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Reliable source has revealed how the United States government is aiding the clamp down on Biafran activists in Biafra land. This information was so hidden that even some US generals are not aware. However, after the air raid in Akwa Ibom state Biafra land, Family Writers launched an investigation and found out that it is all an Executive transaction and a collective oppression of Biafrans in order to cut our freedom fighters by surprise.

The information said that they have used it to carry out their numerous air strikes against the Avengers, and that most of the zoo commanders leading the oppressions in that riverine area do not know their date to strike except when they receive call from Abuja.

The US and government is part of the deal, the CIA agent from America is a black man working for the zoo as commanded by President Obama and Hillary Clinton. This information is made to alert the Biafran Freedom fighters to beware of this


Dear Mark Zuckerberg,

I am an Australian woman of 28, whos passion from a very young age, has always been to help people.
One culture I have always been drawn to is Africa.

My partner is a Biafran, and I am aware you have heard about Biafra, but I wonder, how much do you actually know, and how much do you actually care?
Or, do you even care at all?

I have made it of high importance to fully support the Biafran movement, to support my partner in something that can really make a difference in the world.
Specifically, I am concerned for his family, and other families who are still back home at risk of being killed any day.
I would not want to see any person I love suffer in pain over such loss, the pain I have seen many people in, who have already lost their loved ones to this Buhari.

Are you aware that innocent people, including children are being slaughtered daily in Nigeria?
They are even being dismembered from limb to limb.
Those who refuse to convert to Islam are murdered on the spot.
And this is all thanks to a leader who wants to remain in control, because of greed.

I often think to myself, is money really the reason people are supporting this guy?
I don't understand, why are people supporting a human who is making orders to kill Christians, innocent people who are just living their lives? A man who pays Boko Haram to kill anyone who is not Islam?
A man who refuses to use government money to develop a suffering country.
What is going on in this world?

I travelled to Nigeria this year in January, going against my countries safe travel advice, I went, and I witnessed first hand the corruption and greed, the people's hunger for money, the starving children, broken homes & families.

There is one thing I can tell you about Biafrans specifically.
They have something noone can take from them.
They have Hope.
They have faith that a better day is coming.
They also have determination and high spirits, and they will not give up until their homes are safe, Biafra or death is their motto!

Now I know the media can really make things up and create many stories that aren't true, so I chose to contact you myself and find out some answers.
You Mark, have an opportunity.
An opportunity to do something.
And to help should be out of your own free will, not wanting anything in return.
But being able to make a difference, is a reward in itself.

I encourage you to think, I encourage you to do proper research.
Because what you hear and read, can be very different from reality.
See it on youtube, travel and find out for yourself.
Talk to witnesses, they will tell you truths that no media or government can hide.

Please, do something Mark.
It is a simple request.
Everyone has a right to feel safe in their own home.

I also want you to remember, when we die, we don't get to take our money, our fame, or our possessions with us.
It all fades away.
It's all for nothing.
What should stand is how we are remembered, what we did to help others.

Excuse me for being forward, but if I were you, I wouldn't want to just be the guy who created Facebook, the number 1 social networking platform, I would want to be the guy who created Facebook and used that tool to help billions of people around the world, grabbing every opportunity possible!

Food for thought.



The end of Facebook is the beginning of nkoli

Nothing mega, the enemies are laboring in vain



Wednesday November 2, 2016



"And He said, come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying Lord save me"

(Matthew 14:29-3

God by His Spirit wants to talk to us today on our expectations as we follow Christ. Most of us are looking up to God for something today, but the question is, how ready are we for the answers? The truth is, the day we gave our lives to Christ and started following Him, we started walking on water with HIM

Christ asked Peter to come to Him, and he started walking on water. As long as God has commanded it concerning you, nothing will be able to stop it.

