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Friday, November 4th, 2016

6 pm (Thursday.) - 6 am (Friday.)

6 am-12 pm

6 am-3 pm

6 am-6 pm

6 am-6 am the next day

(Choose what you can handle please.)

Invite the Holy Spirit to help you to pray and pray through you.


"In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters" (John 10:37-38)

Welcome to another Friday prayer mountain! May Jehovah guide and exalt your horns to His own glory as you wait on Him today, in Jesus Christ name amen.

SCRIPTURE READING: 1 Corinthians chapters 13 and 14.

If you are not BORN AGAIN or you are not sure of your position in Christ, repeat this confession:

"Heavenly Father, I come to You today in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe in my heart that He died for my sins, I believe that You raised Him from the dead for my justification. I receive Him today into my life as my personal LORD and SAVIOR, remove my name from the book of the workers of iniquity and write my name in the BOOK OF LIFE. Take over my life from today and glorify Your name with it in Jesus Christ name, amen. (Pray until you have and fill peace in you)

And maybe, you were born again, but you are no longer sure of your stand. You have allowed the way of the world to take over your life again;

PRAY: “My Father and my God restore and heal my inner man. By Your Grace, renew, re-fire, possess me O Lord and use me for Your Glory in Jesus Christ name, amen"

(Note: Please pray in tongues also as well as in your own understanding. –Rom. 8:26.

If you don’t speak in tongues, I speak over you and inject BLOOD OF CHRIST, receive the Holy Ghost now with the evidence of speaking in tongues in Jesus Christ name amen. Let it flow now out of your belly and take over every part of you now, in Jesus Christ name, amen. Open your mouth and begin to thank God for this awesome gift in faith and as you do, it will overtake you and you will experience this precious gift of God to The Church)

Cover yourself, your house and your environment with The Blood of Jesus Christ

Prayer of Repentance/Forgiveness

Praise/Worship/Prayer of thanksgiving.


1) Mighty God, destroy the gates of hell that might want to stop me from breaking through this year in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 29:2

2) Father, let the ears of every unsaved soul across the globe continue to hear the compelling sound of the Holy Spirit and be drafted into the Church in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 29:24)

3) My Father and my God release miracles of signs and wonders into my life that will change my story for good in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 29:19)

4) Divine and supernatural favor, favor no man can doubt, favor I can’t recover from to the glory of God, locate me this month in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 25:1)

5) No! I refuse to be silenced, I refuse to be destroyed, but instead, I receive today, the mercy of God to attain the greatness Christ has given me in Jesus Christ name.(Isaiah 30:18)

6) O Lord God, establish and settle every participant of today’s fasting program in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 30:21)

7) Pray for revival in every Church represented here, using you as a point of contact in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 29:14b)

8) Pray for the servant of God, God is using to bless your life and lead you in the ways and things of God by the Holy Spirit. (Isaiah 29:22)

9) Pray for Christians all over the world, for the eyes of our understanding to be enlightened by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 30:3

1 Holy Spirit send forth a mighty revival all over the corners of this world, let it rain to the glory of God in Jesus Christ name, amen. (Isaiah 28:16)

11) Pray and hand over the countries of this world, using your country as a point of contact into the hands and leadership of YAHUSHUA and let every power resisting God’s Word be crushed in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 18:2

12) My Father and my God, let every need brought to this fasting with prayers program, receive answers that will glorify You O God, bring great revival to our lives and draw souls to You in Jesus Christ name. (Gen. 49:26)

13) My Father and my God, empower every participant of today’s fasting program, with the ability to follow you till the end in Jesus Christ name. (Mark 20:19)

14) O God, stretch Your hand upon every country strategic to Your plans for humanity but has gone away from You. Give them a burden only You can ease when they come back to in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 18:2

15) Thank God for answered prayers and cover yourself, the answers to your prayers and its manifestations with the blood of Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 61:1



Vendredi 4 novembre 2016

18 h (jeudi) - 6 h (vendredi).


6 h à 15 h

De 6 h à 18 h

6 h-6 h le lendemain

(Choisissez ce que vous pouvez gérer s'il vous plaît.)

Invitez l'Esprit Saint à vous aider à prier et à prier par vous.


«“Le dernier jour de la fête, le jour le plus solennel, Jésus se tint devant la foule et lança à pleine voix : Si quelqu’un a soif, qu’il vienne à moi, et que celui qui croit en moi boive. Car, comme le dit l’Ecriture, des fleuves d’eau vive jailliront de lui.” (‭Jean‬ ‭7:37-38‬)

Bienvenue à une autre montagne de prière du vendredi! Que l'Éternel guide et exalte tes cornes à sa propre gloire, comme tu l'attends aujourd'hui en Jésus-Christ.

LECTURE DES ÉCRITURES: 1 Corinthiens chapitres 13 et 14.

