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Ndionyenma Chinedu changed his profile picture
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Nnamdi Kanu

By Nwafor Somtochukwu Aloysius
For Family Writers

It is undisputable that truth prevails; no matter how delayed, ignored or snubbed, truth is absolute. It does not hide; when encountered, it's always very glaring for all to see. Hence, fighting the truth has always been a waste of time and energy as it has never been in the history of the world for it to be overlooked.
From the above assertion, it adds to our basic knowledge and understanding that the new generation of Biafrans, which stands for truth and transparency, must prevail in their quest to restore Biafra no matter whosever stands on their way to hide the truth about Biafra from the public.

It is no longer news that the new generation of Biafrans under the leadership of our eminent Director, Nnamdi Kanu, will be the ones to restore Biafra. It is obvious that Biafrans are all over the world are speaking with one voice and united strength calling for the restoration of Biafra; doing all it takes to ensure the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, a prisoner of conscience. The campaign for his release took a different dimension when Biafrans wrote on every currency of the world: #FreeNnamdiKanu and #FreeBiafra.

It could also be recalled that lots of protests have been staged all over the world including in Biafra land where over 2 million people came out on the streets to protest against the incarceration of Nnamdi Kanu.

Furthermore, the Nigerian government has been dragged to different courts, for violating and trampling on the rights of the Indigenous People of Biafra and Nnamdi Kanu. Scores of Biafrans especially in Biafra land have been killed, while others are locked up and incarcerated for asking for the release of Nnamdi Kanu and the total freedom of Biafra.

In a bid to frustrate and suppress Biafrans asking for self determination, Nigeria, under the dictatorship and tyrannical policies of Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, has killed thousands of Biafrans while Nnamdi Kanu is still under illegal detention for asking for the freedom of Biafra.
Two courts of competent jurisdiction, ruled that the prisoner of conscience, Nnamdi Kanu should be released unconditionally and be granted bail, but Buhari being a dictator and a tyrant flaunted the court orders and no question was asked by the Judiciary.

Meanwhile, IPOB is recording lots of outstanding and unlimited success, as world powers have endorsed Biafra and mandated the Nigerian government to release Nnamdi Kanu and conduct a referendum for the people of Biafra.
Once again, Biafrans are set to record another outstanding and immense success, come November 8th at the ECOWAS court. Biafrans are already in high spirit ready to welcome back our eminent and lovely leader, Nnamdi Kanu as there is no doubt that justice must surely prevail at the end.

More so, IPOB are keeping their heads high, awaiting their long expected leader, who has been incarcerated only for asking for self-determination of his own people. We are also using this opportunity to alert the international community, to keep their eyes on Nigeria because the freedom of Biafra and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is not negotiable.

All hail Biafra!

Edited by Ngozi Kalu
For Family Writers.

at 09:310 Africa, Biafra, Featured, World News,

BIAFRA: Since 1967-1970 Biafra/Nigeria civil war which last for good three (3)years through the help of the British government super headed by Harold Wilson and his puppet Gowon. The newly elected president of America Richard Nixon has this to say “was tormented by the atrocities taking place, in the blessed nation of Biafra. He wanted to help but was frustrated by some bureaucrats around him. Nixon's frustration was vivid in his utterance.

“But genocide is what is taking place right now –and starvation in the grim reaper. This not the time to stand a ceremony, or to go through channels or to observe the diplomatic niceties. The destruction of an entire people is an immoral objective even in the most moral of war. It can never be justified; it can never be condoned”(Cities in Dan Jacobs, The Brutality of Nations,:74).

Many believed by exterminating the indigenous people of Biafra, they will have full control of the mineral resources on Biafra soil and keep looting Black Continent (Afrika) dry. Many world powers supplied weapons to the contraption Nigeria and also assisted them to subjugate and kill the indigenous clans. The Biafrans survived the war and also progressing in different sector after the war they were given 20pounds each both those that have millions in their accounts was given 20 pounds each. During the period many companies were packing and selling off their shares because of the small money the Nigeria government gave the Biafrans after the war they couldn’t participate in buying some companies but the still survived the hardship and moved on.

