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At the End of Days: Bread and Circuses. G-d Chose Circuses
Dov Bar Lev
November 1, 2016
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Originally Posted on Years of Awe

It is said that when a formerly great civilization is in its death throes, the elites of that society want to keep the large pampered population happy and satisfied. Give them Bread and Circuses! Keep them happy and content with frivolity and gaity as the society’s fate hangs by a string over the Abyss. Bread kept them from pangs of hunger, and the Circuses kept them entertained when the Huns and the Visigoths were at the Gates of Rome clamoring for conquest. Of course this worked all the way until the bitter end when Rome was eventually sacked by its Germanic conquerors. It might be hard to look at America having a similar fate. Unlike Rome it is surrounded by a moat comprising two oceans, a friendly northern neighbor, a warm water gulf to its southeast with a weak link at its southern border. For that one might think that one just needs a “yuge” wall, and everything will be ok….right? Actually not. The global economy is so inter-connected that when it collapses, it will collapse everywhere. And America is soheterogeneous that the enemies are really inside the Gates of the empire. So when it collapses, one will have to spend more time protecting oneself from neighbors than and invading horde. Morally and ethically, the great American Empire is dead. The nation under G-d only exists in the minds of a minority of nostalgic dreamers while the majority party with wine, women, song, and yes, Sports. Ever since the financial collapse in 2008 and the 777.7 point drop in the Dow on the 29th of Elul at the end of the previous Shmittah year in 5768 (2008), Central Bankers the world over have taken over as a majority interest in the markets of the Western World. It is not a free market anymore. With Zero percent and negative target interest rates going into their ninth year now, the idea of a healthy boisterous free market recovery from the Great Recession and 2008 financial collpase is no more than smoke and mirrors.

So for whatever reason, HaShem has granted the Central Bankers their right to control their Toy (the stock markets of their countries) for the last eight years so that the rich formerly prosperous job creating civilization until the 2008 financial collapse could be given pig’s lipstick so that no one complains about hunger pains as the mores and economic engine of this formerly great civilization wither away underneath the surface. Yet, as we entered the 49th year (Summer of 2015) since the beginning of the “Summer of Love” and promiscuous immorality which started in May/June 1967, HaShem began speaking to us all through the one vehicle besides the stock market which all men (and women) fallen or not seem to pay attention to…. Sports or those Circuses of old that kept people in their decrepit moral state entertained until the bitter end. The key is to look at the sporting events since May/June of 2015 since it was at that time that we entered the 49th year of Western Civilization’s reception of debased impurity. Because no one pays attention to anything else except money and sports, and because the stock market is rigged by Central Banks, HaShem seems to have taken to getting his message out through Sports for those who are paying attention. Heck, you can’t expect people yucking it up with wine, women, song, and Sports to be giving much heed to a dusty book like the Bible (Tana”kh) and its 2500 to 3000 year old prophets anymore, can we? When your average American spends a night at a hotel in Dubuque, Iowa, is he more likely to take the Gideon Bible out of the top desk drawer, or is he/she more likely to turn on the cable tv to watch a sporting event on ESPN? So HaShem knows His target audience, and He wants to tell the formerly greatest G-d centered civilization since Hizkiyahu’s Judea what will soon befall it. So here we go!

1. June 2015 was the beginning of the 49th Summer since and including the Summer of Promiscuous Love/Sex in San Francisco, CA Golden Gate Park in 1967. It was also in the first/second week of June that Yerushalayim was united in the 6 Day War. For those paying attention, starting that June one week before Shavuot, Jews were given an opportunity to grow through all 49 levels of purity to arrive at the 50th Gate this past Shavuot, the beginning of the 50th year since the reunification of Yerushalayim. The 50th physical gate in Yerushalayim is the Golden Gate “Shaar HaRachamim” from the Qidron Valley to the Temple Mount with a direct beeline to the Mount of Olives across the Valley. “Golden” almost always alludes to 50 or -50 in either direction. We have now already entered the 50th Gate. We will be inside that gate until Shavuot 5777 since we entered it between one week before Shavuot until Shavuot 5776. (Yom Yerushalayim is exactly one week before Shavuot.) To mark the beginning of the 49th year in June of 2015, American Pharoah, the horse representing America’s entrance to the 49th level of impurity, won the Triple Crown in horse racing precisely on that second Shabbat in June at the Belmont Stakes. Less than two weeks later the US Supreme Ct. forces homosexual marriage certificates on all 50 States including those states like Alabama and Tennessee that wanted to have nothing to do with it. The main forces pushing for this were leftist Jewish Judges Ruth B. Ginsburg and Elena Kagan. Also that June, as I remember, the Supreme Ct. ruled that if you are a Jew born in Yerushalayim, you can’t have Israel as the country of birth on your birth certificate.

