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Munich Builds a Wall to Protect Citizens from Migrants


by Virginia Hale7 Nov 2016

A 12 foot wall is being built in Munich to separate a housing estate from a new migrant centre that will house 160 unaccompanied minors.

Locals living in the Neuperlach Süd housing development in Munich, less than 100 metres from the site at which young migrants will be staying, went to court to get the wall built.

Germans living in the area fear bad behaviour among the newcomers, and concern over likely levels of noise when they arrive, will lower the value of their properties if the migrant centre remains for an extended length of time, reports Der Spiegel.

The wall gained attention outside Munich after vice-chairman of the district, and political activist, Guido Bucholtz, made a film charting its construction.

Bucholtz believes “there is no need for a wall” in Munich and says he was driven to document the “monster” of a build after being “frightened” by its size. The local politician, who says his wish is that Germans will “welcome” migrant floods to their neighbourhoods in future, reports having received hate mail since the film went viral.

Speaking to intellectual magazine Merkur on the reaction to his film, Bucholtz characterised much of it as “completely hate-filled, emotional reactions, xenophobia without end, [and a] distortion of facts”.

“I felt like I was the evil one because I was working for refugees,” he lamented.

That, at 12 foot tall, the wall will stand higher than the notorious Communist-era Berlin Wall has been noted by the media. German Chancellor Angela Merkel last year evoked the Berlin Wall as an argument against erecting border controls to protect from mass migration.

Since the arrival of over a million non-European migrants to Germany in 2015 the country has seen a massive increase in street crime and sex attacks.

This week the Catholic community in one town reported that “not a day goes by” without new cases of wilful destruction of Christian statues. Police suspect the attacks, which they believe are carried out with “a pure lust for destruction”, could be religiously motivated.
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Breitbart London, Immigration, Angela Merkel, anti-Christian attacks, Europe Migrant Crisis, Germany, Germany Migrants, Migrant Crime

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EXCLUSIVE: Virginia Gov. Pardons 60,000 Felons, Enough To Swing Election
Photo of Luke Rosiak

Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) (R) gets a kiss from her campaign manager Terry McAuliffe at an election night rally at the Marriott Hotel May 20, 2008 in Louisville, Kentucky. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) (R) gets a kiss from her campaign manager Terry McAuliffe at an election night rally at the Marriott Hotel May 20, 2008 in Louisville, Kentucky. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe has granted voting rights to as many as 60,000 convicted felons just in time for them to register to vote, nearly five times more than previously reported and enough to win the state for his long-time friend, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

McAuliffe sought to allow all of Virginia’s estimated 200,000 felons to vote, but state courts said each individual felon’s circumstances must be weighed. To get around that, McAuliffe used a mechanical autopen to rapidly sign thousands of letters, as if he had personally reviewed them, even as his office was saying the total was 13,000.

Now, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned that McAuliffe — who managed Clinton’s unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign — churned out five times as many letters before the registration deadline than publicly claimed.

Virginia’s recent political history has seen multiple races that were decided by tiny margins. The 2014 U.S. Senate race, for example, was decided by only 17,000 votes, while the attorney general’s race came down to a mere 165 votes.

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McAuliffe is a close friend of Hillary and former President Bill Clinton, even personally guaranteeing a loan for the purchase of their Chappaqua, New York, mansion in 1999. He also served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee where he was a prodigious fund raiser.

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The Virginia chief executive claimed to have “no idea” how felons would vote and said he had never thought about it. Clinton’s staff emailed him after the 200,000-voters move to call it a “great announcement” and set up a call about it.

McAuliffe also did a major favor for the wife of a senior FBI executive who was running for a Virginia legislative seat at the same time the bureau was investigating Clinton’s use of private email addresses and a home-brew server to conduct the official diplomatic business of the U.S.

Virginia officials expressed surprise that McAuliffe had signed so many more letters than previously reported. Registrars and state legislators told TheDCNF they had no idea, and even officers of the state Board of Elections were kept in the dark.

Registrars could look up a felon’s status one name at a time in a Secretary of the Commonwealth database, if they had his or her Social Security number, but the system didn’t display the total number of those restored.

Lashawnda S. Singleton, spokesman for Virginia’s Secretary of the Commonwealth, did not respond to TheDCNF’s request for the data.

After TheDCNF asked Clara Belle Wheeler, vice-chairman of the Virginia Board of Elections and a Republican, she was told by Edgardo Cortes, Commissioner of the Department of Elections, that the total was somewhere between 50,000 and 60,000.

