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November 2, 2016

We at IPOB are delighted with the comments attributed to the maximum ruler of Nigeria, Retired Major-General Muhamadu Buhari, who seem to have bowed to international pressure to consider the inevitable disintegration of Nigeria, though with conditions we find inconsistent with common sense and logic. According to Buhari, “any Nigerian is free to leave the country if they have another one.” Buhari also stated that “If anybody has a country to go to, let him go, we will stay here and salvage our country.” It is crystal clear that Buhari has seen the futility of fighting against a determined people who are bent on restoring their God given nation which was unjustly robbed them by slave merchants later turned colonialists.

From all indications, Buhari must have consulted with his colonial backers and religious handlers in Arabia who perhaps have taken the time to school him on the sanctity of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (UNDRIP), the inviolability and irreducibility of the rights of Indigenous People to self-determination.

However, we observed that hidden in the statements of Buhari are two evil agendas. First evil agenda is that Buhari made this statement in a meeting he had with Biafrans from the riverine or southern part of Biafra which the Hausa-Fulani oligarchy nicknamed South-South or Niger-Delta. The underlying objective in Buhari’s statement is to create the impression that the so-called South-South is not part of Biafraland, hence the upland areas of Biafra (Igbo) can leave Nigeria while the riverine areas (Ibibio, Efik, Izon, Itshekiri, Urhobo, Isoko) will remain part of Nigeria. The plan is to trap the riverine areas of Biafraland in Nigeria to enable Buhari and his Hausa-Fulani oligarchy continue the shameless exploitation and stealing of Biafra’s natural resources which they have always used and will continue to use to develop the Arewa region of Nigeria.

The only surprise is that Buhari and his handlers did not include the rich Orient oil fields of Anambra River Basin, the high-yield Shell-operated Egbema oil fields in Imo State, the abundant gas reserves at Ohaji also in Imo State and the Shell-operated Ukwa deep oil well in Abia State in their so-called South-South/Niger Delta.

Successive governments of Nigeria have continued to deceive the gullible public that the reason we (IPO are agitating for Biafra is because of oil in the Niger Delta region, without making obvious the fact that oil was first found in commercial quantity in Imo State before Oloibiri in Bayelsa State. Sadly many people are still ignorant of the fact that active oil and gas extraction is happening today in Anambra, Imo, Abia and Igbo parts of Rivers State. It is pertinent we make clear to all and sundry that while oil may motivate the Arewa North to seek One Nigeria because they cannot live without it due to their lazy parasitic nature, in Biafraland and in the new Biafra we shall place 100% emphasis on human capital development, not on natural occurring minerals.

For a country to pin the hopes of its entire economic policy and well-being on a finite natural resource is indicative of the level of intellectual backwardness of the self-arrogating "elites" that run the economy of the colonial contraption known as Nigeria. We, the Indigenous People of Biafra, believe that the greatest natural resource a people can be endowed with is their brain not what is under the ground.

We must stress for purposes of sound knowledge that there is no known geographical cardinal point in any geography text book or academic literature or any part of this world called “South-South” except in Nigeria. This unique un-academic introduction of a new cardinal point called “South-South” was created by the Hausa-Fulani oligarchy to serve their divide and rule interests. With this dichotomy, they intend to continue to own virtually all the oil blocks in Biafraland including those at Anambra, Imo, Abia and Igbo parts of Rivers State. But the same Hausa-Fulani natural-born rulers of Nigeria refused to create corresponding cardinal points of “North-north” and “West-west.” Sensible people must ask themselves why this is the case.

The Hausa-Fulani ruling class carefully created this unique cardinal point of “South-South” to drive an everlasting wedge between the upland and riverine areas of Biafraland. Furthermore, the “South-South” is not contained in any part of the Constitution of Nigeria nor is it any of the Acts of Parliament or Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (L.F.N.).

The second evil agenda of Buhari is that by making such statements before these respected leaders from the riverine area of Biafraland, he is creating the false impression that he has obtained the consent of the people of Southern Biafra to build the Nigeria of his dreams. Buhari in so doing is giving a misleading signal that Biafrans from the riverine areas have bought into his deceptive and foundationally disastrous “One Nigeria” project.

By gathering a few Biafrans from the riverine areas and saying that “those who don’t want to be part of Nigeria should leave,” Buhari hopes to convince the world that those Biafrans he was addressing at Aso Rock believe in the “oneness” of the British colony Nigeria he is assiduously pursuing.

