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Obey the Court Order and Release Nnamdi Kanu, Ekweremadu Tells Buhari

January 12, 2017
Emeh James Anyalekwa

Obey the Court Order and Release Nnamdi Kanu, Ekweremadu Tells Buhari

Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu said that he was not at war with President Muhammadu Buhari, citing recent meetings he had had with the President. Ekweremadu further called for the restructuring of the country, noting that if Nigeria’s democracy should thrive, the citizens should be ready to subject themselves to the basic rules of law. He said:

“So long as we have unified economic structure, it cannot work. It is also important that all parts of the country are represented in the affairs of government. As we talk now, nobody from the South-East is among the security chiefs in Nigeria.”

“On human rights, the issue of liberty is an inalienable right. If court says release somebody, please do that. No matter the offence allegedly committed by Nnamdi Kanu, he should be released from detention.”


Obey the Court Order and Release Nnamdi Kanu, Ekweremadu Tells Buhari – IgbereTV News

Obey the Court Order and Release Nnamdi Kanu, Ekweremadu Tells Buhari – IgbereTV News

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Buhari to send over 800 soldiers, warplanes to Gambia if Jammeh fails to step down
By . | Publish Date: Jan 12 2017 44PMPresident Muhammadu Buhari has raised an army battalion that would be deployed in troubled Gambia to forcefully remove President Yahya Jammeh from power if he fails to step down on January 19, reports PREMIUM TIMES.

Buhari to send over 800 soldiers, warplanes to Gambia if Jammeh fails to step down

President Muhammadu Buhari has raised an army battalion that would be deployed in troubled Gambia to forcefully remove President Yahya Jammeh from power if he fails to step down on January 19, reports PREMIUM TIMES.

Daily Trust has not verified this claim.

IHowever, it was reported that the Nigerian Battalion would be deployed in The Gambia any time after January 19 if President Jammeh makes real his threat not to step down after the expiration of his tenure.

According to the online platform, the battalion is christened ECOMOG NIBATT 1 and was drawn from the Army’s 19th Battalion based in Okitipupa, Ondo State.

It was learnt that the Army Headquarters has instructed the nominated officers and men, put at over 800, to immediately report at the Nigerian Army School of Infantry, Jaji, for a crashed course on counter terrorism and counter insurgency.

The Army Headquarters has reportedly instructed the Army directorates of policy and plans; finance; and logistics to ready funds, arms, ammunition and other logistics for the operation.

The Armoured Corps is also working hard to ready armoured vehicles needed for the task.

There were suggestions that the Nigerian Air Force and the Navy might deploy men and equipment for the operation as well.

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has said he will not step down before a Supreme Court decision on disputed elections, a ruling now not expected until May.

In a nationwide TV broadcast, the longstanding ruler also reiterated his concern at “foreign interference”.

Regional mediators, led by Nigeria’s president, are expected in The Gambia on Friday to urge him to accept defeat following December’s election.

President-elect Adama Barrow says he will be inaugurated next week.

Mr Jammeh, who initially accepted defeat in the 1 December poll, lodged a case before the Supreme Court after the electoral commission changed some results. The president made his speech on Tuesday evening after it was announced that the Supreme Court hearing would be delayed until May because of a shortage of judges, who mostly come from neighbouring countries.

Meanwhile the head of Gambia’s army has given his full backing to the country’s president, Yahya Jammeh, amid a deepening political crisis.

In a letter to the pro-government newspaper, Gen Ousman Badjie pledged the “unflinching loyalty and support of the Gambia Armed Forces” to Mr Jammeh.

Gen Badjie’s intervention follows the threat of military action by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) if Mr Jammeh refuses to leave office on 19 January.

President Jammeh has said any such intervention would constitute an act of war.

BOMBSHELL: Heavy Rain Of Bullets As Nigerian Air Force Storms Rivers State Creeks [VIDEO]

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) on Wednesday destroyed an illegal oil storage facility belonging to militants in Rivers State.

The facility which was located about 25km south of Opubiri, was destroyed about 4:45pm by a NAF helicopter on armed patrol over creeks around Opubiri, Bille and Alakiri areas. Another canoe, carrying drums filled with suspected stolen petroleum products, was also attacked at Alakiri creek.

