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Mark Zuckerberg is David Rockefeller’s Grandson I Thought Everyone Knew. Did You?
August 22, 2016 SatyaRaj
Post Views: 365,117

With all the talk about Facebook of late and the most recent bans/blocking/censorship I thought I would add my 2 cents and perhaps let people know a bit about this lad.

You know when this guy popped on the scene I was curious how he could do such a big start up. So I checked him out.

The change of name is I am sure deliberate to hide who he is as well as his arrest for pot. It doesn’t mean anything to me I was just curious and now with all the new nonsense I wanted to see if anyone else knew this?

The Face on Facebook belongs to Mark Zukerberg the alleged homosexual from upstate New York. But what is the most important is that his Grandfather is the 100 year old David Rockefeller. You know the one from the Tri Lateral Commision, The Bilderberg Group, Owner of the Chase Manhatten Bank, Council on Foreign Relations.

You read this guys bio and its like a who’s who of the N W O planners. The Likes of Henry Kissenger, who refers to us as useless eaters, Allen Dulles implicated in the Kennedy assassination.

Board of Directors of Exxon, J P Morgan Chase. This guy is friends with every piece of trash that wants us all dead. And then we have his son David who’s son is Mark Zukerberg whos net worth is estimated at 35.7 BILLION. Sick yet? Why he has a different name I have no idea.

A search does not reveal the names of his parents. It does list his wife Pricella Chan. So he’s 31 years old with bags full of money and the son of David Rockefeller. I have known this for a long time and I just assumed everyone else knew. So if you did forgive me if you didn’t it should make a few balls fall into place.relat

Mark Zuckerberg is Jacob Greenberg is grandson of David Rockefeller? i (self.conspiracy)

submitted 1 year ago by make_mind_free2go :

so this is how to be king of the world?

TAP – Facebook was funded with $500 million from a CIA owned bank, which was a bit suspicious.

Zuckerberg means ‘sugar mountain’.

That’s their secret word for Facebook no doubt. A mountain of information from which they can extract billions. Bill Gates comes from a multibillionaire eugenicist family, which was kept well hidden in the early years of Microsoft. The same families control it all. Yet is this story true?

It has been revealed that Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller. His true name is Jacob Greenberg, also grandson to Hank Greenberg. He is royalty.

Some police records show a Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of marijuana when a much younger man. His mugshot was taken, which looks like a younger FaceBook icon with 99% reliability.

It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark Zuckerberg.

Also, the Rothschilds own 8% of FaceBook shares. The hidden agenda for the FaceBook social network is to aid the growth of the police state and one world government movement. According to the TAP Blog, the venture Facebook was funded with $500 million from a CIA owned bank. One can only wonder if the other giant Google has similar disguised progeny. The adopted name Zuckerberg means sugar mountain in German.

Article via: Before It’s News

Mark Zuckerberg Is Claimed To Be Grandson Of David Rockefeller.

We see these amazing stories about the wonder kids who start these IT companies and make billions, but is it a fluke? Did some smart kid just happen to being a business and strike it rich or are most of these stores really about children of the elite
Bright Chinagorom changed his profile picture
8 yrs


The UN Plans To Implant Everyone With A Bio metric ID

In scenes similar to what you would expect of a dystopian novel, The United Nations want us all to have a biometric identification tag by 2030.

It is part of their Global Goals agenda, and they are already working towards implementing this goal, especially aimed at refugee populations. The UN is working with Accenture on the project that will report information “back to a central database in Geneva”.

According to a report by FindBiometrics, the UN's ultimate goal is tohave every man, woman and child on the planet to have biometric identification by 2030. From the official website of the World Bank:
Providing legal identity for all (including birth registration) by 2030 is a target shared by the international community as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (target 16.9). The World Bank Group (WBG) has launched the Identification for Development (ID4D) cross-practice initiative, with the participation of seven GP/CCSAs sharing the same vision and strategic objectives, to help our client countries achieve this goal and with the vision of making everyone count: ensure a unique legal identity and enable digital ID-based services to all.

Source: The Economic Collapse

This might be the next step that the world powers will take towards removing the liberties of citizens.We are already monitored to an unknown degree, but because the methods they use, such as Facebook, are not mandatory, this could be the first program people are forced into.
No doubt the fear and compliance that will come from a move like this will result in total disobedience, taking away liberties, civil and otherwise.A 2017 date for the launch of this, however, might imply that they are running slightly behind schedule...

Chukwuebuka Anthony changed his profile picture
8 yrs


23:520 Biafra, featured 0
Mark - the enabler of suppression of Biafrans

By Kelechi Okorie
02 November, 2016

A mortal body can be killed and destroyed but once an idea has taken hold, you cannot destroy it despite the force. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg ought to have known ideology is an instinct before embarking on his evil deal with the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari to shutdown Radio Biafra London group on facebook. RBL the highest contributory forum on Facebook with active membership close to a million with a motive to liberate mankind from bondage of Buhari’s fascism, mental torture, annihilation and subjugation.