The indigenous people have been killed on a daily basis in the hands of the Islamic fundamentalist in the northern Nigeria and recently on Biafra soil still the world keep silence on their plight. The leader of the indigenous people of Biafra and Director of Radio Biafra – Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has been illegally detained for excising his fundamental human right with the United Nation Charter for self-determination which the contraption is a signatory to.

The indigenous people of Biafra (IPO has been calling and protesting peacefully around the world for the unconditional release of their leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu still the world is silent on the plight of indigenous people. Thousands of the peaceful protesting has been slaughtered and arrested unjustly for agitating for their right to self-determination they world refused to come to their aid. Many genocides committed in some parts of the world has been discussed and solved but the genocide committed against Biafran people in 1967-1970 has been swept under the carpet because they are the beacon of hope to Black World.

Shakespeare has these to say. “To every man upon this earth death
Cometh soon or later; And how can man die better Than facing fearful odds For the ashes of his fathersAnd the temples of his gods.

The ascent African state of Biafra took up the challenge to lead the children of African out “From the bondage of the age” but was killed by the those who act as if they really love Africa and Africans such as the then British prime minister, Harold Wilson and the then American president, Lyndon Johnson, who responded to famine in Biafra in 1968 have these to say about the plights of Biafra. “I don’t care what you do. Just get those black babies off my TV screen. But people like Yakubu Gowon and his colleagues, in their naivety, may have believed that these two influential leaders were lovers not only of the contraption called Nigeria but of the entire Africa continent.

The western world uses African leader (looters) as willing tools to kill their up strings. Supplying weapons in the name of fighting terrorism. They create terrorist groups to destroy humanity to take up powers to keep looting and banking it aboard.
They cry for the indigenous people of Biafra will judge the world of injustice. The UN, EU, and AU has been mute seeing the injustice and atrocities going on in the native soil and they do nothing about even when evidence has been given and shown to the indigenous people. The Nigeria states is an illegal entity created to last for 100years of amalgamation which 31st December 2013 the state of Nigeria was declared invalid.
Freedom for Biafra is the freedom of Black Continent.

#FreeNnamdiKanu a prisoner of conscience.

By Nwabueze Hope Ikenna
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For Umuchiukwu Writers.



By Ifechineke Akpu
For Family Writers

On November 8, 2016, something beyond expectations will take place on this planet earth, the good will take the power from the bad and evil.

Nigerian will face the eminent counsel of Mazi OHAMADIKE Nnamdi Kanu, the director of Radio Biafra/Biafra TV, the man that see the future of his people Biafrans, this same man predicted the mess Nigeria is in today. He told world that if Nigeria refuses to give us Biafra, Nigeria will be a hell and Somalia will be a Paradise compared to Nigeria. He also predicted on Radio Biafra that a toilet paper in America will worth more than the Nigerian currency- naira.
All these are all taking place now, which is why many call him a prophet.

He was arrested and unlawfully detained by Nigeria DSS, he was granted bail twice by Nigerian courts but the orders were flagrantly disobeyed by the Nigerian government.
Mazi Nnamdi Kanu's human rights have so much been trampled upon. This triggered the suit filed by his legal team against Nigerian government at ECOWAS court. The case was heard on October 6, but later adjourned to November 8 because of the absence of legal team of Nigerian government.
I believed that, November 8, was planned by God, because this same day Americans are deciding their next president through the ballot box. It is also a fight between good and evil.
Trump was ordained by God to liberate America from the mess Obama administration brought to America.

On this day November 8 the evil Nigeria will face the child of God, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu who represents truth and light in Africa. This is a fight believed to determine the future of the world, because if Trump and Mazi Nnamdi Kanu win, together they will save the world from pending doom of islamization that Obama and Hillary with their Arab counterparts are pushing for.
We the Biafrans must all stand for what is right.