Oriental Times: BOMBSHELL: Heavy Rain Of Bullets As Nigerian Air Force Storms Rivers State Creeks [V

Oriental Times: BOMBSHELL: Heavy Rain Of Bullets As Nigerian Air Force Storms Rivers State Creeks [V

Friday, January 13, 2017

Why The Imperial Japanese Air Forces Failed in World War 2 (Watch)


Sep 5, 2016 Shahan Russell

Mitsubishi A6M3 Zero Photo Credit


According to Osamu Tagaya, Japan was doomed to lose WWII. A writer for the Smithsonian, Tagaya’s father was an officer in the Imperial Japanese Navy (IJN), so he should know.

Like the other Axis powers, Japan wasn’t prepared for a long war. But just as Germany became overconfident because of the Spanish Civil War, so Japan felt the same because of victories against Russia and China.

What both lacked, however, was the superior manpower, greater industrial capacities, and vast resources that the US and Britain had. The Japanese government knew this, but had gambled on a short war and had badly underestimated the Allied response to their aggression.

Tagaya takes it a step further by pointing out the tactical and political weaknesses that doomed Japan. The government didn’t control the Armed Forces, so couldn’t effectively unite them. The result was a schism that drained the country’s limited resources and overly-extended industrial capacities.

The Army saw the Soviet Union as its enemy, while the Navy looked to the US. So while Japan was among the first to develop combat aircraft, they were mostly designed for a land war against the Soviets, not for long range operations in the South Pacific.

Not that it stopped them from occupying parts of Southeast Asia. But it made them overconfident, which was why they were slow to develop aerial technologies. Their occupation of the Pacific was another drain since the region was under-developed – forcing them to build landing fields and communications equipment.

Though Japan had contributed to radar technology, they failed to maximize its potential. Their weakness in detecting enemy craft, combined with cramped airfields where planes parked close together, made it easier for the Allies to take more out in a single raid.

And while Japan was the first to develop aircraft carriers, their focus was on combat missions. They therefore failed to understand the strategic value of taking out supply lines, giving the Allies an edge.

Finally, they didn’t have an effective training program for pilots. As more experienced ones died out, that left inexperienced ones who were forced to do kamikaze missions.

Trump pushes US Embassy move in Israel amid outcry
CNN Digital Expansion DC Elise Labott

By Elise Labott and Nicole Gaouette, CNN

Criticism from Palestinians and Arab nations is rising
Trump's team is doubling down on plans to relocate the US embassy to Jerusalem

Washington (CNN)The incoming Trump administration has told allies it is moving ahead with plans to relocate the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem -- even as those countries issue stark warnings of the potential impact and the Palestinians and Arab nations are escalating calls not to do it.
In Israel, where officials have lobbied countries for years to move their diplomatic missions to Jerusalem, which Israel claims as its capital, there is speculation a US announcement could be made as early as May 24 -- "Jerusalem Day" in Israel, a celebratory national holiday. That date comes just days before a waiver signed by President Barack Obama blocking the move expires.