“Cortes stated that the names were available to the general registrars thru the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s website. He stated that the number was between 50 and 60,000 names. He was unable to be more precise,” Wheeler told TheDCNF.

“He assured me that the entire 216,000 felons were not sent voter registration cards. He stated that only those who had completed voter registration forms which were submitted to the general registrars either in paper forms or via the on-line citizen portal were registered to vote. He did not know the number of felons whose rights had been restored who have registered to vote,” she said.

Those who received McAuliffe’s letter also got voter registration forms with pre-paid return postage. No others in Virginia received such a service.

When TheDCNF pointed out that 60,000 could tip an election, Wheeler said “I am acutely and chronically aware of that.” She also noted that McAuliffe has explicitly asked felons to vote for Clinton.

Wheeler said the last-minute, highly unorthodox flood of individual restorations had to be processed by registrars who were already overwhelmed by failing computer systems.

She also said that, while McAuliffe claimed to only be restoring voting rights of felons who had completed their sentences, his use of the autopen might not satisfy the court’s specific vetting requirement.

“I think the General Assembly caucus that brought suit made it abundantly clear that you must look at each person and evaluate each individual person’s record: have they served their time, have they paid their restoration if it was due, have they finished their probation, are they citizens, have they not been arrested for some other crime,” Wheeler said.

“The code of Virginia requires that each person is treated as an individual rather than as a bulk because each individual has a different set of circumstances and those should be evaluated,” she said.

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The Tangible Difference Between Activism And Industry Is Summed Up In Three Words: Disaster In Greeley
Michael Sandoval
10:35 PM 11/07/2016
Wendy Hoffenberg helps Sophia Cornell up the side walk as rain starts getting heavier during the near Biblical amount of rain that hit Colorado in 2013. This is Boulder, but several counties, including Greeley, were essentially demolished. REUTERS/Mark Leffingwell Wendy Hoffenberg helps Sophia Cornell up the side walk as rain starts getting heavier during the near Biblical amount of rain that hit Colorado in 2013. This is Boulder, but several counties, including Greeley, were essentially demolished. REUTERS/Mark Leffingwell

Colorado’s third largest county has spent the past three years rebuilding after a devastating 2013 flood and, to top it off, negotiating a regulatory debris field aimed at its prized natural resource development—oil and gas.

The historic flood fueled that regulatory and legal fight targeting hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. A storm of activist group activity and a slew of natural disaster impacts fueled a left-wing ballot campaign to keep companies from accessing the one resource that could keep the county’s infrastructure and revenue afloat.

While environmentalists sat out the dirty work, using the flood’s aftermath to spin spill stories not borne out by reality, energy companies were quick to respond to the disaster in a way that tangibly helped people in need.

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(Noble Energy tank and production facility next to agricultural land. Photo: Michael Sandoval/TheDCNF)

A ‘Devastating’ flood: 2013


Descriptions of the massive rainfall and subsequent flood that struck the foothills and adjacent high plains of Colorado’s Front Range in September 2013 border on Biblical.

Russ Schumacher and Bob Glancy, scientists at Colorado State University and the National Weather Service, called it a 1,000-year rain event producing a 100-year flood.

Eventually, 19 counties had a Federal Emergency Management Agency major disaster declaration, and a swathe of land 4,500 square miles lay under water or experienced flooding. Ten Coloradans were dead, and thousands were displaced, with still thousands more evacuated by air.

The Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management estimated $3 billion in damages as of 2014, with 31,000 homes and structures damaged and destroyed.

(Approximately 650 miles of roads in Weld County were destroyed, damaged, or rendered impassible, along with crippled infrastructure, by the September 2013 floods. Source: Weld County Office of the Board of Commissioners, October 2013)

Rebuilding would take time. A luxury those affected by the deluge could least afford.

But before the rains stopped, the flood waters crested along the South Platte, Cache la Poudre, Big Thompson, Boulder Creek, or Saint Vrain rivers, and before the clouds began to dissolve revealing a sun that had been absent for nearly 10 days, there were frantic calls for help.

Hundreds of them.

‘After the Floods in Colorado, a Deluge of Worry About Leaking Oil’

Tisha Schuller, then president of Colorado Oil and Gas Association (COGA), told the New York Times that while the “Twitter world was aflame with these massive contamination stories,” the reality on the ground was measurably different.

