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A message I sent to Mark Zuckerberg. . ... ..

Sir I want to ask a question.... I know you've healed severally of an occupied territory called Biafra Nation.... Recently our RADIO BIAFRA group Page was deleted then I ask

Are you Against the Restoration of the original land mark of the indigenous people of Biafra?

Are you in support of the regime atrocities committed against innocent Biafrans simply because they seek Independence from artificial Nation called Nigeria?

Are you against the rights of the indigenous people as enshrined in the UN chatter?

Do you know Biafrans are being systematically estamineted using herdsmen from the NORTH and security agents?

Do you know that since after The first Genocide against Biafrans, Biafrans have been Economically emasculated?

Do you know that Biafrans are being referred to as PIGS and DOGS who deserve nothing but death by the nomadic Northern Muslims?

Do you know that many Biafran youths are being tracked, and clamped into Prison on a daily basis without trial?

Do you believe that the voice of the masses is the voice of God?

If so then do you know that majority of the masses of Biafra seek for Biafra Independence and do no longer want to be called or known as Nigerians?

Instead of helping the government against the people who peacefully seek freedom from Subjugation and estaminetion is it not better you help the downthroden to reclaim their freedom which is their God given right?
Note that we were Biafrans before British and other White men encroached. Our forefathers' consent was not sort before merging them with total strangers. We were conquered by their force of arms and did not willingly give in our sovereignty to them neither did we consent to be merged with other people. Our consent was not sort before our nomenclature was changed.

Mark we are Jews and Christians
We are children of Gad
We despise the Jews haulocost.
We despise Biafra Genocide



Da S Triple O

Wikileaks Exposes Hillary’s Plan to Eliminate Guns with an Executive Order
by S. Noble • October 30, 2016


Wikileaks has exposed Hillary’s goal is to ban guns and will use every avenue to do it.

She’s planning to close non-existent loopholes and demand universal background checks to eliminate the ability to buy, sell or trade guns, but the one goal she has that is most dangerous is “imposting manufacturer liability”. She’s talking about ending American gun manufacturing with an executive order.

“(W)e are going to background reporters tonight on a few of the specific proposals she would support as president — universal background checks of course, but also closing the gun show loophole by executive order and imposing manufacturer liability,” read a WikiLeaks email from October 2015, this one sent by the campaign’s national press secretary, Brian Fallon. The notion of manufacturer liability meant allowing victims and families to sue gun manufactures if and when a purchaser of one of their weapons commits a murder or shooting spree. It would be equivalent to prosecuting car manufacturers for the actions of drunk drivers.

Hillary Clinton’s “death blow” against the Second Amendment will be to drive the gun industry itself out of business.

She will see to it that the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, or PLCAA is repealed or she will do it with an executive order.

Clinton has been lying without hesitation claiming that it grants the firearms industry “immunity” from lawsuits. Of course they can be sued. Making manufacturers responsible for crimes committed with their guns unbeknownst to them and without any culpability is like saying a toy maker is responsible if someone hits another over the head with their toy.

PLCAA protects manufacturers from frivolous lawsuits filed by anti-gun activists trying to drive people out of business. The Brady Campaign pushed these attacks known as “law fare” starting in the 1990s and through the next decade. They hunted down clients for the frivolous suits like ambulance chasers.

If Clinton is successful in repealing PLCCA, then every gun dealer or manufacturer, or sporting goods store, or ammunition company, would no longer be immune to frivolous lawsuits, and all would be sued out of business.

You would not be able to buy new guns, because there would be no manufacturers or importers after they were targeted, one-by-one.

They have looked for crimes they could exploit to push their gun control narrative.

In another email, this one sent in January of this year, another Clinton campaign official shared her concerns about using the murder of black teen Jordan Davis at the hands of a white man to argue for gun control. “The only flag here is that Jordan Davis was killed by a white man, so arguably — this crime was racially motivated, which takes this outside the discussion of gun violence,” the official, De’Ara Balenger, wrote. “Was there another mother in the Chicago meeting where the shooting was NOT racially motivated?” she continued. “If yes, we should use that story instead of Jordan Davis.”

She wanted to basically try to exploit the grieving mother of a Chicago murder victim instead, apparently.

She has for decades talked about imposing punitive taxes.

Speaking on ABC News four months ago, the Democrat nominee herself admitted that she would gladly support a 25 percent sales tax on handguns and automatic weapons, as had been proposed at the time by a senator.