This all occurred about the same time. So America entered the 49th level with the victory of American Pharoah. The Gemorrah in Chullin discusses the two things which can totally cut even a gentile nation off from G-d’s providential love where He takes into account its previous generation of greatness. One of those two things is for the legal apparatus of that nation to start granting marriage contracts to homosexual men to sanctify what cannot be sanctified even in the mildest way. So as America entered the -49th Gate, it was well on its way to setting the stage to fall to -50. This did correspond with an event here in Israel, the beginning of the Stabafada on Hoshana Rabbah 5776 at the Lion’s Gate of Yerushalayim also from the Qidron Valley but into the residential part of the Old City in the mixed Arab/ Jewish Quarter. (It is the closest of all the other of Yerushalayim’s gates both inside the walls and at the entrances to the City to the Golden Gate. One could call the Lion’s Gate the Malkhut that is in Malkhut Eastern Gate which would lead to Machane Yehudah once Mashiach shows up and begins to reign. The present location of Machane Yehudah is to the West because the Mashiach ben Yosef Era that we are in placed most Jewish settlement to the west of the Old City.)

2. next event: the 50th Super Bowl and 49ers Stadium in the Mekabel tumah capital of the world, the same city of San Francisco, California (some write that as Californication). This was in the first week in February. Two days later Donald J. Trump won his first Primary in New Hampshire. From this we see that he was on shlichut to take the middle third of American culture from its station at -49 to -50 over the course of the Primary season with the last primary being in Californication one week prior to Shavuot. The Denver Bucking Broncos won the Super Bowl because this avodah by Trump would buck the rider on the horse (Esav) backwards, forever destroying his Malkhut. Previously from 1918 until 1967, the more avant garde leftist third of American culture had fallen through all 49 levels of impurity. So now it was time for the Middle third to crash through the basement.

3. next event: The Golden State (-50th Gate) Warriors have the best regular season EVER in the history of professional basketball played anywhere. I think their regular season record was 73 -9. Yes, their arena is in the San Francisco Bay Area. This event took place just to prove the point that Donald Trump succeeded in his shlichut so that by end of the first week in June 2016, 2/3ds of American culture had fallen to -50.

4. next event: The Golden State Warriors lost in the NBA Championship to the Cleveland, Cavaliers during the First, Second, and Third week of June. So now that the middle of American culture was at -50, it was time for Donald Trump to be coronated at the Republican National Convention in Middle America, in Cleveland, OH. But Cleveland was more than just the place. It represented Kaleivland, the lands in Eretz Yisrael which were specifically designated for yerushah by Moshe Rabbeinu himself while the rest of the Aretz was divided up by the lottery of Yehoshua bin Nun. So the potential to arrive at +50 BEFORE Yerushalayim arrives at +50, lay in the lands specifically bequeathed to Kaleiv by Moshe Rabbeinu. Kaleiv’s Lands were then partially divided up by Kaleiv himself as he gave part of his land as a yerushah to his son in law Othniel ben Kenaz. Kenaz was most likely a Kenizite convert, and therefore Othniel himself could not take part in the lottery. (The Kenizite territories were amongst the three Canaanite nations which did NOT dwell in Eretz Yisrael of the pre-Messianic Era whose borders are outlined in Sefer BaMidbar. So it was permissible to marry a Kenizite.)

I believe that Kenaz was also Kaleiv’s step-father after his father Chur had been previously murdered by the Erev Rav. The name Kenaz with a Qoof is a completely foreign word to Hebrew. It only appears as a Hebrew shoresh in Tanakh referring to either one of the ten Canaanite nations or to one of the sons of Eliphaz who was also named Kenaz. That would make Kaleiv who as only 39 or 40 years old when he spied out the land, Betzalel’s uncle. He is NOT the same Kaleiv who was Chetzron’s son and Chur’s deceased father although he was likely named after him. As we entered through the 50th Gate here in Israel, we experienced the sad murders in the Lands of Kaleiv of Hallel Yaffa Ariel zt”l, HY”D of Qiryat Arba and Rav Mikki or Micha’el Mark zt”l, HY”D of the Othniel Yeshivah. Just before the 17th of Tamuz Trump was coronated in KaleivLand, Ohio which by the way was founded in the 1790s by a General MOSES Cleaveland! So even the Kaleivland of the New World was founded by Moses! But by the 17th of Tamuz, this Kaleivland was at -50. In a continuation of reaching +50 in the Lands of Kaleiv, it took Hallel’s mourning father Amichai who is a Kohein to almost immediately draw the connection between the Lands of Kaleiv at +50 and the Temple Mount. He very well knew the dictum that only when the sun rises in Chevron, can the mourning korban be brought on the Temple Mount because it is in Chevron that we do mitzvot bein Adam leChaveiro lishma at +50. Yet it is on the Temple Mount where we do mitzvot bein Adam leMakom lishma at +50. It is why the Avot may have preferred to live in Chevron to perfect their bein Adam leChaveiro midot day in and day out, and only on special occasions did they visit Har HaMoriah to also perfect their bein Adam leMakom. So right after the Shiva, the Ariel family decided to lead a large group of people to do Aliyat Har HaBayit. It was at that time that Amichaisurreptitiously blesses the Olim with Birket Kohanim while he isostensibly telling a story about how to do it!