We, the Indigenous People of Biafra, at this point would wish to categorically inform Buhari that since we already have our blessed nation Biafra created by the Most High God not man; we do not need the temporary country called Nigeria created by a white man Frederick Luggard for his amusement and economic exploitation.

We wish to further inform Buhari that Indigenous People of Biafra do not desire to regress from the status of a nation-state to that of a country artificially created by the British with divergent and irreconcilable value systems. Even today nations that make up Britain like Scotland and Wales are agitating, as we Biafrans are, to establish their own nation-state outside Britain, so why should Nigeria that is created by a white British man be immune to similar demands being made by Biafrans?

We were Biafrans before the British Government through the instrumentality of the Royal Niger Company forced us into this contraption christened Nigeria by Flora Shaw at the time the mistress of Frederick Luggard. Buhari professes his faith in Islam and belief that a woman's position in society is limited to the confines of the kitchen yet his anti-women rhetoric does not extend to the abolition of the name Nigeria because that name for which he has killed millions, was given by an unmarried white woman to the unfortunate people known today as Nigerians. Buhari, Gowon and other genocidists should be ashamed of themselves and their supposed proud African heritage for their role in the death of millions of Biafrans killed in order to preserve a colony created by a white man in black Africa and named by a white woman not a black African man or woman.

Fortunately, we have not lost our sense of indigenous identity or nationhood as some commentators would have us believe. Therefore, we are very happy to hear from Buhari that he has at last come to terms with the folly of trying to continue to deploy the brutality of the Nigerian military to force us, Indigenous People of Biafra, to be Nigerians against our wish. Hence we welcome with open arms the declaration of Major-General Muhammadu Buhari that we Biafrans are now free to leave the contraption called Nigeria and go home to rebuild our battered but blessed nation of Biafra. We hope that Buhari will now stop his wholesale massacre, arrest and illegal detention of peaceful and unarmed Indigenous People of Biafra and hurry to free the leader of Indigenous People of Biafra, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, and other illegally detained prisoners of conscience.

We look forward to Buhari and his Hausa-Fulani owners of "One Nigeria" making arrangements for a bipartisan meeting of Arewa dominated Nigeria and Indigenous People of Biafra for the purpose of determining the modalities and date of a Biafrexit referendum to determine the will of the people once and for all time.

For once, Buhari has spoken reasonably well though his conditions of carving out of the riverine areas of Biafraland into his “One Nigeria” dream in the classic divide and rule mindset is not acceptable to us, the Indigenous People of Biafra. Buhari needs to come to terms with the fact that IPOB will not leave any part of Biafraland, from the plains of Idomaland to the shorelines of Opobo Kingdom, to become a conquered territory like the Yoruba-owned Ilorin which today is under Caliphate rule answerable to the Sultan of Sokoto and not the Ooni of Ife.

The restoration of the nation of Biafra is irrevocably sacrosanct and irreversible, no amount of gamesmanship on the part of Buhari and his colonial handlers can stop it.

Biafra or Death!!!


Barrister Emma Nmezu

Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya

Spokesperson for IPOB

Publisher: Chinwe Korie



By Kelechi Okorie
02 November, 2016

A mortal body can be killed and destroyed but once an idea has taken hold, you cannot destroy it despite the force. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg ought to have known ideology is an instinct before embarking on his evil deal with the Nigerian President, Muhammadu Buhari to shutdown Radio Biafra London group on facebook. RBL the highest contributory forum on Facebook with active membership close to a million with a motive to liberate mankind from bondage of Buhari’s fascism, mental torture, annihilation and subjugation.

Mark a Jewish US citizen failed to understand the rationale behind Biafra struggle; persecution of Jews which Biafra is among, undergoing in different geographical locations affected the history and social develoption of the countries, societies where the persecutions occurred. Why a man whose family benefited from the freedom and opportunity in USA turns around brutally suppressing freedom of speech and expression? His unprecedented alliance with tyrant Buhari to restrict Biafrans from disseminating their gospel of redemption to the world cannot change anything as long as Biafrans live. If Biafrans can withstand Awolowo’s food blockage during 1967-1970 genocidal war, Zuckerberg's media blackout is null and void. If US was not liberated from the shackle of darkness, would he have had an opportunity today to excel in life? Mark has made himself a willing tool to an Islamic extremist and unrepentant stark illiterate terrorist.