“No, nothing has changed at all. If you look back at some of the reports in the aftermath, from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and others, they found nothing, no pollutants from oil and gas spills,” Doug Flanders, director of policy and external affairs at COGA told TheDCNF.

It was, he said, “activists making sure that no good crisis goes to waste.”

Activists like Gary Wockner of Clean Water Action described the situation to the Times with hyperbolic alarm. “The flood plain is just littered with oil and gas wells.”

Wockner did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

The Sept. 20 edition of the Denver Post ran an above-the-fold headline “Oil spilling into mix.” It took the Post more than a week to issue a correction. There was no oil spill present, the correction read, it was simply leftover floodwater.

“There were 220 million gallons of raw sewage released versus approximately 48,000 gallons of oil and gas. If all the waters released in the flood was represented as one gallon, oil and gas would be 0.044 of one drop,” Flanders explained.

The Environmental Protection Agency concurred.

In an interview with EnergyWire in 2013, EPA Region 8 spokesman Matthew Allen said, “the total reported amount of reported [oil] spills is small compared to the solid waste that has spilled from damaged sewer lines and household chemicals from destroyed homes.”

Any oil and gas that was emitted wasn’t the fault of the industry.

“The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission did a flood ‘lessons learned’ in the aftermath of the flood. And a lot of the [lessons] were already in existence when the 2013 flood hit,” Flanders said.


(Tanks with reinforced berm near Cache La Poudre River, east of Greeley. Photo: Michael Sandoval/TheDCNF)

Averting a double disaster: oil and gas industry helps with temporary road repairs

People were pouring into shelters, even from neighboring counties. They had lost everything.

“We needed immediate help. St. Vrain’s sanitation was knocked off-line, and we needed water in the Frederick area. Milliken was completely cut off,” said Weld County Commissioner Sean Conway.

“Getting our transportation system back in shape was our first priority as a county,” Conway wrote in 2013. “The flood hit during the start of harvest, and we knew that opening our roads as quickly as possible was going to help us avert a disaster within a disaster.”

Commissioner Mike Freeman agreed.

“The industry stepped up and said ‘Let us help with this road – this one is ours.’ They did that with several roads throughout the county,” Freeman said.

(Oil and gas companies helped restore flood-damaged roads in Weld County, like the one seen above. Source: Weld County Office of the Board of Commissioners, October 2013)

“The operators and service companies began to help their neighbors dig out from underneath the debris using the equipment they had on site. Get the bad stuff out so they could find what was left and begin to rebuild. They were voluntarily using the equipment,” COGA’s Flanders said.

Noble Energy provided more than 200 portable toilets to the City of Evans to assist while the no-flush rule was in place.

Doug Campbell, landman and Noble Energy incident command team member, summed up the immediacy of the need.

“What we realized in that moment was that in a matter of a few short minutes, we were picking up people’s lives,” said Campbell.

(Map of damaged roads in Weld County, September 2013. Source: Weld County Office of Emergency Management)

‘The county was cut off’

Republican State Sen. John Cooke of Greeley, who now represents portions of Weld County, served as the Weld County Sheriff in September 2013.

The floodwaters essentially severed the county in two, cutting off almost all north-south transportation. This presented Cooke and his colleagues with a dual problem–assisting with rescue and other emergency efforts while also serving the rest of the county with more than 160 roads and hundreds of surface miles of roadway washed away.

“It was very hectic for us, very busy. Not only do you have flooding going on, you have your normal calls you have to take too. The flooding wasn’t countywide. Fort Lupton and Greeley were affected, as were Evans, Milliken, and Johnstown,” Cooke explained.

“But we were cut off. The county was cut off,” Cooke said.

County sheriff reserves and other employees were called out, not only to assist human victims, but also to rescue the county’s animals, like cows and horses.

“We didn’t lose any lives. From deputies on up, they did a fantastic job,” Cooke said.

(Milliken experienced some of the worst flooding in September 2013. Photo: Michael Sandoval/TheDCNF)

One thing the industry leaders didn’t want–publicity.

“They shunned publicity. I told them we need to give them credit. They said no,” Conway insisted. “‘We did this because it was the right thing to do,’” they told him.

Bob O’Connor, Executive Director of the Weld Food Bank, gushed about one company’s efforts in a video released just seven weeks after the floods had passed.

“When we realized that the devastation was so widespread, and realized that we were going to have to mobilize and get food into people’s hands right away, we sat down and had a quick discussion about what we needed, and it was Noble Energy,” O’Connor said.

