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IPOB: November 8th 2016 is an enormous month of episode that will quiver the world

IPOB: November 8th 2016 is an enormous month of episode that will quiver the world

By Nwabueze Hope Ikenna

For Family Writers

The leader of the indigenous people of Biafra(IPO and Director of the most Ogbunigwe Radio Biafra /Biafra TV Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, a prisoner of conscience, who has been in detention since 14th October 2015 till date, would be appearing in court tomorrow been the 8th of November 2016. Even after two courts of competent jurisdictions have ordered his unconditional release, the Nigeria government refused to obey the rule of law. This portrays another fact of evidence to back what Nnamdi Kanu was propagating on Radio Biafra for years that the contraption called Nigeria is a lawless entity. No one gets justice in the zoological republic of baboons and monkeys. Adjournment upon adjournment.

The legal team of the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra {IPOB} and Director of Radio Biafra/TV Mazi Nnamdi Kanu is taking the contraption (Nigeria) to ECOWAS court for disobeying the rule of law. The last ruling of ECOWAS which Nigeria failed to appear never, States that if the contraption called Nigeria fails to show up again on 8th November which is Tuesday 2016, they would proceed with their judgments on the case. In addition, the presiding judge in Abuja high court fixed the same date with the ECOWAS hearing that is the indication that the presiding justice Binta Iyanko is already been bias in the case of Nnamdi Kanu.

After Buhari's marionette justice Tosho who was bribed with N100 million to jail the IPOB leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu got embarrassed and he stepped down from the case, Judge Binta seems to be another willing tool. Now we have Justice Binta who was alleged to be tyrant Muhammadu Buhari sister from the same state, was also alleged of corruption charges which tyrant Muhammadu Buhari has promised her if she could jail the IPOB leader that the charges against her will be detached. The question one needs to counter is, Will justice Binta dance to Buhari's tune? Will she allow justice to prevail for the IPOB leader? Will she allow a dictator such as Buhari to destroy her own image? What is the NBA doing in the case? The contraption is an expired entity created to last for 100years of amalgamation that ended on 31st December 2014.

The leader of the indigenous people of Biafra must not waste these Christmas in another jail term. Hell will let loss if anything should happen to IPOB leader who commands about 70 millions of Biafrans all over the world. November 8th 2016 is an enormous month of episode that will tremble the world. Justice must prevail for the IPOB leader because self-determination is enshrined in the United Nation Charter 2007 that Nigeria is a signatory to. As the United States of American embark on her presidential election come 8th November 2016 the same date which the leader of the Indigenous people of Biafra (IPO goes to court. Biafrans are optimistic that their leader will get justice in ECOWAS court come 8th November 2016 because self-determination is a fundamental human right which is enshrined in United Nation Charter 2007, which gave the indigenous people of Biafra right to self-determination. Biafra and IPOB leader freedom is sacrosanct. Justice must prevail because we are the children of light. Injustice everywhere is a threat to justice anywhere.

Biafrans are not demanding much. Free their leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu and the restoration of the blessed nation of Biafra nothing more, nothing less. Allow us to restore the ancient landmark of our fathers. Without the history, one cannot tell what the future brings. A people without a history cannot tell the outcome of the future because the past will always be guidelines to the future. The mistakes of our fathers will be corrected if the history is there. However, that’s not the case with the contraption called Nigeria where history was prohibited in schools because of their atrocities and genocides committed against the Biafra people in 1967-1970.

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu only exercised his fundamental human right and he was imprisoned for speaking out loud for justice. Calling a spade a spade, Calling evil by its name, does that necessitate for his arrest and detention? Why oblige forceful marriage against their aspiration? Nigeria killed about 3.5 million Biafra people whose only crime was that Chukwu Okike Abiama (the supreme creator of the universe) blessed them. Because they are called by his names and because they are Biafrans.

Unity is not by force. Detaining Nnamdi Kanu will not stop the restoration of Biafra. Biafra is an ideology that cannot be killed with guns and bullets. Guns and bullets cannot kill an ideology Buhari's advices should let him know that. Biafra is an ideology and a spirit. Be warned, stay away from the moving train before it crushes you down. Release the leader IPOB unconditionally before you experience more disaster to come.