Perhaps, his inability to learn a lesson can only destroy his hard work; recall the day Satlink had a secret deal with Nigeria government under the same Buhari to remove his nightmare, Radio Biafra from their satellite, that same week their satellite mysteriously disappeared from earth’s orbit till date its whereabouts remains unknown.

Man is naturally wicked, nasty and selfish. Mark’s recent trip to Aso Rock Abuja, Nigeria seat of fraud and headquarters of evil empire with their unholy silent plans to exterminate Biafrans can only backfire on him, he has easily forgotten his doom day after cutting a malicious clampdown on Biafrans, explosion destroyed his $200m Facebook Satellite space X Falcon 9 and its Amos 9 Satellite payload during a routine rocket firing in...follow link to read more:

Nigerians are funny. Chai baba released his album "the other room". Laugh and share

IPOB: Read Why Nnamdi Kanu's Illegal Detention Will Continue To Be A Curse On Nigeria

03:21 - 0 Comments
IPOB: Read Why Nnamdi Kanu's Illegal Detention Will Continue To Be A Curse On Nigeria

By Okonkwo Isaac Somto
For Family Writers

Now looking back to when Nnamdi Kanu was arrested on the 14th of October 2015, a lot has transpired since then. Nnamdi Kanu's trials has now driven fear into the heart's of Judges who are asked to preside over his case, even president Muhammadu Buhari has gotten to a point where he no longer knows how to handle Nnamdi Kanu's case without springing more uprising. Nnamdi Kanu Kanu who is facing a fabricated treason charges brought by the Nigerian government under President Muhammadu Buhari, has been in detention since October 2015 and he might remain there if Buhari is allowed to carry out his conspired agenda on the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra.

Judge Tsoho recently stepped down from the trial of the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu after so much drama and incompetent actions. Now, note that Justice Tsoho is the second judge to do so. The first judge, Ahmed Mohammed also stepped down in December 2015, after failing to handle the case of Nnamdi Kanu by steering up propagandas and hidden motives. Also Judge Ademola who was recently arrested for granting Nnamdi Kanu bail, also backed out of the case when he was put in charge of this same case. So how come every Judge who have handled Nnamdi Kanu's court case ends up in shambles While forced to step down? It's because when handed wrongly, Nnamdi Kanu's case can be a curse to Judges. How? Here's how.

Genesis 12:3......"I will bless those who bless you, I will curse those who treat you with contempt, and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you".

It's as simple as that. Nnamdi Kanu is no ordinary man. Nnamdi Kanu is a Prophet and a messenger of the most high God (Chukwu okike abiama) and was sent to deliver the people of God Almighty and lead them to the promise land. Just like Moses was sent to deliver Israelites from the captivity of the Egyptians, Nnamdi Kanu was sent to deliver Biafrans from the captivity of Nigeria. Don't get it twisted, am not a religious person, just a writer merely stating the obvious. When we Biafrans say, Nnamdi Kanu is a Prophet of God, a lot of people don't seem to understand the importance of those lines. Some think it's just another slogan been used to promote the movement of Biafra but it's far from that. Take for example, the calamities that has befallen Nigeria. Starting from the bad Economy, high poverty rates, intensive suffering, Fulani Herdsmen/Terrorists rampage, Bloodshed committed by Muhammadu Buhari's adminstration, War on innocent civilians by the federal government of Nigeria, Dictatorship and Tyranny etc. These occurrences didn't just happen overnight in Nigeria, Nnamdi Kanu predicted it before he was even arrested. He made it clear that as long as Biafrans are been held against their will in Nigeria, then the country would know no peace. Just like Moses warned Pharaoh before the ten plagues of Egypt, Nnamdi Kanu warned Buhari before Nigeria was plagued. But just like Pharaoh failed to listen, Buhari also failed to listen.

The ten plagues of Egypt were disasters sent upon Egypt by God to convince Pharaoh to free the Israelite slaves from the bondage and oppression they had endured in Egypt for 400 years. When God sent Moses to deliver the children of Israel from bondage in Egypt, He promised to show His wonders as confirmation of Moses’ authority (Exodus 3:2. Now take note, this same wonders are been exhibited by God through Nnamdi Kanu in Nigeria. It’s no coincidence that all of a sudden Nigeria is going through the hardest experience of suffering and hardship ever witnessed in the country. Even past and present leaders in arms of government have cried out in Nigeria, confessing that they haven't seen anything like it before.