While some diplomats said there are signs President-elect Donald Trump may pull back from his campaign pledge, Arab and European allies have warned the incoming administration that the move could unleash further violence, undermine the peace process, damage US standing in the Middle East, and endanger American personnel.
Obama says goodbye
Obama offers optimism -- and warnings -- in farewell address
"It's very dangerous," said a European diplomat. "Chances for the peace process are going very quickly -- it's now or never. Violence is always a concern and, at this point, it's probably easy for Palestinians to demonstrate their frustration."
Jerusalem is already something of a tinderbox, with the most recent violence coming Sunday afternoon, when a Palestinian drove a truck into a crowd of Israeli soldiers, killing four.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has written to Trump to say an embassy move would have a calamitous impact on the chances for peace. And he warned in a recent speech that "any statement or position that disrupts or changes the status of Jerusalem is a red line which we will not accept."
Abbas has followed up with written pleas to the leaders of Russia, China, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Arab League and others asking them to stop Trump.
Secretary of State John Kerry issued his own warning, telling CBS last week that if the US moves its embassy to Jerusalem, "you'd have an explosion -- an absolute explosion in the region, not just in the West Bank and perhaps even in Israeli itself, but throughout the region."
State Department officials, speaking anonymously so they can express themselves freely, said they fear the move will lead to security problems for US diplomatic missions and troops throughout the Middle East, create friction in US relationships with countries across the region, and cause even deeper rifts between Israelis and Palestinians.
The European diplomat said the US's long-standing role as an honest broker is also at stake.
"If the US changes its policy so dramatically, then it's very easy for others to dismiss their role and leadership in the peace process by saying, well, now the Americans are so closely aligned with Israel, it's hard for us to take them as brokers," the diplomat told CNN.
That diplomat's country, like the US under previous administrations, wants to wait to move its embassy to Jerusalem, which Palestinians also claim as their capital, until final peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians.
"We're always said we're fine with moving our embassy to Jerusalem when there's an agreement in place," the diplomat said.
This diplomat echoed others from Europe in saying that the Trump transition team has been very clear in talks that its priority is helping Israel "in whatever terms Israel would like to be helped and if they prefer the embassy in Jerusalem, why not?"
US allies point out that if the embassy move takes place, it will matter where exactly it goes. West Jerusalem would be less problematic than if it's placed in East Jerusalem, which Palestinians could see as an annexation by Israel.
"If it's moved into East Jerusalem, the Palestinians would certainly view it as a provocative move," said another European diplomat.
The Trump team has offered no specifics on when or where the embassy would move, but Trump has said he'd like it to happen soon.
In a speech to the pro-Israel lobby group American Israel Public Affairs Committee in March, Trump said he wanted to "move the American embassy to the eternal capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem." In a subsequent TV interview, he said the move would happen "fairly quickly."
The Trump team didn't respond to CNN's request for comment.
GOP seeks to punish UN with funding cut after Israel vote
GOP seeks to punish UN with funding cut after Israel vote
US officials told CNN one option would be to simply switch signs on the embassy in Tel Aviv and the smaller US consulate in Jerusalem -- but the embassy is so much larger, that would require some sort of immediate expansion of the consulate to accommodate the additional staff.
The US already owns part of a property in Western Jerusalem that could serve as a home to a future embassy there.
The Israeli Ambassador to the US, Ron Dermer, has said an embassy move would be "a strong message against the delegitimization of Israel and of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital." Dermer, who has support on Capitol Hill, said that a move "would be a great step forward to peace."
The 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Act calls on the US to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and relocate the embassy there. But the law allows for the move to be waived if the President deems it harmful to US national security interests.
Since it passed, every US president -- Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama -- has signed the waiver every six months, even though Bush and Clinton had promised to move the embassy during their presidential campaigns.
Earlier this month, Obama renewed a presidential waiver delaying the move for another six months, citing "national security interests."
Kerry: Nobody can predict Trump administration's choices
John Kerry: Nobody can predict Trump administration's choices
It is unclear whether the incoming administration or Congress could overturn that waiver before it expires on June 1. To pressure Trump to make good on his promise, a trio of Republican senators have introduced a bill that would strike language allowing presidents to use the waiver -- and would halve the budget for embassy security worldwide until a move takes place.
"Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel, and that's where America's embassy belongs," said one of the sponsors, Florida Republican Senator Marco Rubio. "It's time for Congress and the president-elect to eliminate the loophole that has allowed presidents in both parties to ignore U.S. law and delay our embassy's rightful relocation to Jerusalem for over two decades."
With the six-month extension signed by Obama expiring on June 1, Israeli sources have suggested the May 24 Israeli holiday Jerusalem Day as a possible date for relocating the embassy. That national holiday commemorates the reunification of Jerusalem and the establishment of Israeli control over the Old City following the June 1967 Six Day War and typically is marked by ceremonies and memorial services.
But the extension could give the incoming administration time to rethink the consequences of its decision and find a face-saving way to back out. Diplomats suggested once the administration is in office for a few months, the realities of chaos in the Middle East and the need not to alienate US Arab allies may cause a newly minted President Trump to sing a different tune.
Last month, Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman played down the crucial nature of immediately relocating the embassy.
"We've seen this promise (from US presidential candidates) in every election," Lieberman noted during remarks at the Saban Forum. "It's very important but we have other issues."

With assistance from Abeer Salman in Jerusalem and Stephen Collinson in Washington


BREAKING: Putin Just Sent Huge Message To Trump, NO ONE EXPECTED THIS!