“The next morning 55 members showed up at the door, worked the entire day. Normally that type of food takes us weeks or a month to sort. By the end of the day, they had sorted all 56,000 pounds of that food,” he added.

Weld Food Bank began an immediate food drive from local grocery chains, but lacked the volunteers necessary to sort out the food in a timely manner.

(Weld Food Bank, Greeley, Colorado. Photo: Michael Sandoval/TheDCN)

O’Connor said that’s when Noble Energy, Anadarko, and others stepped up and stepped in. Golf carts were used to deliver food where roads were difficult or impossible to negotiate, he said.

Donations also included $95,000 for a compressed natural gas-powered truck from Noble Energy, O’Connor said.

‘Different approaches’

Had local environmental activists responded similarly?

“In fact, quite the opposite. Not one time, and up to today, not one environmental group, not one entity involved in spending money over the debate about fracking, has ever called me and said, ‘Commissioner Conway, our group would like to help victims of the flood,’” said Conway.

“My phone rang off the hook from the oil and gas industry. I received hundreds of phone calls, and I’m probably underestimating that,” said Conway, expressing his contrasting feelings for the way the two sides of a very public and embattled policy squabble handled the flood and its aftermath.

While the oil and gas industry was proactive, environmental activists were inactive, or worse, making recovery efforts in the county more difficult by diverting media attention, he said.

While oil and gas was reaching out, fracking activists were busy creating a negative media narrative.

A raft of ballot measures in 2016—as many as 11 separate initiatives at one point—included an amendment aimed squarely at limiting the available space in the state for fracking or any other activity related to oil and gas, according to the state’s Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. Another measure would have allowed local restrictions that exceed state regulations.

The COGCC estimated that 85 percent of Weld County’s surface area would be located within 2,500 feet, under the initiative’s language, of “occupied structures” and “areas of special concern.”

Removing that valuable resource, as the anti-fracking activists hoped, would have closed off the county from an assessed property value that has doubled to more than $11 billion since 2009, and away from recovery that one county commissioner called an “economic depression” just a few years earlier.

“They were literally trying to exploit a natural disaster for their political benefit,” said Conway.

Ultimately, the pair of anti-fracking measures proposed by anti-fracking activists didn’t make it onto the ballot. Though Initiatives 75 and 78 received thousands of signatures, they were found insufficient by the Colorado Secretary of State’s office, the Denver Post reported Aug. 29.

As the county approached the three-year anniversary of the 2013 flooding that destroyed so much and upturned so many lives, it could exhale, even if just temporarily.

The oil and gas industry, its life-line during the economic downturn of 2009 and a generous neighbor during the historic rains and aftermath of the September 2013 flood, was not going anywhere.


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Tags: Colorado, Environmental Protection Agency
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Ron Johnson’s Final Push With Voters Could Lead To A GOP Win In Wisconsin
Photo of Juliegrace Bru****e
Juliegrace Bru****e
Capitol Hill Reporter
10:11 PM 11/07/2016
Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Gov. Scott Walker attend a rally in Waukesha, Wisc. (Photo: Juliegrace Bru****e/TheDCNF) Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Gov. Scott Walker attend a rally in Waukesha, Wisc. (Photo: Juliegrace Bru****e/TheDCNF)

WAUKESHA, WIS.- Just one day before the election, GOP Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson seemed optimistic about his chances of retaining his seat in the upper chamber — a critical win in Republicans’ battle to retain the majority.

Johnson was greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of roughly 250 supporters in Waukesha, Wis., the last stop on his four-day bus tour with House Speaker Paul Ryan. After speaking with thousands of Wisconsinites during the final stretch, the senator said he was confident in what he was hearing from voters.

“Just the five hours I spent at Lambeau Field yesterday, working the crowd, talking to all the tailgaters and stuff, I was very pleased with the warm reception, with the reactions from people,” Johnson told reporters at a campaign stop at PACUR, the manufacturing company he helped build in Oshkosh, Wisc. “They are seeing through Sen. Feingold’s lies, they know he had 34 years of trying to figure these problems out and he created the problems.”

Despite once being considered a lost cause by many in his race against former Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold, whom he unseated in 2010, he managed to close what was once a 16-point gap.

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With the race now in a virtual dead heat, a list of politicians — including vice presidential nominee Mike Pence, Ryan, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and Republican Policy Committee Chairman Sen. John Barrasso — have come out to stump for the senator during his final push.