These are just the beginning of more plagues that would befall Nigeria, the longer Nnamdi Kanu is kept in prison, the more suffering and calamities would plague Nigeria. Before God sent the last three plagues on Egypt, Pharaoh was given a special message from God. These plagues would be more severe than the others, and they were designed to convince Pharaoh and all the people “that there is none like me in all the earth” (Exodus 9:14). Pharaoh was even told that he was placed in his position by God, so that God could show His power and declare His name through all the earth (Exodus 9:16). The same can be said about Buhari and Nigeria. President Muhammadu Buhari didn't just become the president of Nigeria by accident, in fact I believe he was placed there by God to set Biafrans free from the bondage of Nigeria and the continued imprisonment of Nnamdi Kanu would lead to further uprising and plagues.

Mark my words, if Nnamdi Kanu is not released on time, the worse would happen in Nigeria. Just follow the trend since when Nnamdi Kanu was arrested till now, what have you observed?

Nigeria has gone up from one problem to another calamity and the unfortunate part of all these occurrences is that, the plague that has befallen Nigeria and Muhammadu Buhari are just getting from worse to terrible and It won't get any better because the most terrifying scenario is yet to come up but watch out, for as long as Nnamdi Kanu is still falsely imprisoned, Nigeria would soon go from frying pan to the fire.

We Biafrans, must also take note of all these occurrences happening now in Nigeria today because it's a symbol of God's mighty power in the fight for our freedom. Because by the time the Indigenous people of Biafra leaves Nigeria, we ought to have a clear picture of God’s power, God’s protection, and God’s plan for us. President Muhammadu Buhari cannot fight God. He can't stop the freedom of Biafrans, neither can he stop the sovereign state of Biafra. All we (The Indigenous people of Biafra) are asking for is the release of our leader Nnamdi Kanu to stop the suffering of Nigerians and sudden death befalling Nigeria. When God opened a way through the Red Sea for the Israelites, then drowned all of Pharaoh’s armies there, the power of Egypt was crushed, and the fear of God spread through the surrounding nations (Joshua 2:9–11). This was the very purpose that God (Chukwu okike abiama) had declared at the beginning, just like Buhari has stubbornly refused to release Nnamdi Kanu and let Biafrans go, him and all his Armed Forces would soon drown and the power of Nigeria crushed. Watch out, a time will come when Nigeria would beg Nnamdi Kanu for Mercy but it would be too late by then and that time is fast approaching.

at 0640 Africa, Biafra, Featured, World News,

Biafra: ONGOING CYBER WAR! Biafrans should download "TOR APP or Epic Privacy Browser" for easier access to our websites, Apps

BIAFRA: TOGETHERNESS. Biafrans have been tagged as people that do not like doing things with one voice, but I thank God for the arrival of Nnamdi Kanu in Biafra, he is the one that brings us together by using IPOB family made us do things in one voice.

And is a very shameful thing that we Biafrans will not try our best to let him out of the prison where the zoo president locked him up, and one of the keys to bringing him out is togetherness in ipob families, we do things with one voice.

CONSTITUTION. It is written in Constitution of Nigeria that every citizen has the freedom of speech, protesting and agitation but why are we been arrested and killed for protesting lawfully in the country. I the BIAFRAN NINJA, was almost arrested last week for using Biafran bag while I have the right to own a property, so Buhari should release the director of Radio Biafra mazi Nnamdi Kanu because his detention is unlawful.

BRITAIN GOVT. Mazi Nnamdi Is a British citizen, which he don't have to be in prison till now, but the British government kept mute on his detention, which is unlawful in the British government.

VICTORY. We believe that Biafra shall be restored as long as Chiukwu Okike Ahbiama lives, we must get our freedom.

By Michael Anthony
For UmuChiukwu Writers

at 15:410 Africa, Biafra, Featured,

Biafra: ONGOING CYBER WAR! Biafrans should download "TOR APP or Epic Privacy Browser" for easier access to our websites, Apps

Biafra birth of a nation

October 31, 2016.

Prior to the historic amalgamation in 1914, Biafra had existed as a nation with her vibrant culture and system of government in place bearing similarities with ancient Israel in terms of government, culture, religion and there also existed a striking similarity in her language.