“I’m all for that,” she said.

Absurdly, she is saying that taking guns from legal gun owners will stop violence by criminals.

“I just don’t know what else we’re going to do to try to figure out how to get some handle on this violence,” she added. “I’m speaking personally, but I feel very strongly about that.”

She can kill two birds with one tax – limit gun ownership and steal money from innocent gun owners she can redistribute to her voting bloc.

Hillary Clinton wants to seize the American people’s weapons and has previously praised Australia’s gun confiscation program.

In email email 12278, Team Clinton admitted to writing an anti-gun article in someone else’s name. They are treacherous manipulators.

We were told Hillary was pro-gun and is a Second Amendment supporter, but she is a shameless liar. Apparently her entire team is..

Hilary has talked about banning “weapons of war,” but “weapons of war”—machine guns and selective-fire firearms—have not been manufactured for the civilian market for 30 years, and cannot be, due to the Hughes Amendment to the Firearm Owners Protection Act of 1986 (FOPA).

Clinton, in reality, wants to ban common hunting rifles, target rifles, many popular handguns, standard rifle and pistol magazines.

If Democrats gain seats in congress and if they win control of the Supreme Court, they will be all-powerful on this issue.

Clinton is after gun manufacturers, guns, ammunition, all of it. If she has the Supreme Court, she could go after Heller and McDonald.

A number of articles written by anti-gun activists have lauded the massive immigration push now going on because those particular immigrants are leftists and want guns banned. The left believes that it is only a matter of time before they can pull it off because the immigrants will soon be the majority. If Hillary Clinton wins, she will make it happen now and will assure the continuation of the invasion.

Wikileaks and the Democrat Platform make it clear Hillary is after our guns and will win on this issue if elected.

The Democrat Platform is hard left and if you haven’t read it, you might want to. Guns are targeted. They are claiming guns are a public health threat. That is one way they can go after guns and they will compile manipulated research to back it up.

Remember, if one Amendment in the Bill of Rights falls, they all fall. Don’t let this happen.

I am Disappointed in Buhari’s Anti-corruption war - Sanusi Lamido Sanusi
8 Monday, October 31

Sanusi Lamido Sanusi Former central bank governor of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, said that ...
$20bn Saga: My role in Sanusi's letter to Jonathan was in the best interest of the nation - Amaechi
Adeosun to Ezekweisili: Buhari’s economic policies are not archaic, opaque
Buhari is no match to Jonathan in terms of good governance - Fani-Kayode
Former central bank governor of Nigeria, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, said that the exchange rate policies backed by President Muhammadu Buahri are doomed to fail. UK-based Financial Times newspaper reports.

Lamido Sanusi, who is now the emir of Kano, an influential religious post among Muslims in Nigeria, told the Financial Times that he was disappointed to see Mr Buhari’s strong security and anti-corruption efforts overshadowed by a monetary policy regime with “very obvious drawbacks that far outweigh its dubious benefits”.

Nigeria’s central bank last year imposed tight capital controls and pegged the currency, the naira, at an official rate currently 35 per cent stronger than the black market rate.

The policies sparked capital flight and damaged the West African state’s reputation as a frontier market investment destination, the Financial Times newspaper reports.

Yes, the "Green" Party has Endorsed Trump Over Clinton
By BoGardiner
Monday Oct 31, 2016 · 11:52 PM GMT


Firstly, no, Snopes didn’t “debunk” this. That was written before the quotes in this piece.

It's time to rename the American "Greens.”

The Green Party’s presidential candidate, Jill Stein, posted today on Facebook a link to an “Open Letter from the Social Media Director of the Stein/Baraka Campaign,” by someone whose name was given only as “Jillian.” The message reads:

…A Clinton presidency is D A N G E R O U S … If a Trump presidency would mean that we have to fight ignorants in the streets—I’m ready for that. “

Stein commented “I couldn’t have said it better.”

Not even the “we have to fight ignorants in the street” part, Jill? Is that a call to a gang fight or a misspelling?

Literary criticism aside, I consider this sufficiently official. Journalists have been pushing Stein to answer this question throughout the campaign; it has now been answered.