Putin Just Sent Huge Message To Trump, NO ONE EXPECTED THIS!

After Donald Trump won the Presidential election, the leader of Russia, Vladimir Putin, sent a message to Trump and America.

Putin said that his country is ready and willing to repair the bad relationships that the two countries have at the moment.

Here is what was reported.

According to RT

“We heard [Trump’s] campaign rhetoric while still a candidate for the US presidency, which was focused on restoring the relations between Russia and the United States,” President Putin said, speaking at the presentation ceremony of foreign ambassadors’ letters of credentials in Moscow.

“We understand and are aware that it will be a difficult path in the light of the degradation in which, unfortunately, the relationship between Russia and the US are at the moment,” he added.

Speaking about the degraded state of relations between the countries, the president once again stressed that “it is not our fault that Russia-US relations are as you see them.”

Earlier today, in a message to Donald Trump the Russian President expressed confidence that the dialogue between Moscow and Washington, in keeping with each other’s views, meets the interests of both Russia and the US.

The Russian leader noted in the message that he hopes to address some “burning issues that are currently on the international agenda, and search for effective responses to the challenges of the global security,” RIA Novosti reported.

On top of it, Putin has expressed confidence that “building a constructive dialogue between Moscow and Washington, based on principles of equality, mutual respect and each other’s positions, meets the interests of the peoples of our countries and of the entire international community.”

Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin has also expressed hope that Trump’s victory in the presidential election will help pave the way for a more constructive dialogue between Moscow and Washington.

“The current US-Russian relations cannot be called friendly. Hopefully, with the new US president a more constructive dialogue will be possible between our countries,” he said.

Nnamdi Kanu Told Me He Believes In A United Nigeria — President Buhari
7th January 2017 A Reliable Source 0 Comments Biafra, Nigeria, Nnamdi Kanu, President Buhari
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ABUJA — The detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra is an unbendable believer in the indivisibility of the grand amalgamation called Nigeria. He understands that there is strength in the unity of this country and so supports this amalgamation of courageous, hardworking, hospitable and resilient people who will achieve greater prosperity in togetherness.

This was the top disclosure of the President of Federal Republic of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari as he took to the microphone to deliver a special New Year message to Nigerians. The haggard septuagenarian who was at the peak of his celebrated eloquence listed his regime’s achievements in the passing year and promoted his plans for the incoming year. In his usual style he talked of how everybody is now planting rice because of him and blasted previous administrations for not getting everybody to plant rice like he is doing, but the high point of his speech which was monitored by a reliable source was when he waxed poetically about Nigerians’ love for the indivisibility of Nigeria.
Nnamdi Kanu

“I have interacted with a broad spectrum of Nigerians.”
He said.

“I have interacted with the old. I have interacted with the young. I have interacted with the sick. I have interacted with the strong. I have interacted with the South. I have interacted with the North. I have interacted with Christians. I have interacted with Muslims. I have also interacted with even the traditionalists. I have interacted with everyone. I have interacted with all who are free. I have interacted with our brothers and sisters who are in detention and all told me they believe in the unity and stability of Nigeria. They all stand for peace and progress in this nation. I have been to the streets of our urban centers and to the creeks and jungles of our rural villages to seek the opinions of Nigerians and they all stand for unity. They all stand for oneness. I have been to our prisons. I recently visited Kuje and Kirikiri and you need to see how the inmates were passionate about the Nigerian project. They all love Nigeria. They all believe in Nigeria as one indivisible entity.”
He added.

Reacting to the statement, IPOB’s director of information called President Buhari a shameless dictator who is exploiting petty means to cause division among the good people of Biafra. He said that Nnamdi Kanu will never abandon Biafra having sworn that it’s either Biafra or death, and asked the Head of State to look for another lie to tell as this one has failed to gain a foothold. The IPOB Spokesman also warned the Nigeria Head of State to stop lying against a servant of God lest he incurs the wrath of Chukwu Okike Abiama.

“Mazi Nnamdi Kanu will never abandon Biafra. He has sworn to stand for the interest of Biafra and Biafrans no matter the condition. All that Buhari said about everybody believing in Nigeria are pure lies as Biafrans can never believe in a nation that hates and oppresses them as a people. Biafra is God’s chosen nation on earth, and there is no lie anybody including Muhammadu Buhari will tell that will make our people lose focus. There is no distraction that will stop us from marching towards the realization of God’s chosen nation.”
The statement from IPOB reads.