November 8 will be a war day between good and evil in America and Nigeria. All of us must pray and be resolute

Edited by Paul Ihechi Alagba
For Family Writers.

at 14:280 Africa, Biafra,

IPOB: The Land of the Rising Sun. We love and cherish, the land of our brave heroes and heroine. The land that flows with milk and honey. The bounties of the black world. The optimism of humanity. The luminosity of the world. And most prominently the “SALT OF THE EARTH”.

Salt is the most valued spice meal needs before it can. Biafrans are the salt of the earth because anywhere you find a Biafran that land where the inhabit is nourished and consecrated, because of the blessings upon them enormous. They are the blessings of the world but the world abhorrence and covetousness of their various talents upon them.

The ignore them, kill them, jail them because of the colour of their skin. But I don’t think any rational individual will fail to attach salt on their meal because you don’t want it to be tasteless. You don’t need to fight the salt of the earth because without it you can’t eat your meals comfortably. We are the replica of creation. Ndi- Gboo (ancient people) the language we speak is older than the universe. We are the image of the supreme creator of the universe. I see no reason why you should maintain on killing what will merit you and our generations. You have been eating from her bounties for centuries and keeping her up strings in abject poverty.

Now her children are saying no to your supremacy and injustice in black continent. You decide to kill them through your puppet tyrant Mohammed Buhari the Boko Haram sponsor.
The salt of the earth (Biafra) mean no impairment to you because you need us and we need you. The freedom of the salt of the earth will bring absolute peace to the world as a whole. Because everyone on land needs these salt of the earth (Biafra) to survive. We bring the light and symbolise “Truth” which has been concealed for centuries because there is a saying EZIOKWU BU NDU” (Truth Is Life).

We cherish humanity and live in harmony with them. Nwanne di na mba (brothers and sisters who live in a strange land). We don’t take lives of a person so effortlessly because we believe Mmadu (the beauty of life). The life of a person is more precious than “Gold” The world as a whole must be made to comprehend that you can’t keep on hiding the identities of the indigenous people Biafra for long because of your selfish interest in the bounties of their land.

The erasing of the blessed nation of Biafra from the map of the world was the nastiest mistake they took and decisions. Keeping mute on the plight of the salt of the earth will sputter more disaster to Nigeria and the world at the large because you can’t do without the salt of the earth (Biafrans). The salt of the earth (Biafra) has stood their ground with one voice to restore the kingdom of CHIUKWU OKIKE ABIAMA (the supreme creator of the universe) on earth. And that task must be accomplished by her resoluteness, relentless and formidability of her up strings. We shall stop at nothing because we have nothing to lose. If the world needs absolute peace in the world at large, they must let the salt of the earth (Biafra) go in peace because they have nothing to lose at the End they always win.

There braveness and greatness are embedded in their DNA. You cannot quench the light they bear because CHIUKWU OKIKE AHBIAMA PURU IME IHE NILE has destined that his kingdom must be restored, that nothing born of a woman can stop the light from shining. Because her freedom is the freedom of the world. And the image we have is the likeness of the supreme creator of the universe (CHIUKWU OKIKE AHBIAMA).

The mostHigh must nurture, consecrate and restore his kingdom and men shall see it and adore his wondrous works in the life of the salt of the earth (Biafra). You have nothing to be afraid of because the world as a whole need her to eat contentedly. Without salt in your meal your meal is tasteless and worthless. So, stop killing her because of your covetousness and detestation against them. Consecrate them because they are the blessing the world at large needs. Freedom for black world. Free Mazi Nnamdi Kanu the IPOB leader unconditionally because the more he stays there, the more mischief it causes the world. Free the SALT OF THE EARTH (Biafra) since you can’t do without it.

Recognize their contributions to humanity than shying away from the Truth.

#FreeNnamdiKanu a prisoner of conscience

By Nwabueze Hope Ikenna
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For UmuChiukwu Writers.