That Bifra is Israeli ally is not in dispute and this owes its historial origin to eponymous characters namely Eri and Agulu who settled on the east of the Niger which was later known in history as 'Anambra'

The nation of Biafra is nationally endowed and gifted by all standards. Its natives are great intellects, endowed with business acumen and inventive bent which mark them out as pace-setters.

natural resources abound in their land such as coal, lead , lime Stone , oil and arable land.

Biafrans' way of life is unique and as industrous breed of Homo Sapiens they always excel in every field of human endeavours. They lead an independent life styles, thereby by encouraging massive progress or development in any sector you find them.

Due to the aforementioned charateristics , they remain averse to injustice, intimidation, unnecessary harassment, marginalization and the like. Otherwise, these virtues which freely flow in ther veins make them strong, peace-loving and ever united which speak volumes for the inability of the invading British colonial masters to penetrate them. This bred concealed animosity that eventually gave birth to the historic amalgamation which inturn resulted in plundering of their common patrimony.

However, the almalgamation was none other than a ploy to destabilize the cohesive nature of Biafra. Hence amalgamation became a part of the grand design or plot through which 'divide and rule' methodology was launched and employed all in a bid to destabilize a people, a nation, and in the end hand them over to the hegemonic Hausa/Fulani to keep them under permanent subjugation.

There is, they often say, no competition over destiny. Almalgamation with its attendant distraction did not circumscribe their natural abilities or felled them from their Olympian heights but aided them immeasurably in the course of their wanderings all over the globe.

However, as Biafran I had a terrible experience which was better imagined than real while in search of my daily bread within Biafran territorial borders.

After my industrial electrical installations experience, I applied to Eleme Petrochemical as an opportunity was presented for electrician, engineers etc. I passed the test with a white man as my examiner and everything was concluded with a date to pick the appointment letter and equally start the job.

But unfortunately on the day to collect my appointment letter my hopes were punched because the aboved-named who conducted the interview and offered me the job proceeded on three-months leave only for his second-in-command, Nigerian of Yoruba extraction to rob me of that opportunity.

On inquiry, the gateman who is coincidentally an Igbo gave me a shocker that the Yoruba man said on no condition would he allow me to work there citing flimsy excuse which bordered on fear of domination. Thus I lost that chance!

That was one of my terrible experiences, an answered prayer of many years and hope. Our commitment and dedication to duty has become a problem to others in the same contraption to the extent that they get everything twisted and often use it against us.

My experience in the diaspora in the five countries that I have sojourned was a bitter on because no sooner did I identify myself as Nigerian than I was put on a tab.

At the airport, security is beefed up and agents remain on high alert because of you and if you are by chance lucky to navigate your way through the passport control into the city, it is another ballgame altogether you can hardly be granted trust of any kind. On second throughts, I resolved to discard the Nigerian identity for Biafra which paid me excellently well.

The seed of discord was greatly cultivated, and this has immense impact on us. To an extent brothers and sisters became great arch enemies. We were almost totally separated, no one understands each other again, things really fell apart.

But thank God for our God-sent, the Joshua of our time , the great prophet of our generation, honorable director Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. The director of Radio Biafra/TV and IPOB globally. He came with only but wisdom of truth.

Written By Ogbonnia Onyekachi
Edited By Darlington Donovan
Published By Uchechi Collins
Reporting For IPOB Writers

at 21:170 Africa, Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, World News,

Biafra: ONGOING CYBER WAR! Biafrans should download "TOR APP or Epic Privacy Browser" for easier access to our websites, Apps

IPOB: The indigenous people of Biafra (IPO are bringing the public on notice at the latest events that are taking places in Biafra land known as the former Eastern region. There is a serious tension on Biafra land as innocent citizens are living in fear of being been abducted by the Islamic caliphate of Nigeria Boko Haram in military uniform in the middle of the night. The extermination of the citizens of Biafra are ongoing by order of the tyrant and dictator in chief Mohammad Buhari agents in disgusts of the army, SARS and police uniform are abducting and harassing innocents citizens who are going and coming back from their various businesses to their destinations.

Any Biafra seen with any Biafra items in their disposals will be arrested and killed for wearing Biafra materials. Nigeria soldiers go from village to villages, and community to communities is intimidating innocent Biafrans who are law abiding. The military is using equipment acquired to fight the so called Boko Haram terrorist and the Freedom Fighters(NDA) to terrorise innocent citizens unlawfully.