Debates on whether the President really had visited Kuje prison and had a one-on-one with Kanu raged on into the weekend. While Mallam Lawal Daura’s Department of State Security has been credited with extracting valuable intelligence for the Presidency in the past, this latest information is believed to have reached the President through former governor of Abia state, Orji Uzor Kalu who the President’s party recently recruited to play a spoiler across opposition stronghold.
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Must The North Continue To Rule! Lord, Let Nigeria Break Up Now, If It Is Your Will - Oyedepo

Bishop David Oyedepo, founder and presiding Bishop of Faith Tabernacle popularly known as Winners Chapel has prayed God to break up Nigeria if it was his will while raining down curses on those fueling Southern Kaduna killings.

The Bishop who, during a ministration and while raining down curses on those promoting the wanton killings, equally said that God sent him to this continent as His apostle of liberation to stop it from decadence.

“God sent me as His apostle of liberation to this continent to stop it from decadence.”

“I heard from God and He has proved it beyond measure. Therefore, every occultic root, every political root of this uprising is cursed today!”

The congregation shouted “Amen!”

“All the northern forces that are sponsoring this uprising and killings, I decree the curse of God upon them.”

Congregation shouted “Amen!”

Continuing, he said, “Lord, if it is your will to break up Nigeria, break it now!”

To his members, he said, “Come on, pray in the spirit everybody. Pray in the spirit, open fire, call down the Holy Ghost fire to descend on the camp of the enemy. Enough is Enough!”

“If Nigeria wakes up, wait for the church to rise. There will be no more nation, what nonsense.

“What demonic devils. What Islamic demons. If Nigeria waits for the church to rise, Nigeria will disappear as a nation.

“You mean God cannot protect people? What a mess!”

“Every agent of destruction in Government today, call fire down on their head, call fire down on their head.

“Everyone sponsoring evil against the nation, let your fire fall on him!”

“A Boko Haram agent was captured and they said he escaped. Everyone connected to his escape, fire consume them, consume them, consume them!

“I was even told from report that they were targeting this church. I said what?

“Even if I was asleep, if you see anybody here kill him! Kill him and spill his blood on the ground. I am saying that to you, what nonsense, what devil. You think our God is an idol?”

The faithful shouted “No!”

“If I put fire on your tail to overrun the city, you will do it in one minute. What is that? What devil?

“I stand today with every authority on me, and I declare the Boko Haram camp cursed!”

“I declare their collaborators cursed! I decree their sponsors cursed!

“I declare their collaborators cursed. I decree their sponsors cursed!

“Must the north continue to rule?

“What devils!

“God has anointed me to lead a revolution against the Islamic jihadists and as the Lord liveth and as the anointing of Jeru-Baal that’s on me, we declare them extinct in the name of Jesus!” “Amen!

“You catch anyone that looks like them, kill him!

“There is no reporting to anybody. Kill him! Pull off his neck! And we spill his blood on the ground. What nonsense.”

“They said why should Christians say they could defend themselves, hold it! What stupid statement, why should Christians say they could defend themselves? So, they should watch for you to put a knife to their necks?

“You think we are dummies? What! What?”

“All those zeros census they are fake. Where are the human beings?”

“Where are they? We go around the place. Where are they?”

“We’ve never had a successful census in this country. Where are they?”

“Don’t mistake only those in politics as in power. The anointed in the Lord are the ones in power. By divine ordination, don’t mistake that.”

“There was a king in the land but Elijah was determining the events of the nation.”

“If I say it will not rain here for three years, it will not drop. What nonsense!”

“Who born their mother, who born their father? They are too small.”

“Come! Get excited and walk in confidence. Any devil that misbehaves around you will be slain by the fire!”

A thunderous “Amen” echoed from the congregation

Oriental Times: Must The North Continue To Rule! Lord, Let Nigeria Break Up Now, If It Is Your Will

Oriental Times: Must The North Continue To Rule! Lord, Let Nigeria Break Up Now, If It Is Your Will

No. 1 Awarding Winning Political Blog. We give In-depth Report On Biafra, Niger Delta, Nigeria and World Politics.