Si vous n'êtes pas NÉ De NOUVEAU OU si vous n'êtes pas sûr de votre position dans le Christ, répétez cette confession:

«Père céleste, je viens à Toi aujourd'hui au nom du Seigneur Jésus-Christ, je crois en mon cœur que Jésus-Christ est le Fils de Dieu.Je crois en mon cœur qu'il est mort pour mes péchés, je crois que Tu l'as élevé Je le reçois aujourd'hui dans ma vie comme mon Seigneur et Sauveur personnel, retire mon nom du livre des ouvriers de l'iniquité et écrit mon nom dans le LIVRE DE LA VIE. Prends ma vie d'aujourd'hui et glorifie Ton nom avec elle au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen. (Priez jusqu'à ce que vous ayez et soyez rempli de la paix en vous)

Et peut-être, vous êtes né de nouveau, mais vous n'êtes plus sûr de votre position. Vous avez laissé la voie du monde reprendre votre vie;

PRIE: «Mon Père et mon Dieu restaure et guérit mon être intérieur. Par Ta Grâce, renouvelle,rallume le feu en moi, possède-moi Seigneur et utilise-moi pour Ta gloire au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen "

(Remarque: Priez aussi en langues aussi bien que dans votre propre compréhension. - Rom 8:26.

Si vous ne parlez pas en langues, je parle de vous et j'injecte le SANG DE CHRIST, recevez le Saint-Esprit maintenant avec la preuve du parler en langues dans le nom de Jésus Christ. Qu'il coule maintenant hors de votre ventre et se répande sur chaque partie de vous maintenant, au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen.

Ouvrez votre bouche et commencez à remercier Dieu pour ce don impressionnant dans la foi et comme vous le faites, il vous surprendra et vous ferez l'expérience de ce cadeau précieux de Dieu à l'Église)

Couvrez-vous, votre maison et votre environnement avec Le Sang de Jésus-Christ

Prière de repentance / pardon

Louange / Culte / Prière d'action de grâce.


1) Dieu puissant, détruisez les portes de l'enfer qui pourraient vouloir m'empêcher de rompre cette année en Jésus-Christ. (Esaïe 29:2

2) Père, laissez les oreilles de chaque âme non sauvée à travers le monde continuer à entendre le son impérieux de l'Esprit Saint et être rédigé dans l'Église au nom de Jésus-Christ. (Esaïe 29:24)

3) Mon Père et mon Dieu libère des miracles des signes et des prodiges dans ma vie qui changeront mon histoire pour le bien en Jésus-Christ. (Esaïe 29:19)

4) Que la faveur divine et surnaturelle, faveur que personne ne peut douter, faveur que je ne peux pas récupérer de la gloire de Dieu, me localise ce mois au nom de Jésus-Christ. (Isaïe 25: 1)

5) Non! Je refuse d'être réduit au silence, je refuse d'être détruit, mais au lieu de cela, je reçois aujourd'hui, la miséricorde de Dieu pour atteindre la grandeur que le Christ m'a donnée au nom de Jésus-Christ (Ésaïe 30:18).

6) O Seigneur Dieu, établit et régle chaque participant du programme de jeûne d'aujourd'hui au nom de Jésus-Christ. (Isaïe 30:21)

7) Priez pour le réveil dans chaque Église représentée ici, en vous utilisant comme un point de contact au nom de Jésus-Christ. (Esaïe 29: 14b)

(8 ) Priez pour le serviteur de Dieu, que Dieu utilise pour bénir votre vie et vous conduire dans les voies et les choses de Dieu par le Saint-Esprit. (Esaïe 29:22)

9) Priez pour les chrétiens partout dans le monde, pour que les yeux de notre compréhension soient éclairés par le Saint-Esprit sur une base quotidienne en Jésus-Christ. (Isaïe 30:3

1 L'Esprit Saint envoie un renouveau puissant dans tous les coins de ce monde, qu'il pleuve à la gloire de Dieu au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen. (Isaïe 28:16)

11) Priez et donnez les pays de ce monde, en utilisant votre pays comme un point de contact dans les mains et le leadership de YAHUSHUA et que chaque puissance qui résiste à la Parole de Dieu soit écrasé au nom de Jésus-Christ. (Isaïe 18:2

12) Mon Père et mon Dieu, que chaque besoin apporté à ce programme de jeûne avec prières, reçoive des réponses qui vous glorifieront O Dieu, apporte un grand renouveau à nos vies et attire des âmes à Toi au nom de Jésus-Christ. (Genèse 49:26)

13) Mon Père et mon Dieu, donne pouvoir à chaque participant du programme de jeûne d'aujourd'hui, avec la capacité de Te suivre jusqu'à la fin dans le nom de Jésus-Christ. (Marc 20:19)

14) O Dieu, étire Ta main sur tous les pays stratégiques à Tes plans pour l'humanité qui se sont éloignés de Toi. Donne-leur un fardeau que Toi seul peut soulager quand ils reviennent au nom de Jésus-Christ. (Esaïe 18:2

15) Remerciez Dieu pour les prières exaucées et couvrez-vous, les réponses à vos prières et ses manifestations avec le sang de Jésus-Christ. (Esaïe 61:1



Jerry Lorrence changed his profile picture
8 yrs


Why beg to borrow $30bn when you recovered $90bn
from Deizani? Lying liars since Lord Frederick lugard.