00:38 - 1 Comments

By Emerenini Paul

For FamilY Writers

My soul shall rest
When I hear the pronouncement
Of justice
When I hear the echo of joy
When I see my people jubilating
In Biafra my soul shall rest.

My soul shall rest
In a peaceful state
In a worry free zone
In a condusive atmosphere
In Biafra my soul shall rest.

My soul shall rest
Amidst humanity
Among people of value
Among people of unity
Among people of Biafra
In Biafra my soul shall rest

My soul shall rest
When my freedom is secured
When am assured of living among humans
When life is valued above all things
When human right is respected
In Biafra my soul shall rest.

My soul shall rest
Without any anxiety
Without any fear of intimidation
Without any fear of suppression
In Biafra my soul shall rest

My soul shall rest
When the descendant of Gad
Begin to return from the East
When the tribe of Eri assemble from the west
When the north is deserted
When south is isolated
In Biafra my soul shall rest

My soul shall rest
When am sure of my children future
When actualization of my child Destiny is certain.
In Biafra my soul shall rest

My soul shall rest
When the evil ones, Destiny killers
Like Rochas okorocha, Uwazurike's
Obiano's, Ikpeazu's, Ohaneze's,
Efulefu's and co-host of them
Are sent to exile to the land of no return
In Biafra my soul shall rest

My soul shall rest
When I see Buhari's certificate
When Buhari gives account for the PTF missing money
When Aishia Buhari's Halliburton scandal is probe
In Biafra my soul shall

My soul shall rest
When Buhari defines what treason is
When Buhari defines what dual citizenship is
When Buhari defines what human right is
In Biafra my soul shall

My soul shall rest
The day I will see Nnamdi Kanu
Face to Face
The day I will behold the man
Who opened my eyes
The man who taught me whom my brothers are
The man who cut the tree of amenities among brothers
The man who delight in the unity of his people
In Biafra my soul shall rest

My soul shall rest
When selfless man Nnamdi Kanu
The man who exposed evil
The man who indicted Barack Husen Obama of terrorist sponsorship.
The man who challenged Britain and her prime minister David Cameron
In Biafra my soul shall rest

My soul shall rest
When the killers of Biafran peaceful protesters are brought to book
When those buried in a mass grave are given a befitting burial
When the killers of our sister Bridget the preacher in kano are brought to book
When those who are maimed for life are brought back to their normal health as they were before
In Biafra my soul shall rest

My soul shall rest
When the hands of Britain is broken
When the legs of America is paralyzed
When the eyes of France is blinded
In Biafra my soul shall rest.

My soul shall rest
When Buhari admits that
Nnamdi Kanu in us is greater
Than Buhari, Rochas, Amechi, Obiano etc in them
In Biafra my soul shall rest

BIAFRA:Unstoppable Hit Of Revolution to Heat Up Nigeria
at 1430 Africa, Biafra

BIAFRA: Nigeria Civil War of 1963 - 1979 had been a disturbing reference point of excuses so many elders that aged Nigeria 1914 contraption with genocidal experiences has been leading to, though it took so many Heroes and Heroines souls of great Biafrans but the baffling one that may take up to thrice number of lost souls in that regrettable pogrom achieved by Yakubu Gowon will soon issue in the form of revolution if Mohammed Buhari does not cut down the level of tyrannical and witch-hunting style of government he has approached.

The arrest of Femi -Fani-Kayode has repeated itself, after detaining his Wife and eight months baby in EFCC evil custody. This shows the high level of wickedness a man in the person of Mohammed Buhari will ever posture in rendering public services of protecting Lives and properties. ECOWAS court has made a statutory function of settling peace amongst member countries by passing verdict to release the embattled security Adviser of then President Dr Goodluck Jonathan, Dazuki with a penalty of #15,000,000 for violation of his Human Right but is unfortunate today that Mr Dazuki fate of being released is not achievable.