Mark a Jewish US citizen failed to understand the rationale behind Biafra struggle; persecution of Jews which Biafra is among, undergoing in different geographical locations affected the history and social develoption of the countries, societies where the persecutions occurred. Why a man whose family benefited from the freedom and opportunity in USA turns around brutally suppressing freedom of speech and expression? His unprecedented alliance with tyrant Buhari to restrict Biafrans from disseminating their gospel of redemption to the world cannot change anything as long as Biafrans live. If Biafrans can withstand Awolowo’s food blockage during 1967-1970 genocidal war, Zuckerberg's media blackout is null and void. If US was not liberated from the shackle of darkness, would he have had an opportunity today to excel in life? Mark has made himself a willing tool to an Islamic extremist and unrepentant stark illiterate terrorist.

Perhaps, his inability to learn a lesson can only destroy his hard work; recall the day Satlink had a secret deal with Nigeria government under the same Buhari to remove his nightmare, Radio Biafra from their satellite, that same week their satellite mysteriously disappeared from earth’s orbit till date its whereabouts remains unknown.

Man is naturally wicked, nasty and selfish. Mark’s recent trip to Aso Rock Abuja, Nigeria seat of fraud and headquarters of evil empire with their unholy silent plans to exterminate Biafrans can only backfire on him, he has easily forgotten his doom day after cutting a malicious clampdown on Biafrans, explosion destroyed his $200m Facebook Satellite space X Falcon 9 and its Amos 9 Satellite payload during a routine rocket firing in cape Canaveral, Florida.

If Israel can stand today undefeated, Biafra shall do same. Chukwu Okike Abiahma, the creator of heaven and earth always stands for Biafrans, descendant of Israel. Meanwhile, Buhari is helplessly roaming around the world acquiring military hardware to obliterate Biafrans. Last year he boasted through his tiny myopic Nigeria Broadcasting Corporation NBC that Radio Biafra has been successfully neutralized. Today is RBL not propagating the gospel of truth to all nook and crannies?

If NBC cannot succeed, certainly Mark is bound to fail never to rise again, his consent to shutdown RBL Facebook page by Nigerian cyber hackers is whole heartedly welcome. We are once again calling on all Biafran professionals, IT personnels to rise up against unscrupulous elements from Buhari's cabal to shield his reign of terror from International community. Battle line has been drawn for media war, IPOB under the leadership of Nnamdi Kanu can never concede defeat in whatever form. The world is looking upon skillful Biafrans to curtail this sudden challenge. And as always, the sky shall be our limit and songs of victory, we shall all sing at the end.

Editor/Publisher: Chinwe Korie


By Kelechi Okorie
02 November, 2016

A mortal body can be killed and destroyed but once an idea has taken hold, you cannot destroy it despite the force. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg ought to have known ideology is an instinct before embarking on his evil deal with the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari to shutdown Radio Biafra London group on facebook. RBL the highest contributory forum on Facebook with active membership close to a million with a motive to liberate mankind from bondage of Buhari’s fascism, mental torture, annihilation and subjugation.

Mark a Jewish US citizen failed to understand the rationale behind Biafra struggle; persecution of Jews which Biafra is among, undergoing in different geographical locations affected the history and social develoption of the countries, societies where the persecutions occurred. Why a man whose family benefited from the freedom and opportunity in USA turns around brutally suppressing freedom of speech and expression? His unprecedented alliance with tyrant Buhari to restrict Biafrans from disseminating their gospel of redemption to the world cannot change anything as long as Biafrans live. If Biafrans can withstand Awolowo’s food blockage during 1967-1970 genocidal war, Zuckerberg's media blackout is null and void. If US was not liberated from the shackle of darkness, would he have had an opportunity today to excel in life? Mark has made himself a willing tool to an Islamic extremist and unrepentant stark illiterate terrorist.

Perhaps, his inability to learn a lesson can only destroy his hard work; recall the day Satlink had a secret deal with Nigeria government under the same Buhari to remove his nightmare, Radio Biafra from their satellite, that same week their satellite mysteriously disappeared from earth’s orbit till date its whereabouts remains unknown.

Man is naturally wicked, nasty and selfish. Mark’s recent trip to Aso Rock Abuja, Nigeria seat of fraud and headquarters of evil empire with their unholy silent plans to exterminate Biafrans can only backfire on him, he has easily forgotten his doom day after cutting a malicious clampdown on Biafrans, explosion destroyed his $200m Facebook Satellite space X Falcon 9 and its Amos 9 Satellite payload during a routine rocket firing in...follow link to read more:

God bless Biafra God bless people of good will around the world

chukwuemeka Igwe changed his profile picture
8 yrs


#dream,sleep,and eat Biafra.