Godwin Obele changed his profile picture
8 yrs


Yesterday in Freetown I only had *20,000* leones in my pocket. I confidently walked into *Bintumani Hotel* and made an order of the most *expensive meal* they had available, accompanied by *the most expensive desert and fresh juice*.

After the meals and drinks my bill was *100,000 leones* after which I told the waiter I had no money.

*The perplexed waiter* called the hotel manager who promptly handed me over to the *police*. On my way to the station I gave the *20,000 leones* to the officers and was set *free*.

This is what we call *financial management*.


Answer to today's English poser.
Charlie said : I'll go to the cinema tomorrow.
A. Charlie said that he would go to the cinema tomorrow.
B. Charlie said that he will go to the cinema the next day.
C. Charlie said that he would go to the cinema the next day.
D. Charlie said that he went to the cinema the next day.
The most correct answer to the question is "C".
"Charlie said that he would go to the cinema the next day."
This is because "I'll" is using the she form of the Modal
auxiliary verb 'will' hence the past perfect tense is "would."
Secondly, "tomorrow" becomes "next day" or "following day"
this is because the speech could be reported days after the
event has happened.
So when else you're making a reported speech in this form,
I'll will change to would whilst tomorrow will change to the
next day or following day.

Europe’s Forgotten ‘Hitler’ Killed Over 10 Million Africans — But the West Erased it From History

Jay Syrmopoulos September 26, 2016

Most people have no idea of who is pictured above, but you should. The sight of this man should cause a similar revulsion to that of seeing Mussolini, Mao, Stalin or Hitler, as he committed an African genocide that resulted in the killing of over 10 million people in the Congo.

His name is King Leopold II of Belgium.

Most of people never learned about him in school, and have also most likely never heard about him in the media either. This is because he’s not included in the popular narrative of oppression (which includes things like U.S. slavery and the Holocaust).

King Leopold II is part of an ongoing history of colonialism, imperialism, slavery, and genocide in Africa that would clash with the popular social narratives taught in our school system today. It doesn’t fit neatly into school curriculums where, paradoxically, it is looked down upon to make overtly racist statements. However, it’s quite fine not to talk about a genocide perpetrated by European capitalist monarchs that killed over 10 million Congolese.

Belgium’s King Leopold II ran a personal empire so vast and cruel, it rivaled – and even exceeded – the crimes of even some of the worst dictators of the 20th century.

When Leopold II ascended to the throne in 1865, he ruled with the kind of gentle hand that Belgians wanted from their king after the democratization of the country in the wake of the multiple revolutions and reforms. He had great ambitions of building an overseas empire, and was convinced, like most statesmen of his time, that a nation’s greatness was directly proportional to the resources it could extract from those colonies.

He disguised his business transactions as “philanthropic” and “scientific” efforts under the banner of the International African Society and used slave labor to extract Congolese resources and services. His reign was enforced through work camps, body mutilations, torture, executions, and his own private army.

The empire was known as the Congo Free State, and Leopold II stood as its undisputed slave master. For almost 30 years, rather than being a regular colony of a European government, Congo was administered as the property of Leopold II for his personal enrichment.

The world’s largest plantation, registering at 76 times the size of Belgium, possessed rich mineral and agricultural resources and lost nearly half of its population by the time the first census counted only 10 million people living there in 1924.

Interestingly, when we learn about Africa in the U.S., we learn about a caricatured Egypt, the HIV epidemic, the surface level effects of the slave trade, and if you went to a good school perhaps something about South African Apartheid. We also see lots of pictures of starving children on commercials, safaris on animal shows and we see pictures of vast savannahs and deserts in films and movies.


What we don’t learn about is the Great African War or Leopold’s Reign of Terror during the Congolese Genocide. Leopold II essentially turned Congo into his own personal part-plantation, part-concentration camp, part-Christian ministry, and yet history fails to retell the lessons of his tyrannical endeavor.

It seems that when you kill ten million Africans — you aren’t called ‘Hitler’, your name never comes to symbolize the living incarnation of evil, and your picture doesn’t produce fear, hatred, and sorrow — rather your crimes are simply swept under the historical rug and the victims of colonialism/imperialism remain forever voiceless.

h/t walkingbutterfly