After Justice John dropped and withdrew his hands from the case of treasonable felony levied against the Director of Radio Biafra and Leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO Dr Nnamdi Kanu by Mohammed Buhari, the Sister of Buhari from Daura were transferred the case to by Buhari. Displaying their evil agenda, Justice Binta Nyako fixed the hearing of the same case to a day of sitting ECOWAS Court has chosen to hear Dr Nnamdi Kanu's case which he sued Federal Government of Nigeria. This is an absolute slap to judicial process and system.

Buhari has recently directed the police department (Department of Security Services set up in protecting the presidency) to invade homes of Justices in quest of recovering alleged bribery allegations levied on the said Judges with proper search and arrest warrant/order ( Those arrested include Justice Sylvester Nguta and John Okoro of the Supreme Court and Adeniyi Ademola of the Federal High Court Abuja, Justice Muazu Pindiga of Gombe State; Kabiru Auta of Kano State, Innocent Umezulike, of Enugu State and Justice).

Before now, there are constitutional provisions which empower Both National Judicial Council, National Bar Association, and the Chief Justice of the Federation to look into matters and cases involving Judges, Lawyers and SANs internally before other agencies may look into such situations. Mr Buhari boycotted these processes, hierarchy and went ahead to arrest the judges under allegation without a proper court order.

Days ago, Mr Buhari met with elders of Niger Delta region to discuss methods and situations surrounding Niger Delta and how to resolve the constant problem (Oil spillages, Bombings, gas flaring, etc.). On a fateful thrust, the elders trusted Buhari and graced his call, but unknown to them Buhari were using the avenue to put them in the dark over his atrocious agenda as he sent more 4 war boats and 34,000 troops to Niger Delta environ Meanwhile, soldiers has been killing innocent youths who has been on daily businesses.

Revolution is calling as MEND has joined force with the dreaded Niger Delta Avengers to achieve their goal of operation zero economies. The Youths went on to pose war with the Buhari murderous agents that "we are ready for war".On the part of the elders( The region’s leaders, under the aegis of Pan Niger Delta Forum, also demanded the clean-up of other communities affected by spill, besides Ogoniland), they presented 16 points demand Which includes relocation of Oil companies headquarters base of operation and restoration of Oil blocks to indigenous owners etc. If anything funny happens to Kanu than release on 8th of November, it gets to be another face of war.

By Prince Richmond Amadi
Editor Udeagha Obasi
For Umuchiukwu Writers


November 6, 2016

Public Enlightenment Series - #4


A: Questions related to the Plaintiff, who in this instance is the regime of Major-General Muhammadu Buhari’s DSS
Q1) Is it legally permissible for the Plaintiff (Buhari’s DSS) to use a name outside that prescribed by law setting it up?

Section-1 of CAP N74 L.F.N. 2004 states as follows;
1. Establishment of National Security Agencies
There shall, for the effective conduct of national security, be established the following National Security Agencies, that is to say-
(a) the Defence Intelligence Agency;
(b) the National Intelligence Agency; and
(c) The State Security Service.

It is obvious, going by the above provisions, that there is no law setting up Department of State Security (DSS), which renders illegal every document containing the name. To this effect, all processes filed before Justice Binta Nyako by the said DSS is by statute null and void because the name does not exist in law.

Q2) By the law setting up the Plaintiff, does it have the power of prosecution?
Section-2(3) of CAP N74 L.F.N. 2004 states as follows;
(3) The State Security Service shall be charged with responsibility for-
(a) The prevention and detection within Nigeria of any crime against the internal security of Nigeria;
(b) The protection and preservation of all non-military classified matters concerning the internal security of Nigeria; and
(c) Such other responsibilities affecting internal security within Nigeria as the National Assembly or the President, as the case may be, may deem necessary.

There is nothing in the law setting-up the State Security Services (SSS) that gave it the power of prosecution. By protocol, the SSS is supposed to hand all suspects over to the police for prosecution because the police have the constitutional mandate for the prosecution of civilians.