Edited by Somto Okonkwo

Biafra: As Nnamdi Kanu meets expired Nigeria in court, November 8; Biafrans express lost faith in the contraption and its rotten and illegitimate Judiciary
at 00:500 Biafra, Featured,

By Tim Tochukwu
For Biafra Choice Writers

Come Tuesday, November 8, the evil, spent and rotten contraption called Nigeria will put on display once again another of its fake court sessions. It will be another sham trial of Nnamdi Kanu – leader of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPO and Director of Radio Biafra and Biafra Television – who has committed no offence than expose Nigeria for what it is, a huge lie.

Nigerian ruling Fulani oligarchy has been trying to put him behind bars, in other to stop him from exposing more of the rotten evil underbelly of the contraption. Yes, evil Nigeria and its wicked rulers are raging against Nnamdi Kanu and Biafrans because they had the temerity to establish radio and Biafra television station outside the shores of Nigeria, beyond their fascist control. So, unlike they have done over the years – closing down Biafra-centric media houses, and running none-conforming journalists out of the workforce – they were unable to stop the systematic exposure that Kanu and IPOB were making about Nigeria.

For any man who is true to himself, the fact cannot be denied that Nigeria is not a country, but a contraption forged by colonialists by forcing disparate peoples together and placing them within one border.
Nigeria is a lie, which is why all its Constitutions (from the time of its flag Independence till date) have been illegitimate documents that made all the institutions arising from them as illegitimate as them. Even various Nigeria governmental activities and events like Independence Day celebrations; court processes; elections; and budgets and spending, are sham. They have all been instruments of deception, meant to deceive the gullible and to maintain its false/forced unity.

Apart from this, even when few conscientious people try to do the right things, Nigerian government functionaries (products of same sham systems) have consistently manipulated things to conform to original intentions of the colonialists. This explains why Buhari would disobey court orders that do not favour him. Twice, conscientious judges have ordered the unconditional release of Nnamdi Kanu, but Buhari and his Gestapo have refused to obey the court orders.

For this reason, Biafrans no longer have faith in Nigeria or its courts. Right now, Biafrans say it loud and clear that they are not moved by this “trial” of Nnamdi Kanu, who has become the symbol of Biafra restoration (Biafrexit). In fact Biafra is no longer moved by anything Nigeria does. The contraption is a lie; its actions are shams, mere deception; and its institutions, phantoms.

It is therefore not surprising that Buhari and his Nigeria chose to fix this trial on the same date that the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Court will be attending to the case of human rights violation brought before it by Nnamdi Kanu, against Buhari and Nigeria. It is only in this court that Biafrans are hoping that justice will be done, and they are looking forward to its judgment.

Nnamdi Kanu must be free; Biafra must be independent of Nigeria. There is no two-ways about it.



By Kings J.V Chibuzor
For Family Writers

As we all know and have seen the situation of America and that of Nigeria where tyrannosaurus and hitlers have taken over power. The regime of president Barack Obama of America who have secretly been causing Christians in America and all over the world all sorts of subjugations by implementing the sharia law which abstruse the right of Christians in America, this has brought terrorism in the country. In Nigeria, President Muhammadu Buhari proved that he is the tyranny and hitler of the highest order.

Muhammadu Buhari previously committed a treasonable crime which the incompetent and Corrupt leading bodies in Nigeria neglected and went ahead to elect him into power. Now, he has continued where he stopped by commencing on killings and committing crimes against humanity, he has placed the laws and constitution of the country into his hands. He is now the chief judge of every Nigeria court, he is now the person deciding the faith of all the court hearing in Nigeria which recently lead to all the judges and lawyers in the country embarking on a massive protest, telling president Muhammadu Buhari to obey the court orders and release all the prisoners that have been granted bail by court orders most especially Nnamdi Kanu the leader of the Indigenous People Of Biafra and the director of radio Biafra who is been held by the Nigerian government despite been granted bail by two courts sitting in Abuja.

He was arrested for exercising self determination which is under United Nations (UN) law, for every Indigenous People to exercise.