Peter disconnected only when he started looking at the things around him, listening to the spiritual and human voices of distraction, he became afraid and began to sink. Today, whatever that has brought fear and doubt into your expectations and well deserved testimony is destroyed by the power of God in Jesus Christ name. Every influence of fear and doubt in any area of your life vanishes today by the power of God in the Spirit that makes alive in Jesus Christ name.

When God has lifted you, no power can bring you down. When God has blessed you, no power can curse or stop you. Let your mind be focused and stayed on THE MASTER.

When our CHRIST steps in, He takes over the situation, no more. Don't be deceived by his tricks with the wind and all the false dust he tries to raise to intimidate you, YAHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH knows you and is in charge of all that concerns you beloved. PEACE.


1) Thank God for taking over the affairs of your life.

2) I receive God’s Word into my life and I walk with it in Jesus Christ name.

3) Powers trying to suffocate my miracle be disgraced and destroyed by the mighty Power of God in Jesus Christ name, amen. (Pray in tongues now)


(Anglais et français)

Mercredi 2 Novembre, 2016



“Jésus lui dit: « Viens! » Pierre sort de la barque et il se met à marcher sur l’eau pour aller vers Jésus. Mais, en voyant qu’il y a du vent, il a peur, il commence à s’enfoncer dans l’eau. Alors il crie: « Seigneur, sauve-moi! »”

‭‭(Matthieu 14: 29-3‬‬

Dieu par Son Esprit veut nous parler aujourd'hui de nos attentes en suivant Christ. La plupart d'entre nous sommes à la recherche de Dieu pour quelque chose aujourd'hui, mais la question est, sommes-nous prêts pour les réponses? La vérité est, le jour où nous avons donné notre vie à Christ et avons commencé à Le suivre, nous avons commencé à marcher sur l'eau avec LUI

Christ a demandé à Pierre de venir à lui, et il a commencé à marcher sur l'eau. Tant que Dieu l'a commandé à votre sujet, rien ne pourra l'arrêter.

Peter s'est déconnecté seulement quand il a commencé à regarder les choses autour de lui, en écoutant les voix spirituelles et humaines de la distraction, il a eu peur et a commencé à couler. Aujourd'hui, tout ce qui a apporté la peur et le doute dans vos attentes et le témoignage bien mérité est détruit par la puissance de Dieu au nom de Jésus-Christ. Toute influence de la peur et du doute dans n'importe quel domaine de votre vie disparaît aujourd'hui par la puissance de Dieu dans l'Esprit qui rend vivant au nom de Jésus-Christ.

Quand Dieu vous a levé, aucun pouvoir ne peut vous abattre. Quand Dieu vous a bénis, aucun pouvoir ne peut vous maudire ou vous arrêter. Laissez votre esprit être concentré et resté sur le maître.

Quand notre CHRIST intervient, Il reprend la situation, pas plus. Ne vous laissez pas tromper par ses trucs avec le vent et toute la fausse poussière qu'il essaie de soulever pour vous intimider, YAHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH vous connaît et est en charge de tout ce qui vous concerne bien-aimé. PAIX.


1) Remerciez Dieu de prendre en charge les affaires de votre vie.

2) Je reçois la Parole de Dieu dans ma vie et je marche avec elle au nom de Jésus-Christ.

3) Puissances qui essayent d'étouffer mon miracle, soyez déshonorées et détruites par la Puissante Puissance de Dieu au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen. (Priez en langues maintenant)




Wednesday November 2, 2016



"And He said, come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.

But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying Lord save me"

(Matthew 14:29-3

God by His Spirit wants to talk to us today on our expectations as we follow Christ. Most of us are looking up to God for something today, but the question is, how ready are we for the answers? The truth is, the day we gave our lives to Christ and started following Him, we started walking on water with HIM

Christ asked Peter to come to Him, and he started walking on water. As long as God has commanded it concerning you, nothing will be able to stop it.