And by the way, right on cue with the win by the Kaleivland Cavaliers in the NBA Championships when Middle America and its culture entered -50 territory, on the night of Tikkun Leil Shavuot Sefirat HaOmar Mateen went into that Gay Bar in Orlando and murdered 49 homosexuals, and at Alot HaShachar he himself became the 50th dead body in that Bar. Why was Orlando chosen to be the site of this worst terror attack ever on American soil? We learned about that two days later when that little two year old boy was dragged into the 7 Seas Lagoon at the Grand Floridian Resort at the Magic Kingdom in Disney World by an alligator. Disney since the mid-1930s has been carefully teaching little tots that the solution to their problems is to rely on Magic (Kishuf) and to seek out the assistance of the local witch. All of their fantasy movies are rooted in this premise even if their adventure movies are not. So at least half of all Disney movies from the 1930s onwards appeal to kishuf as a solution to the problems of little children, and I believe this has played a large part in the degeneration of American culture over the decades. Even the theme opening to the Wonderful World of Disney is to the music of “When You Wish Upon a Star” when Jimminy Cricket is singing to the cosmos (avodat kochavim) that this puppet made of wood may yet live and then we see Tinker Bell from Peter Pan wave her famous wand so that all the little tikes including Peter could fly over those alligators/ or crocodiles to confront Captain Hook and his nasty pirates. Well it did not work out so well for that two year old boy at the Grand Floridian Resort. And remember this was within 48 hours of Sefirat HaOmar Matteen’s dirty deed at the Pulse Gay Bar to indicate why HaShem in a sense chose Orlando as the place to get out His message.

5. The Fifth event: Well well well, I actually thought that these Sports messages had come to an end. But now I see that the Chicago (bear) Cubs have finally made it to the World Series against Kaleivland and its Native Americans for the first time since the end of the LAST WORLD WAR!. Talk about significance! Dubiel (Bear Power) is about to go forth to take over the world in the last world war in history, and America is about to fall apart at -50 (because -50 is spiritual quicksand) to be re-apportioned once again amongst its truly native peoples. Now this can only happen if the other two creatures in Daniel 7 destroy each other. The Lion with Eagle’s wings folk (rugged individualists in Great Britain (the lion) and in the United States(the eagle’s wings)) must mutually destroy the Four Headed leopard folks (the New Secular or Greek Order for the entire World) now that the rugged individualists in America and Great Britain are -50.

Now one can begin to understand why Donald Trump and Nigel Farage are kindred spirits. The architect of Brexit and the one who loves his name in Gold in “Yuge” letters on his towers are the lions with eagles’ wings at the end of history, and in both cases the Globalists hate their guts. Did anyone notice that Billy Bush whose hot mic tape almost ruined Trump’s candidacy is both Gog H.W. Bush Sr.’s nephew and Gog ben Gog’s first cousin? Then there is the issue of his first name Billy which is Yiddish for “to bark” because at +50 and at -50, we all have the face of a dog (kaleiv). So choose your Kaleiv! Now why would the Bushes be supporting the Arkansas HillyBillies in their third run for the Presidency? because in this election cycle, the competition is NOT between liberals and conservatives but between rugged individualists/ patriots and Globalists. So in this cycle, the Bushes want the Clintons to win. So in both cases in England and in the US, the two philosophical powerhouses of the Galut (the rugged individualists and the NWO Globalists) are well on the way to destroying each other! And look who is waiting in the wings, Putin the Bear and his allies the Persian Bears! Go Cubs! and as America tears itself apart, Kaleivland will disintegrate into the Mouth of the Abyss, Pi Tehom. And as we find our red heifer, perhaps the Native Americans will find their White Buffalo and will return to their happy hunting grounds of old. Go Indians!


The Case of NO Merit: What must be stressed at this point in time is why there seems to have been an interlude since the 3 Weeks (17th of Tamuz to the 9th of Av) where Geulah events have been placed on hold and placed into Suspension. It is true that when Middle America entered -50 territory just before Shavuot 5776, that America in particular as the world’s most exceptional nation ceased to be exceptional, but the nation was still existing in a day to day reality of the Judgement from the previous Tishrei 5776 season (Rosh HaShanah 5776 b’Ruchniyut or spiritually and Hoshana Rabbah 5776 b’Gashmiyut in terms of its physical blessings from on High). It is one of HaShem’s characteristics of Mercy that He only judges the World and its fate once per year during the Month of the Scales in the Fall. The sign of the TZeDeQ (aka ZoDiaC) has no face because the Judge is the One True Judge where there are no angelic intermediaries during the month of Tishrei. So even though America was at -50 already by Shavuot, it was still existing off the merit of being at -49 from Tishrei 5776. With the Tishrei 5777 season behind us, this is no longer the case. No Prophet Yonah went to the nations of the world over the last several months to get Donald Trump supporters to repent from their rebellious ways. And as we learn from Sefer Yonah itself, without merit to the nations who are thinking of causing Klal Yisrael harm, they don’t have the merit to cause us harm if they themselves have no merit themselves. It is why Yonah boarded a ship to Tarshish. He knew that Nineveh was the capital of the Assyrian Empire and that that empire was destined to destroy the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Yet, the Assyrians would only succeed if they themselves repented of their sins while Klal Yisrael with numerous prophets at our disposal continued to refuse to repent of their sins. So Yonah, at first, adamantly refused to take part in the destruction of his own country. In his zeal to love his fellow Yisraeli, bain Adam leChaveiro, he tried to shirk his obligation to G-d Himself, bein Adam leMakom. Yet, upon being successful in G-d’s mission to Nineveh after being swallowed by the fish and spat out on dry land, he bitterly asked for G-d to take his life. How could he face his fellow countrymen in Eretz Yisrael ever again knowing that his prophesy to Nineveh had consigned them to total destruction!! Well now the world in total has fallen to -50 while Klal Yisrael hangs on at -49 for the last 99 years since the Bolshevik Revolution.

Before the Bolshevik Revolution the majority of the world’s Jews were Shomrei Shabbat. After the Revolution that was no longer the case. That was the sure sign that a significant number of the world’s Jews were falling below -49 in the Fall of that Yovel year 5678 (Fall of 1917). Observing Shabbat is our “signpost” that we are still in business to perfect the World under G-d’s unchallenged rule. Giving it up is to take the plunge below -49. Yet, a significant number of the world’s Jews still keep Shabbat and give birth to Jewish children. So that is what counts. We now outnumber the Bolsheviks who by now don’t even have Jewish descendants. Therefore after 99 years, the nations of the world have beaten us to the sewer. Send them Congrats for winning that tortoise and the hare style race. It took 99 years, but it finally has happened. And in the words of the Gemorrah, we are a generation of NO Merit, but our enemies who want to divide us have even less merit!! So Baruch HaShem, b’itah, Obama will very likely be going to the UN Sec Council between election day Nov 8th and the tenth of Tevet to divide the Land of Israel and to create Paleostine. What is interesting is from what exact date does he have zero merit to succeed? Well calculate thus.

On Rosh HaShanah, Rosh Chodesh Tishrei, along with that judgement being sent into the physical world on Hoshana Rabbah, the 21st of Tishrei, the world is judged for the coming year, BUT the judgement for Rosh Chodesh Tishrei itself is still on the previous year’s judgement because each year during Tishrei ten days of repentance out of love and fear and 21 days of repentance out of Lishma Joy are allowed for in each year’s judgement. So the actual process of judgement and repentance takes 21 days from the beginning of Rosh HaShanah to the end of Sukkot, the 7th or last day of that Moed. So once the judgement has been settled on in both the World to Come and in this world, almost three quarters of the month of Tishrei is already complete. So the Judgement only goes into effect at that time, BUT while the positive aspects of the Judgement can be accessed right away on the 22nd of Tishrei, the negative aspects must be filtered through and mitigated by the following Rosh Chodesh, Rosh Chodesh MarCheshvan. Then and only then does the day by day judgement including all of its negative aspects for the new year begin to enter the world. Yet, for 7 full days from the molad for that month, the Judgement of the New Year is mixed up with the Judgement for the previous month of Tishrei whose seal was placed on it in Tishrei one year ago that is from Tishrei 5776. So until the 7th of Cheshvan this year, the days of Cheshvan have aspects of the Judgement for both years 5776 and 5777. Only on Zayin MarCheshvan (7th of Cheshvan) do we begin anew with only the Judgement for 5777 being applied for and against us. This year Zayin MarCheshvan is American election day (Nov. 8th, 2016). So when Obama goes to the UN, guess what? The world that comes to divide the Land of Israel will have NO MERIT to accomplish its task. Maybe THIS is what HaShem has waited for!?

INTO THE FRAY: Condell on Clinton
Martin Sherman
November 2, 2016
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By presenting the divide between Trump & the post-Obama surrogate, Clinton, as an “America vs Europe” one, Pat Condell understates the true nature of the dichotomy

It is unusual for American voters to get a real choice in a presidential election but this is a genuine fork in the road for America—and the world. It’s one direction or another from here.

Pat Condell, America’s Moment Of Truth, October 25, 2016

The upcoming US presidential election has been a topic I have tried to refrain from writing about. Indeed, I wished to avoid expressing any opinion of the depressing debacle of the US elections, consoling myself with the thought that, in comparison, Israeli politics look like a dignified exercise of the democratic process.

Condell on Clinton

Arguably, there has never been an election in which American voters have been asked to choose between two candidates , who—for very different reasons—are clearly so hopelessly unqualified and undeserving of their nation’s highest office.

Appalled at the choice with which the world’s most powerful democracy has presented its electorate, I was loathe to take a position for, or against, either of these deeply flawed candidates—neither of whom I, as a non-US citizen, can vote for anyway.

What changed my mind, and convinced me to take up the challenge of writing something I felt I could take a clear stance on, without compromising my journalistic integrity, was a withering anti-Clinton video put out by another non-US citizen – the ever-incisive British political satirist, Pat Condell.

Actually, this was not one of Condell’s best videos. Moreover, I did not agree with everything he said in it. However, it did crystallize for me that what was really at stake on November 8, was something that went far beyond a choice between two rather unappealing (to gravely understate the case) individuals.

It is, in effect, a choice between two incompatibly divergent socio-political paradigms, with historic and probably irrevocable significance—for both the US and the global community.

Two divergent socio-political paradigms

Condell characterized the sharply contrasting alternatives confronting voters as follows: “In broad terms you could describe it a choice between the American way and European way…”

Although I understand why he chose to frame the issue in this manner, I am not sure that I entirely agree. Indeed, I believe that the choice is even starker than he suggests. In essence, it is a choice between a chance to preserve a society based on traditional Western values and Judeo-Christian foundations to which they are tethered; or irreversibly abandoning that prospect.

I realize of course that some might find it a little “over-the-top” to attribute such epic dimensions to a clash between two such eminently unimposing and decidedly “unepic” protagonists, but—perhaps perversely—that is precisely how the matter stands.

For these elections are less about the candidates themselves, and more—much more—about the realities they herald…and those they don’t.

Please, don’t misunderstand me. I am not suggesting for a minute that Clinton or Trump is genuinely committed to the policies they espouse. It doesn’t matter that neither of them really embody the views that they profess to ascribe to, or even really believe in them.

For whatever their real personal political proclivities may (or may not) be,

the adversarial socio-political milieu that envelops their perceived political “identity”;
the rivalrous political allegiances they have formed to sustain their political careers,
the opposing political machinery which drives their political activities; and
the political constituencies on which they draw for political support;

will, after the elections almost deterministically, sweep them each along their divergent paradigmatic paths.

Extending “Obama-ism”

Condell elaborated on his “American vs European” dichotomy: “For the past eight years President Obama has tried to make America more European because he is a European social democrat at heart…”

He added acerbically: “He belongs over here in Europe with the rest of the open borders “nothing to do with Islam” crowd making life more dangerous for ordinary people for virtuous reasons. It’s what he tried to do in America with his so European reluctance to even name, let alone confront, Islamic terrorism.”

Regarding Clinton, he warned: “And his chosen successor, Hilary Clinton, if elected intends to up the ante on that score when she brings in all those third world Muslim migrants who are waiting in the wings…”

The perception of Clinton as an extension of the Obama incumbency is crucial for grasping the stakes in the coming election. In many ways, his 2008 victory was a point of inflexion in American history.

With the opportunity to undo it lost in 2012, its detrimental impact began to solidify. A Clinton victory will all but make that impact indelibly irremovable. After all, Clinton has not only by and large endorsed all of Obama’s past policies—regardless of their calamitous consequences—she was in fact a co-author of a considerable portion of them.

A deeper dichotomy

But as I mentioned previously, by presenting the divide between Trump and a post-Obama surrogate, Clinton, as an “America vs Europe” one, Condell understates the true nature of the dichotomy. Indeed, it is a dichotomy that goes far beyond a difference of perspectives within prevailing Western civilization. It is a dichotomy between what have been traditionally deemed “Western values” and values which are “non-Western”. Indeed, the less charitable might say, “anti-Western”.

Accordingly, as I wrote just prior to the 2012 presidential elections, this latter set of values display “the same strains of resentment and envy, suspicion of others’ achievement, the belief that the success of some was necessarily the product of exploitation pervades much of the anti-colonial, anti-American – and yes, anti-Zionist – philosophy of many members of the Non-Aligned Movement.”

As a result, I cautioned: “[Obama’s] interpretation of the international role the US should play, the nature of the country’s interests, and the manner in which they should be pursued; his perception of friend and foe and the attitudes that should be adopted towards them, all seem to entail dramatic and disconcerting departure from that of most of his predecessors” adding that: “In this regard, he is the first US president who is explicitly … unmoored, both cognitively and emotionally, from the bollards of America’s founding Judeo-Christian heritage….”

Deeper dichotomy (cont.)

In a piece entitled “Will the West withstand the Obama presidency?” published just after the ill-conceived Iran nuclear deal, I warned: “For anyone who understands that the US Constitution is not a Sharia-compliant document … it should be alarmingly apparent that the Obama-incumbency is a dramatic and disturbing point of inflection in the history of America and its ‘Western’ allies”,clarifying that: “By ‘Western’ I mean countries whose political practices and societal norms are rooted in Judeo-Christian foundations in a cultural rather than in any religious sense.”

Indeed, almost 18 months earlier I asserted: “In many ways, the election of Obama in 2008 was a watershed… not so much because for the first time a man of color was elected to the US’s highest office…[but] because for the first time, the person elected was someone whose political credo coalesced in an environment where many of its formative influences (both personalities and ideologies)… differed sharply (arguably antithetically) … from those that historically made America, America.”

As Obama’s perceived successor, Clinton will be bound to preserve and promote—whether of her own volition or not—these political perspectives, simply because of the political milieu in which she will be compelled to operate, the political interests she will be compelled to serve and the political allegiances she will be compelled to maintain.

Deceptive first appearances

Of course, at first glance, one could make a plausible claim that Clinton is eminently qualified to serve as president—certainly far more so than the current incumbent was prior to his election. After all, she was First Lady for eight years (1993-2001), served as a US senator (2001-9) and as Secretary of State (2009-13).

This makes an impressive résumé indeed—until one begins to delve into the details.

Putting aside for the moment all the earlier scandals that have plagued her and her spouse, in the last eight years, either as Secretary of State, as contender of the Democratic Party nomination and as a candidate for the US presidency, she has either been actively involved in formulating policy for the Obama administration, or endorsing its policies. She certainly has not distanced herself publically in any way from them—and hence must be inextricably tied—either directly or by association—to the succession of failures and fiascos of his administration—both domestically and abroad.

On the home front, this includes soaring levels of debt, plunging levels of workforce participation, yawning budget deficits and a failing health care reform, Obama’s signature domestic policy initiative, which earlier this month none other than Bill Clinton dismissed as “the craziest thing in the world”.

On the international front, things are, if anything, far worse, with debacle being followed by yet more debacles, and US influence and stature plummeting across the globe.

Failures and Fiascos

Thus, whether in Egypt or Libya, in Syria or in failed endeavors to “reset” relations with Russia, US policy and reputation are in tatters worldwide: The appalling Iran deal, allowing the tyrants of Tehran to acquire mountains of cash to finance global terror and weaponized nuclear capability, in exchange for a promised deferral , the estrangement from Saudi Arabia, the heightening tensions with the Kremlin.

These are all disasters that Clinton is tainted with—whether they occurred “on her watch” as Secretary of State, or as Obama’s designated replacement.
But gross policy failures are not the only disqualifying stain on Clinton’s candidacy.

Arguably, even more damaging is the perception of corruption/corrosion of the organs of governance that are associated with her. This was perhaps best highlighted by the embarrassing House hearing with FBI director James Comey, when he inexplicably recommended Clinton not be indicted, while actually citing a litany of reasons why she should be! Indeed, the absurdity of the situation prompted Congressmen Trey Gowdy (R-SC) to exclaim disapprovingly: “…my real fear is…this double track justice system that is… perceived in this country…if you are a private in the Army and email yourself classified information you will be kicked out. But if you are Hillary Clinton, and you seek a promotion to Commander in Chief, you will not be….

Clintonesque corruption

In an acerbic analysis of the Clinton candidacy, Indian-born commentator Atul Singh writes: “Hillary Clinton is a deeply damaged candidate with far too many skeletons in her cupboard.” And skeletons galore there are: The Email scandal, the Benghazi tragedy, and “pay-to-play” allegations surrounding massive donations to the Clinton Foundation from Mid-East tyrannies ,whose societies reflect the very antithesis of the values Clinton professes to stand for.

Singh makes the withering observation: “She has been in power far too long and, as someone wise once said, power corrupts… Earlier this year, she ironically delivered a speech on income inequality in a $12,495 Giorgio Armani jacket. It evoked Marie Antoinette’s apocryphal comment about the starving sans culottes: “If they have no bread, let them eat cake.” Actually, the irony is worse because the Clintons claim to represent les sans culottes while gorging on foie gras…”

Of course none of this should be construed as a portrayal of Donald Trump as a paragon of virtue. Quite the opposite. Singh again: “While Trump might be a lying braggart and an obnoxious bully, Clinton [is] a wolf in sheep’s clothing and would persist with a status quo that is untenable.”

Indeed, much opprobrium can he heaped on Trump. He is vulgar, petty, easily distracted and I am far less convinced than Condell, who extolls Trump’s sincerity and commitment, as to the depth of his conviction in his own political pronouncements.

But what would you rather have—Trump’s glaring character defects, or Hilary’s declared intention to flood the country with un-vetted and unregulated immigrants from the Mid-East and South America?

Trump: Cut from the same cloth as “Brexit”

In many ways, Trump is the creation of Obama and Clinton – a reaction of millions of Americans to the unwanted metamorphosis of their nation. Indeed, he is cut from the same cloth as Brexit. He is a response—undeniably an inelegant one—to what is perceived as an attempt to decouple America from its roots and its heritage.

However, as such, it is a response that is relatively benign. If it is rebuffed—brace yourselves for far more drastic ones in the future. For as Condell points out, Trump is a “necessary antidote to the poison of political correctness … destroying Western society’s immune system”. If this antidote fails to be administered, its successors are guaranteed to be far more virulent.

Martin Sherman ( is the founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. (

More Islamist Money Flows to Hillary Clinton
Gregg Roman
October 29, 2016
Image of Hillary Clinton taken by Gage Skidmore
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Originally published at the Middle East Forum.