The UN law states:
The Declaration on Friendly Relations reiterates that "all peoples" have the right to self-determination and identifies two purposes which will achieved by its realization: 1) promoting friendly relations and co-operation among States and 2) bringing a speedy end to colonialism. No definition of peoples is offered, and neither of the purposes suggests that one of the goals of self-determination is to provide every ethnically distinct people with a state. The resolution reaffirms that self-determination may be achieved through independence, free association, or integration, as well as through "the emergence into any other political status freely determined by a people."

1. Incorporation into the Charter of the United Nations5 The principle of self-determination was invoked on many occasions during World War II. It was also proclaimed in the Atlantic Charter (Declaration of Principles of 14 August 1941), in which President Roosevelt of the United States and Prime Minister Churchill of the United Kingdom declared, inter alia, that they desired to see ‘no territorial changes that do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned’ (Principle 2 Atlantic Charter), that they respected ‘the right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they will live’ (Principle 3 Atlantic Charter) and that they wished to see ‘sovereign rights and self-government restored to those who have been forcibly deprived of them’ (Principle 3 Atlantic Charter). The provisions of the Atlantic Charter were restated in the Declaration by United Nations (United Nations (UN)) signed on 1 January 1942, in the Moscow Declaration of 1943 and in other important instruments of the time.6 Ultimately, the provisions of the Atlantic Charter had a considerable influence on the work of the San Francisco Conference of 1945 where the concept of self-determination took shape and was incorporated into the United Nations Charter (‘UN Charter’). Art. 1 UN Charter states that it is one of the purposes of the UN to ‘develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace’.

2. In Chapter IX UN Charter on International Economic and Social Cooperation, Art. 55 UN Charter lists several goals the organization should promote in the spheres of economics, education, culture, and human rights with a view, as is noted in the introductory clause, ‘to the creation of conditions of stability and well-being which are necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples’. The UN Charter also implicitly refers to the principle of self-determination in the part concerning colonies and other dependent territories. Art. 73 UN Charter affirms that members of the United Nations which have or assume responsibilities for the administration of territories whose peoples have not yet attained a full measure of self-government recognize the principle that the interests of the inhabitants of these territories are paramount, and accept as a sacred trust the obligation to promote to the utmost, within the system of international peace and security established by the present Charter, the well-being of the inhabitants of these territories.7 Furthermore, Art. 76 (b) UN Charter provides that one of the basic objectives of the trusteeship system is to promote the ‘progressive development’ of the inhabitants of the trust territories towards ‘self-government or independence’, taking into account, inter alia, ‘the freely expressed wishes of the peoples concerned’ (see also United Nations Trusteeship System).8 In trying to assess the legal significance of these provisions it should not be assumed that the concept of self-determination became a legally binding principle of conventional international law by the mere fact of its incorporation into the UN Charter. Although the provisions concerning non-self-governing and trust territories entail binding international obligations, the general principles of self-determination and of equal rights of peoples, which in the formula used by the UN Charter appear to be two component elements of the same concept, seem to be too vague and also too complex to entail specific rights and obligations. In particular, the UN Charter neither supplies an answer to the question as to what constitutes a ‘people’ nor does it lay down the content of the principle. In the absence of any concrete definition, and taking into account the highly various facts of international life, it cannot realistically be interpreted, applied or implemented like a legal norm and thus primarily possesses a very strong moral and political force in guiding the organs of the UN in the exercise of their powers and functions. This interpretation is supported by the fact that self-determination is conceived in the text of Art. 1 UN Charter as one among several possible ‘measures to strengthen universal peace’ and, in order to fulfil its instrumental function, must therefore be of a highly flexible nature.

Now, we are hoping for the upcoming victory of two almighty leaders come 8th of November 2016, Donald Trump who is campaigning to restore back the dignity of America and make the world a better place, He will triumph been the president of America because one of the characteristics of a good leader is leadership by example, he has given all the examples needed that Obama and Hillary Clinton can't present. Secondly, leadership by act, he says the truth and do the truth no matter how hard it is, which is the key behind every successful human being.

This tension between genuine values and openness of mind is the defining characteristic of true leadership. It is a great tension. Like balancing on a high wire, it compels us to act. Or else we fall.Without this tension, leaders never develop any of the following: Responsibility and Creativity should they? There’s no reason for them to, remember? It’s only when your ideology is failing to enact your values.You begin to understand that true responsibility isn’t just to your ideology – but to your values. And finally, you develop creativity by going beyond mere ideology, creating truly novel ways to bring your genuine values to fruition. Our leaders today aren’t quite capable of any of that. The tension of real leadership isn’t in them. That is why they aren’t crossing the high wire, but falling off it – and taking us down with them.We desperately need not just better but truer ones like Donald Trump. His passion for freedom, good federalism and nationalism in line with Nnamdi Kanu will bring forth victory come 8th of November which is a must because the creator of the heavens and the earth knows it.

8th of November will be the court hearing of Nnamdi Kanu, Who Buhari instructed to hold his court hearing date the same day the ECOWAS COURT of justice sitting in Abuja will pass the final judgment, I have never in my life time seen this kind of catastrophic act by a sitting democratic President trying to hinder judgment of the ECOWAS court by every means possible.
We know and believe that there is nothing hidden under the sun, you cannot hide the truth and neither you can't suppress it from prevailing. And come 8th of November, America citizens will decide their faith on Election Day. Donald Trump is going to be a great president and he will make America and the world at large great again.

Edited by Somto okonkwo
For family writers

ALERT! ALERT!! ALERT!!! Buhari have succeeded in putting pressure on Justice Binta Nyako to fake illness and not attend the hearing tomorrow
at 00:460 Biafra, Featured, Politics,

Biafra: As Nnamdi Kanu meets expired Nigeria in court, November 8; Biafrans express lost faith in the contraption and its rotten and illegitimate Judiciary
ALERT! ALERT!! ALERT!!! Buhari have succeeded in putting pressure on Justice Binta Nyako to fake illness and not attend the hearing tomorrow
BIAFRA:Unstoppable Hit Of Revolution to Heat Up Nigeria

IPOB has received information confirmed by our intelligence team that Buhari through his secret police the DSS have succeeded in putting pressure on Justice Binta Nyako to fake illness and not attend the hearing tomorrow in the case involving the IPOB leader Nnamdi Kanu.

This was the same delay tactics used to pressure judges in the past to deliver illegal rulings in favour of the unconstitutional DSS. Despite the fact that the focus of the world is on the Nigerian Judicial System, Buhari egged on by Daura of DSS is bent on perverting the course of justice again.
The world is hereby put on notice that Justice Binta Nyako is in danger of being blackmailed by Buhari who has threatened to reopen corruption charges against her husband, former Governor of Adamawa State Murtala Nyako if she appears in court tomorrow.
This tactic of intimidating judges handling this case and subversion of justice must be resisted by all men and women of good conscience. Judges who cannot be compromised and at various times ruled against Buhari's interest are facing corruption charges while those mired in corrupt practices whilst presiding over cases for Buhari, like the epitome of corruption and disgrace to the legal profession, Justice John Tsoho are still allowed to preside over cases while fearless judges have been barred from handling courts cases.

Justice Binta Nyako was sighted on Friday the 4th of November 2016 in good health. If she fails to turn up to preside over the hearing tomorrow the 8th of November 2016, the world should know that Buhari has succeeded through his DSS to intimidate this woman the way they intimidated and compromised John Tsoho the previous judge.

Chimaraoke Obi


As it were,in this part of third world,the law is made incapable of catching up and punishing the high and mighty in our society.It is self-evident that the judicial system here operates a cubweb justice system where the feeble insects are snared, whilst the giant creaturs are spared.Is this not a brazen double standard as the law is only blind and stringent when it has to do with the helpless poor citizens,but same law is very mild and merciful to the rich in the high echelon of the society ? In fact,the law of the land ceases to be blind in the case of the elites who incidentally make the law which naturally doesn't apply to them.

Chimaraoke Obi


Obama seems to have completely lost his commonsense,with the reckless manner his is going about campaigning for the hilarious Hillary's presidential ambition.A supposed president however abandoned his primary national duty for campaign of calumny,suggesting that the White House is apparently vacant ahead of time.Basically,he has set a scandalous precedent that American president could henceforth abscond office for parochialism.Hillary's interest is now Obama's while American people's general interest is relegated.I guess this malady is quite in sharp contrast of ideal value bequeathed to American people.

Chimaraoke Obi


Let all Hillary's supporters keep on daydreaming to escape from reality,little do they know that they are banking on a lost cause,as Latinos won't do them any good nor favour,owing to the fact their vote won't even make a difference.I suggest they had better start bracing up for the kind of tornado that will hit them all once Trump wins and becomes the next able American President come November 8, 2016.Trump already is edging up on Hillary in the battleground states such as,Nevada,Pennsylvania,Texas,Even Ohio etc.As,Trump's presidency is good against evil,once he emerges as the next able president of America,lo and behold,the corrupt establishment and its subsidiary organizations the terrorist groups ISIS,Boko-Haram others must fall.Trump's ascension to power will bring them down,hence they are afraid to see it come true.We ought to be wise and objective to ably discern the conspiracy being put up by the liberals against him !

Ikechukwu Nwosu changed his profile picture
8 yrs



VIA| FBI agent believed to be responsible for the latest email leaks “pertinent to the investigation” into the democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she was Secretary of State, was found dead in an apparent murder-suicide early Saturday morning, according to police. Crazy right? I am sure “it is just a coincidence”! I mean what else could it be? Shame on the dems, shame on them for using the name “democratic”. I know a man who is a bit more democratic than them, he is the president of North Korea, maybe you know him too. He has some similar methods of silencing people, but a bit more subtle than the democrats in America.

VIA Beforeitsnews

Investigators believe FBI agent, Michael Brown, 45, shot and killed his 33-year-old wife, Susan Brown, late Friday night before setting the couple’s home on fire and then turning the gun on himself. Brown was a 12 year veteran of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Department before spending the last six years in the FBI.

Neighbors saw smoke coming from the Brown residence and called 9-1-1 at approximately 11:50 p.m. By the time fire crews arrived on scene minutes later, the entire house was engulfed in flames.

“Mrs. Brown’s death was caused by a gunshot wound prior to the house fire,” Walkerville Police Chief Pat Frederick said, “while Mr. Brown’s single-bullet head wound appears to have been self-inflicted.”

“The totality of the evidence leads us to believe this is a murder-suicide. We believe he killed her, set the house on fire and then took his own life,” Frederick said.

The findings support conclusions by investigators Saturday that the couple perished in a murder-suicide during which the 4,000-square foot house was intentionally set on fire. Authorities outlined a likely scenario based on interviews with neighbors and comments posted on Mr. Brown’s Facebook page.

Brown is believed to have started the gasoline-fueled fire but spared the life of his beloved beagle, Dixie. “Prior to the fire, he dropped off the dog at a neighbor’s house,” Frederick said. “He put the dog in a neighbor’s backyard.”

A neighbor told WHAG that Brown appeared “panicked” though it is unclear whether his wife was dead before or after the dog was removed from their home.

The motive behind the killing is still being investigated, but police say Brown was a highly respected agent with the FBI and very well liked in the community. “What leads someone to this level of anger and violence with your wife, your loved one, who knows,” said an FBI official who knew the Brown family.

Conspiracy theories are running rampant throughout many alt. right media outlets, leading many to believe this was another “hit job” by the Clintons in retaliation for the FBI email leaks so close to the presidential election. Media outlets like Alex Jones’ Infowars and WND are running with the theory that globalist assassins, working for the Clintons, had the Brown family murdered and their home burned to destroy any possible evidence.

FBI Director James Comey refused to comment at this time but asked for privacy and prayer as the bureau comes to terms with losing “two very close friends.”

Chimaraoke Obi

Indeed,the people completely have no hope in the entire system.FBI once again dropped criminal charges against Hillary,that is another perverted justice in the series of miscarriage of justice,yet happening in the so called civilised country USA.I guess FBI thinks that Hillary will win the election and it doesn't want her criminal investigation to follow her to the White House,hence,the said FBI had to take her off the hook whether by crook or hook.We could see the height of double standard and impunity when it concerns the elites and the corrupt political bigwigs.The poor obviously neither get justice nor this privilege.