Peter disconnected only when he started looking at the things around him, listening to the spiritual and human voices of distraction, he became afraid and began to sink. Today, whatever that has brought fear and doubt into your expectations and well deserved testimony is destroyed by the power of God in Jesus Christ name. Every influence of fear and doubt in any area of your life vanishes today by the power of God in the Spirit that makes alive in Jesus Christ name.

When God has lifted you, no power can bring you down. When God has blessed you, no power can curse or stop you. Let your mind be focused and stayed on THE MASTER.

When our CHRIST steps in, He takes over the situation, no more. Don't be deceived by his tricks with the wind and all the false dust he tries to raise to intimidate you, YAHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH knows you and is in charge of all that concerns you beloved. PEACE.


1) Thank God for taking over the affairs of your life.

2) I receive God’s Word into my life and I walk with it in Jesus Christ name.

3) Powers trying to suffocate my miracle be disgraced and destroyed by the mighty Power of God in Jesus Christ name, amen. (Pray in tongues now)


(Anglais et français)

Mercredi 2 Novembre, 2016



“Jésus lui dit: « Viens! » Pierre sort de la barque et il se met à marcher sur l’eau pour aller vers Jésus. Mais, en voyant qu’il y a du vent, il a peur, il commence à s’enfoncer dans l’eau. Alors il crie: « Seigneur, sauve-moi! »”

‭‭(Matthieu 14: 29-3‬‬

Dieu par Son Esprit veut nous parler aujourd'hui de nos attentes en suivant Christ. La plupart d'entre nous sommes à la recherche de Dieu pour quelque chose aujourd'hui, mais la question est, sommes-nous prêts pour les réponses? La vérité est, le jour où nous avons donné notre vie à Christ et avons commencé à Le suivre, nous avons commencé à marcher sur l'eau avec LUI

Christ a demandé à Pierre de venir à lui, et il a commencé à marcher sur l'eau. Tant que Dieu l'a commandé à votre sujet, rien ne pourra l'arrêter.

Peter s'est déconnecté seulement quand il a commencé à regarder les choses autour de lui, en écoutant les voix spirituelles et humaines de la distraction, il a eu peur et a commencé à couler. Aujourd'hui, tout ce qui a apporté la peur et le doute dans vos attentes et le témoignage bien mérité est détruit par la puissance de Dieu au nom de Jésus-Christ. Toute influence de la peur et du doute dans n'importe quel domaine de votre vie disparaît aujourd'hui par la puissance de Dieu dans l'Esprit qui rend vivant au nom de Jésus-Christ.

Quand Dieu vous a levé, aucun pouvoir ne peut vous abattre. Quand Dieu vous a bénis, aucun pouvoir ne peut vous maudire ou vous arrêter. Laissez votre esprit être concentré et resté sur le maître.

Quand notre CHRIST intervient, Il reprend la situation, pas plus. Ne vous laissez pas tromper par ses trucs avec le vent et toute la fausse poussière qu'il essaie de soulever pour vous intimider, YAHUSHUA HA MASCHIACH vous connaît et est en charge de tout ce qui vous concerne bien-aimé. PAIX.


1) Remerciez Dieu de prendre en charge les affaires de votre vie.

2) Je reçois la Parole de Dieu dans ma vie et je marche avec elle au nom de Jésus-Christ.

3) Puissances qui essayent d'étouffer mon miracle, soyez déshonorées et détruites par la Puissante Puissance de Dieu au nom de Jésus-Christ, amen. (Priez en langues maintenant)

8 yrs - Youtube

A lot of you are asking me how to cook Mexican and American food...

I invite you to my new YouTube Channel which I will be teaching you Mexican and American dishes!!

This dish that I am teaching, it is called Posole we traditionally cook this dish on Birthday, Weddings or special occasions...

Please do not forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to my new YouTube Channel

Thank you beautiful family!

Anselm Onyekachi changed his profile picture
8 yrs



What's going on? #Hashtag.. @Mention.. Link..