The Johnson camp has largely attributed the momentum it’s seen to its strong ground game, fundraising numbers and positive messaging.

“Senator Feingold sent an email on September 24th where he cites knocking on 84,000 doors for the cycle. At that point, we were knocking on 84,000 doors per week – and now we plan to hit an additional 750,000 doors before election day,” an internal memo obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation reads. “Our fundraising prowess and lean operation have allowed us to have an advantage on the airwaves going into this final stretch.”

A source familiar with the campaign’s strategy said they anticipated being down in the polls in early months due to Feingold’s early cash advantage, leading the Johnson camp to remain strategic about when and how their resources were being utilized.

“We knew that if Feingold kept spending the way he did on an ineffective message we would end with more money than him, which happened,we have more cash on hand than him, and we knew that the race would start to tighten, which happened,” the source told TheDCNF. “Now it comes down to just these last few points and really what it came down to, it’s kind of like the saying ‘wait until you see the whites in their eyes,’ this was a ‘whites in their eyes’ strategy.”

As the race grew tighter, Democrats decided to dump $2 million into Feingold’s campaign in late-October, signaling the seat was in play.

“He wasted all that money at a bad time, with a bad message,” the source told TheDCNF. “Harry Reid tried to rescue Russ Feingold because we, on our own essentially, brought it to within the margin of error. So, all the groups that are coming in now for us is icing on the cake, which is just a very big layer of icing.”

Between the campaign’s strategy of highlighting Johnson’s experience in job creation while painting Feingold as a career politician, and the emphasis it’s placed on grassroots efforts — which they say can make a difference of around two to three points, they believe the senator is well positioned to upset the Wisconsin Democrat on Nov. 8 .

“We knew that if it came down to ground game, we could win,” the source said. “That was always the x-factor, and now that the polling is tight and now that we have more resources going than Feingold and now that all the groups are in, it just comes down to turning people out and that’s what Wisconsin Republics do, so we are feeling really good.”

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Tags: Elections 2016, Paul Ryan, Ron Johnson, Scott Walker
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Va. Gov. Pardoned 60,000 Felons, Enough To Swing Election | The Daily Caller

Va. Gov. Pardoned 60,000 Felons, Enough To Swing Election | The Daily Caller

Terry McAuliffe has granted voting rights to as many as 60,000 convicted felons, nearly six times more than previously reported and enough to win the state for


At exactly 10:15am, Hon. Justice Binta Nyako arrived the court followed by the commencement of court proceedings.

The clerk read out the case for the day followed by the introduction of the Prosecuting and Defense Counsels.

The Counsel of Prosecution and Nigeria's director of public prosecutions, Mohammed Diri applied for an amendment of the charges levelled against the leader of IPOB Nnamdi Kanu and two others. A move which was vehemently rebuffed by the Defense Counsel, who looks more prepared and confident.

At this point, the atmosphere is heating up in the court room as a result of series of arguments from the two Counsels, with the Counsel to the Nigerian government insisting that he want to make some additions to the charges he initially brought against Nnamdi Kanu and co-defendants.
Hon. Barr Chuks Muoma prayed the court to adjourn the hearing if it is going to entertain any amendment to the original charges.

The judge, Binta Nyako, who has been calm all this while, noted that the case before her is a fresh case, hence the proceedings continues...

More updates to follow...

joseph ogbah david changed his profile picture
8 yrs


GHEN! GHEN!! GHEN!!!! Militants Bomb Oil Pipeline in Warri ( HAPPENING NOW)
8th November 2016 Niger-Delta Militants No comments

Nigerian militants on Tuesday bombed a state-run oil pipeline near the southern port city of Warri, the second attack within a week, a community leader and army officer said.

“The line which was undergoing repair after the previous attack … was billed for commissioning either today or tomorrow,” before the latest attack, chairman of Batan community Dickson Ogugu told AFP.

Fire rises from an oil tank in the port of Es Sider, in Ras Lanuf, Libya, January 6, 2016. Firefighters have extinguished two fires at oil storage tanks at Libya's Ras Lanuf terminal, but blazes continue at five tanks in the nearby port of Es Sider after attacks this week by Islamic State militants, a Petroleum Facilities Guards (PFG) spokesman said on Thursday. Picture taken January 6, 2016. REUTERS/Stringer EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVE

He said four surveillance guards deployed to protect the Trans Forcados export line narrowly escaped death after the militants opened fire on them.