Q3) Is the Plaintiff not usurping the duties of the Police?
Section-4 of CAP P19 L.F.N. 2004 states as follows;
4. General duties of the police
The police shall be employed for the prevention and detection of crime, the apprehension of offenders, the preservation of law and order, the protection of life and property and the due enforcement of all laws and regulations with which they are directly charged, and shall perform such military duties within or outside Nigeria as may be required of them by, or under the authority of this or any other Act.
Section-23 of CAP P19 L.F.N. 2004 states as follows;
23. Conduct of prosecutions
Subject to the provisions of sections 174 and 211 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (which relate to the power of the Attorney-General of the Federation and of a State to institute and undertake, take over and continue or discontinue criminal proceedings against any person before any court of law in Nigeria), any police officer may conduct in person all prosecutions before any court, whether or not the in- formation or complaint is laid in his name.

Again, it is evident from available court records that Buhari's DSS has been conducting the prosecution of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu instead of the office of the Attorney General contrary to all known laws of Nigeria and common sense. At the initial stages of the trial, from the Magistrate's Court to the High Court, it was a certain Mr. Idakwo, a paid employee of DSS, that appeared in court on behalf of the prosecution. The very corrupt Justice John Tsoho allowed this travesty of justice to be recorded in his court. It wasn't until Nnamdi Kanu's defence lawyers raised an objection in an open court did this Mr. Idakwo stop sitting as a prosecutor.

B: Questions related to Charge #1
The charge reads as follows:
“That you, Nnamdi Kanu and other unknown persons, now at large, at London, United Kingdom, between 2014 and September, 2015 with intention to levy war against Nigeria in order to force the President to change his measures of being the President of the Federation, Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federation as defined in Section 3 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) by doing an act to wit: Broadcast on Radio Biafra your preparations for the states in the South- East geo-political zone, South-South geo-political zone, the Igala Community of Kogi State and the Idoma/Igede Community of Benue State to secede from the Federal Republic of Nigeria and form themselves into a Republic of Biafra, and thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 41(C) of the Criminal Code Act, CAP C38 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.“

Q1) How can the Plaintiff be charging Nnamdi Kanu along with “unknown persons“?

Q2) By using the term “unknown persons now at large“, is it possible that these “unknown persons“ may include David Cameron, Muhammadu Buhari, Justice Binta Nyako, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, Rotimi Amaechi, Rochas Okorocha, and even Mamman Daura?

Q3) By what means is Nnamdi Kanu with these “unknown persons“ levying war against Nigeria as stated in Section-41(c) of CAP C38 L.F.N. 2004?

Q4) How reliable is this charge when there was no specific day and month in 2014 when the commission of this act commenced and when exactly in September of 2015 did it end?

Q5) Is the Plaintiff confirming that by broadcasting through Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu and these “unknown persons“ have levied war against Nigeria?

Q6) How many people are among these “unknown persons“?

Q7) Is the referenced South-East and South-South geo-political zones part of the Nigerian Constitution or recognized in any of the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria?

Q8) If the referenced geo-political zones are not legal and if they are unconstitutional, should the charge still be valid or thrown out because of lack of validity?

It is laughable that a so-called intelligence agency will charge “unknown persons“ in a case as serious as a treasonable felony. By using the term “unknown persons,“ the DSS is providing itself with an open cheque to arrest, detain, and intimidate anybody because such a person cannot exclude himself or herself from the group of “unknown persons.“ Secondly, the accusation of the commission of a crime must have exactness in all the elements including dates of the commission of the crime. Without this exactness, the accusation is all mere propaganda and should be summarily dismissed to avoid wasting the time of the court as well as tax-payers‘ money in funding the court case. It is also important that the intelligence agency does not go outside the law by using terminology such as “South-East geo-political zone“ and “South-South geo-political zone“ which are not contained in the Constitution or any extant law of Nigeria.