Stein has been increasingly preparing her followers and the public for this idea over the last few weeks. She tweeted on Oct. 14:

Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy is much scarier than Donald Trump’s, who does not want to go to war with Russia. #PeaceOffensive

She retweeted an article by her running mate Ajamu Baraka on Oct 15 titled “Why Hillary Clinton Is More Dangerous Than Donald Trump,” which states:

The danger to the rest of us is not Trump, but Hillary Clinton.

and on Oct. 16 retweeted Baraka’s tweet:

Expecting people of color to fear Donald Trump after all we’ve been through the last 200 years, is absurd.

On Oct. 21 she posted on Facebook an article titled:

What’s scarier than Donald Trump? Hillary Clinton’s plans to gut Social Security

Greens have been spreading this message heavily on social media and in articles like this that state “Donald Trump as president will do ‘less damage‘.”

This may surprise many unfamiliar with Green Party history, but it fully adheres to Green Party tradition. In 2000, Ralph Nader said on several occasions that he would prefer to see George W. Bush in the White House over Al Gore. Green Party leaders were open that their goal was to stop Al Gore.

More history and analysis of this strange and very under-reported aspect of the Greens may be found at The Green Party Openly Preferred George W. Bush in 2000 and Openly Prefers Donald Trump Now. It includes a summary of the political science consensus that yes, Nader cost Gore the election. But more startlingly are the credibly-sourced quotes from Ralph Nader on his preference for Bush, along with analysis from colleagues as to what motivated it. Some excerpts:

When asked if someone put a gun to his head and told him to vote for either Gore or Bush, which he would choose, Nader answered without hesitation: “Bush… If you want the parties to diverge from one another, have Bush win.”

In response to a reporter’s question “…does that mean you would not have a problem providing the margin of defeat for Gore?”

“I would not — not at all,” Nader answered. “I’d rather have a provocateur than an anesthetizer in the White House. “

A news article reported:

After lambasting Gore as part of a do-nothing Clinton administration, Nader said: “If it were a choice between a provocateur and an ‘anesthetizer,’ I’d rather have a provocateur. It would mobilize us.”… in the past Nader has said that a Bush victory could have an oddly beneficial effect for the Green movement… Bush, Nader has said, could be the same kind of “provocateur” if elected.

In an interview with Tim Russert:

RUSSERT: Would it bother you that…Al Gore lost the election?

NADER: No, not at all… There may be a cold shower for four years that would help the Democratic Party… It doesn’t matter who is in the White House.

RUSSERT: … Would [Al Gore] not be better on [environmental and consumer] issues than George W. Bush?

NADER: …no… regulatory agencies under Clinton/Gore are as bad or worse than under Reagan/Bush…

This year’s Green Party mantra that the “GOP is less scary” was entirely predictable and independent of whatever candidate chosen by the Democratic party. History shows us it has very little to do with Hillary Clinton herself.

Greens are currently defending Stein over revelations of her investments in the world’s largest financial backer of palm oil plantations, the number one cause of deforestation in the world.

In another illiberal act, last week Stein bizarrely called for a national “conversation” on “oppressive” comedians, following criticism by John Oliver of her vaccine views and economic plans.

The Green Party has so many affinities with the alt-right that terms like “left” or “progressive” don’t seem fully appropriate. There’s the stated progressive platform, but that takes a back seat so readily to other objectives that a deeper analysis is needed to fully grasp how to characterize them.

I suggest calling them the Puce Party, a brownish muddle of green and red.

It's perfect: there's international confusion as to whether puce is green or red. In Europe puce is a shade of green (where their Green Party would never behave this way); in the U.S. puce is considered a murky reddish brown. Like I said... perfect. Besides, "Pucer" sounds like "Truther. “

[My first DK diary!]


Donald Trump, the Republican candidate in the United States forthcoming election has issued a Statement Regarding his foreign policy towards African countries. The statement which was obtained through one of his local aid in the great state of Ohio shows that Mr. Trump is going to be the best American president for African nations. He clearly stated that he is in total support of right to self-determination of any ethnic minority that want freedom from artificial countries created by the colonialist. He further explain that it is a very sacred right express by all free people to declare their independence from where they already are.

He used the Brexit referendum a reference to his new policy toward Africa, he believe that political conflicts across Africa will reduce if Africans are allowed to create their countries according to their God giving boundary. He want Africans to embrace peaceful referendum like United Kingdom instead of forced unity that cost millions of lives without meaningful progress.