“The hoodlums after chasing them from the spot came down from their speedboat, planted dynamite on swamp boogie, barge, crane and on the line,” he said.

“Unfortunately, only the dynamite on the barge exploded and immediately sank into the water. As I speak to you, the military are at the scene of the incident trying to dismantle the other dynamites.”

An army officer, who did not want to be named, confirmed the incident.

“We heard the shots in the middle of the night, but as you know, we do not patrol the area at night, so there was nothing we could do,” he said.

The line has been previously targeted by rebels.

Last week, the line was bombed just hours after President Muhammadu Buhari met with representatives of militant groups in the Niger delta to discuss how to end the unrest wracking the region.

The state-owned Pipelines and Product Marketing Company (PPMC) operates the pipeline which receives crude from the Batan flowstation and feeds the Forcados export terminal.

Since the start of the year, several militant groups have attacked oil facilities, slashing the nation’s output and hammering revenues.

The militants claim to be seeking a fair share of the nation’s oil wealth for local residents as well as political autonomy for the region.

The government has launched peace talks with the rebels to end the violence.



From the Denver Guardian

Walkerville, MD – An FBI agent believed to be responsible for the latest email leaks “pertinent to the investigation” into Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State, was found dead in an apparent murder-suicide early Saturday morning, according to police.

Investigators believe FBI agent, Michael Brown, 45, shot and killed his 33-year-old wife, Susan Brown, late Friday night before setting the couple’s home on fire and then turning the gun on himself. Brown was a 12 year veteran of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department before spending the last six years in the FBI.

Neighbors saw smoke coming from the Brown residence and called 9-1-1 at approximately 11:50 p.m. By the time fire crews arrived on scene minutes later, the entire house was engulfed in flames.

“Mrs. Brown’s death was caused by a gunshot wound prior to the house fire,” Walkerville Police Chief Pat Frederick said, “while Mr. Brown’s single-bullet head wound appears to have been self-inflicted.”

“The totality of the evidence leads us to believe this is a murder-suicide. We believe he killed her, set the house on fire and then took his own life,” Frederick said.

The findings support conclusions by investigators Saturday that the couple perished in a murder-suicide during which the 4,000-square foot house was intentionally set on fire. Authorities outlined a likely scenario based on interviews with neighbors and comments posted on Mr. Brown’s Facebook page.

Brown is believed to have started the gasoline-fueled fire but spared the life of his beloved beagle, Dixie. “Prior to the fire, he dropped off the dog at a neighbor’s house,” Frederick said. “He put the dog in a neighbor’s backyard.”

A neighbor told WHAG that Brown appeared “panicked” though it is unclear whether his wife was dead before or after the dog was removed from their home.

The motive behind the killing is still being investigated, but police say Brown was a highly respected agent with the FBI and very well liked in the community. “What leads someone to this level of anger and violence with your wife, your loved one, who knows,” said an FBI official who knew the Brown family.

Conspiracy theories are running rampant throughout many alt. right media outlets, leading many to believe this was another “hit job” by the Clintons in retaliation for the FBI email leaks so close to the presidential election. Media outlets like Alex Jones’ Infowars and WND are running with the theory that globalist assassins, working for the Clintons, had the Brown family murdered and their home burned to destroy any possible evidence.

FBI Director James Comey refused to comment at this time but asked for privacy and prayer as the bureau comes to terms with losing “two very close friends.”

Tuesday, November 08, 2016
BREAKING!!! Nnamdi Kanu: Huge Number Of Biafrans Storm ECOWAS Court In High Spirit (Photos)

Photo Credit: Prince Gilbert Okeke
Supporters and members of the Indigenous People of Biafra have turned out in mass at the ECOWAS Court of justice to stand in solidarity with their leader, Nnamdi Kanu. More photos below...

Oriental Times: BREAKING!!! Nnamdi Kanu: Huge Number Of Biafrans Storm ECOWAS Court In High Spirit (

Oriental Times: BREAKING!!! Nnamdi Kanu: Huge Number Of Biafrans Storm ECOWAS Court In High Spirit (

Tuesday, November 08, 2016
BREAKING: Nnamdi Kanu, Others Storm Federal High Court In High Concept Biafra Attire (Photo)

The leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu and the other accused persons are currently in the federal high court Abuja.