C: Questions related to Charge #2
The charge reads as follows:
“That you, Nnamdi Kanu and others, now at large, between 2012 and September, 2015 at South-East geo-political zone and the South-South geo-political zone of Nigeria within the jurisdiction of this honourable court manage an unlawful society with more than 10 members to wit: unregistered with the Corporate Affairs Commission or any other registration authority to wit. The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO thereby committed an offence which is punishable under Section 63 of the Criminal Code Act, CAP C38, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.”

Q1) Is the Plaintiff insinuating that by not registering with the CAC or any other registration authority, IPOB is now an unlawful society?

Q2) Is being unregistered part of the qualifying conditions for an organization to be deemed unlawful society?

Q3) Is there anywhere in Section-62(2) of CAP C38 L.F.N. 2004 which states that not being registered with CAC or other registration authority is a condition for an organization to be deemed unlawful society?

Q4) How did the Plaintiff know that IPOB has more than ten members?

Q5) How did Nnamdi Kanu manage IPOB?

Q6) Which specific condition under Section-62(2) that makes IPOB an unlawful society?

Q7) Who are these “others“ that are charged along with Nnamdi Kanu?

Q8) By using the term “others now at large“ and from “Southeast and South-South geo-political zone,“ is it possible that these “others“ may include Willie Obiano, Rotimi Amaechi, Rochas Okorocha, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa, Nyesom Wike, Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, Joe Igbokwe, Orji Uzor Kalu, etc, etc?

Q9) Is the referenced South-East and South-South geo-political zones part of the Nigerian Constitution or recognized in any of the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria?

Q1 If the referenced geo-political zones are not legal and if they are unconstitutional, should the charge still be valid or thrown out because of lack of validity?

Q11) Is the Plaintiff stating that Nnamdi Kanu and these “others“ are managing the unlawful society (IPO within the South-East and South-South regions of Nigeria only (no other region was mentioned in the charge sheet)?

Q12) How reliable is this charge when there is no specific day and month in 2012 when the management of the unlawful society started and when exactly in September of 2015 is the Plaintiff referring to?

A thorough review of Section-62(2) of CAP C38 which defines an unlawful society did not show that being unregistered with the CAC or any registration body is a condition for an organization to be regarded as unlawful. But this charge stated clearly that because IPOB is unregistered with the CAC or any other registration boy, it is, therefore, an unlawful society. Therefore the premise upon which this charge is framed is unarguably false, and the charge should be thrown out without further debate.

D: Questions related to Charge #3
The charge reads as follows:
“That you, Nnamdi Kanu between the months of March and April, 2015 imported into Nigeria and kept in Ubulusiuzor town in Ihiala local Government Area of Anambra State within the jurisdiction of this honourable court, a radio transmitter known as TRAM 5OL concealed in a container which you described as containing household items, which you so declared and that, you thereby committed an offence punishable under section 47(2) (a) of the Customs and Excise Management Act.”
Q1) What is the proof that the imported item was imported by Nnamdi Kanu?

Q2) Is the Plaintiff providing any evidence that the item was concealed in a container and that all documents related to this container belong to Nnamdi Kanu?

Q3) Is the Plaintiff providing evidence that the said item was imported within the time specified on the charge sheet?
Q4) And if this is not the case, should the charge be thrown out for lacking validity regarding correctness of dates?

What the discerning public want to know is at what time will the importer of items be free from the clutches of the corrupt government officials? How come this charge was brought almost a year after the item was cleared and approved by the same government officials? Is the referenced law operated retroactively? If an item is cleared and approved, how then is it legal for the same government that did the clearing and approval to reverse itself after almost one year and claim that their clearance and approval contravenes the law? In this charge, there was no mention of the officials that cleared and approved the item. It is our understanding that government officials do inspect items to make sure that they tally with what the documents state before clearance and approval is given. So what happened in this case?

Analysis by:
Barrister Emma Nmezu
Dr. Clifford Chukwuemeka Iroanya

Spokespersons for IPOB