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Engineer Aneke at work

Explosive, but true!

It is a fight of light against darkness. Darkness must not be allowed to over shadow the light.

Nigeria supports Hillary Clinton for Presidency despite her email scandal.

Biafrans support Donard Trump so that he can help Biafrans and Africans in general shackled by colonialism and neocolonialism

All hail Biafra!!



Niger Delta so called leaders to Buhari:

We want oil blocs.

Buhari to Niger Deltans:

Feel free to “Leave Nigeria If You Have Another Country”

Stop deceiving Nigerian with your movie with Traditional leaders. They have not earned being political leaders.

Instead of of facing the lions of Niger Delta and Biafrans at large, Buhari decided to go for the chicks. He prefers those who cannot bite and stand their ground, the weaklings.

The list of demands is not exhaustive and it is not a true reflection of the demands of Biafrans/Niger Delta.

How can you be begging for what belongs to you.

Face Avengers/ Biafran Freedom Fighters /Nnamdi Kanu man for man and not chicks that cannot stand their ground for fear of being arrested for speaking their minds.

We want an independent Republic. Discuss with Nnamdi Kanu, whatever he says we will follow.

Conduct a referendum!!


This is day the good lord had made that we might be free from enemies.

Biafra is my home

Right now I am with my new secured family of Nkoli social network. It's easy to enjoy what matters most in your world. With its excellent features, the service is free. Its up to you to connect via-

Nkoli | Connect with friends and meet new people

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U think say to see November 2016 na moimoi

Biafra Emmanuel Obioma changed his profile cover
8 yrs



Thursday, November 3rd 2016

EVEN IF.....

"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and He will rescue us from your hand, O king. But even if He does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up" (Dan. 3 : 17-18)

Blessed day Kingdom Warriors!

There is a place I have chosen to call the "EVEN IF” bus stop as we journey into our promised land.

It is that place that you get to and you make up your mind that even if there is milk and honey in the land or not, you will still worship, believe and trust God to the end! It is a place of decisions. A point where you have to draw the battle line between you and all that has been stopping and delaying you.

It is that place that you get to and you make up your mind that no matter what you been going through, or are going through, you are beyond going back or looking back to the wrong places for help.

I speak into your life today; you will not be stranded or frustrated anymore in Jesus Christ name, amen. The Hand of Yahweh will take you over.

Shedrach ,Meshach and Abednego got to that point where they had to declare that they know their God will save them, despite all that is happening around them.

But EVEN IF He didn’t, they will still believe Him and accept what is coming to them as His Will for their lives.

Has the enemy been toying with your greatness, health, family, business, education, marriage, Godly relationships, and Gods promises to you? It is time for the Lion in you to roar! A Lion cannot give birth to a goat. You already have the required DNA.

Without the addition of your exploits on earth to the history of this world, it cannot be complete! JEHOVAH that divided the red sea to become a passage way for the Israelites and a death trap to their enemies, THE SAME MAN OF WAR is your Father and your God! This month, the difference will be clear. People will serve God because of your testimony in Jesus Christ name, amen.


*Take any song of worship as led.

1) Thank God for the gift of life.

2) O God, plug me into Your power and charge me in Jesus Christ name.

3) My Father and my God, render powerless and destroy, every satanic arrow, weight, agents sent to take me away from God, in Jesus Christ name, amen.


3 novembre 2016

MÊME SI.....

«Notre Dieu, celui que nous servons, est capable de nous délivrer de cette fournaise et de ton pouvoir, et il nous délivrera, notre roi. Et même s’il ne le fait pas, tu dois savoir ceci, notre roi: nous ne servirons pas tes dieux et nous n’adorerons pas la statue d’or que tu as fait dresser. »

(Daniel 3: 17-18)

Il y a un endroit où je veux appeler l'arrêt de bus "MÊME SI" alors que vous voyagez dans votre terre de promesse. C'est un endroit que vous obtenez et vous vous décidez que même s'il ya du lait et du miel dans la terre ou Non, vous adorerez toujours, croirez et croirez en Dieu jusqu'à la fin! C'est un lieu de décisions, un point où vous devez tracer la ligne de bataille entre vous et tout ce qui vous a arrêté et retardé.

C'est cet endroit que vous obtenez et vous composez votre esprit que n'importe ce que vous avez traversé, ou passé par, vous êtes au delà de revenir en arrière ou de regarder en arrière aux endroits faux pour l'aide. Vous ne serez pas bloqués ou frustrés. La main de Yahvé vous emportera.

Shedrach, Meshach et Abednego sont arrivés à ce point où ils ont dû déclarer qu'ils savent que leur Dieu les sauvera, mais MÊME SI Il ne le fai pas, ils vont encore le croire et accepter la mort venant à eux comme Sa volonté pour leur vie. L'ennemi a-t-il joué avec votre grandeur, votre santé, votre famille, vos affaires, votre éducation, votre mariage, vos relations divines et les promesses de Dieu? Il est temps pour le Lion en vous de rugir! Un Lion ne peut donner naissance à une chèvre. Vous avez déjà l'ADN requis.

Sans l'ajout de vos exploits sur terre à l'histoire de ce monde, il ne peut pas être complet! JEHOVAH qui a divisé la mer Rouge pour devenir un passage pour les Israélites et un piège mortel pour leurs ennemis, LE MÊME HOMME DE GUERRE est votre Père et votre Dieu! Ce mois-ci, la différence sera claire. Les gens serviront Dieu à cause de votre témoignage en Jésus-Christ nom, amen.


* Prenez n'importe quel chant de culte comme l'Esprit vous conduit.

1) Remercier Dieu pour le don de la vie.

2) O Dieu, branchez-moi dans votre pouvoir et chargez-moi au nom de Jésus-Christ .

3) Mon Père et mon Dieu rend impuissants et détruit toute flèche satanique, poids, agents envoyés pour m'ôter de Dieu, au nom de Jésus-Christ , amen.