The people of the United Kingdom have exercised the sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy. A Trump Administration pledges to strengthen our ties with a free and independent Britain, deepening our bonds in commerce, culture and mutual defense.” The whole world is more peaceful and stable when people are allowed to exercise their right to self-determination, people will pledge allegiance to their God giving identity and natural boundary. He further promised that he will not engage in evil regime change policy of Obama administration which destabilized Libya and many other African countries”. The regime change of Clinton/Obama brought chaos, instability, destruction and death to many African people.

He promised to look into Biafra case and see how he can help in achieving peaceful political solution without bloodshed. He told the Biafra flag waiving man at his rally that “if the people of Biafra want Republic of Biafra, it will be a reality during my administration”. He further told the Biafran agitators to hold on help is on the way.
Under my Administration, Africans will have the right to redraw their map trough referendum and peaceful political process just like we have in Europe and other developed part of the world. Under Trump Administration we will remove the embargo placed on Nigerians by Obama administration concerning Visa lottery program, he said Nigerians are smart and intelligent people, they contributed immensely to the development of modern America, we want them here in large number and my administration will enroll them back in visa lottery program, Obama is unfair to his fellow Blacks for removing the giant of Africa from the program he said.

If I’ll remarry, it would be to an Igbo man – Lolo 1 of Wazobia talks about her failed marriage and more
Allure Interviews

by Allure - November 1, 2016 028725

By Rita Chioma

Nigeria’s Lolo 1 – the madam who is the face of Wazobia FM’s ‘Oga Madam’ radio programme, was born Omotunde Adebowale David. She has over the years, excelled as one of the country’s best comediennes – on air, on stage and on the silver screen.

In a recent interview with ThisDay, Lolo talks about plans to remarry, her failed marriage, children and lots more.
On her family, the plus size silver screen diva, revealed she has four adorable kids with her estranged husband before their union met with brick walls.
“I have four amazing kids. I have three sons and a daughter. I am single. I met a lot of people saying, ‘Oh my God, this entertainer is divorced.’ Yes, my divorce is a mutual thing. It’s nothing to fight or quarrel about. My family life is private. I will not drag the father of my children on the pages of newspapers. He doesn’t deserve that. It’s not a quarrel; we might have issues that we are dealing with personally as people. But it doesn’t mean that we now have to go and talk about each other (in the public). He’s the father of my children. I respect him for that. It is an important reason we do not talk about it (divorce) on the pages of newspapers.”

When asked about plans to remarry, Lolo said, if she would remarry, she’ll go for an Igbo man.
“Well, yes, but it doesn’t matter where anybody comes from. I gravitate towards an individual. It’s who you are as a person that matters. It’s not where you come from. So, I’m not looking at anybody based on tribe even though it’s not like I’m shopping.
I’ll leave that in God’s hands. You know, if you’ve gone through a situation and you didn’t do well, I think it’s time to withdraw into myself – learn a few things about why this (the marriage) didn’t work and what I did wrong. So when I’ve learnt my lesson and healed internally, then maybe I will consider it. It takes time for one to be able to go through it (divorce). Marriage is not a walk in the park like people think. It’s something one signs up for forever and one has a break. That shows one didn’t do some things right. So, as an individual, one needs to get internal healing and work on one’s own personality, so that when one gets into another relationship, one would have learnt her lessons from the previous marriage.”

Wondering if there are chances for reconciliation with her ex, Lolo didn’t rule that totally out, she said: “Oh well, I’m not God. Everybody is a work in progress. It’s just that people in the media judge very harshly; because we live our life before people. But I’ve done my best to make it (failed marriage) work and I don’t make it a general topic. It’s a family issue. We’re dealing with it our own way.
What kind of childhood did you have?
I had a very independent childhood. I stayed in the hostel from primary three. So, I’ve been independent for a long time. I schooled in Ijebu-Ode Anglican Girls and I stayed in the hostel half of the time. That’s where my independence and creativity came from. I was always called to make impromptu speeches. I won a lot of laurels for my school in debates, impromptu speeches and so on.

Did your parents approve of your decision to pursue a career in the media?
No. You know how parents are then. Even my legal profession was chosen by them. I just got my JAMB form and they filled it. When I told my mom I wanted to act and go into media work, she cried, thinking I would end up earning meagre income despite the years I spent in school studying Law. But now, my mother will tell me she’s my fan. She calls me ‘Mama Lolo’ and that’s because I have been successful. God is helping me to succeed in what I have chosen to do. And I think that settles everything.”

Fear of Buhari, Gov Okorocha opens up why Igbo leaders met in Owerri

o1/Aug/2016 // Viewers:5989

Imo State Governor Rochas Okorocha yesterday said the recent gathering of Igbo leaders in Owerri, the state capital, under the Igbo Unity Forum, was not a launch pad for Igbo Presidency.

The governor said the meeting was to rekindle the spirit of resilience and determination among the Igbo.

He added that the continued outcry of neglect was alien to the Igbo culture of hard work and industry.

Okoroch, who addressed reporters in Owerri, noted that the greatest challenge holding down the Ndigbo was disunity.

He said: “When we come together, we can solve all our problems as a people. This is because we cannot continue to cry about marginalisation but we should rise up and build our place.

“The essence of the gathering of Igbo leaders in Owerri was not to talk about or prepare for Igbo Presidency but to mobilise our people to come together and build an Igbo nation that is economically viable.”

Okorocha added: “When people talk about Igbo Presidency, I don’t get excited because I believe that anybody who has something to offer should lead the country, irrespective of where he comes from. This is because we may have an Igbo President who may turn out to be a disappointment.

“Just like when our people keep crying about marginalisation. But there was a time we had everything, like the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Senate President, Chief of Army Staff, Inspector-General of Police (IGP), among others. But today, we have nothing to show for these positions. So, our priority now is to build our place and attract development. But at the right time, we will have a Nigerian President of Igbo extraction.”

Okorocha Is An Agent Of The North, He Is Not An Igbo Man But A Bastard.- Archbishop Chukwuma
4th August 2016 May30 Biafra Leave a comment

The Archbishop of the Enugu province, Anglican Communion, Rev Emmanuel Chukwuma, has criticised Governor of Imo State, Rochas Okorocha over his persistent attacks on Senator Ike Ekweremadu.

He complains that Okorocha wants to replace Ekweremadu with lacks experience. The reverend says Governor Okorocha will be disowned by the Igbo people if he does not apologise to Ekweremadu.

Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo state ran into trouble with a section of Igbo speaking Nigerians who have threatened to disown him over his plot to remove Senator Ike Ekweremadu as deputy Senate president.

ALSO READ: Biafra Will Secede If APC Remove Ike Ekweremadu.- Igbos Will Disown Okorocha If…- ArchBishop Chukwuma

According to Daily Post, the threat to disown Okorocha was made by the Archbishop of the Enugu province, Anglican Communion, the Most Rev Emmanuel Chukwuma on Thursday, August 4, when members of the National Association of Nigerian Students, (NANS) visited the archbishop at his place in Enugu.

Chukwuma, criticised Governor Okorocha over his persistent attacks on Ekweremadu, and called on the governor to apologise to the senator for harassing him‎. The cleric complained that the APC candidate Okorocha wanted to replace Ekweremadu with lacks experience.

He said: “The person who is going to the Senate under the APC is coming just for the first term; whether you like it or not, he must come and pay homage to Ekweremadu.

“How can you as a Governor who is just sponsoring one person, for the first time be threatening that you will remove Ekweremadu? It is not possible. “What I am saying is that Okorocha should apologize and he should know that he is either an Igbo man or a bastard Igbo.


“He is a bastard Igbo if he does not apologize and we are ready to disown him because he is not in the same page with us as an Igbo man. If he was sent by agents from outside, they have failed.”

Recall that Okorocha, who is the Chairman of the All Progressives Congress (APC) governors’ forum, has vowed to remove Ekweremadu and replace him with a senator-elect from Imo state. Okorocha made the resolve at a meeting the APC governors had with President Buhari and other stakeholders in the Aso Rock presidential villa on July 26, Tuesday.

A source revealed that the governors sympathized with Buhari for working with legislators that is largely seen as unfriendly. He said: “Particularly, they observed that in the absence of the president of the senate, the next person is his deputy. They therefore agreed that it was an anomalous situation for a PDP person to continue as the deputy president of the senate.

ALSO READ: Abomination: Rochas Okorocha’s ‘True Identity’ Finally Exposed

“They sought and got the president’s permission to intervene in the matter in their own way.” Governor of the Imo state Rochas Okorocha, had firstly told State House reporters at the end of the meeting that the governors had decided to interfere in the crisis in the National Assembly, without giving details of their interference.

Judson Eziefula changed his profile picture
8 yrs
