the mandate to speak on his behalf.

Speaking on the visit Emmanuel said Kalu took a positive step by visiting his elder brother in the prison. “If he went to see Kanu, as his younger brother, as we heard in the news, it’s a welcome development and we commend him for that.

“For the fact that Kalu is the very first Igbo leader to have visited Kanu in prison, I appreciate him for that, for going to see him as a son of the soil. It is heartwarming to note that Kalu realised that Kanu is his younger brother. I’m also asking other Igbo leaders to emulate what Kalu had done because the fight is not Kanu’s fight, but for Ndigbo.”

In a related development, the Civil Liberties Organisation (CLO) has decried Justice Binta Nyako, of the Federal High Court, Abuja’s ruling that federal witnesses against Kanu and three others standing trial on treasonable felony, would be allowed to wear screens to give testimony.

CLO described the ruling as strange and a demonstration of the judge’s ignorance of constitutional law.

In a related development, the Civil Liberties Organisation (CLO) yesterday decried the ruling of the judge of a Federal High Court, Abuja, Justice Binta Nyako, that Kanu and 3 others standing trial before her court would be secretly tried for leading a self-determination struggle.

It described such ruling as strange and a demonstration of the judge’s ignorance of constitutional law.

In a press statement signed by the CLO Executive Director, Ibuchukwu Ezike, the organisation wondered when masquerades have become human beings in Nigeria to bear witnesses against living humans.

The CLO called on the Chief Justice of Nigeria as the head of the Judicial Arm of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to call Justice Nyako to order and remind her that there is a gross difference between a military dictatorship and democracy that Nigeria runs at the moment.

Oriental Times: BIAFRA: IPOB Alleges Plot To Arrest, Execute Members

Oriental Times: BIAFRA: IPOB Alleges Plot To Arrest, Execute Members

Monday, December 19, 2016

Buhari Alongside Boko Haram Leader, Shekau Named Among 50 Most Powerful Muslims In The World

President Muhammadu Buhari has been named among the top 50 most influential Muslim leaders in the world alongside the Boko Haram leader, Abubakar Shekau

According to the 2017 edition of The Muslim500, an annual report of the world’s 500 most influential Muslims, President Buhari is the 17th most powerful Muslim in 2016. Last year, he was the 20th most influential Muslim.

Among the top 50 list are two other Nigerians, the Sultan of Sokoto, Saad Abubakar III, and a Borno State-Islamic cleric, Sheik Ibrahim Saleh. Aliko Dangote, the richest man in Nigeria is also on the list.

The Sultan and Saleh retained their previous ranking, 22nd and 38th respectively.

Other Nigerians who made the list of most influential 500 Muslims in the world included Emir Muhammadu Sanusi II, Prince Bola Ajibola, Prof. Ishaq Oloyede, and Abdurahman Olanrewaju Ahmad.

The publication noted that there were 1.7 billion Muslims all over the world, making up approximately 23 per cent of the world’s population, or one-fifth of the world.

It stated that Buhari and his compatriots were listed among the world’s 50 most powerful Muslim leaders because of their influence on “cultural, ideological, financial and political” activities.

Oriental Times: Buhari Alongside Boko Haram Leader, Shekau Named Among 50 Most Powerful Muslims In T

Oriental Times: Buhari Alongside Boko Haram Leader, Shekau Named Among 50 Most Powerful Muslims In T

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Nigeria Spends N14k Daily To Feed Each Prisoner But Delta State Prison Inmates Are Severely Malnourished [Photos]

The Nigerian Government said it spends N14,000 daily to feed each prisoner. The Minister for Interior Abdulrahman Danbazzau, who disclosed this last May during a town hall meeting in Kaduna State said that "it is unacceptable for government to be committing N10 billion every year on feeding of prison inmates"

However, photos of severely malnourished inmates in Delta State Prison posted on Facebook on Friday, December 16th, by Prince Harrison indicates otherwise. See what he wrote after the cut...

"Today I visited a prison in Delta State Nigeria. This is their condition. No medical facility, no drugs. They are dying. I was able to get a lawyer who has promised to defend them so they can leave prison and get quick medical attention. They can't urinate, they can't stand for 10minutes. Our laws says they are Innocent until proven guilty. They deserve a better life. I stand with Yali Network to bring awareness to our government on the need for the welfare of Nigeria Prison"

Oriental Times: Nigeria Spends N14k Daily To Feed Each Prisoner But Delta State Prison Inmates Are S

Oriental Times: Nigeria Spends N14k Daily To Feed Each Prisoner But Delta State Prison Inmates Are S

Sunday, December 18, 2016