Oriental Times: BREAKING: Nnamdi Kanu, Others Storm Federal High Court In High Concept Biafra Attire

Oriental Times: BREAKING: Nnamdi Kanu, Others Storm Federal High Court In High Concept Biafra Attire

Tuesday, November 08, 2016
BIAFRA: "They Call Them The 3 Wise Men From The East"...More Live Photos Of Kanu, Others In Court

We think these three people nailed the attire. More photos when you continue...

Oriental Times: BIAFRA:

Oriental Times: BIAFRA:


Wens 9th-Fri 11th, November, 2016

6pm(Tues) -6am (Wens)




6am-6am the next day

(Choose what you can handle please.)


" So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” (Genesis 1:27-28)

(Also read Genesis chapter 1, Psalm 50 and Psalm 111)

Welcome to our 3 days November prayer mountain!

In this second to the last month in the year 2016, I pray for you, may the womb of November be troubled by the stirring of The Holy Ghost to evacuate, surrender and give to you every miracle, testimony and breakthrough in it for you, on this mountain in Jesus Christ name amen.

If you are not BORN AGAIN or you are not sure of your position in Christ, repeat this confession please.

"Heavenly Father, I come to You today in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe in my heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe in my heart that He died for my sins, I believe that You raised Him from the dead for my justification. I receive Him today into my life as my personal LORD and SAVIOUR, remove my name from the book of the workers of iniquity and write my name in the BOOK OF LIFE. Take over my life from today and glorify Your name with it in Jesus Christ name, amen. (Pray until you have and fill peace in you)

And maybe, you were born again, but you are no longer sure of your stand. You have allowed the way of the world to take over your life again, PRAY: “My Father and my God, restore and heal my inner man. By Your Grace, renew, re-fire, possess me O Lord and use me for Your Glory in Jesus Christ name, amen"

(Note: Please pray in tongues also as well as in your own understanding. –Rom. 8:26. If you don’t speak in tongues, receive the Holy Ghost now with the evidence of speaking in tongues in Jesus Christ name amen. Let it flow now out of your belly and take over every part of you now! In Jesus Christ name, amen. Just open your mouth if you prayed now in faith and experience this precious gift of God to The Church)


Prayer of Repentance/Forgiveness

Praise/Worship/Prayer of thanksgiving.

Invite the Holy Spirit to help you to pray and pray through you.

1) My Father and my God, deliver me from any physical or spiritual affliction that came upon me as I sought for help in the wrong places in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 31:1)

2) My Father and my God, cause all that plot against me, my destiny or my family and those helping them to fail completely in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 31:3)

3) My Father and my God, defend me, deliver me and preserve me in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 31:5)

4) My Father and my God destroy every seed of revolt against Your ways in any area of my life and turn me back to You in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 31:6)

5) Ambush and destroy O Lord my Father, all the strong men, mighty men, mean men or the sword waiting to destroy me, my family or my loved ones by the spiritually or physically, in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 31:8)

6) My Father and my God, my eyes will never be dim nor my ears unable to hear You. On this mountain, anoint my eyes to see and my ears to hear into the Spirit realm for Your glory and my blessings in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 32:3)

7) My Father and my God, protect our men, women and children in the Body of Christ from the activities of Jezebel and her defiling agents. Keep our feet rooted in You and Your Will for my lives, in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 32:9)

8) My Father and my God restore and fill back all the Churches that have closed down or gone empty for one reason or the other. Strengthen the Shepherds and anoint them afresh. Give them Angelic assistance, that the glory of the latter house will be stronger than the former in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 32:14)

9) My Father and my God, on this mountain, pour Your Spirit afresh upon us and make us fruitful in every area of our lives in Jesus Christ name. (Isaiah 32:15b)

1 My Father and my God, concerning my life, do not keep silent any more. Come and take over and build Your fire in and around me in Jesus Christ name. (Psalm 50: 3)

11) My Father and my God, in ever country, gather all your covenant sons and daughters by Your Spirit, declare and show forth Your power through them and in them in Jesus Christ name, amen. (Psalm 50: 5)

12) My Father and my God, let every prayer request brought to You on this fasting and prayer mountain, receive divine speedy answers that will glorify You and draw souls to You in Jesus Christ name. (Gen. 49:24-25)

13) My Father and my God the earth is Yours and all that is in it belongs to You. We hand over the nations and their governments to You, break all Your adversaries into pieces, exalt and establish Your will in all the nations in Jesus Christ name, amen. (1 Samuel 2:1

14) Pray for revival in every Church represented here, using you as a point of contact in Jesus Christ name, amen. (Acts 2:47)

15) Thank God for all He has done for you and cover the answers to your prayers and the manifestations with the blood of Christ. ENJOY!!!