The indigenous people of Biafra (IPO under the leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and Director of the most super Ogbunigwe (Monster Bomb) radio station Radio Biafra/Biafra Television who is deputised by Mazi Uche Mefor. Is putting the world on notice that self-defense is enshrined in 2007 United Nations Charter for self-determination which states in article 1 and 2, and Article 20 of African Charter on human rights recognizing and supporting the right of all ethnic nation and people have the unquestionable and inalienable right to self-determination of which the contraption called the Islamic caliphate of Nigeria is a signatory to.

According to United Nation Charter General Assembly Resolution (A/61/295) of September 2007:
“Self-Determination is the principle and practice whereby a nation, for example, and the ethnic nation is in control of its people, it own land, its resource and its governance, independent of any other subtending political structure.”
I see no reason why the Islamic caliphate of Nigeria military should keep on penetrating inhuman atrocities against the innocent citizens for excising their fundamental human right. Self-determination is a universal law. You don’t force unity on indigenous clans. Why is the Islamic caliphate of Nigeria afraid of the former eastern region (Biafra)unity?. Biafrans are fed up with this intimidation and killings of her sisters and brothers for speaking out loud. Tyrant Mohammad Buhari should know that nobody is a monopoly of violence. Killing innocent citizens for excising their fundamental right is regarded as “Modern Slavery”. The indigenous people of Biafra (IPO will defend their territories and lives because you cannot be beating a child at the same time telling the child not to cry out loud.

Now the world is keeping mute on the plights of the indigenous clans. They should know that the world has moved forward technologically. Biafrans are industrious and technologically inclined. If our fathers could build Ogbunigwe (Monster Bomb) in 1967-1970. Think of this generation of gurus and experts who can destroy the contraption called Nigeria in minutes with technology. I believe they should be mindful and careful of their heinous crimes against this indigenous generation.

Biafrans are no fools. They are following the fight to freedom diplomatically and not in violence manner. That doesn’t mean they will fold their hands and allow this blood suckers in army, SARS uniform to murder them unjustly. The indigenous people cannot watch this baboons and monkeys in the Zoological Republic of Islamic caliphate of Nigeria arrest them unlawfully because they will defend themselves.
Biafrans should defend themselves because we cannot run away from the blessed nation of Biafra. When we start our match, they will understand Boko Haram and herdsmen are child's play compared to what is to come. Somali will be a paradise. Some people will wish they were not born in this generation.

This generation of great minds is determined to secure their territories with the last drop of their blood. If the price is death. So, let us die without a shred of fear. Because death is better than living in this expired contraption of Hausa/Fulani and the back stabbing Yoruba.
The indigenous people of Biafra(IPO will not Demetri or lose focus on the fight to freedom. We must remain resolute, formidable, relentless and fearless before our enemies. Because CHIUKWU OKIKE ABIAMA PURU EME IHE NILE will guide and protect his children (Biafrans).

Tyrant Mohammad Buhari should be warned that nobody is a monopoly of violence. Killing, Intimidating, Torturing, Arresting, and abducting the indigenous people will not stop the blessed nation of Biafra from emerging. Buhari should be ordered to respect the fundamental human right of the indigenous people of Biafra before it becomes Boom! Boom!! For the contraption called the Islamic caliphate of Nigeria.
Tyrant Mohammad Buhari must release the leader of indigenous people of Biafra(IPO Mazi Nnamdi Kanu unconditionally before more plagues befall the contraption.

#FreeNnamdiKanu a prisoner of conscience
#LongLiveNnamdiKanu the IPOB leader and Director of Radio Biafra/Biafra Television(BT).

Biafra: ONGOING CYBER WAR! Biafrans should download "TOR APP or Epic Privacy Browser" for easier access to our websites, Apps
at 22:410 Biafra, Featured, News, Politics,

Biafra: ONGOING CYBER WAR! Biafrans should download "TOR APP or Epic Privacy Browser" for easier access to our websites, Apps

ONGOING CYBER WAR! Biafrans should download "TOR APP" for easier access to our websites

Epic Privacy Browser a secure chromium-based web browser

Family Writers have in recent times received numerous complaints from several Biafrans especially those in Biafra land stating that they are having serious difficulties accessing the websites of Radio Biafra, The Biafraherald and Biafratimes.

Investigation has revealed that Nigerian government is spending millions of dollars trying to hack into these sites or block it entirely.

The Nigerian government is also desperately mounting a lot of pressures on companies hosting our various sites to refrain from doing so, but the to their greatest surprise, the more they try even with their lobbying, the more their failure is multiplied.

To say the least, one of the firms hosting our websites revealed to us a petition sent to them by Nigerian government asking them to delist our website from their server.

Just last year, Nigeria had to lobby Satlink an Israeli firm and buy over their satellite which was carrying the waves of Radio Biafra across the globe, this is after the torments of the most popular Radio in the world in 2015 became unbearable to them. The joy of Nigerian government would later expire untimely as Satlink got its satellite missing in the Orbit till date while Radio Biafra had already acquired two new satellites for its broadcasts.

Google has for a long time been accused of censoring Biafra news even as Twitter has compromised in a more astonishing way as the only time Biafra or anything related trends especially in Nigeria is when there is a concocted bad news tagged to it.

Many hackers have been bribed to hack into the sites mentioned above while some network carriers in Nigeria have been lobbied to make it difficult or for Biafrans in Biafra land to access most of the news, articles and other important contents in our websites.

Our cyber team are working tooth and nail to ensure we come out victorious just as Nnamdi Kanu would always say- "In the end, we win." They have now introduced an internet application known as TOR (Download: The Tor application is being used in areas such as Iran and China where restriction of some internet activities is prevalent. It helps users to access blocked websites on any connection. It does this by routing a web browsing over an encripted network before it emerges at an end point which my be in an unfiltered or uncensored location. Biafrans who are experiencing some difficulties in accessing our websites have been advised to download and make use of the Tor App for easier access.

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Who Does Israel Take Orders From?
Gavriel Dan
September 27, 2016

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In his newest film Tzvi Fishman takes on the political and military establishment of Israel’s need to appease Western powers, especially the President of the United States instead of giving Israel’s soldiers the clear ability to take care of the enemy.

Tzvi Fishman is the CEO of Shoshana Street Productions and as been the engine behind a number of pro-Israel film initiatives. Besides the above short film he is preparing a petition drive to push the politicians to break free of living in “fear” of American government. The petition reads as follows:
Dear Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Minister of Defense, Avigdor Lieberman:
The soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces feel handcuffed by overly restrictive orders which prevent them from taking immediate and decisive action in situations of danger. The tens of thousands of LIKES which this movie has received is a small indication of the frustration which our Nation feels. We, the lovers of Israel and the IDF around the world, appeal to you to review the current orders and give our soldiers a green light to defend themselves and our country from enemies who rise up against us. Your first allegiance is to the soldiers of Tzahal and to the People of Israel, and not to the decision makers in Washington.

The depiction of a soldier asking for permission to fire on incoming rock throwers is all too common. The situation known as purity of arms has often times put soldiers in grave danger because they are afraid to shoot due to the threat of getting in trouble similar to Elor Azaria.

Despite the political correctness that has tied the hands of the IDF, the Elor Azaria trial has in fact brought much of this to light and created the beginning of a shift in thinking within the defense establishment as well as members of the political echelon.

The World Loved Him, Why?
Ben Packer
September 28, 2016
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With the death of Shimon Peres, folks are coming out from from around the world to offer their heartfelt condolences. My question is: WHY?!! What is it about Shimon Peres that the whole world adored? Including the greatest lover of Israel of them all: Barack Obama!

In Israel it makes sense; the stridently leftist media, academia, labor, government cartel has enormous power, and to question Shimon Peres’ “greatness” is to be a total pariah from proper Israeli society, on all levels. Sadly this heavily affects the Religious Zionist community as well. The Haredi Community is the only one immune from it, aside from Hareidi Knesset members, who are in essence the designated liars of the community to the secular world. They too must play along.

But why does the world love Shimon Peres so much and why are they so saddened by his death? The same countries that are constantly condemning Israel at the UN. The same countries and leaders that quietly and not so quietly question Israel’s very right to exist in our ancestral homeland. Those that are looking for any and every opportunity to weaken the Jewish Presence.

Of course nobody wants to discuss this today. Everyone loves the attention that Israel is getting from around the world. Well its time to grow up. This is not a teenager’s birthday celebration to see who will show up and how popular we are. This is life and death.

The hard cold truth: The world loved Shimon Peres because they thought he was the best chance they had at getting rid of/weakening the Jewish Presence in Israel. And they are truly sad because that hope just died.

Shana Tova,

Ben Packer

Old City, Jerusalem