The Middle East Forum’s “Islamist Money in Politics” (IMIP) project has recorded an additional $12,061 in campaign contributions from Islamist sources to Hillary Clinton since releasing its list of the top ten recipients of Islamist money for 2015-2016 on October 20. The new figures come from just-released FEC filings from August and September.

Mrs. Clinton has padded her lead atop the list, accepting $53,226 from prominent Islamists. This includes $16,216 from individuals associated with the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), a group with deep ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. MPAC’s current president, Salam al-Marayati, was kicked off a congressional commission in 1999 when his defense of terrorist groups came to light.

Presidential candidate Evan McMullin has vaulted to sixth place on the list, accepting $5,400 from Islamists in August and September. Among other current presidential candidates, Jill Stein has accepted $250; Donald Trump and Gary Johnson have not received any Islamist money.

For full details of all Islamist contributions in a sortable database, click here.

While the amounts of Islamist donations are relatively small, the information: (1) holds politicians accountable for accepting funds from soiled sources; (2) signals the Islamist lobby’s affections and intentions; and (3) tells voters who takes money from individuals linked to enemies of the United States and its allies.

Islamists – be they violent or lawful – seek a caliphate and imposition of Shari’a law. This is what Khomeini, Bin Laden, and ISIS believe in.

Islamist Money in Politics shines a light on Islamist influence in U.S. politics by making public the campaign contributions of 1,356 leading figures in America’s most important Islamist groups. To date, IMIP has documented 3,005 Islamist contributions worth $1.45 million.

Launched in 2014, the non-partisan project continually updates contribution data to educate politicians themselves and the public.

The Middle East Forum promotes American interests through intellectual, activist, and philanthropic efforts.

Hillary Clinton, Israel, and the Collapse of American Hegemony
Orit ben Tzvi
October 30, 2016
Image of Donald Trump taken by Gage Skidmore
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With the FBI announcing they have decided to reopen the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails a spectre of uncertainty has fallen on the outcome of the upcoming elections. Never before has a major party candidate been under federal investigation at the time of the elections, but this is where things have gotten to in the USA.

No matter who wins America is in decline. It’s true Trump would go after the political class like no one before him, but the globalists that have run the system inside the Beltway won’t go quietly. That fight will paralyze the USA for the foreseeable future.

If Hillary wins, her administration will be so tainted by these late game revelations, her ability to rule effectively and lead America through the current series of global conflicts and potential conflicts could be permanently damaged. This is why America will either continue to recede from the Middle East and the Far East or decide (if its Clinton) to not go down without a fight and literally take on Russia and China.

Where Does this Leave Israel?

With the world heading towards complete chaos, Israel finds itself more and more alone. This is not to say Israel has no friends; it does. However, America on the downside of its cultural and economic peak means Israel will have to go it alone on all issues or decide to take the leap into the Russian orbit, which it has so far resisted.

With Putin breathing down Israel’s Northern border and a direct conflict between the USA and Russia almost certain, Israel has little time to figure out how to stay neutral in a conflagration that threatens to not only destabilize the Middle East, but the world as we know it.

American Uni-polar Control is Gone Forever

With corruption running rampant in many areas of American governance, a debt of 19 trillion dollars, and the American military embroiled in conflicts throughout the Middle East, its one time post Cold War global control appears to be indefinitely smashed.

Hillary Clinton’s open disdain for the system of law in America is a symptom of something far more wrong and apparantly dangerous than any single threat America faces. Its slide towards mediocrity means it cannot sustain the type of global dominance it once took for granted. Countries like China and Russia are far too willing to capitalize on an America in decline and stake out centuries old claims to regional dominance in their prospective spheres of influence.

Israel will be forced to decide how to partner with a corruption ridden Clinton administration if she wins and remains out of jail or Donald Trump who will be busy trying to pull America back together again. The truth is, the multi-polar world we are finding ourselves in has been around for sometime now. It is in this world that Israel will have to learn how to rise to the challenge of regional leadership without picking a fight with any of the new global powers to be.

In Turbulant Times We Must Harness the Weapons of the Messiah
David Mark
October 30, 2016
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In the second lesson of Lekutei Moharan Rebbe Nachman teaches that the main weopon of the Mashiach (Messiah) is prayer. In fact, in other teachings Rebbe Nachman was clear that the Mashiach will conquer the world without firing a shot. He will have such a connection between him and the Creator that he will be able to defeat the enemies of the Jewish people and their supporters through his speech.

All of us have an aspect of the Mashiach within and each of us can harness the divine weapon of prayer that allows us to not only change our reality, but plug into the Creator of the universe. The world may appear to be chaotic, yet we have the opportunity and capability to steady the ship.

Watch Rabbi Lazer Brody below teach us how to plug into the divine by using prayer to change our lives and the world.

Is Nkoli the funny we know, or what?

representatives of militant groups which have been
attacking oil facilities in the restive region, a witness and
official said.
A Reuters reporter saw state governors and traditional
rulers from the swamp lands meet Buhari and top
security officials at the presidential villa in Abuja. An
official said militant groups had also sent representatives.
President Buhari said any Nigerian who has another
country to relocate to is free to do so while those without
remain to solve the nation’s problems.
According to a statement by Garba Shehu, a
spokesperson to the president, Buhari spoke while
addressing Niger Delta stakeholders at the Presidential
Villa, Abuja.
“We are determined to make life comfortable and
affordable to all Nigerians. If anybody has a country to go
to, let him go, we will stay here and salvage our country,”
Shehu quoted the President as saying.
Buhari was said to have told the leaders of the Niger Delta
that they had more to do than anyone else to bring peace
to the region, given the influence they have on militant
He expressed the determination of his administration to
stay focused on its key campaign promises of securing
the country, fighting corruption and creating jobs through
the improvement of the economy.
He said peace, security, investment and prosperity are
linked together, adding that “if we give peace a chance,
investors will come here to invest. Nobody will invest in
an insecure environment.”
Buhari said the problems his administration found on the
ground were many, as illustrated in collapse of oil prices,
inability of 27 of the 36 states to pay salaries, absence of
savings to fall back and having to deal with an elite who
didn’t seem to care.
All these, he said, made his government to conclude that,
“life as usual is no longer affordable.”
In welcoming the 16-point request presented for
negotiation by the Niger Delta leaders, Buhari said he was
still expecting reports from officials he had instructed to
review the implementation of the Amnesty programme to
determine where government fell short so that amends
can be made.
The President said the service chiefs were putting
together their own assessment of the militancy situation,
saying “when I have these reports, including this one (just
presented), we will revisit the situation (in the region) to
ensure that we succeed this time.”
The president who delivered his report card on the war
against corruption and the efforts to secure the country
repeated his call to the Niger Delta leaders to join the
administration in bringing peace to the troubled region.
“Please Your Excellencies, Your Majesties, Distinguished
ladies and gentlemen; we all have our individual
constituencies. Let us try to pacify our constituencies,”
the president is quoted as saying.
“Let us first recover our country, secure the country and
let us invite people who will invest.
“Let us create jobs for our people and let us be
accountable to our people where we are sitting on
treasuries, whether it is local government, state or the
“We should ensure that we rebuild this country. Nobody
wants to fail. So, the only way out is, if people understand
and believe that we are doing our best at all levels, then
we will have some peace.
“But it they have reason to doubt our performance and
sincerity, then we will have problem.”
In their own presentation, the leaders and Stakeholders of
the Niger Delta Region led by Chief Edwin Clark, a former
minister put across to the president 16 issues for
dialogue, for which they demanded a composite
government committee.
The issues included, among others, the completion of
major road projects in the region, the take-off of the
maritime university, the full activation of ports in Niger
Delta and other waterways, the relocation of international
oil companies to the region.
Others issues include the issuance of oil blocks to the
states and other stakeholders as well as the strengthening
of the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC and
the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs. They also broached
the issue of fiscal federalism.
The Niger Delta leaders reaffirmed their support for the
federal government under President Muhammadu Buhari
and expressed total commitment to the unity, peace and
stability of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Vice President Yemi Osinbajo, Abba Kyari the president’s
chief of staff, and Babachir David Lawal , the secretary to
the federal government, were also present at the meeting.
The ministers of justice, defence, petroleum (state),
transportation, Niger Delta, education (state), the chief of
defence staff, the national security adviser, the director-
general, DSS, the chief of army staff, chief of naval staff,
the representative of the Chief of Air Staff and the
inspector-general of police were also in attendance.
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Tags: efcc ifeanyi ubah naija news
Nigerian oil mogul has blamed the country's economic woes
on the activities of the Economic Financial Crimes
Commission, EFCC.
Speaking on ways to rejig the economy, he said "the only
solution to Nigeria's economic problems is one - addressing
the cancer that has persistently eaten up our Forex.
He added that the cancer responsible for the proliferating
Dollar/Naira disparity can be eliminated if 10 modular
refineries are set up.
He then dropped a bombshell by saying "the second cancer
that is affecting us is the Economic and Financial Crimes
Commission (EFCC)."
"The duty of EFCC is to look into financial crimes. The duty
of EFCC is to look into those that have taken so many
waivers. So many people in Nigeria today are big men
because they are enjoying government waivers. Majority of
Nigeria's big men are lazy people. They always find a way
to take waivers.
"The EFCC must come to terms with their duty and create a
real economic crime desk. If the EFCC can look into every
importer accessing dollars and what our dollars are being
used for. If the EFCC can create an economic code that
everybody that must use to access dollars making it
mandatory that every bid should be made through the EFCC,
if everybody is made to sign a guarantee that the
government can look into whatever he/she has bid and
monitor the use of the money, those that are milking
Nigeria's dollars will run away.
"The EFCC must stop the pursuit of only past leaders. Not
that they should not do their job by going after past leaders,
but they need to look into the amount of Nigerians that are
taking waivers, they need to look at the number of people
accessing dollars for agricultural contents who divert the
same dollars to Dubai and then bring the dollar back into the
country to make money without doing anything.'
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