Mercredi 9-vendredi 11 novembre, 2016

60 (mardi) -60 (mercredi)

60 - 120

60 - 150

60 - 180

60. - 60 le lendemain

(Choisir ce que vous pouvez gérer s'il vous plaît.)

Ecriture à Méditer

“Dieu créa les hommes de sorte qu’ils soient son image, oui, il les créa de sorte qu’ils soient l’image de Dieu. Il les créa homme et femme. Dieu les bénit en disant : Soyez féconds, multipliez-vous, remplissez la terre, rendez-vous en maîtres, et dominez les poissons des mers, les oiseaux du ciel et tous les reptiles et les insectes.”

‭‭ (Genèse 1: 27-28)

(Egalement lire la genèse chapitre 1, Psaume 50 et le Psaume 111)

Bienvenue à la montagne de prière de notre jeune mensuel de 3 jours du mois de novembre

Dans cet avant-dernier mois de l'année 2016, je prie pour vous, que l'utérus de novembre soit troublé par l'agitation du Saint-esprit à évacuer, soumettre et vous donner tous les miracles, témoignages et percées pour vous, sur la montagne au nom de Jésus-Christ Amen.

Si vous n’êtes pas né de nouveau ou si vous n’êtes pas sûr de votre position en Christ, répétez cette confession s’il vous plaît.

« Père céleste, je viens à Toi aujourd'hui au nom du Seigneur Jésus-Christ. Je crois en mon cœur que Jésus Christ est le fils de Dieu. Je crois dans mon cœur qu’Il est mort pour mes péchés, je crois que Tu L’a ressuscité d'entre les morts pour ma justification. Je Le reçois aujourd'hui dans ma vie comme mon Seigneur et Sauveur personnel ; retire mon nom du livre des ouvriers d’iniquité et écris mon nom dans le LIVRE DE VIE. Prend contrôle de ma vie aujourd'hui et qu’elle glorifie Ton nom au nom de Jésus Christ, amen. (Priez jusqu'à ce que vous ayez et que vous soyez remplis de la paix)

Et peut-être, vous êtes nés de nouveau, mais vous n’êtes plus sûr de votre position. Vous avez permis au monde de reprendre votre vie encore une fois, priez :

« Mon Père et mon Dieu, restaure et guéris mon homme intérieur. Par Ta Grâce, renouvelle-moi, rallume Ton feu en moi, possède-moi Ô Seigneur et utilise-moi pour Ta gloire au nom de Jésus Christ, Amen » (Note : s’il vous plaît priez en langues ainsi que dans votre propre compréhension.-Romains 8:26.

Si vous ne parlez pas en langues, recevez le Saint-Esprit maintenant avec la preuve du parler en langues, au nom de Jésus Christ Amen. Laissez-le s’écouler maintenant de votre ventre et prendre en charge chaque partie de vous maintenant ! Au nom de Jésus Christ, Amen.

Ouvrez juste la bouche si vous priez maintenant dans la foi et expérimentez ce don précieux de Dieu à l’église)


Invitez l’Esprit Saint pour vous aider à prier et prier à travers vous.

Prière de Repentance/pardon

Louange/adoration/prière d’action de grâce

1) Mon père et Mon Dieu, délivre-moi de toute affliction physique ou spirituelle qui est venue sur moi quand j’ai demandé de l'aide dans les mauvais endroits au nom de Jésus-Christ. (Ésaïe 31: 1)

2) Mon père et Mon Dieu, cause que tout ce qui complote contre moi, mon destin ou ma famille et ceux qui les aident ne parviennent pas complètement au nom de Jésus-Christ, Amen. (Ésaïe 31: 3)

3) Mon père et Mon Dieu,défend-moi, délivre-moi et préserve-moi au nom de Jésus-Christ, Amen. (Ésaïe 31: 5)

4) Mon père et Mon Dieu détruit toutes les graines de révolte contre Ta voie dans tous les domaines de ma vie et fais moi retourner vers Toi au nom de Jésus-Christ, Amen. (Ésaïe 31: 6)

5) Tiens une embuscade et détruits o Seigneur Mon père, tous les hommes forts, les hommes puissants, les hommes méchants ou de l'épée qui attendent pour me détruir, ma famille ou mes proches spirituellement ou physiquement,au nom de Jésus-Christ, Amen. (Ésaïe 31:
