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Admiral Kuznetsov Carrier Group Saved Syria From US Cruise Missile Strikes

© Photo: The Norwegian Armed Forces Middle East 15:43 02.11.2016(updated 17:43 02.11.2016) Get short URL 32181301053 Moscow's decision to send a fleet of warships, led by the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, to the eastern Mediterranean may have saved the Syrian military from getting bombed by the US, according to military expert Vladimir Evseev. Speaking at a press conference at the Rossiya Segodnya news agency press center in Moscow, Evseev, the deputy director of Russia's CIS Institute, pointed out that Washington had only recently considered the possibility of attacking Syrian government forces, using the pretext of a UN report which alleged that Damascus had used chemical weapons. "We recently lived through a very important milestone which many people did not even notice," the analyst suggested. "Why was the question raised of the Syrian Army's alleged use of chemical weapons? The stage was being set for [US] ship-based cruise missile strikes. According to some reports, such a decision was in play…[Western] public opinion was actively being prepared for it." Pyotr Veliky nuclear-powered guided-missile cruiser © Sputnik/ Vitaliy Ankov As Russian Ships Complete Passage to Med, Moscow is 'Surprised' by Western Buzz But the entry of a major Russian flotilla, led by the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, into the Mediterranean may been the essential element needed to cool the Pentagon's appetites, Evseev added. "The presence of our ships [between Algeria and Italy] excludes the possible deployment of a similar NATO naval group in the area. Factually, our ships have closed Syria off. The Russian ships did not appear where they are by accident, and eliminated the possibility of launching cruise missiles from that direction." The analyst also recalled that earlier, S-300 systems "were deployed in Tartus" with similar goals in mind, given that they are "capable of addressing not only air-based threats, but ballistic targets as well." Last week, the contents of a leaked report submitted to the UN Security Council blamed the Syrian government for a chemical attack in Idlib in 2015. Damascus vehemently denied the charges, citing the terrorists' own regular use of poison gas. Moscow, meanwhile, stressed that more serious evidence would need to be presented before such serious accusations could be leveled. Why Does Media Cover Up War Crimes of 'Rebels' in Aleppo? The US and NATO allies, already engaged in a campaign to demonize Syria and Russia over the fight for Aleppo, used the report to pile on to other charges that Damascus and Moscow were responsible for 'war crimes' in their operation to liberate Syria from armed militants and jihadists. Commenting on the military situation in Syria, Evseev suggested that together with the liberation of Aleppo, the Syrian military and their Russian allies must make it a priority to surround Nusra Front terrorists in Idlib. "The terrorists must be destroyed, but most likely a process of squeezing them out will take place," he admitted. If forced to leave Idlib, "the only place for them to go will be Turkey. And here, I would recommend that our Western partners, who currently advise us how to fight in Aleppo, take a moment to think about what will happen to the Idlib militants who end up in Turkey," the expert noted. "From here, it's likely that they can then be expected to pay a visit to Europe. This is what Western nations should be thinking about, instead of putting a spoke in the wheel and doing everything possible to interfere in the operation to liberate Aleppo and other Syrian territories." As far as the situation in the city of Aleppo is concerned, Evseev stressed that "if we continue to wait and prolong humanitarian pauses, there will be no people left in Aleppo. Without air support, losses are too high. It's necessary to free the city quickly, and to think less about the West thinks about it." ... 1053 Related: As Russian Ships Complete Passage to Med, Moscow is 'Surprised' by Western Buzz West 'Engulfed in Panic' Over Russian Naval Group Heading for Mediterranean NATO 'Playing Mean Tricks' Amid Inability to Pressure Russia Over Syria NATO Acting Like an 'Organized Crime Group' Over Russian Carrier Group Moves Syria Sends 2 Letters to UN Reporting About Using Chemical Weapons by Militants Moscow Condemns Chemical Attacks Carried Out by Terrorists in Aleppo Russian General Staff Appeals Directly to Militant Leaders to Leave Aleppo A Tale of Two Terrorist-Held Cities: How the Fight for Aleppo and Mosul Differ Russia Delivers About 7 Tons of Humanitarian Aid to Syria Tags: Admiral Kuznetsov, geostrategy, geopolitics, Russian Navy, Vladimir Evseev, Idlib, Syria, United States, Russia, Mediterranean Sea, Aleppo

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Widgets Magazine

Widgets Magazine

Moscow's decision to send a fleet of warships, led by the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, to the eastern Mediterranean may have saved the Syrian military from getting bombed by the US, according to military expert Vladimir Evseev.

Hillary Tells Obama To ‘Call Off FBI’ Or She Will Reveal His True Kenyan Birth Certificate!!!
Nov 02, 2016
by admin in DIASPORA

Hillary Clinton might finally expose the facts about President Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate. She is also threatening to expose Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate is bogus as well as his college transcripts reflecting that he attended different colleges as a foreign national.

During a heated exchange between President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton a fierce exchange of words ignited a fire between the two Democratic politicians.

According to an unnamed White House intern, the former Secretary of State demanded that Obama “call off the FBI!”, while Obama demanded Clinton “Terminate

Needs a guy to hookup with

Assange Just Confirmed Department Of Justice Told Hillary To Delete All Evidence

Posted by Lindsay Hayward | Nov 2, 2016 | Liberal Corruption

Assange exposes John Podesta and Hillary Clinton

From a young age, Americans learn what “basic behavior” is accepted in modern society. Part of that learning curve teaches children to never lie. These children grow up into successful, trustworthy adults, right?

Lawyers, doctors, government officials, and so on are all supposed to be upstanding citizens. They are supposed to represent truth and freedom for our nation.

Where there is great responsibility, there is also opportunity to abuse this power. Hillary Clinton’s appointed chairman, John Podesta, is familiar with this all too well.

Truth seeker and founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has released Hillary Clintons deleted emails from her private server to make Americans aware of what’s going on.

In a world where it’s difficult to tell what’s right and what’s wrong anymore, its natural to feel fear. However, “fear” is what people like Hillary Clinton thrive on.

The FBI is revisiting the initial Clinton email scandal and has provided newly declassified information about the Clinton Foundation via the FBI Vault.

In an email sent to Cheryl Mills from John Podesta the evening of March 2, 2015, hours after the New York Times reported that Clinton possibly violated federal record requirements by using the private server, a shocking revelation has been uncovered.

According to the latest batch of Podesta’s hacked emails, Podesta writes, “Not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later.”

Mills responded, “Think you just got your new nick name.”

The “Lanny” reference is to lawyer Lanny Davis, who served as special counsel to former President, Bill Clinton. Lawyers, unfortunately, are not always the most honest individuals and have been known to cover up for their guilty clients. Hillary Clinton is one of these lawyers.

Cheryl Mills is the same woman who oversaw the controversial construction of a South Korean sweat shop being built in Haiti. A week after this email exchange took place, Hillary Clinton announced that she would love nothing more than to share her emails with the general public, claiming she had nothing to hide. At least, she didn’t think she did.

After being subpoenaed by federal court, Hillary Clinton acid-washed her private server, deleting thousands of emails. She denied, under oath, that classified information was ever on the server or sent/discussed via her private email address.

Do you think Hillary Clinton ever gets tired of lying, each lie covering up the next?

Acid-washing a server costs a pretty penny. If she truly had nothing to hide, why did she completely bleach her server free of everything?

Thanks to leaked emails from WikiLeaks, it has been proven that Hillary lied when she said no classified information had ever been involved with her private server- Not only was there classified information stored and talked about, but hackers were able to intercept the data and correspondence.

New York Post comments, “Democrats on the House Oversight Committee point to Clinton tweeting on March 4, 2015, calling on the State Department to release her 55,000 pages of work files.”

“I want the public to see my email,” Hillary wrote two days after the Podesta message.

At the time, the real Lanny Davis was in support of Clinton addressing her emails.

Another WikiLeaks email displays members of the Clinton Organization getting frustrated with Davis’ public voicing.

“We gotta zap Lanny out of our universe,” campaign manager Robby Mook wrote Podesta March 8, 2015. “Can’t believe he committed her to a private review of her hard drive on TV.”

Good thing for Lanny Davis, “zap” doesn’t equate to “wet-work.”

Although Davis may have been rash to announce and support Hillary Clinton’s innocence, the DNC had major issues with it.

Davis told Fox News host Chris Wallace, during a televised interview, about Hillary Clinton’s private email server- “there can be a neutral party to review all these records – nothing unlawful.”

Apparently, Davis wasn’t given the memo by Hillary Clinton’s team regarding her bleached server and it’s true contents.

“I think it is a reasonable idea if anybody has any doubts that there’s a delete on a hard drive- to have an independent go inspect her private e-mail?” Davis added.

Hillary Clinton is known for lying, her own chairman doesn’t even believe her when she claims she “forgets” things.

Even Podesta Knows She Is A Liar

Hillary Clinton wouldn’t know honesty if it slapped her in the face. She is a psychopathic liar that thirsts for ways to obscenely scam on a global spectrum.

She calls out Donald Trump for “using the system” but in no way has he abused the system in the grand scale that the Clintons have. He’s a business man, he was simply following the laws that government had implemented.

Floods of emails and documents are being leaked every day by Anonymous, WikiLeaks and the FBI. These are desperate cries for help mostly from whistle blowers who have been intimately involved with the government, trying to warn American citizens of certain madness and despair that awaits us if Hillary Clinton wins presidency.

Donald J. Trump genuinely cares for the American people. He is a natural leader, he enjoys helping people because he believes in bettering America, not policies that encourage ‘pay for play’.

Hillary Clintons transparency is starting to become blurred. Shatter the busted deception and lock everyone involved with the Clinton scandals in prison.

Donald Trump recognizes the need for America to rebuild, which starts with depleting government corruption and replacing government officials. This is something Hillary could never accomplish. Hillary Clinton would just hire her friends and abuse her position of power, as she’s done for nearly four decades.

John Podesta suggested that Hillary Clinton delete her emails- he must believe she is capable of worse than sharing classified information and as president of the United States, who would stop her from committing even more crime? She would put each and every one of our lives on the line and not think twice.

John Podesta doesn’t even believe in her, why should America?

About The Author
Lindsay Hayward
Lindsay Hayward

Lindsay Hayward is a writer, poet, actress, sports entertainer and activist. She has starred in film and currently stars on the reality show My Giant Life. She studied English at the University of Virginia on an athletic scholarship and has written for her blogs and personal website. She believes in America and now writes and reports for the Conservative Daily Post.

De latest now is dat today is my birthday

Report: ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ of Democrats Have Switched Registration in OH and PA to Vote TRUMP

Jim Hoft Sep 26th, 2016 2:14 pm
Trumpocrats FNC

Tens of thousands of Democrats don’t like Hillary Clinton or just don’t believe she’ll provide the changes America needs right now.
Many of them are breaking with the Democratic Party to support Trump.

Now this…
Hundreds of thousands of former Democrats have switched registration in Ohio and Pennsylvania to vote for Donald Trump. reported:

Christian Rickers, executive director of Trumpocrats PAC, told Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow Tuesday, “We’ve got hundreds of thousands of Democrats who have switched registration in Ohio and Pennsylvania, several hundred thousand, and you don’t see those articles.”

Rickers claimed that despite the group’s successful efforts at recruiting hundreds of thousands of Democrats to support Republican nominee Donald Trump, they have been mostly ignored by a media far more interested in covering a handful of Washington-based Republicans unhappy with Trump as their nominee. He specifically discussed difficulties in getting any attention for his PAC’s efforts from television networks, such as MSNBC and CNN.

The group also recently demanded an apology from Hillary Clinton for her “deplorables’ comment:

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Trumpocrats PAC’s executive director, Christian Rickers, is demanding that Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, offer an unconditional apology to the millions of Americans she insulted on Friday night—including Democrats like himself—when she called them a “basket of deplorables.”

“Trumpocrats PAC demands that Hillary Clinton offer a clear, unequivocal apology to the hundreds of thousands of Democrats, independents and other voters who are supporting Donald Trump,” Rickers said in a statement that will be released shortly, and was provided to Breitbart News ahead of its public release.

MEDIA SILENCE: New results were 92% for Trump, 8% Clinton Of 700,000 Voters
Nov 01, 2016
by admin in DIASPORA
Previous post

Bill O’Reilly did his own poll of 700,000 people. He had University graduate students call 70.000 people from each party’s voter rolls in all 50 states.

The results were 92% for Trump, 8% Clinton. And this was done by party neutral calls to all 50 states.

praise omai changed his profile picture
8 yrs


Biafra is unstoppable

We'll break-away with every part of Biafra; South-South a creation of Northern leaders - IPOB t

We'll break-away with every part of Biafra; South-South a creation of Northern leaders - IPOB t

The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has declared that no part of the defunct Biafra Republic would be left behind in its quest for self determination. I

'Premeditated' US Airstrike on Syrian Army in Deir Ez-Zor Supports Daesh - Assad Smoke rises from reported opposition fire from buildings in an eastern government-held neighbourhood of the northern Syrian city of Aleppo.

© AFP 2016/ GEORGE OURFALIAN Middle East 03:47 03.11.2016(updated 03:50 03.11.2016) Get short URL 127038591 As Islamist forces led by the al-Nusra front tried unsuccessfully to break the siege of eastern Aleppo in Syria, the future of the country's largest city, and the war-torn country more broadly, seems predetermined, Alexander Mercouris, editor-in-chief of The Duran, told Sputnik. Fighters from the Free Syrian Army fire an anti-aircraft machine gun mounted on a vehicle deploy during fighting against the Islamic State (IS) group jihadists (File) © AFP 2016/ Nazeer al-Khatib Daesh Terrorists Pushed Away From Northern Region of Aleppo After Clashes Washington’s “plan B” in Syria is now starting to emerge, Mercouris told Loud & Clear host Brian Becker, commenting on the failed counter-offensive by rebel groups in Aleppo. "The US is expecting eastern Aleppo to be liberated within few next weeks,” he said, referring to reports from the National Security Council Meeting held earlier this month. Despite this summer’s negotiations between Moscow and Washington, the corridor for opposition groups to retreat from eastern Aleppo with their light weapons on hasn’t been established. That means that the US-backed rebels won’t give up efforts to win over Aleppo, the country’s major industrial center and most populous urban area. “For all the Jihadist groups [Aleppo is] a symbol of war in Syria,” Mercouris asserted. “If they have a presence there, they are a serious contender for political power in Syria. If they are thrown out of Aleppo, that ambition dies.” Militants ride a pick-up truck with civilians who fled areas of conflict in Dahiyet al-Assad, west Aleppo city, Syria October 30, 2016 © REUTERS/ Ammar Abdullah Fee to Flee: Aleppo Residents Can Leave if They Fork Out $300 to Terrorists Still, the defeat of rebels in Aleppo is only a question of time, he explained: “They are encircled by all sides now by the Syrian Army; more forces from Southern Syria and government-controlled areas will be concentrated there. They are cut off from supplies so they cannot replenish or reinforce. But I don’t think they will go quietly.” Citing National Security Council Meeting reports, Mercouris suggested that the US is now seeking to develop a safe zone in north-eastern Syria controlled by Jihadi rebels that Washington could use as a “bargaining chip in future talks of political future Syria.” “In essence, what they actually mean is partitioning of Syria into a rebel-controlled Northern and North East areas and a government-controlled Western area,” that includes large cities like Aleppo and Damascus. In this scenario, Mercouris continued, Raqqa, which is now held by Daesh, would become a center for another constellation of Jihadi groups. “What the US doesn’t want is Raqqa to fall to the Syrian military,” which is why Washington indicated it does not want Moscow or Damascus involved in the liberation of Raqqa. Rebel fighters ride a pick-up truck with civilians who fled areas of conflict in Dahiyet al-Assad, west Aleppo city, Syria October 30, 2016 © REUTERS/ Ammar Abdullah Syria's Hmeymim Opposition: 'Clinton Pushing for War', Trump 'More Realistic' However, to bring that plan to fruition, the US needs its protégés to destroy Daesh, and that’s another challenge for the Pentagon. Washington’s initial plan suggested that the YPG, a Kurdish militia, would liberate Raqqa, helping to establish the US protectorate there. But this met with a fierce opposition from Turkey, which has long opposed Kurdish forces, and which sent troops to both Syria and Iraq. “If the US and Turkey will be working together in North-East Syria, it might be a way of smoothing relations” between Washington and Ankara, following Turkey’s failed coup attempt on July 15. “The problem with doing it, however, is that it sets Turkey, and by extension the US, against the Kurds in Syria.” “If the US cannot carry out attacks on Syria trying to achieve its objective in very indirect ways, they are ultimately so counterproductive that it’s better for the US to stop doing them,” Mercouris said.

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Widgets Magazine

Widgets Magazine

As Islamist forces led by the al-Nusra front tried unsuccessfully to break the siege of eastern Aleppo in Syria, the future of the country's largest city, and the war-torn country more broadly, seems predetermined, Alexander Mercouris, editor-in-chie